Security Gaps Imperil Private 5G Networks Amid AI Boom
Trend Micro (TYO: 4704) released joint research with CTOne highlighting security concerns in private 5G networks despite AI adoption. The study reveals 86% of organizations currently use private 5G networks, while 14% are evaluating deployment.
Key findings show that 62% of organizations currently use AI-powered security tools for private 5G networks, with 35% planning implementation. Top AI capabilities deemed essential include predictive threat intelligence (58%), continuous authentication (52%), and zero trust enforcement (47%).
However, significant challenges persist: 47% cite high costs, 44% worry about false positives/negatives, and 37% lack internal expertise. Only 20% of organizations have dedicated communications technology security teams, with just 18% of security budgets allocated to private 5G networks. Furthermore, only 54% ensure GDPR compliance, and 51% encrypt data at rest and in transit.
Trend Micro (TYO: 4704) ha pubblicato una ricerca congiunta con CTOne che evidenzia le preoccupazioni per la sicurezza nelle reti private 5G, nonostante l'adozione dell'IA. Lo studio rivela che l'86% delle organizzazioni utilizza attualmente reti private 5G, mentre il 14% sta valutando il loro utilizzo.
I risultati principali mostrano che il 62% delle organizzazioni utilizza strumenti di sicurezza basati su IA per le reti private 5G, con il 35% che prevede di implementarli. Le principali capacità dell'IA considerate essenziali includono l'intelligence predittiva sulle minacce (58%), l'autenticazione continua (52%) e l'applicazione del principio del zero trust (47%).
Tuttavia, persistono sfide significative: il 47% cita i costi elevati, il 44% è preoccupato per falsi positivi/negativi e il 37% manca di competenze interne. Solo il 20% delle organizzazioni ha team dedicati alla sicurezza delle tecnologie di comunicazione, con solo il 18% dei budget per la sicurezza allocato alle reti private 5G. Inoltre, solo il 54% garantisce la conformità al GDPR e il 51% cripta i dati sia a riposo che in transito.
Trend Micro (TYO: 4704) publicó una investigación conjunta con CTOne que destaca las preocupaciones de seguridad en las redes privadas 5G a pesar de la adopción de IA. El estudio revela que el 86% de las organizaciones utiliza actualmente redes privadas 5G, mientras que el 14% está evaluando su implementación.
Los hallazgos clave muestran que el 62% de las organizaciones utiliza herramientas de seguridad impulsadas por IA para redes privadas 5G, con un 35% planeando su implementación. Las principales capacidades de IA consideradas esenciales incluyen la inteligencia de amenazas predictiva (58%), la autenticación continua (52%) y la aplicación de la confianza cero (47%).
No obstante, persisten desafíos significativos: el 47% cita altos costos, el 44% se preocupa por falsos positivos/negativos y el 37% carece de experiencia interna. Solo el 20% de las organizaciones tiene equipos de seguridad dedicados a la tecnología de comunicaciones, con solo el 18% de los presupuestos de seguridad asignados a redes privadas 5G. Además, solo el 54% asegura el cumplimiento del GDPR y el 51% cifra los datos tanto en reposo como en tránsito.
트렌드 마이크로 (TYO: 4704)는 CTOne과 공동 연구를 발표하여 AI 도입에도 불구하고 개인 5G 네트워크의 보안 문제를 강조했습니다. 연구 결과 86%의 조직이 현재 개인 5G 네트워크를 사용하고 있다고 밝혔으며, 14%는 배치를 평가하고 있습니다.
주요 발견에 따르면 62%의 조직이 개인 5G 네트워크를 위해 AI 기반 보안 도구를 사용하고 있다고 하며, 35%는 구현 계획이 있습니다. 필수적인 AI 기능으로는 예측 위협 정보(58%), 지속적인 인증(52%), 제로 트러스트 시행(47%)이 포함됩니다.
그러나 여전히 상당한 도전 과제가 있습니다: 47%는 높은 비용을 언급하고, 44%는 허위 긍정/부정에 대해 걱정하며, 37%는 내부 전문 지식이 부족합니다. 오직 20%의 조직만이 전담 커뮤니케이션 기술 보안 팀을 보유하고 있으며, 보안 예산의 18%만이 개인 5G 네트워크에 할당됩니다. 또한, 54%만이 GDPR 준수를 보장하고, 51%는 데이터가 저장 및 전송 중에 암호화됩니다.
Trend Micro (TYO: 4704) a publié une recherche conjointe avec CTOne mettant en évidence des préoccupations de sécurité dans les réseaux privés 5G malgré l'adoption de l'IA. L'étude révèle que 86% des organisations utilisent actuellement des réseaux privés 5G, tandis que 14% évaluent leur déploiement.
Les résultats clés montrent que 62% des organisations utilisent des outils de sécurité alimentés par l'IA pour les réseaux privés 5G, avec 35% prévoyant une mise en œuvre. Les principales capacités de l'IA jugées essentielles incluent l'intelligence prédictive des menaces (58%), l'authentification continue (52%) et l'application du principe de confiance zéro (47%).
Cependant, des défis importants persistent : 47% évoquent des coûts élevés, 44% s'inquiètent des faux positifs/négatifs et 37% manquent d'expertise interne. Seules 20% des organisations disposent d'équipes de sécurité dédiées aux technologies de communication, avec seulement 18% des budgets de sécurité alloués aux réseaux privés 5G. De plus, seulement 54% garantissent la conformité au RGPD, et 51% chiffrent les données au repos et en transit.
Trend Micro (TYO: 4704) hat eine gemeinsame Forschung mit CTOne veröffentlicht, die Sicherheitsbedenken in privaten 5G-Netzwerken trotz der Einführung von KI hervorhebt. Die Studie zeigt, dass 86% der Organisationen derzeit private 5G-Netzwerke nutzen, während 14% die Implementierung evaluieren.
Wichtige Ergebnisse zeigen, dass 62% der Organisationen KI-gestützte Sicherheitswerkzeuge für private 5G-Netzwerke verwenden, wobei 35% eine Implementierung planen. Zu den wichtigsten KI-Funktionen, die als wesentlich erachtet werden, gehören prädiktive Bedrohungsintelligenz (58%), kontinuierliche Authentifizierung (52%) und Durchsetzung des Zero Trust-Prinzips (47%).
Es bestehen jedoch erhebliche Herausforderungen: 47% nennen hohe Kosten, 44% sorgen sich über falsch-positive/falsch-negative Ergebnisse und 37% fehlt es an internem Fachwissen. Nur 20% der Organisationen haben dedizierte Sicherheitsteams für Kommunikationstechnologie, wobei nur 18% des Sicherheitsbudgets für private 5G-Netzwerke vorgesehen sind. Darüber hinaus stellen nur 54% die Einhaltung der DSGVO sicher, und 51% verschlüsseln Daten sowohl im Ruhezustand als auch während der Übertragung.
- 86% market penetration in private 5G networks
- 62% adoption rate of AI-powered security tools
- Strong demand for predictive threat intelligence (58%)
- Only 18% of security budget allocated to 5G networks
- Only 20% have dedicated security teams
- Low GDPR compliance rate (54%)
- High implementation costs (47% cite as challenge)
- Weak data protection (51% encrypt data)
New research reveals next-gen private wireless network deployments are surging, but lack of
proactive security measures raises serious concerns
To learn more about Trend and CTOne's activities at MWC Barcelona 2025, please visit:
Rachel Jin, Chief Enterprise Platform Officer at Trend: "Not all AI security is created equal, and some organizations are putting themselves at risk due to lack of know-how. Proactive attack surface management is crucial for private 5G networks, where any oversight can open the door to compromises. Security leaders must combine AI-powered protection with a deep understanding of technology and cyber risk to safeguard these critical environments."
Private 5G networks are booming thanks to their use across critical industries including energy and utilities, military, logistics, healthcare, and smart manufacturing.
IT and cybersecurity professionals also appear to understand the potential benefits of AI-powered security in these environments: nearly all said they are either currently using (
They view the following AI-powered capabilities as essential in this regard:
- Predictive threat intelligence (
58% ) - Continuous, adaptive authentication (
52% ) - Zero trust enforcement (
47% ) - Self-healing networks featuring AI automation (
41% )
Jim Frey, Principal Analyst, Networking for ESG: "Organizations are finding great operational value from private 5G networking, often as a part of AI projects. But they must ensure that their security operations center is prepared to monitor and protect this emerging communications technology. Cybersecurity providers that can deploy proactive risk management, attack path prediction, and other proactive measures will be well positioned to help protect private 5G and AI architectures."
More than nine in ten organizations currently using AI security admit to facing challenges in deploying the tech to private 5G networks. High costs (
A lack of in-house CT know-how is reflected in the fact that just a fifth (
Jason Huang, CEO at CTOne: "As enterprise use of private and public mobile networks accelerates, we are seeing new challenges that demand specialized CT security capabilities. Organizations need the ability to secure end-to-end combined broad visibility that fits with SecOps needs, enabling them to manage their enterprise attack surface risk as it expands to support new wireless applications."
On average, less than a fifth (
Trend's research revealed that organizations may be unwittingly exposing themselves to cyber and compliance risks by failing to safeguard use of AI for traffic monitoring/analysis.
Specifically, only around half or fewer respondents said that they:
- Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations like GDPR (
54% ) - Encrypt data at rest and in transit (
51% ) - Deploy strict access controls for AI models (
50% ) - Use data anonymization techniques (
44% )
*Trend Micro & CTOne commissioned Sapio Research to survey 800 managers or above, with decision making authority over IT and / or cybersecurity across the US,
About Trend Micro
Trend Micro, a global cybersecurity leader, helps make the world safe for exchanging digital information. Fueled by decades of security expertise, global threat research, and continuous innovation, Trend Micro's AI-powered cybersecurity platform protects hundreds of thousands of organizations and millions of individuals across clouds, networks, devices, and endpoints. As a leader in cloud and enterprise cybersecurity, Trend's platform delivers a powerful range of advanced threat defense techniques optimized for environments like AWS, Microsoft, and Google, and central visibility for better, faster detection and response. With 7,000 employees across 70 countries, Trend Micro enables organizations to simplify and secure their connected world.
About CTOne
CTOne, a global cybersecurity leader in communication technology (CT), helps organizations better manage their ever-expanding attack surface risk. As a subsidiary of cybersecurity leader Trend Micro, CTOne leverages 35+ years of experience to bridge the IT/CT expertise gap with an AI-powered solution for mobile deployments. With deep threat and attack expertise combined with comprehensive security for mobile deployments, CTOne delivers visibility and protection across mobile endpoints and network infrastructure in support of enterprises using private 5G for competitive advantage. Always on guard, CTOne helps organizations securely drive digital transformation, reduce operating costs, increase productivity, and avoid losses from CT-related attacks.
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SOURCE Trend Micro
What percentage of organizations are currently using private 5G networks according to Trend Micro's research?
How many organizations are using AI-powered security tools for TMICY's private 5G networks?
What are the main challenges in implementing AI security for private 5G networks?
How much of organizations' security budget is allocated to private 5G network security?