Toyota Drives Student Success with $5.8 Million Investment in Northeast Mississippi

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Toyota USA Foundation's Driving Possibilities initiative is investing up to $5.8 million over five years in Lee County and Pontotoc City Schools in Northeast Mississippi. The grants aim to provide students and teachers with innovative tools and programs for STEM education and English language learning. This investment is part of Toyota's national approach to workforce readiness and community engagement, focusing on creating equal access to opportunities and pathways to high-growth careers.

The initiative will embed STEM programming into everyday curriculum at the middle school level in Lee County Schools and launch a Newcomer Program for English-language learners in Pontotoc City Schools. To date, nearly $72 million has been announced through multi-year grants across nine sites in the U.S. as part of the Driving Possibilities initiative.

L'iniziativa Driving Possibilities della Toyota USA Foundation investirà fino a 5,8 milioni di dollari nel corso di cinque anni nelle scuole di Lee County e Pontotoc City, nel Mississippi nordorientale. I finanziamenti mirano a fornire agli studenti e agli insegnanti strumenti e programmi innovativi per l'educazione STEM e l'apprendimento della lingua inglese. Questo investimento fa parte dell'approccio nazionale di Toyota alla preparazione della forza lavoro e al coinvolgimento della comunità, con un focus sulla creazione di uguali opportunità e percorsi verso carriere in forte crescita.

L'iniziativa integrerà la programmazione STEM nel curriculum quotidiano a livello di scuola media nelle scuole di Lee County e avvierà un Programma per Nuovi Arrivati per gli studenti di lingua inglese nelle scuole di Pontotoc City. Finora, sono stati annunciati quasi 72 milioni di dollari attraverso sovvenzioni pluriennali in nove sedi negli Stati Uniti nell'ambito dell'iniziativa Driving Possibilities.

La iniciativa Driving Possibilities de la Fundación Toyota USA invertirá hasta 5.8 millones de dólares durante cinco años en las escuelas de Lee County y Pontotoc City en el noreste de Mississippi. Las subvenciones tienen como objetivo proporcionar a los estudiantes y profesores herramientas y programas innovadores para la educación STEM y el aprendizaje del idioma inglés. Esta inversión es parte del enfoque nacional de Toyota sobre la preparación de la fuerza laboral y el compromiso con la comunidad, con un enfoque en crear acceso equitativo a oportunidades y caminos hacia carreras de alto crecimiento.

La iniciativa incorporará la programación STEM en el currículo diario a nivel de escuela secundaria en las escuelas de Lee County y lanzará un Programa para Nuevos Llegados para estudiantes de inglés en las escuelas de Pontotoc City. Hasta la fecha, se han anunciado casi 72 millones de dólares a través de subvenciones de varios años en nueve sitios en los EE. UU. como parte de la iniciativa Driving Possibilities.

토요타 USA 재단의 Driving Possibilities 이니셔티브는 미시시피 북동부의 리 카운티와 폰토톡 시의 학교에 5년 동안 최대 580만 달러를 투자할 예정입니다. 이 보조금은 학생과 교사에게 STEM 교육영어 학습을 위한 혁신적인 도구와 프로그램을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 투자 였 토요타의 직업 준비 및 지역 사회 참여에 대한 국가적 접근의 일환으로, 기회와 고성장 직업으로 가는 경로에 대한 평등한 접근을 만드는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다.

이 이니셔티브는 리 카운티 학교의 중학교 수준에서 일상 커리큘럼에 STEM 프로그램을 통합하고, 폰토톡 시의 학교에서 영어 학습자를 위한 신규 프로그램을 시작할 것입니다. 지금까지 Driving Possibilities 이니셔티브의 일환으로 미국의 9개 사이트에서 7200만 달러에 달하는 다년간 보조금이 발표되었습니다.

L'initiative Driving Possibilities de la Fondation Toyota USA va investir jusqu'à 5,8 millions de dollars sur cinq ans dans les écoles de Lee County et de Pontotoc City dans le Mississippi du Nord-Est. Les subventions visent à fournir aux élèves et aux enseignants des outils et des programmes innovants pour l'éducation STEM et l'apprentissage de la langue anglaise. Cet investissement fait partie de l'approche nationale de Toyota en matière de préparation à l'emploi et d'engagement communautaire, en se concentrant sur la création d'un accès égal aux opportunités et aux voies vers des carrières à forte croissance.

L'initiative intégrera la programmation STEM dans le cursus quotidien des collèges dans les écoles de Lee County et lancera un programme pour les nouveaux arrivants pour les apprenants de l'anglais dans les écoles de Pontotoc City. À ce jour, près de 72 millions de dollars ont été annoncés grâce à des subventions pluriannuelles dans neuf sites aux États-Unis dans le cadre de l'initiative Driving Possibilities.

Die Driving Possibilities-Initiative der Toyota USA Foundation investiert über einen Zeitraum von fünf Jahren bis zu 5,8 Millionen US-Dollar in die Schulen von Lee County und Pontotoc City im Nordosten von Mississippi. Die Stipendien zielen darauf ab, Schülern und Lehrern innovative Werkzeuge und Programme für STEM-Bildung und Englisch-Sprachlernen bereitzustellen. Diese Investition ist Teil von Toyotas nationalem Ansatz zur Arbeitsmarktfähigkeit und Bürgerengagement, der sich auf die Schaffung eines gleichen Zugangs zu Chancen und Wegen in wachsende Berufe konzentriert.

Die Initiative wird die STEM-Programmierungen in den täglichen Lehrplan auf der Mittelschule in den Schulen von Lee County einbetten und ein Newcomer-Programm für Englischlernende in den Schulen von Pontotoc City starten. Bisher wurden im Rahmen der Driving Possibilities-Initiative fast 72 Millionen US-Dollar über mehrjährige Zuschüsse an neun Standorten in den USA angekündigt.

  • Toyota is investing $5.8 million over five years in Northeast Mississippi schools
  • The initiative aims to enhance STEM education and provide resources for English language learners
  • Toyota has committed nearly $72 million through multi-year grants across nine sites in the U.S.
  • The program aligns with Toyota's strategy to develop future workforce and engage with communities
  • None.

Hands-on STEM, English Language Learner Programs to Expand Learning Opportunities

BLUE SPRINGS, Miss., Sept. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Having the right tools and resources to learn is key for students in every community, but critical needs extend beyond school supplies.  

As part of Toyota USA Foundation's Driving Possibilities initiative, grants of up to $5.8 million over five years to Lee County and Pontotoc City Schools give students and teachers access to innovative tools and programs designed to provide foundational skills, build confidence, and align them with an individualized path to success.

"We believe all students deserve equal access to opportunities and a pathway to high-growth careers, no matter their background," said Ana Meade, vice president of social innovation at Toyota. "Through Driving Possibilities, we aim to create limitless possibilities for all in our work with communities to address barriers so that everyone can participate in the quality STEM jobs of the future."    

Driving Possibilities is Toyota's national approach to workforce readiness and community engagement. In Mississippi, Toyota is collaborating with the CREATE Foundation and the University of Mississippi on this groundbreaking approach to changing the culture of education. By working with local community and education partners, the Driving Possibilities team identified areas where support is needed to help close educational gaps through innovative, hands-on STEM programming while addressing the essential needs of students and families.

"As a leader in the community, Toyota is looking forward to working with Lee County and Pontotoc City Schools through the Driving Possibilities model for STEM Education," said Aaron Foster, plant vice president of Toyota Mississippi. "The tailored plan will help enhance educational opportunities from PreK through 12th grade while integrating STEM into the everyday life of our students and teachers." 

Lee County Schools will embed STEM programming into everyday curriculum at the middle school level while customizing an intentional professional development program for its middle and elementary school educators. Meanwhile, just 25 miles west, Pontotoc City Schools will launch a holistic and inclusive Newcomer Program, which will provide students, teachers and families resources and tools for English-language learner translation services.   

"Toyota is leading the way on helping us create Mississippi's next generation workforce. When industry and education work together, the possibilities for our children and our economy are endless," said Lt. Governor Delbert Hosemann. "We appreciate Toyota's substantial investment in these districts and hope this example will spur other similar partnerships across the state." 

Mississippi is the ninth site to launch the Driving Possibilities initiative. To date, nearly $72 million has been announced through multi-year grants with local and national nonprofits, education partners and the communities where Toyota team members live and work. The initiative is funded by Toyota USA Foundation with additional funds provided by Toyota Motor North America (TMNA) and Toyota Financial Services (TFS).   

In 2022, the Toyota USA Foundation's Driving Possibilities initiative was launched as a unique way to bring together educators, local and national nonprofits, industry and communities to create limitless possibilities for all. With more than 65 years of active community support across the U.S., efforts span the PreK-12 education continuum, with a foundation in the model developed in the West Dallas area. This is the largest and most comprehensive social innovation effort in Toyota's history.   

Toyota USA Foundation  
The Toyota USA Foundation is a charitable endowment created to support education programs serving PreK through 12th-grade students and their teachers in the United States, with an emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). For more information about the Toyota USA Foundation,  

About Toyota  
Toyota (NYSE:TM) has been a part of the cultural fabric in the U.S. for more than 65 years, and is committed to advancing sustainable, next-generation mobility through our Toyota and Lexus brands, plus our nearly 1,500 dealerships.  

Toyota directly employs more than 49,000 people in the U.S. who have contributed to the design, engineering, and assembly of more than 34 million cars and trucks. We operate 11 manufacturing facilities in the U.S., including our new battery plant in North Carolina set for start of production in 2025, and the joint venture plant with Mazda in Alabama. With more electrified vehicles on the road than any other automaker, Toyota currently offers 30 electrified options.  

To help inspire the next generation for a career in STEM-based fields, including mobility, Toyota launched its virtual education hub at with an immersive experience and chance to virtually visit many of our U.S. manufacturing facilities. The hub also includes a series of free STEM-based lessons and curriculum through Toyota USA Foundation partners, virtual field trips and more.  

Through its Driving Possibilities initiative, the Toyota USA Foundation has committed to creating innovative educational programs within, and in partnership with, historically underserved communities near the company's U.S. operating sites.  

For more information about Toyota,  

Media Contacts: 
Tiffannie Hedin 

Amanda Roark  


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SOURCE Toyota Motor North America


How much is Toyota investing in Northeast Mississippi schools through the Driving Possibilities initiative?

Toyota is investing up to $5.8 million over five years in Lee County and Pontotoc City Schools in Northeast Mississippi through the Driving Possibilities initiative.

What are the main focus areas of Toyota's investment in Mississippi schools?

The main focus areas are STEM education and English language learning programs, aiming to provide students and teachers with innovative tools and resources.

How many sites has Toyota launched the Driving Possibilities initiative in, and what's the total investment?

Toyota has launched the Driving Possibilities initiative in nine sites across the U.S., with nearly $72 million announced through multi-year grants to date.

What is the goal of Toyota's Driving Possibilities initiative for TM stock?

The initiative aims to create workforce readiness and community engagement, potentially benefiting TM stock by developing future talent and strengthening Toyota's presence in local communities.

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