Tonix Pharmaceuticals Launches National Awareness Campaign on the Impact of Gastroparesis or Stomach Paralysis on the Absorption of Oral Migraine Medications at PAINWeek

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Tonix Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: TNXP) has launched a national awareness campaign at PAINWeek about the impact of gastroparesis on oral migraine medication absorption. The campaign, titled 'Does Your Migraine Pill Work Every Time?', aims to educate patients and healthcare providers about the benefits of non-oral migraine treatments like nasal sprays and injectables.

Gastroparesis, a condition that slows stomach emptying, can delay or block the absorption of oral medications, leading to inconsistent migraine relief. Non-oral treatments bypass the digestive system, potentially offering faster relief in as little as 10 minutes. Tonix is launching a disease education website,, and supporting a webinar on September 19, 2024, to further educate patients about gastroparesis and migraine management options.

Tonix Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: TNXP) ha lanciato una campagna di sensibilizzazione nazionale a PAINWeek riguardo all'impatto della gastroparesi sull'assorbimento dei farmaci antimal di origine orale. La campagna, intitolata 'La tua pillola per l'emicrania funziona sempre?', si propone di educare i pazienti e i fornitori di assistenza sanitaria sui vantaggi dei trattamenti non orali per l'emicrania come spray nasali e iniezioni.

La gastroparesi, una condizione che rallenta lo svuotamento dello stomaco, può ritardare o bloccare l'assorbimento dei farmaci orali, portando a un sollievo dall'emicrania incoerente. I trattamenti non orali evitano il sistema digerente, offrendo potenzialmente un sollievo più rapido in soli 10 minuti. Tonix sta lanciando un sito web educativo sulla malattia,, e supportando un webinar il 19 settembre 2024, per educare ulteriormente i pazienti sulla gastroparesi e le opzioni di gestione dell'emicrania.

Tonix Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: TNXP) ha lanzado una campaña de concienciación nacional en PAINWeek sobre el impacto de la gastroparesia en la absorción de medicamentos orales para la migraña. La campaña, titulada '¿Funciona siempre tu pastilla para la migraña?', tiene como objetivo educar a pacientes y proveedores de atención médica sobre los beneficios de los tratamientos no orales para la migraña como los aerosoles nasales y las inyecciones.

La gastroparesia, una condición que ralentiza el vaciamiento del estómago, puede retrasar o bloquear la absorción de medicamentos orales, lo que lleva a un alivio inconsistente de la migraña. Los tratamientos no orales evitan el sistema digestivo, ofreciendo potencialmente un alivio más rápido en tan solo 10 minutos. Tonix está lanzando un sitio web educativo sobre la enfermedad,, y apoyando un seminario web el 19 de septiembre de 2024, para educar aún más a los pacientes sobre la gastroparesia y las opciones de manejo de la migraña.

톤익스 제약(나스닥: TNXP)은 PAINWeek에서 위마비가 구강 편두통 약물 흡수에 미치는 영향에 대한 전국적인 인식 캠페인을 시작했습니다. '귀하의 편두통 약은 항상 효과가 있습니까?'라는 제목의 이 캠페인은 환자와 의료 제공자에게 비경구 편두통 치료법인 비강 스프레이와 주사의 이점을 교육하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

위마비는 위의 비우기를 늦추는 상태로, 구강 약물의 흡수를 지연시키거나 차단할 수 있어 편두통의 일관성 없는 완화로 이어질 수 있습니다. 비경구 치료법은 소화 시스템을 우회하기 때문에 잠재적으로 10분 이내에 더 빠른 완화를 제공할 수 있습니다. 톤익스는 gpmigraine.com라는 질병 교육 웹사이트를 출시하고, 2024년 9월 19일에 환자에게 위마비와 편두통 관리 옵션에 대해 더 많은 교육을 제공하기 위한 웨비나를 지원합니다.

Tonix Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: TNXP) a lancé une campagne nationale de sensibilisation lors de PAINWeek sur l'impact de la gastroparesie sur l'absorption des médicaments oraux contre la migraine. La campagne, intitulée 'Votre pilule contre la migraine fonctionne-t-elle toujours ?', vise à éduquer les patients et les professionnels de santé sur les avantages des traitements non oraux contre la migraine tels que les sprays nasaux et les injections.

La gastroparesie, une maladie qui ralentit la vidange de l'estomac, peut retarder ou bloquer l'absorption des médicaments oraux, ce qui entraîne un soulagement incohérent de la migraine. Les traitements non oraux contournent le système digestif, offrant potentiellement un soulagement plus rapide en seulement 10 minutes. Tonix lancera un site web éducatif sur la maladie,, et soutiendra un webinaire le 19 septembre 2024, pour éduquer davantage les patients sur la gastroparesie et les options de gestion de la migraine.

Tonix Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: TNXP) hat eine nationale Sensibilisierungskampagne auf der PAINWeek zum Thema der Auswirkungen der Magenlähmung auf die Absorption von oralen Migräne-Medikamenten gestartet. Die Kampagne mit dem Titel 'Funktioniert Ihre Migräne-Tablette jedes Mal?' zielt darauf ab, Patienten und Gesundheitsdienstleister über die Vorteile von nicht-oralen Migränebehandlungen wie Nasensprays und Injektionen aufzuklären.

Die Magenlähmung, eine Erkrankung, die die Magenentleerung verlangsamt, kann die Absorption oraler Medikamente verzögern oder blockieren, was zu inkonsequentem Migräne-Lindern führt. Nicht-orale Behandlungen umgehen das Verdauungssystem und können somit potenziell in nur 10 Minuten schnellere Linderung bieten. Tonix wird eine Bildungswebsite zur Krankheit starten und unterstützt am 19. September 2024 ein Webinar, um Patienten weiter über Magenlähmung und Optionen zur Migränebehandlung aufzuklären.

  • Launch of a national awareness campaign to educate about gastroparesis and its impact on migraine medication absorption
  • Introduction of a new disease education website ( for patient information
  • Collaboration with medical experts and patient advocacy groups to promote education on non-oral migraine treatments
  • None.

This educational campaign by Tonix Pharmaceuticals highlights a critical but often overlooked aspect of migraine treatment: the impact of gastroparesis on medication absorption. The focus on non-oral treatments like nasal sprays and injectables is significant, as these bypass the digestive system, potentially offering faster relief in as little as 10 minutes. This approach could be a game-changer for patients experiencing inconsistent relief from oral medications due to gastroparesis.

The launch of the website and the upcoming webinar demonstrate Tonix's commitment to patient education. This initiative could lead to increased demand for non-oral migraine treatments, potentially benefiting Tonix's products Zembrace® SymTouch® (injectable) and Tosymra® (nasal spray). However, investors should note that while this campaign may raise awareness, its direct impact on sales and revenue remains to be seen.

Tonix's awareness campaign is a strategic move in the competitive migraine treatment market. By educating patients and healthcare providers about gastroparesis, Tonix is potentially creating demand for its non-oral migraine products. This could lead to increased market share in the $4 billion global migraine drugs market. The collaboration with respected organizations and experts lends credibility to the campaign, which could translate to higher adoption rates among patients and prescribers.

However, investors should consider that awareness campaigns often have a long-term payoff. While this initiative may not immediately impact Tonix's financials, it positions the company as a thought leader in migraine treatment, potentially driving future growth. The success of this campaign could also influence Tonix's pipeline development, particularly for CNS disorders, which is a key focus area for the company.

Gastroparesis slows the ability of the stomach to empty into the small intestine and thereby can delay absorption of oral medications into the bloodstream

Non-oral medications including nasal and injectables can bypass the digestive system providing better absorption and faster relief

CHATHAM, N.J., Sept. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp. (Nasdaq: TNXP) (Tonix or the Company), a fully-integrated biopharmaceutical company with marketed products and a pipeline of development candidates, today announced the launch of its new educational campaign, “Does Your Migraine Pill Work Every Time?” at this week’s PAINWeek National Conference in Las Vegas. The goal of the campaign is to educate patients and their healthcare providers on the benefits of non-oral migraine medications including nasal and injectable treatment options.

Gastroparesis is a condition where the stomach empties food into the small intestine slower than normal. This can cause symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Many studies over the last 40 years show a connection between gastroparesis and migraine. Gastroparesis is common before, during, and sometimes in between migraine attacks. Gastroparesis can slow or even block the absorption of oral medications causing delayed, incomplete, or no migraine symptom relief.

“Non-oral migraine medications, such as injectables and nasal sprays, do not rely on the digestive system to be absorbed and can offer the potential for faster relief from migraine symptoms in as little as 10 minutes,” said Deborah I. Friedman MD, MPH, FAHS, Board Certified Neuro-Ophthalmologist and Headache Medicine Specialist and Founding Director of the Headache and Facial Pain Program and Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics Program at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Dr. Friedman continued, “There are several options when it comes to nasal and injectable treatments, and I encourage patients to talk with their clinician about adding a non-oral medication to their treatment plan.”

“Migraine often requires patients to advocate for themselves to develop an effective migraine treatment plan. Empowering patients to understand why they are experiencing delayed or inconsistent relief from oral medications and educating them on other migraine treatment options could ultimately improve their management of migraine symptoms and ultimately enhance their quality of life,” said Shoshana Lipson, Executive Director of Migraine Meanderings™ and Hope for Migraine™.

Tonix will launch a new disease education website,, for patients who want to learn more about gastroparesis and migraine and why their oral medications do not work. Migraine Meanderings is hosting a webinar about gastroparesis on September 19, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. EDT entitled, “Non-Oral Acute Migraine Meds: Could They Make a Difference for You?” with Christopher Gottschalk, MD, FAHS Director Yale Headache Center and Shoshana Lipson, Executive Director of Migraine Meanderings. Register here:

“Tonix is dedicated to educating patients and their healthcare providers on gastroparesis and how non-oral medicines including nasal and injectable medications can help patients manage their migraines. We hope to inspire patients to optimize their migraine treatment plan with non-oral medications,” said Seth Lederman, M.D., Chief Executive Officer of Tonix Pharmaceuticals.

Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp.*

Tonix is a fully-integrated biopharmaceutical company focused on developing, licensing and commercializing therapeutics to treat and prevent human disease and alleviate suffering. Tonix’s development portfolio is focused on central nervous system (CNS) disorders. Tonix’s priority is to submit a New Drug Application (NDA) to the FDA in the second half of 2024 for TNX-102 SL, a product candidate for which two statistically significant Phase 3 studies have been completed for the management of fibromyalgia. The FDA has granted Fast Track designation to TNX-102 SL for the management of fibromyalgia. TNX-102 SL is also being developed to treat acute stress reaction. Tonix’s CNS portfolio includes TNX-1300 (cocaine esterase), a biologic designed to treat cocaine intoxication that has Breakthrough Therapy designation. Tonix’s immunology development portfolio consists of biologics to address organ transplant rejection, autoimmunity and cancer, including TNX-1500, which is a humanized monoclonal antibody targeting CD40-ligand (CD40L or CD154) being developed for the prevention of allograft rejection and for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Tonix also has product candidates in development in the areas of rare disease and infectious disease. Tonix Medicines, our commercial subsidiary, markets Zembrace® SymTouch® (sumatriptan injection) 3 mg and Tosymra® (sumatriptan nasal spray) 10 mg for the treatment of acute migraine with or without aura in adults.

*Tonix’s product development candidates are investigational new drugs or biologics and have not been approved for any indication.

Zembrace SymTouch and Tosymra are registered trademarks of Tonix Medicines. All other marks are property of their respective owners.

This press release and further information about Tonix can be found at

Forward Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release are forward-looking within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements may be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “forecast,” “estimate,” “expect,” and “intend,” among others. These forward-looking statements are based on Tonix's current expectations and actual results could differ materially. There are a number of factors that could cause actual events to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to, risks related to the failure to obtain FDA clearances or approvals and noncompliance with FDA regulations; risks related to the failure to successfully market any of our products; risks related to the timing and progress of clinical development of our product candidates; our need for additional financing; uncertainties of patent protection and litigation; uncertainties of government or third party payor reimbursement; limited research and development efforts and dependence upon third parties; and substantial competition. As with any pharmaceutical under development, there are significant risks in the development, regulatory approval and commercialization of new products. Tonix does not undertake an obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement. Investors should read the risk factors set forth in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) on April 1, 2024, and periodic reports filed with the SEC on or after the date thereof. All of Tonix's forward-looking statements are expressly qualified by all such risk factors and other cautionary statements. The information set forth herein speaks only as of the date thereof.

Media Contact
Lisa DeScenza
(978) 395-5970


What is the focus of Tonix Pharmaceuticals' new awareness campaign for TNXP stock?

Tonix Pharmaceuticals' new awareness campaign focuses on educating patients and healthcare providers about the impact of gastroparesis on oral migraine medication absorption and the benefits of non-oral treatments like nasal sprays and injectables.

How does gastroparesis affect migraine medication effectiveness for TNXP investors?

Gastroparesis can slow or block the absorption of oral medications, potentially causing delayed, incomplete, or no relief from migraine symptoms. This highlights the importance of non-oral treatment options, which Tonix Pharmaceuticals (TNXP) is promoting.

When is the webinar about gastroparesis and migraine scheduled for TNXP shareholders?

A webinar titled 'Non-Oral Acute Migraine Meds: Could They Make a Difference for You?' is scheduled for September 19, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. EDT, featuring experts in migraine management.

What new resource is Tonix Pharmaceuticals (TNXP) launching for migraine patients?

Tonix Pharmaceuticals is launching a new disease education website,, to provide information about gastroparesis and migraine, and why oral medications may not always be effective.

Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp.


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