Volt Carbon Technologies Commences Exploration at Mount Copeland REE (Rare Earth Elements) Property and Updates its July 22 News Release on Flow-Through Financing

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Volt Carbon Technologies (TSXV: VCT) (OTCQB: TORVF) has initiated its 2024 exploration program at the Mount Copeland Molybdenum and Rare Earth Element (REE) property in Revelstoke, British Columbia. The program focuses on sampling the tailings pond for REE mineralization, re-sampling the West extension, and exploring the high-grade area to the east where glacier recession may have revealed new deposits.

Historical data indicates significant REE and Niobium potential across various zones. A notable 2010 geochemical analysis reported high-grade REE concentrations, including 13.1% Cerium and 10.2% Lanthanum. The property features a 1,828-meter-long adit, potentially facilitating future underground development.

The company also updated its July 22 news release, adjusting the Finder Warrants exercise price from $0.045 to $0.05.

Volt Carbon Technologies (TSXV: VCT) (OTCQB: TORVF) ha avviato il suo programma di esplorazione per il 2024 nella proprietà di Mount Copeland Molybdenum e Elementi Rari (REE) a Revelstoke, Columbia Britannica. Il programma si concentra sul campionamento del bacino di residui per la mineralizzazione degli REE, sul ri-campionamento dell'estensione occidentale e sull'esplorazione dell'area ad alta qualità a est, dove il ritiro dei ghiacciai potrebbe aver rivelato nuovi depositi.

Dati storici indicano un potenziale significativo di REE e Niobio in diverse zone. Un'analisi geochimica del 2010 ha riportato concentrazioni di REE ad alta qualità, comprese il 13,1% di Cerio e il 10,2% di Lantanio. La proprietà presenta un tunnel lungo 1.828 metri, che potrebbe facilitare lo sviluppo sotterraneo futuro.

La società ha anche aggiornato il suo comunicato stampa del 22 luglio, modificando il prezzo di esercizio dei Finder Warrants da $0,045 a $0,05.

Volt Carbon Technologies (TSXV: VCT) (OTCQB: TORVF) ha iniciado su programa de exploración 2024 en la propiedad de Mount Copeland Molybdenum y Elementos de Tierra Rara (REE) en Revelstoke, Columbia Británica. El programa se centra en la toma de muestras del estanque de desechos para la mineralización de REE, en re-muestrear la extensión oeste y en explorar la zona de alta calidad al este, donde el retroceso de los glaciares puede haber revelado nuevos depósitos.

Datos históricos indican un potencial significativo de REE y Niobio en varias zonas. Un análisis geoquímico de 2010 reportó altas concentraciones de REE, incluyendo 13.1% de Cerio y 10.2% de Lantano. La propiedad cuenta con un túnel de 1,828 metros de largo, lo que podría facilitar el desarrollo subterráneo futuro.

La compañía también actualizó su comunicado de prensa del 22 de julio, ajustando el precio de ejercicio de los Finder Warrants de $0.045 a $0.05.

Volt Carbon Technologies (TSXV: VCT) (OTCQB: TORVF)는 브리티시컬럼비아 주 레벨스톡의 Mount Copeland MoLYBDENum 및 희토류 원소 (REE) 속성에 대한 2024 탐사 프로그램을 시작했습니다. 이 프로그램은 REE 광물화에 대한 배수 연못 샘플링, 서쪽 확장 재샘플링, 그리고 빙하 퇴각으로 인해 새로운 매장지가 드러났을 수 있는 동쪽의 고 등급 지역 탐사를 중심으로 진행됩니다.

역사적 데이터는 다양한 구역에 걸쳐 REE와 니오븀의 상당한 잠재력을 나타냅니다. 2010년의 주성분 분석에서는 13.1% 세륨 및 10.2% 란타넘을 포함하는 고농도의 REE 농도가 보고되었습니다. 이 속성은 1,828미터 길이의 수갱을 특징으로 하여 미래의 지하 개발을 용이하게 할 수 있습니다.

회사는 또한 7월 22일 발표한 보도자료를 업데이트하여 파인더 워런트의 행사 가격을 $0.045에서 $0.05로 조정했습니다.

Volt Carbon Technologies (TSXV: VCT) (OTCQB: TORVF) a lancé son programme d'exploration 2024 sur la propriété de Mount Copeland Molybdène et Éléments de Terres Rares (REE) à Revelstoke, Colombie-Britannique. Le programme se concentre sur l'échantillonnage du bassin de résidus pour la minéralisation des REE, le rééchantillonnage de l'extension ouest, et l'exploration de la zone à haute teneur à l'est où le retrait des glaciers aurait pu révéler de nouveaux dépôts.

Les données historiques indiquent un potentiel significatif de REE et de Niobium dans diverses zones. Une analyse géochimique notable de 2010 a rapporté des concentrations élevées de REE, y compris 13,1 % de Cérium et 10,2 % de Lanthane. La propriété dispose d'un tunnel de 1 828 mètres de long, ce qui pourrait faciliter le développement souterrain futur.

L'entreprise a également mis à jour son communiqué de presse du 22 juillet, en ajustant le prix d'exercice des Finder Warrants de 0,045 $ à 0,05 $.

Volt Carbon Technologies (TSXV: VCT) (OTCQB: TORVF) hat sein Erkundungsprogramm für 2024 in der Mount Copeland Molybdän- und Seltene Erden (REE)-Liegenschaft in Revelstoke, British Columbia, gestartet. Das Programm konzentriert sich auf die Probennahme des Rückhaltebeckens auf REE-Mineralisierung, die erneute Probenahme der West-Extension und die Erkundung des hochgradigen Gebiets im Osten, wo das Gletscher-Retreat möglicherweise neue Vorkommen offenbart hat.

Historische Daten weisen auf ein signifikantes Potenzial für REE und Niobium in verschiedenen Zonen hin. Eine bemerkenswerte geochemische Analyse aus dem Jahr 2010 berichtete von hochgradigen REE-Konzentrationen, einschließlich 13,1% Cer und 10,2% Lanthan. Die Liegenschaft verfügt über einen 1.828 Meter langen Stollen, der zukünftige unterirdische Entwicklungen erleichtern könnte.

Das Unternehmen hat auch seine Pressemitteilung vom 22. Juli aktualisiert und den Ausübungspreis der Finder-Warrants von 0,045 USD auf 0,05 USD angepasst.

  • Initiation of 2024 exploration program at Mount Copeland property
  • Focus on sampling tailings pond for REE mineralization
  • Historical data shows significant REE and Niobium potential
  • Presence of 1,828-meter-long adit for potential future underground development
  • Property located in geologically favorable region for REE resources
  • Adjustment of Finder Warrants exercise price from $0.045 to $0.05, potentially affecting investor returns

Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - July 30, 2024) - Volt Carbon Technologies Inc. (TSXV: VCT) (OTCQB: TORVF) ("Volt Carbon" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the initiation of its 2024 exploration program on the Mount Copeland Molybdenum (Moly) and Rare Earth Element (REE) property located in Revelstoke, British Columbia.

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Exploration Program Overview

Volt Carbon's exploration program at Mount Copeland will primarily focus on sampling the tailings pond, which is believed to contain REE mineralization. In addition, the program will include re-sampling the West extension, the main target, which previously showed good width and elevated REE with magnetic minerals like Pyrrhotite and magnetite near the syenite contact, providing promising drill targets. Further, re-sampling efforts will extend to the high-grade area to the east where the glacier has receded, potentially revealing more accessible mineral deposits. Tailings ponds are often overlooked yet can be rich sources of REEs and critical minerals. Our targeted sampling aims to efficiently recover these resources, leveraging both internal and external laboratory analyses for thorough evaluation. The Mount Copeland property is situated in a geologically favorable region, enhancing its potential to yield significant REE resources. The previously mined molybdenum ore is notable for its clean geochemistry due to its alkaline nature, distinguishing it from other calc-alkaline or non-syenite hosted ores.

Historical Data and Potential

Historical geochemical analysis reports of REEs from previous drilling and rock samples initiated by the Company on Mount Copeland highlight significant REE and Nb potential across various zones. The 1973 Mo mine area features an Mo-Nb vein with extensive underground development. The West extension shows REE-Nb in syenite-carbonate breccia zones, while the East extension reveals REE-Nb in disseminated breccia and vein formations within a glacial ice basin, an area prone to avalanches and rockfalls. A notable geochemical analysis from 2010, conducted 400 meters east of the King Resources 1972-73 molybdenum mine site, reported high-grade REE concentrations in Sample #10AR-20: 13.1% Ce, 10.2% La, 1.77% Nd, 0.77% Pr, and 0.62% Zr. This sample was analyzed using lithium borate fusion with ICPMS finish at ALS Chemex Labs, North Vancouver, BC.

The property has a 1,828-meter-long tunnel, known as an adit, used for mining the Glacier (molybdenum) Zone in the 1970s. This adit is located 200 to 600 meters west of the Marble Breccia Zone and 400 meters east of the vein zone, providing access for the potential future underground development of these areas. The geochemical and petrology report, along with details of the adit, can be found at the following location: It should be noted that the mineral tenures referenced in the 2010 report have been reduced and modified (with intent to maintain the area of the known mineral zones).

Qualified Persons Statement

The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Andris Kikauka, P.Geo., a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. Mr. Kikauka has over 30 years of experience in mineral exploration and is a member in good standing of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (APEGBC).

Update to July 22nd Flow-Through Financing News Release

The July 22, 2024, news release stated that Finder Warrants are exercisable by each Finder at a price of $0.045. Each Finder Warrant has now been adjusted to an exercise price of $0.05. All other information in the July 22, 2024, press release remains the same.

About Volt Carbon Technologies

Volt Carbon is a publicly traded carbon science company, with specific interests in energy storage and green energy creation, with holdings in mining claims in the provinces of Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia in Canada. For the latest information on Volt Carbon's properties and news please refer to the website

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

Volt Carbon Technologies Inc.
V-Bond Lee, P. Eng.
CEO, President, Chairman of the Board and Director

Information Contact :
Tel: (647-546-7049)

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS: This press release contains forward-looking statements, within the meaning of applicable securities legislation, concerning Volt Carbon's business and affairs. In certain cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "intends" "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved". Such forward-looking statements include those with respect to: (i) initiation of its exploration program on the Mount Copeland Rare Earth Element (REE) property located in Revelstoke, British Columbia.; (ii) the sampling of the tailings pond which is believed to contain valuable REE (iii) re-sampling the West extension, the main target, which previously showed good width and elevated REE with magnetic minerals like Pyrrhotite and magnetite near the syenite contact, providing promising drill targets. and re-sampling efforts will extend to the high-grade area to the east where the glacier has receded, potentially revealing more accessible mineral deposits (iv) Historical geochemical analysis reports of REEs from previous drilling and rock samples initiated by the Company on Mount Copeland highlight significant REE and Nb potential across various zones. (v)

Statements of past performance should not be construed as an indication of future performance. Forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties, should not be read as guarantees of future performance or results, and will not necessarily be accurate indications of whether or not such results will be achieved. A number of factors, including those discussed above, could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements. Any such forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement.

All of the forward-looking statements made in this press release are qualified by these cautionary statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking information is provided as of the date of this press release, and Volt Carbon assumes no obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances, except as may be required under applicable securities legislation.

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What is Volt Carbon Technologies' stock symbol on the OTCQB?

Volt Carbon Technologies' stock symbol on the OTCQB is TORVF.

Where is the Mount Copeland REE property located?

The Mount Copeland Molybdenum and Rare Earth Element (REE) property is located in Revelstoke, British Columbia.

What are the main focus areas of Volt Carbon's 2024 exploration program at Mount Copeland?

The main focus areas are sampling the tailings pond for REE mineralization, re-sampling the West extension, and exploring the high-grade area to the east where glacier recession may have revealed new deposits.

What were the high-grade REE concentrations reported in the 2010 geochemical analysis at Mount Copeland?

The 2010 geochemical analysis reported high-grade REE concentrations including 13.1% Cerium, 10.2% Lanthanum, 1.77% Neodymium, 0.77% Praseodymium, and 0.62% Zirconium.

What change was made to the Finder Warrants exercise price in Volt Carbon's July 22, 2024 news release update?

The Finder Warrants exercise price was adjusted from $0.045 to $0.05 in the update to the July 22, 2024 news release.



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