Trend Micro Stops Deepfakes and AI-Based Cyberattacks for Consumers and Enterprises

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Trend Micro, a global cybersecurity leader (TYO: 4704; TSE: 4704), has announced new innovations to protect against AI-based attacks and fraud. The company is launching solutions for both enterprise and consumer markets as part of its mission to secure the AI journey. Key highlights include:

1. Deepfake detection technology in the Trend Vision One™ platform and Trend Micro Deepfake Inspector for consumers.
2. Advanced methods to spot AI-generated content, including behavioral analysis.
3. New features in Trend Vision One to manage GenAI access, prevent data leaks, and defend against LLM attacks.
4. Free Trend Micro Deepfake Inspector for real-time analysis during video calls.

These innovations address the growing threat of AI-based tools in cybercrime, which are becoming cheaper and more accessible. Trend's research shows a significant increase in AI-based criminal tools and a rise in deepfake-related scams.

Trend Micro, un leader globale nella cybersecurity (TYO: 4704; TSE: 4704), ha annunciato nuove innovazioni per proteggere contro attacchi e frodi basati sull'IA. L'azienda sta lanciando soluzioni sia per il mercato aziendale che per quello dei consumatori, come parte della sua missione di garantire un percorso sicuro per l'IA. I punti salienti includono:

1. Tecnologia di rilevamento deepfake nella piattaforma Trend Vision One™ e Trend Micro Deepfake Inspector per i consumatori.
2. Metodi avanzati per individuare contenuti generati dall'IA, inclusa l'analisi comportamentale.
3. Nuove funzionalità in Trend Vision One per gestire l'accesso a GenAI, prevenire perdite di dati e difendersi da attacchi LLM.
4. Trend Micro Deepfake Inspector gratuito per analisi in tempo reale durante le videochiamate.

Queste innovazioni affrontano la crescente minaccia degli strumenti basati sull'IA nel cybercrimine, che stanno diventando sempre più economici e accessibili. La ricerca di Trend mostra un significativo aumento degli strumenti criminali basati sull'IA e un incremento delle frodi legate ai deepfake.

Trend Micro, un líder global en ciberseguridad (TYO: 4704; TSE: 4704), ha anunciado nuevas innovaciones para protegerse contra ataques y fraudes basados en IA. La compañía está lanzando soluciones tanto para el mercado empresarial como para el de consumidor, como parte de su misión de asegurar el camino de la IA. Los puntos clave incluyen:

1. Tecnología de detección de deepfake en la plataforma Trend Vision One™ y Trend Micro Deepfake Inspector para consumidores.
2. Métodos avanzados para detectar contenido generado por IA, incluyendo análisis de comportamiento.
3. Nuevas funciones en Trend Vision One para gestionar el acceso a GenAI, prevenir filtraciones de datos y defenderse de ataques LLM.
4. Trend Micro Deepfake Inspector gratuito para análisis en tiempo real durante videollamadas.

Estas innovaciones abordan la creciente amenaza de herramientas basadas en IA en el cibercrimen, que se están volviendo más económicas y accesibles. La investigación de Trend muestra un aumento significativo en herramientas criminales basadas en IA y un aumento en estafas relacionadas con deepfakes.

트렌드 마이크로(Trend Micro), 글로벌 사이버 보안 리더(TYO: 4704; TSE: 4704)는 AI 기반 공격 및 사기로부터 보호하기 위한 새로운 혁신을 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 AI 여정을 안전하게 지키기 위한 임무의 일환으로 기업 및 소비자 시장을 위한 솔루션을 출시하고 있습니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 소비자를 위한 트렌드 비전 원(Trend Vision One™) 플랫폼과 트렌드 마이크로 딥페이크 검사기(Trend Micro Deepfake Inspector)에서 딥페이크 탐지 기술.
2. 행동 분석을 포함한 AI 생성 콘텐츠를 식별하는 고급 방법.
3. 데이터 유출 방지 및 LLM 공격으로부터 방어하기 위해 GenAI 접근을 관리하는 트렌드 비전 원의 새로운 기능.
4. 영상 통화 중 실시간 분석을 위한 무료 트렌드 마이크로 딥페이크 검사기.

이 혁신은 사이버 범죄에서 AI 기반 도구의 증가하는 위협에 대응하며, 이러한 도구들은 점점 더 저렴하고 접근 가능해지고 있습니다. 트렌드의 연구에 따르면 AI 기반 범죄 도구와 딥페이크와 관련된 사기의 급증이 나타났습니다.

Trend Micro, un leader mondial de la cybersécurité (TYO: 4704; TSE: 4704), a annoncé de nouvelles innovations pour se protéger contre les attaques et les fraudes basées sur l'IA. L'entreprise lance des solutions à la fois pour le marché des entreprises et pour le marché des consommateurs dans le cadre de sa mission de sécuriser le parcours de l'IA. Les points clés incluent :

1. Technologie de détection des deepfakes dans la plateforme Trend Vision One™ et Trend Micro Deepfake Inspector pour les consommateurs.
2. Méthodes avancées pour repérer les contenus générés par l'IA, y compris l'analyse comportementale.
3. Nouvelles fonctionnalités dans Trend Vision One pour gérer l'accès à GenAI, prévenir les fuites de données et se défendre contre les attaques LLM.
4. Trend Micro Deepfake Inspector gratuit pour une analyse en temps réel lors des appels vidéo.

Ces innovations répondent à la menace croissante des outils basés sur l'IA dans la cybercriminalité, qui deviennent de moins en moins chers et de plus en plus accessibles. La recherche de Trend montre une augmentation significative des outils criminels basés sur l'IA ainsi qu'une hausse des escroqueries liées aux deepfakes.

Trend Micro, ein globaler Marktführer in der Cybersicherheit (TYO: 4704; TSE: 4704), hat neue Innovationen zum Schutz vor KI-basierten Angriffen und Betrug bekannt gegeben. Das Unternehmen bringt Lösungen für die Unternehmens- und Verbrauchermärkte im Rahmen seiner Mission auf den Markt, die KI-Reise zu sichern. Die wichtigsten Highlights sind:

1. Deepfake-Erkennungstechnologie in der Trend Vision One™-Plattform und Trend Micro Deepfake Inspector für Verbraucher.
2. Fortgeschrittene Methoden zur Erkennung von KI-generierten Inhalten, einschließlich Verhaltensanalysen.
3. Neue Funktionen in Trend Vision One zur Verwaltung des Zugangs zu GenAI, zur Verhinderung von Datenlecks und zur Verteidigung gegen LLM-Angriffe.
4. Kostenloser Trend Micro Deepfake Inspector für die Echtzeitanalyse während Videoanrufen.

Diese Innovationen gehen auf die wachsende Bedrohung von KI-basierten Werkzeugen im Cybercrime ein, die immer billiger und zugänglicher werden. Die Forschung von Trend zeigt einen signifikanten Anstieg in KI-basierten Kriminalwerkzeugen sowie einen Anstieg bei mit Deepfakes verbundenen Betrügereien.

  • Launch of new deepfake detection technology for enterprise and consumer markets
  • Integration of advanced AI detection methods in Trend Vision One™ platform
  • Introduction of free Trend Micro Deepfake Inspector for consumers
  • New features in Trend Vision One for managing GenAI access and defending against LLM attacks
  • None.

Cybersecurity leader announces capabilities to safeguard business resilience and AI adoption

DALLAS, July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Trend Micro Incorporated (TYO: 4704; TSE: 4704), a global cybersecurity leader, today announced new innovations in its enterprise platform and consumer cybersecurity products focused on protecting all environments from the rapidly growing threat of AI-based attacks and fraud.

Trend's new solutions launch as part of a company-wide mission to secure the AI journey for consumers and enterprises.

Trend research shows that cybercriminals are catching on to the explosion of enterprise AI use, resulting in a dramatic increase in AI-based tools available on the criminal underground. These tools are cheaper and more accessible than ever, enabling criminals at any skill level to more easily launch attacks at scale that mislead victims for purposes of extortion, identity theft, fraud, or misinformation.

Kevin Simzer, COO at Trend: "Our latest research reveals several new deepfake tools that make it easy for cybercriminals at all skill levels to launch damaging scams, social engineering, and security bypass attempts. We are leading the industry in fighting back for both our enterprise and consumer customers with new capabilities to detect deepfakes and other forms of AI fraud. Like past shifts in the threat and IT landscape, we've seen the challenge of securing AI and risen to it."

Detecting and defeating these AI-based methods is central to better managing attack surface risk for enterprises and lowering overall online risk for consumers—71% of whom, in a recent Trend survey, viewed deepfakes negatively and believed that one of their top uses is for fraud.

Available soon in the Trend Vision One™ platform, new deepfake detection technology will use a variety of advanced methods to spot AI-generated content. This capability is also available for consumers today in Trend Micro Deepfake Inspector.

To learn more and download Trend Micro Deepfake Inspector, visit:

Going beyond techniques like image noise analysis and color detection, the platform also analyses user behavioral elements to provide a much stronger approach to detecting and stopping deepfakes. Upon detection, Trend immediately alerts enterprise security teams, enabling them to learn, educate, and take proactive measures to prevent future attacks.

Trend Micro Deepfake Inspector can help verify if a party on a live video conversation is using deepfake technology, alerting users that the person or persons with whom they are conversing may not be who they appear to be.

According to Gartner1 analyst Dan Ayoub, "Readily available, high-quality GenAI applications are now capable of creating photo-realistic video content that can deceive or mislead an audience. Given the low barriers to entry in using these tools and their increasing sophistication, developing a methodological approach to detecting GenAI deepfake content has become necessary."

Deepfakes pose a significant risk to modern enterprises and individuals. An undetected deepfake can lead to financial impacts, job losses, legal challenges, reputation damage, identity theft, and potential harm to mental or physical health. In a recent Trend Micro study, 36% of consumers reported experiencing a scam attempt using a deepfake. The FBI has also previously warned of deepfake technology being used in conjunction with video calls to carry out business email compromise attacks, and to fraudulently apply for remote working positions.

This technology is not only being abused to bypass human verification but also biometric security measures like facial recognition. Trend research has also revealed recent shifts indicating a growing preference for exploiting existing LLM models through innovative jailbreaking techniques rather than developing bespoke criminal AI tools.

The launch of Trend's new solutions is part of a company-wide mission to secure customers' AI journey. Supporting a zero trust strategy, Trend also recently released new features for Trend Vision One designed to:

  • Centralize management of employees' GenAI access and usage
  • Inspect prompts to prevent data leaks and malicious injections
  • Filter GenAI content to meet compliance requirements
  • Defend against large language model (LLM) attacks

Trend Micro Deepfake Inspector is a free solution designed to alert users to potential deepfakes while they are on video call. Analysis takes place in real time and locally on the consumer device, ensuring users' data and privacy are protected at all times.

About Trend Micro
Trend Micro, a global cybersecurity leader, helps make the world safe for exchanging digital information. Fueled by decades of security expertise, global threat research, and continuous innovation, Trend Micro's AI-powered cybersecurity platform protects hundreds of thousands of organizations and millions of individuals across clouds, networks, devices, and endpoints. As a leader in cloud and enterprise cybersecurity, Trend's platform delivers a powerful range of advanced threat defense techniques optimized for environments like AWS, Microsoft, and Google, and central visibility for better, faster detection and response. With 7,000 employees across 70 countries, Trend Micro enables organizations to simplify and secure their connected world.

1Gartner, Emerging Tech: Combating Deepfakes, Deception and Disinformation in Multimedia Content, Dan Ayoub, 17 April 2024

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What new technology has Trend Micro (TMICY) announced to combat AI-based cyberattacks?

Trend Micro has announced deepfake detection technology for its Trend Vision One™ platform and a free Trend Micro Deepfake Inspector for consumers. These solutions use advanced methods, including behavioral analysis, to spot AI-generated content and alert users to potential deepfakes in real-time.

How does Trend Micro's (TMICY) new deepfake detection technology work?

Trend Micro's deepfake detection technology goes beyond traditional techniques like image noise analysis and color detection. It incorporates user behavioral elements for a stronger approach to detecting AI-generated content. For enterprises, it alerts security teams upon detection, while for consumers, it provides real-time analysis during video calls.

What new features has Trend Micro (TMICY) added to its Trend Vision One platform?

Trend Micro has added new features to Trend Vision One to centralize management of employees' GenAI access and usage, inspect prompts to prevent data leaks, filter GenAI content for compliance, and defend against large language model (LLM) attacks. These features support a zero trust strategy and help secure customers' AI journey.

How prevalent are deepfake-related scams according to Trend Micro's (TMICY) research?

According to Trend Micro's recent study, 36% of consumers reported experiencing a scam attempt using a deepfake. The company's research also shows a dramatic increase in AI-based tools available on the criminal underground, making it easier for cybercriminals to launch attacks at scale.



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