T-Mobile Is Prepared for Hurricane Helene

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T-Mobile has activated its emergency response for Hurricane Helene, a Category 1 hurricane expected to make landfall in Florida's Big Bend area. The company is preparing for severe winds up to 125 mph, 8-12 inches of rain, and potentially fatal storm surge across Florida, Alabama, and Georgia.

T-Mobile's preparations include:

  • Pre-staging equipment for rapid deployment
  • Ensuring backup power resources are ready
  • Deploying mobile emergency operations centers, satellite equipment, and portable generators
  • Offering unlimited talk, text, and data for affected customers from September 26 to October 2
  • Engaging with federal, state, and local officials and emergency management agencies
  • Preparing community support assets like Wi-Fi and device charging stations

T-Mobile is monitoring potential impacts on employees and retail stores, with some locations possibly closing or modifying hours.

T-Mobile ha attivato la sua risposta di emergenza per l'uragano Helene, un uragano di categoria 1 previsto per fare landfall nell'area del Big Bend della Florida. L'azienda si sta preparando per venti forti fino a 125 mph, 8-12 pollici di pioggia e potenzialmente fatali mareggiate in Florida, Alabama e Georgia.

I preparativi di T-Mobile includono:

  • Preposizionamento dell'attrezzatura per un rapido dispiegamento
  • Garanzia che le risorse di energia di riserva siano pronte
  • Dispiegamento di centri operativi di emergenza mobili, attrezzature satellitari e generatori portatili
  • Offerta di chiamate, messaggi e dati illimitati per i clienti colpiti dal 26 settembre al 2 ottobre
  • Collaborazione con funzionari federali, statali e locali e agenzie di gestione delle emergenze
  • Preparazione di asset di supporto alla comunità come Wi-Fi e stazioni di ricarica per dispositivi

T-Mobile sta monitorando i potenziali impatti sui dipendenti e sui negozi al dettaglio, con alcune sedi che potrebbero chiudere o modificare gli orari.

T-Mobile ha activado su respuesta de emergencia para el huracán Helene, un huracán de categoría 1 que se espera toque tierra en el área de Big Bend de Florida. La compañía se está preparando para vientos severos de hasta 125 mph, de 8 a 12 pulgadas de lluvia y un posible mortal aumento del nivel del mar en Florida, Alabama y Georgia.

Los preparativos de T-Mobile incluyen:

  • Preinstalación de equipos para un despliegue rápido
  • Asegurarse de que los recursos de energía de respaldo estén listos
  • Despliegue de centros operativos de emergencia móviles, equipos satelitales y generadores portátiles
  • Ofrecer llamadas, mensajes y datos ilimitados para clientes afectados desde el 26 de septiembre hasta el 2 de octubre
  • Colaboración con funcionarios federales, estatales y locales así como agencias de gestión de emergencias
  • Preparación de activos de apoyo comunitario como Wi-Fi y estaciones de carga de dispositivos

T-Mobile está monitoreando los posibles impactos en empleados y tiendas, con algunas ubicaciones que podrían cerrar o modificar sus horarios.

T-Mobile은 허리케인 헬렌에 대한 긴급 대응을 활성화했습니다. 이 허리케인은 플로리다의 빅벤드 지역에 상륙할 것으로 예상되는 1등급 허리케인입니다. 이 회사는 시속 125마일까지 치닫는 강풍, 8-12인치의 비, 그리고 플로리다, 알라바마, 조지아 전역에서 발생할 수 있는 치명적인 폭풍해일에 대비하고 있습니다.

T-Mobile의 준비 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 신속한 배치를 위한 장비 사전 배치
  • 백업 전원 자원이 준비되어 있는지 확인
  • 모바일 긴급 운영 센터, 위성 장비 및 이동식 발전기 배치
  • 9월 26일부터 10월 2일까지 피해를 입은 고객에게 무제한 통화, 문자 및 데이터 제공
  • 연방, 주 및 지방 당국 및 비상 관리 기관과 협력
  • Wi-Fi 및 장치 충전소와 같은 지역 사회 지원 자산 준비

T-Mobile은 직원 및 소매점에 미칠 수 있는 영향을 모니터링하고 있으며 일부 매장은 폐쇄하거나 운영 시간을 조정할 수 있습니다.

T-Mobile a activé sa réponse d'urgence pour l'ouragan Helene, un ouragan de catégorie 1 qui devrait toucher terre dans la région de Big Bend en Floride. L'entreprise se prépare à des vents violents pouvant atteindre 125 mph, à 8-12 pouces de pluie et à une montée des eaux potentiellement mortelle à travers la Floride, l'Alabama et la Géorgie.

Les préparatifs de T-Mobile comprennent :

  • Prépositionnement de l'équipement pour un déploiement rapide
  • S'assurer que les ressources de secours en énergie sont prêtes
  • Déploiement de centres d'opérations d'urgence mobiles, d'équipements satellites et de générateurs portables
  • Offre d'appels, de messages et de données illimités pour les clients touchés du 26 septembre au 2 octobre
  • Collaboration avec des responsables fédéraux, étatiques et locaux ainsi que des agences de gestion des urgences
  • Préparation de ressources de soutien communautaire telles que Wi-Fi et stations de chargement de dispositifs

T-Mobile surveille les impacts potentiels sur ses employés et ses magasins de détail, certaines localisations pouvant fermer ou modifier leurs horaires.

T-Mobile hat seine Notfallreaktion für Hurrikan Helene aktiviert, einen Hurrikan der Kategorie 1, der voraussichtlich im Big Bend-Gebiet von Florida auf Land treffen wird. Das Unternehmen bereitet sich auf schwere Winde von bis zu 125 mph, 8-12 Zoll Regen und möglicherweise tödliche Sturmfluten in Florida, Alabama und Georgia vor.

Die Vorbereitungen von T-Mobile umfassen:

  • Vorabpositionierung von Geräten für einen schnellen Einsatz
  • Sicherstellung der Betriebsbereitschaft von Backup-Stromressourcen
  • Bereitstellung mobiler Notfallbetriebszentren, Satellitentechnologie und tragbaren Generatoren
  • Angebot von unbegrenztem Telefonieren, Texten und Daten für betroffene Kunden vom 26. September bis 2. Oktober
  • Zusammenarbeit mit Bundes-, Staats- und lokalen Behörden sowie Notfallmanagementagenturen
  • Vorbereitung von Gemeinschaftsunterstützungsressourcen wie WLAN- und Ladezentren

T-Mobile überwacht potenzielle Auswirkungen auf Mitarbeiter und Einzelhandelsgeschäfte, wobei einige Standorte möglicherweise schließen oder die Öffnungszeiten ändern.

  • Proactive emergency response preparation for Hurricane Helene
  • Deployment of advanced network equipment to maintain connectivity
  • Offering unlimited services to affected customers at no extra cost
  • Collaboration with government agencies for coordinated response
  • Potential temporary closure or modified hours of retail stores in affected areas
  • Possible network disruptions due to severe weather conditions

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 26, 2024 / T-Mobile:

Hurricane Helene has officially strengthened to a Category 1 hurricane ahead of making landfall in the Big Bend area of Florida tomorrow night. T-Mobile has activated its emergency teams in anticipation of the severe winds up to 125 mph, 8-12 inches of rain and potentially fatal storm surge Hurricane Helene may bring across Florida, Alabama and Georgia. Here's how T-Mobile and its emergency response teams are working to ensure customers, communities, first responders and others remain connected:

Network Preparation

Our network emergency management team, local market teams and National Operations Centers are vigilantly monitoring our network's performance. T-Mobile's teams are also pre-staging a large fleet of equipment at critical and strategic locations in Florida, Alabama and Georgia for rapid deployment after Hurricane Helene passes and conditions safely allow, and have taken steps to ensure that permanent backup power resources are ready, including:

  • T-Mobile's Mobile Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs): Large RVs with network management and monitoring equipment

  • SatCOLTs and SatCOWs: Satellite cell-on-light-trucks and satellite cell-on-wheels that teams can drive to impacted areas to temporarily restore or boost service

  • Quick-deploy and portable VSATs: Satellite dishes called "Very Small Aperture Terminals" that can provide a layer of coverage across broad areas and quickly provide temporary wireless service to send and receive data from T-Mobile's network

  • Microwave solutions: Network technology that offers high throughput and low latency for better data usage

  • Portable Generators: Portable power solutions that can be quickly set up to power sites and help customers

  • Permanent Batteries and Generators: Generators and batteries permanently installed on key sites - such as cell sites, data centers and switching centers - along Hurricane Helene's path and surrounding areas have been topped up

Moreover, T-Mobile's network modernization allows local teams to swiftly and digitally fine-tune network coverage, focusing on critical areas to boost signal concentration as needed. By adjusting antennas and towers, T-Mobile can bolster connectivity for rescue operations, Incident Command Centers, shelters, reunification centers, hospitals or other essential locations.

Public Safety and First Responders

T-Mobile for Government is actively engaged with numerous federal, state and local officials and emergency management agencies across Florida, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia including: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and each state's Emergency Operations Center.

Our team is already preparing to deploy to support requests from first responders for additional network coverage and capacity once conditions safely allow.

Agencies needing communications assistance can reach out to our 24-hour emergency hotline at 888-639-0020 or email at

Community Support

Our teams will be staged in Mississippi and Georgia with a second large fleet of equipment and assets for deployment once conditions are safe. This includes a Community Support Command Center to serve as a central hub for T-Mobile's community operations, as well as numerous heavy-duty trucks and trailers that provide Wi-Fi and device charging and are stocked with charging supplies for anyone who needs them.

Customer Concessions

While the majority of our customers are on plans with unlimited talk, text and data, for those who aren't we are offering unlimited talk, text and data for T-Mobile, Metro by T-Mobile and Assurance Wireless customers from tomorrow, September 26, through Wednesday, October 2, in the following counties:

  • Alabama: Barbour, Chambers, Henry, Houston, Lee, Randolph and Russell

  • Florida: Alachua, Baker, Calhoun, Citrus, Columbia, Dixie, Franklin, Gadsden, Gilchrist, Gulf, Hamilton, Hernando, Jackson, Jefferson, Lafayette, Leon, Levy, Liberty, Madison, Suwannee, Taylor, Union and Wakulla

  • Georgia: Appling, Atkinson, Bacon, Baker, Baldwin, Ben Hill, Berrien, Bibb, Bleckley, Brantley, Brooks, Burke, Butts, Calhoun, Candler, Charlton, Chattahoochee, Clay, Clinch, Coffee, Colquitt, Cook, Crawford, Crisp, Decatur, Dodge, Dooly, Dougherty, Early, Echols, Emanuel, Glascock, Grady, Hancock, Harris, Heard, Houston, Irwin, Jasper, Jeff Davis, Jefferson, Jenkins, Johnson, Jones, Lamar, Lanier, Laurens, Lee, Lowndes, Macon, Marion, Meriwether, Miller, Mitchell, Monroe, Montgomery, Muscogee, Peach, Pierce, Pike, Pulaski, Putnam, Quitman, Randolph, Schley, Seminole, Spalding, Stewart, Sumter, Talbot, Tattnall, Taylor, Telfair, Terrell, Thomas, Tift, Toombs, Treutlen, Troup, Turner, Twiggs, Upson, Ware, Washington, Wayne, Webster, Wheeler, Wilcox, Wilkinson and Worth

Employees and Retail Stores

We are monitoring potential impacts on our employees, retail stores and other locations. For updates on local store operations, please use our store locator to check your nearest store, as some locations may be temporarily closed or operating under modified hours in the coming days.

More Information

For more information on how T-Mobile prepares for emergencies and disasters along with steps that customers can take to prepare, please go T-Mobile's Emergency Response Resource site at:

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T-Mobile US, Inc.

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T-Mobile US, Inc.

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Spokesperson: T-Mobile

SOURCE: T-Mobile

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What areas will T-Mobile (TMUS) offer unlimited services for during Hurricane Helene?

T-Mobile will offer unlimited talk, text, and data for affected customers in select counties across Alabama, Florida, and Georgia from September 26 to October 2, 2024.

How is T-Mobile (TMUS) preparing its network for Hurricane Helene?

T-Mobile is pre-staging equipment, ensuring backup power, deploying mobile emergency operations centers, satellite equipment, and portable generators to maintain network connectivity during and after the hurricane.

What community support is T-Mobile (TMUS) providing for Hurricane Helene?

T-Mobile is deploying a Community Support Command Center and trucks with Wi-Fi, device charging stations, and charging supplies for anyone in need in the affected areas.

How can emergency services contact T-Mobile (TMUS) during Hurricane Helene?

Emergency services can reach T-Mobile's 24-hour emergency hotline at 888-639-0020 or email for communications assistance during Hurricane Helene.

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