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Telix Pharmaceuticals announces expansion of its theranostic pipeline with new FAP-targeting assets, focusing initially on bladder cancer treatment. The company has entered exclusive worldwide agreements for clinically validated FAP-targeting therapeutic and diagnostic radiopharmaceutical candidates developed at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. The assets, tested in over 500 patients, feature enhanced tumor retention and reduced off-target uptake. The deal involves €7 million in initial cash payment, €3 million after 12 months, and up to €132 million in milestone payments, plus €20 million in commercial milestones and royalties.
Telix Pharmaceuticals (ASX: TLX; Nasdaq: TLX) announces the commencement of trading of its American Depository Shares (ADSs) on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the ticker symbol 'TLX'. Each ADS represents one fully paid ordinary share, with no new shares issued as part of the listing. The company maintains its primary listing on ASX, with JPMorgan Chase Bank appointed as the depositary, custodian and registrar for the ADS program. Initial trading may be as existing shareholders transition their shares to ADSs.
Telix Pharmaceuticals has partnered with Eckert & Ziegler SE for cyclotron-based production of actinium-225, a key isotope for targeted alpha therapies (TATs). The collaboration combines EZAG's isotope technology with Telix's global manufacturing network to enhance production capacity for both development and commercial purposes. Alpha emitters like actinium-225 can deliver concentrated energy to cancer tissue while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy cells. Telix's TAT pipeline includes several clinical-stage candidates: TLX592 for prostate cancer, TLX252 for CAIX-targeting, TLX101 for brain cancer, and TLX300 for soft tissue sarcoma.