Tennant Company Launches Cleaning All-Star Sweepstakes to Celebrate Custodial Heroes of Everyday Spaces

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Tennant Company (NYSE: TNC), a global leader in floor cleaning, has launched the Cleaning All-Star Sweepstakes to celebrate custodial heroes across various industries. The sweepstakes aims to recognize cleaning professionals who make a significant impact in creating safe and inviting environments in facilities such as manufacturing plants, schools, retail stores, warehouses, and hospitals.

Key details of the Q4 2024 Sweepstakes:

  • Nomination period: September 16 - October 31, 2024
  • 75 winners will be randomly selected
  • Winners receive a letter, certificate, and $100 gift card
  • Nominators of winners receive a letter and $25 gift card

The initiative highlights Tennant's commitment to honoring the often-overlooked contributions of cleaning staff who enhance the health, safety, and comfort of communities. Participation is open to U.S. residents, with no purchase necessary to enter or win.

Tennant Company (NYSE: TNC), leader globale nella pulizia dei pavimenti, ha lanciato il Cleaning All-Star Sweepstakes per celebrare gli eroi della pulizia in vari settori. Il concorso ha l'obiettivo di riconoscere i professionisti della pulizia che hanno un impatto significativo nel creare ambienti sicuri e accoglienti in strutture come stabilimenti manifatturieri, scuole, negozi al dettaglio, magazzini e ospedali.

Dettagli chiave del concorso Q4 2024:

  • Periodo per la nomination: dal 16 settembre al 31 ottobre 2024
  • 75 vincitori saranno selezionati casualmente
  • I vincitori riceveranno una lettera, un certificato e una carta regalo da $100
  • I nominatori dei vincitori riceveranno una lettera e una carta regalo da $25

L'iniziativa evidenzia l'impegno di Tennant nell'onorare i contributi spesso trascurati del personale di pulizia che migliorano la salute, la sicurezza e il comfort delle comunità. La partecipazione è aperta ai residenti degli Stati Uniti, senza necessità di acquisto per partecipare o vincere.

Tennant Company (NYSE: TNC), líder global en limpieza de pisos, ha lanzado el Cleaning All-Star Sweepstakes para celebrar a los héroes de la limpieza en diversas industrias. El concurso tiene como objetivo reconocer a los profesionales de la limpieza que tienen un impacto significativo en la creación de entornos seguros y acogedores en instalaciones como fábricas, escuelas, tiendas minoristas, almacenes y hospitales.

Detalles clave del concurso Q4 2024:

  • Periodo de nominación: del 16 de septiembre al 31 de octubre de 2024
  • 75 ganadores serán seleccionados al azar
  • Los ganadores recibirán una carta, un certificado y una tarjeta de regalo de $100
  • Los nominadores de los ganadores recibirán una carta y una tarjeta de regalo de $25

La iniciativa destaca el compromiso de Tennant para honrar las contribuciones a menudo pasadas por alto del personal de limpieza que mejoran la salud, la seguridad y el confort de las comunidades. La participación está abierta a residentes de EE. UU., sin necesidad de compra para participar o ganar.

Tennant Company (NYSE: TNC), 바닥 청소의 글로벌 리더, 다양한 산업의 청소 영웅을 기념하기 위해 Cleaning All-Star Sweepstakes를 시작했습니다. 이 경품 행사는 제조 공장, 학교, 소매점, 창고 및 병원과 같은 시설에서 안전하고 편안한 환경을 만드는 데 중요한 영향을 미치는 청소 전문가를 인정하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

2024년 4분기 공모전 주요 사항:

  • 추천 기간: 2024년 9월 16일부터 10월 31일까지
  • 75명의 수상자가 무작위로 선정됩니다
  • 수상자는 편지, 증명서 및 $100 상품권을 받습니다
  • 수상자의 추천자는 편지와 $25 상품권을 받습니다

이 이니셔티브는 커뮤니티의 건강, 안전 및 편안함을 높이는 청소 직원의 종종 간과되는 기여에 대한 Tennant의 헌신을 강조합니다. 참여는 미국 거주자에게 열려 있으며, 참여하거나 우승하기 위해 구매할 필요는 없습니다.

Tennant Company (NYSE: TNC), leader mondial dans le domaine du nettoyage des sols, a lancé le Cleaning All-Star Sweepstakes pour célébrer les héros du nettoyage dans divers secteurs. Le concours vise à reconnaître les professionnels du nettoyage qui ont un impact significatif sur la création d'environnements sûrs et accueillants dans des installations telles que des usines, des écoles, des magasins de détail, des entrepôts et des hôpitaux.

Détails clés du concours Q4 2024 :

  • Période de nomination : du 16 septembre au 31 octobre 2024
  • 75 gagnants seront sélectionnés par tirage au sort
  • Les gagnants recevront une lettre, un certificat et une carte-cadeau de 100 $
  • Les nommateurs des gagnants recevront une lettre et une carte-cadeau de 25 $

Cette initiative souligne l'engagement de Tennant à honorer les contributions souvent négligées du personnel de nettoyage qui améliorent la santé, la sécurité et le confort des communautés. La participation est ouverte aux résidents des États-Unis, sans nécessité d'achat pour participer ou gagner.

Tennant Company (NYSE: TNC), ein globaler Marktführer in der Bodenreinigung, hat die Cleaning All-Star Sweepstakes ins Leben gerufen, um die Reinigungsheroen in verschiedenen Branchen zu feiern. Der Wettbewerb zielt darauf ab, Reinigungskräfte zu würdigen, die einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Schaffung sicherer und einladender Umgebungen in Einrichtungen wie Produktionsstätten, Schulen, Einzelhandelsgeschäften, Lagern und Krankenhäusern leisten.

Wichtige Details zum Gewinnspiel Q4 2024:

  • Nominierungszeitraum: 16. September - 31. Oktober 2024
  • 75 Gewinner werden zufällig ausgewählt
  • Die Gewinner erhalten einen Brief, ein Zertifikat und eine Geschenkkarte im Wert von 100 USD
  • Nominierer von Gewinnern erhalten einen Brief und eine Geschenkkarte im Wert von 25 USD

Die Initiative hebt das Engagement von Tennant hervor, die oft übersehenen Beiträge des Reinigungspersonals zu würdigen, die die Gesundheit, Sicherheit und den Komfort von Gemeinschaften verbessern. Die Teilnahme steht US-Bürgern offen, und es ist kein Kauf erforderlich, um teilzunehmen oder zu gewinnen.

  • None.
  • None.

New sweepstakes shines a spotlight on cleaning professionals across all industries, honoring their crucial role in creating safe and inviting environments

MINNEAPOLIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- As a global leader in the floor cleaning industry, Tennant Company (NYSE: TNC) has worked with thousands of cleaning professionals and has seen their hard work and community impact first-hand. And that is why Tennant set out with a single goal — to celebrate and recognize the dedication of cleaning staff through the launch of the Cleaning All-Star Sweepstakes. The new sweepstakes will recognize cleaning professionals from all types of facilities who make a difference by cleaning manufacturing plants, schools, retail stores, warehouses, hospitals, and more.

Tennant Company announces new Cleaning All-Star Sweepstakes (Graphic: Business Wire)

Tennant Company announces new Cleaning All-Star Sweepstakes (Graphic: Business Wire)

"Picture this: you arrive at the clinic for a doctor’s visit and are comforted by the safety of the meticulously cleaned waiting and exam rooms, or you’re arriving at your hotel after a long flight to find a pristine and spotless lobby and room waiting for you. These everyday moments, often taken for granted, are made possible by people who clean, organize, and tidy up spaces so others can enjoy them. Yet these individuals and their contributions that profoundly improve the health, safety, and comfort of our communities rarely get recognized,” said Pat Schottler, SVP, Chief Marketing & Technology Officer at Tennant Company. "Tennant aims to change that by celebrating the work cleaning professionals do every day through the Cleaning All-Star Sweepstakes."

The Sweepstakes invites nominations for exceptional cleaning professionals who make a positive impact in their communities. We’re seeking to honor and recognize individuals in all sectors, from building service contractors to volunteers at community centers, to grocery story cleaning staff who consistently go above and beyond to keep spaces clean and safe.

Summary of Sweepstakes details:

  • Nomination period: For the first two months of the quarter, nominators can submit stand-out cleaning professionals.
  • Selection and announcement: The Tennant team will review the nominations and randomly select 75 winners. Winners will be announced and awarded at the end of the quarter.

Q4 2024 Sweepstakes details:

  • Opening date: September 16, 2024
  • Closing date: October 31, 2024
  • Prizes for winners: Each of the 75 winners will receive a letter, certificate, and a $100 gift card.
  • Prizes for nominators: Nominators of winners will receive a letter and a $25 gift card.
  • Must live in the United States to participate

The Sweepstakes is governed by the official rules, available at See the official rules for a full description of the Sweepstakes, including but not limited to eligibility, timelines, how to enter, and more.

For more information about the Cleaning All-Star Sweepstakes and to participate in the Sweepstakes, please visit

About Tennant

Founded in 1870, Tennant Company (TNC), headquartered in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, is a world leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of solutions that help create a cleaner, safer and healthier world. Its products include equipment for maintaining surfaces in industrial, commercial and outdoor environments; detergent-free and other sustainable cleaning technologies; and cleaning tools and supplies. Tennant's global field service network is the most extensive in the industry. Tennant Company had sales of $1.24 billion in 2023 and has approximately 4,500 employees. Tennant has manufacturing operations throughout the world and sells products direct in 15 countries and through distributors in more than 100 countries. For more information, visit and The Tennant Company logo and other trademarks designated with the symbol “®” are trademarks of Tennant Company registered in the United States and/or other countries.

Gracie Lissick, Words At Work

(612) 334-5960

Source: Tennant Company


What is the Cleaning All-Star Sweepstakes launched by Tennant Company (TNC)?

The Cleaning All-Star Sweepstakes is an initiative by Tennant Company to recognize and celebrate cleaning professionals across various industries who create safe and inviting environments in facilities like manufacturing plants, schools, retail stores, warehouses, and hospitals.

When does the Tennant Company (TNC) Cleaning All-Star Sweepstakes for Q4 2024 take place?

The Q4 2024 Cleaning All-Star Sweepstakes nomination period runs from September 16 to October 31, 2024.

How many winners will be selected in the Tennant Company (TNC) Cleaning All-Star Sweepstakes?

75 winners will be randomly selected from the nominations received during the sweepstakes period.

What prizes do winners receive in the Tennant Company (TNC) Cleaning All-Star Sweepstakes?

Winners of the Cleaning All-Star Sweepstakes receive a letter, certificate, and a $100 gift card. Nominators of winners receive a letter and a $25 gift card.

Who is eligible to participate in the Tennant Company (TNC) Cleaning All-Star Sweepstakes?

The sweepstakes is open to U.S. residents. No purchase is necessary to enter or win, and a purchase does not increase the chances of winning.



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