Theralase(R) Releases Latest Research on Inactivation of Herpes Simplex Viruses

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Theralase Technologies (TSXV:TLT)(OTCQB:TLTFF) announced breakthrough research from the University of Manitoba demonstrating that non-light activated Ruvidar™ is more effective than acyclovir in treating Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) post-infection. The research, conducted by Dr. Kevin Coombs, showed that Ruvidar™ inhibited HSV-1 replication at significantly lower concentrations compared to acyclovir, the current gold standard treatment.

The study revealed both additive and synergistic anti-HSV-1 effects when combination therapy was tested. Light-activated Ruvidar™ has previously shown even greater effectiveness in HSV inactivation. With over 90% of the human population infected with HSV, Theralase plans to develop both a vaccine and therapeutic for HSV prevention and treatment, with preclinical development currently underway.

Theralase Technologies (TSXV:TLT)(OTCQB:TLTFF) ha annunciato una ricerca innovativa condotta dall'Università del Manitoba che dimostra che Ruvidar™, non attivato dalla luce, è più efficace dell'acyclovir nel trattamento dell'Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) dopo l'infezione. La ricerca, condotta dal Dr. Kevin Coombs, ha mostrato che Ruvidar™ inibisce la replicazione di HSV-1 a concentrazioni significativamente più basse rispetto all'acyclovir, attualmente il trattamento di riferimento.

Lo studio ha rivelato effetti anti-HSV-1 sia additivi che sinergici quando è stata testata una terapia combinata. La Ruvidar™ attivata dalla luce ha precedentemente mostrato un'efficacia ancora maggiore nell'inattivazione dell'HSV. Con oltre il 90% della popolazione umana infettata da HSV, Theralase prevede di sviluppare sia un vaccino che una terapia per la prevenzione e il trattamento dell'HSV, con lo sviluppo preclinico attualmente in corso.

Theralase Technologies (TSXV:TLT)(OTCQB:TLTFF) anunció una investigación innovadora de la Universidad de Manitoba que demuestra que Ruvidar™, que no se activa con luz, es más efectivo que el aciclovir en el tratamiento del Virus del Herpes Simplex (HSV) después de la infección. La investigación, realizada por el Dr. Kevin Coombs, mostró que Ruvidar™ inhibió la replicación de HSV-1 a concentraciones significativamente más bajas en comparación con el aciclovir, el tratamiento estándar actual.

El estudio reveló efectos anti-HSV-1 tanto aditivos como sinérgicos cuando se probó la terapia combinada. Ruvidar™ activado por luz ha demostrado previamente una efectividad aún mayor en la inactivación del HSV. Con más del 90% de la población humana infectada con HSV, Theralase planea desarrollar tanto una vacuna como una terapia para la prevención y tratamiento del HSV, con el desarrollo preclínico actualmente en curso.

Theralase Technologies (TSXV:TLT)(OTCQB:TLTFF)는 매니토바 대학교의 혁신적인 연구 결과를 발표했으며, 이 연구에서는 비광활성화된 Ruvidar™가 감염 후 단순 포진 바이러스 (HSV) 치료에 있어 아시클로비르보다 더 효과적이라는 것을 보여주었습니다. 케빈 쿰즈 박사가 수행한 이 연구는 Ruvidar™가 아시클로비르, 현재의 표준 치료제에 비해 훨씬 낮은 농도로 HSV-1 복제를 억제하는 것을 보여주었습니다.

연구에서는 병합 요법이 시험될 때 모두 가산적 및 시너지 효과를 가진 anti-HSV-1 효과가 검증되었습니다. 빛에 의해 활성화된 Ruvidar™는 HSV 비활성화에서 더 큰 효과를 보인 바 있습니다. 인류의 90% 이상이 HSV에 감염된 만큼, Theralase는 HSV의 예방 및 치료를 위한 백신과 치료제를 개발할 계획이며, 현재 전임상 개발이 진행 중입니다.

Theralase Technologies (TSXV:TLT)(OTCQB:TLTFF) a annoncé des recherches révolutionnaires de l'Université du Manitoba démontrant que le Ruvidar™ non activé par la lumière est plus efficace que l'acyclovir dans le traitement du virus de l'herpès simplex (HSV) après infection. Les recherches menées par le Dr. Kevin Coombs ont montré que Ruvidar™ inhibait la réplication de HSV-1 à des concentrations significativement plus basses par rapport à l'acyclovir, le traitement actuellement au standard doré.

L'étude a révélé des effets anti-HSV-1 à la fois additifs et synergiques lors des tests de thérapie combinée. Le Ruvidar™ activé par la lumière a précédemment montré une efficacité encore plus grande dans l'inactivation de HSV. Avec plus de 90 % de la population humaine infectée par HSV, Theralase prévoit de développer à la fois un vaccin et une thérapie pour la prévention et le traitement de HSV, le développement préclinique étant actuellement en cours.

Theralase Technologies (TSXV:TLT)(OTCQB:TLTFF) kündigte bahnbrechende Forschung der University of Manitoba an, die zeigt, dass das nicht lichtaktivierte Ruvidar™ bei der Behandlung des Herpes-simplex-Virus (HSV) nach der Infektion effektiver ist als Acyclovir. Die Forschung, die von Dr. Kevin Coombs durchgeführt wurde, zeigte, dass Ruvidar™ die HSV-1-Replikation bei deutlich niedrigeren Konzentrationen im Vergleich zu Acyclovir, dem aktuellen Goldstandard, hemmte.

Die Studie ergab sowohl additive als auch synergistische anti-HSV-1-Effekte, als eine Kombinationstherapie getestet wurde. Lichtaktiviertes Ruvidar™ zeigte zuvor eine noch größere Effektivität bei der Inaktivierung von HSV. Da über 90 % der menschlichen Bevölkerung mit HSV infiziert sind, plant Theralase die Entwicklung sowohl eines Impfstoffs als auch einer Therapie zur Prävention und Behandlung von HSV, wobei die präklinische Entwicklung derzeit im Gange ist.

  • Ruvidar™ demonstrated superior efficacy compared to current gold standard treatment (acyclovir)
  • Product shows effectiveness at lower concentrations than existing treatments
  • Potential for both therapeutic and vaccine applications
  • Preclinical development already in progress
  • Clinical development phase not yet started
  • Timeline for market availability not specified
  • Regulatory approvals still pending

University of Manitoba independent research verifies that RuvidarTM is more effective than acyclovir in the inactivation of Herpes Simplex Viruses post infection.

TORONTO, ON / ACCESS Newswire / February 10, 2025 / Theralase® Technologies Inc. ("Theralase®" or the "Company") (TSXV:TLT)(OTCQB:TLTFF), a clinical stage pharmaceutical company dedicated to the research and development of light, radiation, sound and/or drug-activated small molecules and their formulations, intended for the safe and effective destruction of various cancers, bacteria and viruses, is pleased to announce that independent research conducted at the University of Manitoba has demonstrated that non-light activated RuvidarTM is much more effective in the inactivation of Herpes Simplex Viruses ("HSV") post infection than the gold standard treatment acyclovir.

Infectious agents account for millions of deaths every year1. Currently, the most effective way to protect against infection involve the use of vaccines and anti-microbials. Vaccines are known to be useful, when administered prior to infection; whereas, antibiotics and anti-virals are most useful after infection or before immunity to a vaccine has had time to develop.

The primary disadvantages of vaccines are that knowledge of the agent is required in advance to manufacture an effective vaccine and substantial time is needed to produce relevant vaccines. Furthermore, the developed vaccine may not match the eventual strain that circulates2.

A growing number of anti-viral agents have been developed and some are effective against numerous viruses; however, because viruses replicate and many lack genome proof-reading capabilities, resistance to the anti-viral agent may develop rapidly3,4,5.

HSV are large double-stranded DNA viruses that infect more than 90% of the human population and can establish life-long latency in human hosts.6 Currently, effective FDA approved anti-herpetic drugs include acyclovir and later-generation derivatives (penciclovir, valacyclovir, famciclovir and ganciclovir), which inhibit viral DNA synthesis.

In previous work, Dr. Kevin Coombs, a professor of virology at the University of Manitoba demonstrated that the small molecule, RuvidarTM could inhibit numerous pathogenic human viruses, when added to solutions of viruses, both with and without light-activation. In these latest experiments, Dr. Coombs evaluated the ability of RuvidarTM to restrict HSV-1 replication in Vero cells, both by itself and in combination with acyclovir in the absence of light-activation to mimic deep tissue application.

Light-activated RuvidarTM has been previously demonstrated to be even more effective in the inactivation of HSV versus non-light-activated RuvidarTM.

RuvidarTM successfully inhibited HSV-1 replication at significantly lower concentrations and more effectively than did the gold standard acyclovir alone. Dr. Coombs also discovered additive and synergistic, anti-HSV-1 effects, when combinational therapy was tested.

Figure 1. Effects of RuvidarTM versus acyclovir on HSV-1 yields when added 24 hours post infection ("hpi"). Vero cells were infected with HSV-1 at Multiplicity of infection ("MOI") (the number of virions that are added per cell during infection) ~ 1.5, incubated for 24 hours, then treated at 24 hpi with indicated concentrations of drugs for an additional 44 hours. Virus yields were then determined and reductions in virus yields compared to non-treated controls. Error bars represent the Standard Error of Mean from at least three replicates.

Kevin Coombs, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., professor of medical microbiology and infectious diseases at the Max Rady College of Medicine, University of Manitoba (retired) stated, "I have been very impressed in the numerous experiments I have conducted with the ability of both light-activated and non-light-activated RuvidarTM to inactivate numerous viruses. In my latest research, RuvidarTM has been more effective than the gold standard acyclovir in the inactivation of HSV, post infection. Since the majority of the world population is currently infected with one form or another of HSV, RuvidarTM could be game changing as a therapeutic in the treatment of HSV lesions."

Arkady Mandel, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., Chief Scientific Officer, Theralase® stated, "Kevin's work has been instrumental in helping to uncover the efficacy of RuvidarTM in the inactivation of numerous enveloped and non-enveloped viruses. This work will lay the groundwork for both vaccines and therapeutics in the inactivation of viruses that could be used as a platform to prevent and treat the next global pandemic."

Roger DuMoulin-White, B.Sc., P.Eng, Pro.Dir., President and Chief Executive Officer, Theralase® stated, "Based on Kevin's ground-breaking work, Theralase® plans to develop a vaccine and therapeutic for the prevention and treatment of HSV. Preclinical development is currently underway, with clinical development to commence thereafter."

1 themes/mortality-and-global-health-estimates/ghe-leading-causes-of-death

2 Chan, M.C.W., Wang, M.H., Chen, Z.G., Hui, D.S.C., Kwok, A.K., Yeung, A.C.M., Liu, K.M., Yeoh, Y.K., Lee, N., Chan, P.K.S., 2018. Frequent genetic mismatch between vaccine strains and circulating seasonal Influenza viruses, Hong Kong, China, 1996-2012. Emerging Infect. Dis. 24, 1825-1834.

3 Colman, P.M., 2009. New antivirals and drug resistance. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 78, 95-118.

4 Krol, E., Rychowska, M., Szewczyk, B., 2014. Antivirals - current trends in fighting influenza. Acta Biochim. Pol. 61, 495-504.

5 Monto, A.S., McKimm-Breschkin, J.L., Macken, C., Hampson, A.W., Hay, A., Klimov, A., Tashiro, M., Webster, R.G., Aymard, M., Hayden, F.G., Zambon, M., 2006. Detection of influenza viruses resistant to neuraminidase inhibitors in global surveillance during the first 3 years of their use. Antimicrob Agents Ch 50, 2395-2402.

6 Herpesviridae - Wikipedia

About Theralase® Technologies Inc.:

Theralase® is a clinical stage pharmaceutical company dedicated to the research and development of light, radiation, sound and/or drug-activated small molecule compounds, their associated drug formulations and the light systems that activate them, with a primary objective of efficacy and a secondary objective of safety in the destruction of various cancers, bacteria and viruses.

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This news release contains Forward-Looking Statements ("FLS") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Such statements include; but, are not limited to statements regarding the Company's proposed development plans with respect to small molecules and their drug formulations. FLS may be identified by the use of the words "may, "should", "will", "anticipates", "believes", "plans", "expects", "estimate", "potential for" and similar expressions; including, statements related to the current expectations of the Company's management regarding future research, development and commercialization of the Company's small molecules; their drug formulations; preclinical research; clinical studies and regulatory approvals.

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For More Information:

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Kristina Hachey, CPA
Chief Financial Officer X 224

SOURCE: Theralase Technologies, Inc.

View the original press release on ACCESS Newswire


How effective is Ruvidar compared to acyclovir for HSV treatment?

According to University of Manitoba research, Ruvidar™ inhibited HSV-1 replication at significantly lower concentrations and more effectively than acyclovir, the current gold standard treatment.

What are the development stages for TLTFF's Ruvidar HSV treatment?

As of February 2025, Theralase's Ruvidar is in preclinical development stage, with clinical development planned to commence thereafter.

Does Ruvidar work better with or without light activation for HSV?

Light-activated Ruvidar has been demonstrated to be even more effective in HSV inactivation compared to non-light-activated Ruvidar.

What is TLTFF's development plan for Ruvidar in HSV treatment?

Theralase plans to develop both a vaccine and therapeutic treatment for HSV prevention and treatment, with preclinical development currently underway.

What advantages does TLTFF's Ruvidar show in HSV treatment?

Ruvidar shows advantages in both lower concentration requirements and higher effectiveness compared to acyclovir, plus demonstrates additive and synergistic anti-HSV-1 effects in combination therapy.
Theralase Technologies Inc


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