TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc. Launches SteraMist Integrated System – Standalone (SIS-SA) to Revolutionize Cleanroom and Laboratory Decontamination

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TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: TOMZ) has launched the SteraMist Integrated System - Standalone (SIS-SA), a revolutionary solution for cleanroom and laboratory decontamination. The SIS-SA addresses critical challenges in the Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs) industry, offering reliable and efficient decontamination for BSCs and other small enclosed spaces.

The system simplifies daily disinfection in highly controlled environments, replacing labor-intensive and inconsistent processes. Multiple successful deployments in Q3 2024 highlight its potential as a cornerstone solution for high-standard disinfection environments. The growing BSC market, driven by pharmaceutical research, biotechnology, and healthcare sectors, presents a significant opportunity for the SIS-SA.

TOMI's COO, E.J. Shane, emphasized the SIS-SA's ability to solve persistent challenges for customers, ensuring consistent decontamination and helping facilities maintain compliance and operational efficiency.

TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: TOMZ) ha lanciato il SteraMist Integrated System - Standalone (SIS-SA), una soluzione rivoluzionaria per la decontaminazione di ambienti controllati e laboratori. Il SIS-SA affronta sfide critiche nel settore delle Cappe di Sicurezza Biologica (BSC), offrendo una decontaminazione affidabile ed efficiente per le BSC e altri piccoli spazi chiusi.

Il sistema semplifica la disinfezione quotidiana in ambienti altamente controllati, sostituendo processi che richiedono molte risorse e che sono inconsistenti. I numerosi successi di attuazione nel terzo trimestre del 2024 evidenziano il suo potenziale come soluzione fondamentale per ambienti di disinfezione di alto livello. Il crescente mercato delle BSC, trainato dalla ricerca farmaceutica, dalla biotecnologia e dal settore sanitario, presenta un'opportunità significativa per il SIS-SA.

Il COO di TOMI, E.J. Shane, ha sottolineato la capacità del SIS-SA di risolvere le sfide persistenti per i clienti, garantendo una decontaminazione costante e aiutando le strutture a mantenere la conformità e l'efficienza operativa.

TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: TOMZ) ha lanzado el SteraMist Integrated System - Standalone (SIS-SA), una solución revolucionaria para la descontaminación de salas limpias y laboratorios. El SIS-SA aborda desafíos críticos en la industria de las Cabinas de Seguridad Biológica (BSC), ofreciendo una descontaminación confiable y eficiente para las BSC y otros espacios cerrados pequeños.

El sistema simplifica la desinfección diaria en entornos altamente controlados, reemplazando procesos intensivos en mano de obra e inconsistentes. Múltiples implementaciones exitosas en el tercer trimestre de 2024 destacan su potencial como una solución clave para entornos de desinfección de altos estándares. El creciente mercado de BSC, impulsado por la investigación farmacéutica, la biotecnología y los sectores de salud, presenta una oportunidad significativa para el SIS-SA.

El COO de TOMI, E.J. Shane, enfatizó la capacidad del SIS-SA para resolver los desafíos persistentes de los clientes, asegurando una descontaminación consistente y ayudando a las instalaciones a mantener el cumplimiento y la eficiencia operativa.

TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: TOMZ)는 SteraMist Integrated System - Standalone (SIS-SA)를 출시했습니다. 이는 클린룸 및 실험실을 위한 혁신적인 오염 제거 솔루션입니다. SIS-SA는 생물학적 안전 캐빈(BSC) 산업에서의 중요한 도전 과제를 해결하며, BSC 및 기타 소형 밀폐 공간에 대한 신뢰할 수 있고 효율적인 오염 제거를 제공합니다.

이 시스템은 고도로 통제된 환경에서 일상적인 소독을 간소화하여, 인력 집약적이고 일관성이 없는 프로세스를 대체합니다. 2024년 3분기에 여러 차례 성공적인 배포가 이루어져, 고기준 소독 환경의 핵심 솔루션으로서의 가능성을 강조합니다. 제약 연구, 생명공학 및 의료 분야에서 추진되는 BSC 시장의 성장세는 SIS-SA에 대한 중대한 기회를 제공합니다.

TOMI의 COO인 E.J. Shane은 SIS-SA가 고객의 지속적인 도전 과제를 해결할 수 있는 능력을 강조하며, 일관된 오염 제거를 보장하고 시설이 규정을 준수하고 운영 효율성을 유지하는 데 도움을 준다고 밝혔습니다.

TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: TOMZ) a lancé le SteraMist Integrated System - Standalone (SIS-SA), une solution révolutionnaire pour la décontamination des salles blanches et des laboratoires. Le SIS-SA répond aux défis critiques de l'industrie des Cabines de Sécurité Biologique (BSC), offrant une décontamination fiable et efficace pour les BSC et d'autres petits espaces clos.

Ce système simplifie la désinfection quotidienne dans des environnements hautement contrôlés, remplaçant des processus gourmands en main-d'œuvre et inconsistants. Plusieurs déploiements réussis au troisième trimestre de 2024 soulignent son potentiel en tant que solution clé pour les environnements de désinfection de haut standard. Le marché croissant des BSC, alimenté par la recherche pharmaceutique, la biotechnologie et le secteur de la santé, représente une occasion significative pour le SIS-SA.

Le COO de TOMI, E.J. Shane, a souligné la capacité du SIS-SA à résoudre des défis persistants pour les clients, garantissant une décontamination cohérente et aidant les établissements à maintenir leur conformité et leur efficacité opérationnelle.

TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: TOMZ) hat das SteraMist Integrated System - Standalone (SIS-SA) eingeführt, eine revolutionäre Lösung zur Dekontamination von Reinräumen und Laboren. Das SIS-SA beantwortet kritische Herausforderungen in der Branche der Biologischen Sicherheitskabinen (BSCs) und bietet zuverlässige und effiziente Dekontamination für BSCs und andere kleine geschlossene Räume.

Das System vereinfacht die tägliche Desinfektion in hochkontrollierten Umgebungen, indem es arbeitsintensive und inkonsistente Prozesse ersetzt. Mehrere erfolgreiche Implementierungen im dritten Quartal 2024 heben sein Potenzial als Grundpfeilerlösung für hochstandardisierte Desinfektionsumgebungen hervor. Der wachsende BSC-Markt, der von der pharmazeutischen Forschung, Biotechnologie und dem Gesundheitssektor angetrieben wird, bietet eine bedeutende Gelegenheit für das SIS-SA.

Der COO von TOMI, E.J. Shane, betonte die Fähigkeit des SIS-SA, anhaltende Herausforderungen für Kunden zu lösen, indem er eine konsistente Dekontamination gewährleistet und den Einrichtungen hilft, die Compliance und die Betriebseffizienz aufrechtzuerhalten.

  • Successful launch of SteraMist Integrated System - Standalone (SIS-SA) for cleanroom and laboratory decontamination
  • Multiple successful deployments in Q3 2024
  • Addresses critical challenges in the Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs) industry
  • Simplifies daily disinfection in highly controlled environments
  • Growing market opportunity in pharmaceutical research, biotechnology, and healthcare sectors
  • None.


The launch of TOMI's SteraMist Integrated System - Standalone (SIS-SA) represents a significant development in the Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs) industry. This product addresses a critical need for efficient, automated decontamination in cleanrooms and laboratories, potentially disrupting traditional manual disinfection methods.

Key points to consider:

  • Market Opportunity: The BSC market is poised for growth, driven by increased demand in pharmaceutical research, biotechnology and healthcare sectors.
  • Competitive Advantage: SIS-SA offers automated, consistent decontamination, solving efficiency and compliance challenges in high-standard environments.
  • Early Success: Multiple successful deployments in Q3 2024 indicate strong market acceptance and potential for rapid adoption.
  • Long-term Potential: As regulations tighten and R&D activities increase, SIS-SA could become an industry standard, potentially driving significant revenue growth for TOMI.

While it's too early to quantify the financial impact, this product launch could be a game-changer for TOMI, potentially leading to increased market share and revenue in the growing BSC industry.

FREDERICK, Md., Oct. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc.® (“TOMI”) (NASDAQ: TOMZ), a global leader in disinfection and decontamination technologies, today announced the successful launch of the SteraMist Integrated System - Standalone (SIS-SA). This innovative system addresses critical challenges in the Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs) industry, providing a reliable and efficient solution for BSCs and other small spaces or enclosed areas.

Designed to meet the unique needs of cleanrooms, laboratories, and facilities with BSCs, the SIS-SA offers a reliable, automated solution for preventing cross-contamination. Daily disinfection is essential in these highly controlled environments, and users and our partners report that the SIS-SA simplifies what was once a labor-intensive and inconsistent process.

The SIS-SA achieved multiple successful deployments in the third quarter of 2024, underscore the product’s potential to become a cornerstone solution for environments with high disinfection standards. The market opportunity for BSCs is substantial, driven by increasing demand in pharmaceutical research, biotechnology, diagnostics, and healthcare sectors and is expected to grow steadily due to contributing factors such as stricter regulations on microbial containment, increased R&D activities, and the growing prevalence of infectious diseases and chronic illnesses.

“This growing market presents a significant opportunity for TOMI’s SIS-SA, which is designed to address challenges in the BSC space by offering effective, automated decontamination solutions,” said E.J. Shane, COO of TOMI Environmental Solutions. “We are thrilled to see how the SIS-SA is solving a persistent challenge for our customers, offering a breakthrough solution that ensures that critical spaces receive the consistent decontamination they require, helping facilities maintain compliance and operational efficiency.”

TOMI™ Environmental Solutions, Inc.: Innovating for a safer world®  
TOMI™ Environmental Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: TOMZ ) is a global decontamination and infection prevention company, providing environmental solutions for disinfection through the manufacturing, sales and licensing of its premier Binary Ionization Technology ® (BIT™) platform. Invented under a defense grant in association with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the U.S. Department of Defense, BIT™ solution utilizes a low percentage hydrogen peroxide as its only active ingredient and uses patented ionized Hydrogen Peroxide (iHP™) technology in all SteraMist systems to create superior disinfection. TOMI products are designed to service a broad spectrum of use sites, including, but not limited to, hospitals and medical facilities, biosafety labs, pharmaceutical facilities, commercial and office buildings, schools, restaurants, meat and produce processing facilities, and police and fire departments. 
For additional information, please visit or contact us at  

Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995  

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are based on current expectations, estimates, forecasts and projections of future performance based on management’s judgment, beliefs, current trends, and anticipated product performance. These forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements relating to the Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs) marketplace. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to, our ability to maintain and manage growth and generate sales, our reliance on a single or a few products for a majority of revenues; the general business and economic conditions; and other risks as described in our SEC filings, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 filed by us with the SEC and other periodic reports we filed with the SEC. The information provided in this document is based upon the facts and circumstances known at this time. Other unknown or unpredictable factors or underlying assumptions subsequently proving to be incorrect could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, we cannot guarantee future results, level of activity, performance, or achievements. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. All information provided in this press release is as of today’s date, unless otherwise stated, and we undertake no duty to update such information, except as required under applicable law.

John Nesbett/Rosalyn Christian  
IMS Investor Relations  


What is the SteraMist Integrated System - Standalone (SIS-SA) launched by TOMI Environmental Solutions (TOMZ)?

The SIS-SA is an innovative decontamination system designed for Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs) and other small enclosed spaces in cleanrooms and laboratories. It offers reliable, automated solutions for preventing cross-contamination and simplifies daily disinfection processes.

When did TOMI Environmental Solutions (TOMZ) launch the SteraMist Integrated System - Standalone (SIS-SA)?

TOMI Environmental Solutions launched the SIS-SA in October 2024, with multiple successful deployments reported in the third quarter of 2024.

What market opportunity does the SteraMist Integrated System - Standalone (SIS-SA) address for TOMI Environmental Solutions (TOMZ)?

The SIS-SA addresses the growing market for Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs), driven by increasing demand in pharmaceutical research, biotechnology, diagnostics, and healthcare sectors. This market is expected to grow due to stricter regulations on microbial containment and increased R&D activities.

How does the SteraMist Integrated System - Standalone (SIS-SA) benefit TOMI Environmental Solutions (TOMZ) customers?

The SIS-SA simplifies daily disinfection in highly controlled environments, replacing labor-intensive and inconsistent processes. It helps facilities maintain compliance and operational efficiency by ensuring consistent decontamination in critical spaces.

TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc.


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