Thermo Fisher Scientific’s Olink Platform Selected for World’s Largest Human Proteome Study

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Thermo Fisher Scientific (NYSE: TMO) announced that its Olink® Explore Platform has been selected for the UK Biobank Pharma Proteomics Project (UKB-PPP), the world's largest human proteomics study. The project aims to analyze over 5,400 proteins from 600,000 samples to discover new protein biomarkers for disease prediction, diagnosis, and treatment.

The project, a collaboration between UK Biobank and 14 leading biopharmaceutical companies, builds on a 2023 pilot project that analyzed 54,000 samples. The study is scheduled to begin in Q1 2025, with data releases starting in 2026 and full dataset availability in 2027. Initially, the project will analyze 300,000 samples, with plans to secure additional funding for another 300,000 samples.

The pilot study's research, published in Nature, has already been cited over 400 times, demonstrating its significant impact on understanding disease development and advancing targeted treatments. One study identified protein risk factors for certain cancers up to seven years before diagnosis.

Thermo Fisher Scientific (NYSE: TMO) ha annunciato che la sua Piattaforma Olink® Explore è stata selezionata per il Progetto di Proteomica Pharma del UK Biobank (UKB-PPP), il più grande studio di proteomica umana al mondo. L'obiettivo del progetto è analizzare oltre 5.400 proteine da 600.000 campioni per scoprire nuovi biomarcatori proteici per la previsione, diagnosi e trattamento delle malattie.

Il progetto, una collaborazione tra il UK Biobank e 14 importanti aziende biopharma, si basa su un progetto pilota del 2023 che ha analizzato 54.000 campioni. Lo studio è previsto per iniziare nel primo trimestre del 2025, con il rilascio dei dati che inizierà nel 2026 e disponibilità del dataset completo nel 2027. Inizialmente, il progetto analizzerà 300.000 campioni, con piani per garantire finanziamenti aggiuntivi per altri 300.000 campioni.

La ricerca dello studio pilota, pubblicata su Nature, è già stata citata oltre 400 volte, dimostrando il suo impatto significativo sulla comprensione dello sviluppo delle malattie e sull'avanzamento dei trattamenti mirati. Uno studio ha identificato fattori di rischio proteico per alcuni tumori fino a sette anni prima della diagnosi.

Thermo Fisher Scientific (NYSE: TMO) anunció que su Plataforma Olink® Explore ha sido seleccionada para el Proyecto de Proteómica Pharma del UK Biobank (UKB-PPP), el estudio de proteómica humana más grande del mundo. El proyecto tiene como objetivo analizar más de 5,400 proteínas de 600,000 muestras para descubrir nuevos biomarcadores proteicos para la predicción, diagnóstico y tratamiento de enfermedades.

El proyecto, una colaboración entre el UK Biobank y 14 importantes compañías biofarmacéuticas, se basa en un proyecto piloto de 2023 que analizó 54,000 muestras. El estudio está programado para comenzar en el primer trimestre de 2025, con lanzamientos de datos comenzando en 2026 y disponibilidad completa del conjunto de datos en 2027. Inicialmente, el proyecto analizará 300,000 muestras, con planes de asegurar financiamiento adicional para otras 300,000 muestras.

La investigación del estudio piloto, publicada en Nature, ya ha sido citada más de 400 veces, demostrando su impacto significativo en la comprensión del desarrollo de enfermedades y el avance de tratamientos dirigidos. Un estudio identificó factores de riesgo proteicos para ciertos cánceres hasta siete años antes del diagnóstico.

Thermo Fisher Scientific (NYSE: TMO)는 자사의 Olink® Explore 플랫폼이 세계에서 가장 큰 인간 단백질 연구인 UK Biobank 제약 단백질체 프로젝트(UKB-PPP)에 선정되었다고 발표했습니다. 이 프로젝트의 목표는 600,000개의 샘플에서 5,400개 이상의 단백질을 분석하여 질병 예측, 진단 및 치료를 위한 새로운 단백질 바이오마커를 발견하는 것입니다.

이 프로젝트는 UK Biobank와 14개 주요 생명공학 회사의 협력으로 진행되며, 2023년의 파일럿 프로젝트를 바탕으로 하고 있습니다. 해당 프로젝트는 54,000개의 샘플을 분석했습니다. 연구는 2025년 1분기에 시작할 예정이며, 데이터 공개는 2026년부터 시작하고 전체 데이터셋은 2027년에 이용 가능할 예정입니다. 초기 단계에서는 300,000개의 샘플을 분석하고, 추가로 300,000개의 샘플을 위한 추가 자금을 확보할 계획입니다.

파일럿 연구의 결과는 Nature에 발표되었으며, 이미 400회 이상 인용되어 질병 발달 이해와 목표 치료 발전에 중요한 영향을 미치고 있음을 보여줍니다. 한 연구에서는 특정 암의 단백질 위험 인자를 진단 7년 전까지 확인했습니다.

Thermo Fisher Scientific (NYSE: TMO) a annoncé que sa Plateforme Olink® Explore a été choisie pour le Projet de Protéomique Pharma du UK Biobank (UKB-PPP), la plus grande étude de protéomique humaine au monde. Le projet vise à analyser plus de 5.400 protéines à partir de 600.000 échantillons pour découvrir de nouveaux biomarqueurs protéiques pour la prédiction, le diagnostic et le traitement des maladies.

Le projet, une collaboration entre UK Biobank et 14 grandes entreprises biopharmaceutiques, s'appuie sur un projet pilote de 2023 qui a analysé 54.000 échantillons. L'étude devrait débuter au premier trimestre de 2025, avec des publications de données commençant en 2026 et disponibilité complète du jeu de données en 2027. Initialement, le projet analysera 300.000 échantillons, avec des plans pour sécuriser un financement supplémentaire pour 300.000 échantillons supplémentaires.

La recherche du projet pilote, publiée dans Nature, a déjà été citée plus de 400 fois, démontrant son impact significatif sur la compréhension du développement des maladies et l'avancement des traitements ciblés. Une étude a identifié des facteurs de risque protéiques pour certains cancers jusqu'à sept ans avant le diagnostic.

Thermo Fisher Scientific (NYSE: TMO) gab bekannt, dass seine Olink® Explore Plattform für das UK Biobank Pharma Proteomics Project (UKB-PPP), die weltweit größte Studie zur menschlichen Proteomik, ausgewählt wurde. Das Projekt hat das Ziel, über 5.400 Proteine aus 600.000 Proben zu analysieren, um neue Proteinbiomarker zur Vorhersage, Diagnose und Behandlung von Krankheiten zu entdecken.

Das Projekt ist eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem UK Biobank und 14 führenden biopharmazeutischen Unternehmen und baut auf einem Pilotprojekt aus dem Jahr 2023 auf, das 54.000 Proben analysierte. Die Studie soll im ersten Quartal 2025 beginnen, wobei die Veröffentlichung der Daten 2026 beginnt und der vollständige Datensatz 2027 zur Verfügung steht. Zunächst wird das Projekt 300.000 Proben analysieren, mit dem Plan, zusätzliche Mittel für weitere 300.000 Proben zu sichern.

Die Forschung des Pilotprojekts, veröffentlicht in Nature, wurde bereits über 400 Mal zitiert, was ihren erheblichen Einfluss auf das Verständnis der Krankheitsentwicklung und die Fortschritte bei zielgerichteten Behandlungen verdeutlicht. Eine Studie identifizierte risikobehaftete Proteinmarker für bestimmte Krebsarten bis zu sieben Jahre vor der Diagnose.

  • Selected for world's largest proteomics study, strengthening market position
  • Project involves analysis of 600,000 samples, indicating significant revenue potential
  • Partnership with 14 leading biopharmaceutical companies enhances industry relationships
  • Previous pilot study success with 400+ citations demonstrates platform's reliability
  • Project start delayed until Q1 2025
  • Second phase of 300,000 samples dependent on securing additional funding


This groundbreaking proteomics study represents a major leap forward in biomedical research. The scale of analyzing 5,400 proteins across 600,000 samples is unprecedented and will create an invaluable dataset for disease research. Previous pilot studies have already demonstrated practical applications, identifying protein signatures for multiple sclerosis and early cancer detection up to seven years before diagnosis.

The collaboration between UK Biobank and 14 pharmaceutical companies significantly amplifies the commercial potential of this research. The staggered data release starting in 2026 will likely accelerate drug discovery pipelines and biomarker development across the industry. For TMO, securing this high-profile project validates their $3.1 billion Olink acquisition and positions them as the leading provider in the rapidly growing proteomics market.

Think of this as creating a detailed "protein atlas" of human health - similar to how Google Maps revolutionized navigation, this comprehensive protein mapping will transform how we understand and treat diseases.

This contract win strengthens TMO's market position in the high-growth proteomics sector, estimated to reach $55.9 billion by 2028. The selection of Olink's platform for this prestigious project will likely drive increased adoption across academic and pharmaceutical research sectors, creating a strong recurring revenue stream through reagent sales and service contracts.

The project's massive scale - 600,000 samples over multiple years - provides significant revenue visibility. More importantly, the resulting database will create a network effect, potentially making Olink the de facto standard for proteomics research and increasing switching costs for customers. This strategic positioning could lead to expanded profit margins and market share gains in the broader life sciences tools sector.

The timing of this project is particularly strategic as it coincides with growing industry focus on proteomics-based precision medicine. With over 19,000 researchers already using UK Biobank data, the addition of comprehensive proteomics data will likely spark a wave of new research initiatives, driving demand for TMO's instruments and consumables.

The involvement of 14 major pharmaceutical companies indicates strong commercial interest in proteomics-based drug discovery. This project effectively positions TMO to capture a larger share of pharma R&D budgets, estimated at $244 billion globally for 2024. The potential for identifying new drug targets and diagnostic markers could create additional revenue streams through licensing and partnership opportunities.

UK Biobank Pharma Proteomics Project aims to create a comprehensive map of disease-associated protein levels in the human body to advance biomarker discovery

WALTHAM, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO), the world leader in serving science, today announced the UK Biobank Pharma Proteomics Project (UKB-PPP) has selected its Olink® Explore Platform to support the world’s largest human proteomics study of its kind. UKB-PPP aims to analyze more than 5,400 proteins from 600,000 samples to fuel the discovery of new protein biomarkers that can be used to predict, diagnose and treat diseases.

“Studies on the human proteome are having a profound impact on our customers’ fundamental understanding of disease and the advancement of life sciences research,” said Marc N. Casper, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Thermo Fisher. “The unprecedented scale of this project, with support from our next-generation proteomics solution, underscores the potential to deepen their knowledge and develop new applications to improve human health.”

Advancement of the Olink Explore Platform, which is designed to enable deep analysis of the thousands of proteins in the human body, provides researchers with the ability to study the role they play in many types of diseases. Published studies in this emerging field, known as population proteomics, have demonstrated the potential protein signatures have to help advance the future of precision medicine.

“Proteomics provides an incredibly detailed snapshot of health. This new frontier of science can unveil how genetics and external factors – like diet, exercise and climate – interact, and will help to pinpoint the key causes of diseases and identify drug targets,” said Professor Naomi Allen, chief scientist of UK Biobank. “It has already led to important scientific discoveries, such as identifying proteins that can help to diagnose disease – including multiple sclerosis - and helping to identify those at higher risk of developing dementia and cancer many years before clinical diagnosis. Over 19,000 researchers around the world are using UK Biobank data; adding proteomic data to everything else we hold will enable scientists to make rapid discoveries to help diagnose and treat life-altering diseases.”

UKB-PPP is a collaboration between UK Biobank and 14 leading biopharmaceutical companies, with the goal to make available important information on the human proteome to UK Biobank-approved researchers across the world. In turn, the data can be used to validate and identify new drug targets, advance diagnostics, and help accelerate targeted drug discovery to support the development of more effective and safer medications.

“UKB-PPP brings together scientists from the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies with the most advanced research technologies,” said Chris Whelan, Ph.D., chair and principal investigator of UKB-PPP. “Success for projects of this size depends on having partners with the ability to scale reliably and effectively. We are excited to once again have Thermo Fisher’s Olink platform as the supporting proteomics technology to drive this study.”

UKB-PPP builds on the findings released in 2023 from the pilot project, which also leveraged the Olink Explore platform to analyze more than 54,000 samples from UK Biobank. The research was first published in Nature in October 2023 and has already been cited more than 400 times, laying the foundation for scientists to better understand how and why diseases develop and to advance targeted treatments. One study, published in Nature Communications, leveraged data from the pilot study to identify protein risk factors for certain cancers up to seven years in advance of diagnosis.

UKB-PPP is scheduled to begin in Q1 2025, with plans to make the proteomic data available to UK Biobank-approved researchers in staggered releases starting in 2026, followed by the full dataset in 2027. UKB-PPP will initially analyze more than 5,400 proteins from 300,000 samples and seek supplemental funding to analyze an additional 300,000 samples, bringing the total for the project to 600,000 samples.

Acquired by Thermo Fisher in July 2024, the Olink proteomics platform is a next generation proteomics solution that empowers researchers to measure more than 5,400 proteins with high specificity, speed, and the flexibility to study complex biological processes.

To learn more about the Olink Platform, please visit

About Thermo Fisher Scientific

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with annual revenue over $40 billion. Our Mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. Whether our customers are accelerating life sciences research, solving complex analytical challenges, increasing productivity in their laboratories, improving patient health through diagnostics or the development and manufacture of life-changing therapies, we are here to support them. Our global team delivers an unrivaled combination of innovative technologies, purchasing convenience and pharmaceutical services through our industry-leading brands, including Thermo Scientific, Applied Biosystems, Invitrogen, Fisher Scientific, Unity Lab Services, Patheon and PPD. For more information, please visit

Media Contact Information:

Sandy Pound

Phone: 781-622-1223



Investor Contact Information:

Rafael Tejada

Phone: 781-622-1356


Source: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.


How many proteins will TMO's Olink Platform analyze in the UK Biobank study?

The Olink Platform will analyze more than 5,400 proteins from 600,000 samples in the UK Biobank Pharma Proteomics Project.

When will TMO begin the UK Biobank proteomics project?

The project is scheduled to begin in Q1 2025, with data releases starting in 2026 and full dataset availability in 2027.

How many pharmaceutical companies are collaborating with TMO on the UK Biobank project?

The project is a collaboration between UK Biobank and 14 leading biopharmaceutical companies, with TMO providing the proteomics platform.

What were the results of TMO's Olink Platform pilot study with UK Biobank?

The pilot study analyzed 54,000 samples, was published in Nature in October 2023, and has been cited over 400 times, including research that identified early cancer protein markers.

How will the UK Biobank proteomics data from TMO's platform be released?

The proteomic data will be released in stages to UK Biobank-approved researchers starting in 2026, with the complete dataset available in 2027.

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