TELUS Digital Experience Launches Fuel EX, an Enterprise-Safe Generative AI Solution for Employee Productivity and Knowledge Search

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TELUS Digital Experience (NYSE and TSX: TIXT) has launched Fuel EX, an enterprise-safe generative AI employee assistant built on their Fuel iX engine. Fuel EX offers access to over 20 large language models from multiple vendors, supporting tasks like knowledge searches, summarization, and code writing. It addresses security concerns by keeping data secure and maintaining proprietary information integrity.

Key features include:

  • Trust: Secure data storage and privacy options
  • Flexibility: Access to diverse AI models and customization
  • Control: Usage monitoring and permission management

Currently used by 35,000 TELUS employees, Fuel EX aims to enhance productivity while ensuring data safety for large-scale enterprises.

TELUS Digital Experience (NYSE e TSX: TIXT) ha lanciato Fuel EX, un assistente generativo AI sicuro per le aziende, basato sul loro motore Fuel iX. Fuel EX offre accesso a oltre 20 modelli di linguaggio di grandi dimensioni da più fornitori, supportando compiti come ricerche di conoscenza, riassunti e scrittura di codice. Affronta le preoccupazioni sulla sicurezza mantenendo i dati protetti e preservando l'integrità delle informazioni proprietarie.

Le caratteristiche principali includono:

  • Affidabilità: Archiviazione sicura dei dati e opzioni di privacy
  • Flessibilità: Accesso a diversi modelli AI e personalizzazione
  • Controllo: Monitoraggio dell'uso e gestione dei permessi

Attualmente utilizzato da 35.000 dipendenti TELUS, Fuel EX mira a migliorare la produttività garantendo al contempo la sicurezza dei dati per grandi imprese.

TELUS Digital Experience (NYSE y TSX: TIXT) ha lanzado Fuel EX, un asistente de empleado generativo de IA seguro para empresas, construido sobre su motor Fuel iX. Fuel EX ofrece acceso a más de 20 modelos de lenguaje de gran tamaño de múltiples proveedores, apoyando tareas como búsquedas de conocimiento, resumidos y escritura de código. Aborda las preocupaciones de seguridad manteniendo los datos seguros y preservando la integridad de la información propietaria.

Las características clave incluyen:

  • Confianza: Almacenamiento seguro de datos y opciones de privacidad
  • Flexibilidad: Acceso a diversos modelos de IA y personalización
  • Control: Monitoreo de usos y gestión de permisos

Actualmente utilizado por 35,000 empleados de TELUS, Fuel EX busca mejorar la productividad mientras asegura la seguridad de los datos para grandes empresas.

TELUS Digital Experience (NYSE 및 TSX: TIXT)가 Fuel EX를 출시했습니다. Fuel iX 엔진을 기반으로 한 기업 안전 생성 AI 직원 보조 도구입니다. Fuel EX는 20개 이상의 대형 언어 모델에 대한 접근을 제공하며, 이는 다양한 공급업체에서 제공됩니다. 이는 지식 검색, 요약 및 코드 작성과 같은 작업을 지원합니다. 데이터의 보안을 유지하고 고유한 정보의 무결성을 관리하여 보안 문제를 해결합니다.

주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 신뢰성: 데이터 안전 저장 및 개인 정보 보호 옵션
  • 유연성: 다양한 AI 모델에 대한 접근 및 맞춤화
  • 제어: 사용 모니터링 및 권한 관리

현재 35,000명의 TELUS 직원이 사용하고 있으며, Fuel EX는 대규모 기업을 위해 데이터 안전성을 보장하면서 생산성을 높이는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

TELUS Digital Experience (NYSE et TSX : TIXT) a lancé Fuel EX, un assistant employé génératif IA sécurisé pour les entreprises, construit sur leur moteur Fuel iX. Fuel EX offre un accès à plus de 20 modèles de langage de grande taille de différents fournisseurs, soutenant des tâches telles que les recherches de connaissances, la résumée et l'écriture de code. Il aborde les préoccupations de sécurité en gardant les données sécurisées et en préservant l'intégrité des informations propriétaires.

Les caractéristiques clés comprennent :

  • Confiance : Stockage sécurisé des données et options de confidentialité
  • Flexibilité : Accès à divers modèles IA et personnalisation
  • Contrôle : Suivi de l'utilisation et gestion des autorisations

Actuellement utilisé par 35 000 employés de TELUS, Fuel EX vise à améliorer la productivité tout en garantissant la sécurité des données pour les grandes entreprises.

TELUS Digital Experience (NYSE und TSX: TIXT) hat Fuel EX eingeführt, einen unternehmenssicheren generativen KI-Mitarbeiterassistenten, der auf ihrer Fuel iX-Engine basiert. Fuel EX bietet Zugang zu über 20 großen Sprachmodellen von mehreren Anbietern und unterstützt Aufgaben wie Wissenssuche, Zusammenfassungen und das Schreiben von Code. Es behandelt Sicherheitsbedenken, indem es die Daten sicher aufbewahrt und die Integrität proprietärer Informationen wahrt.

Wichtige Funktionen umfassen:

  • Vertrauen: Sichere Datenspeicherung und Datenschutzoptionen
  • Flexibilität: Zugang zu verschiedenen KI-Modellen und Anpassungsmöglichkeiten
  • Kontrolle: Nutzungsüberwachung und Berechtigungsmanagement

Derzeit wird Fuel EX von 35.000 TELUS-Mitarbeitern genutzt und zielt darauf ab, die Produktivität zu erhöhen und gleichzeitig die Datensicherheit für große Unternehmen zu gewährleisten.

  • Launch of Fuel EX, an enterprise-safe generative AI solution for employee productivity
  • Access to over 20 large language models from multiple vendors
  • Already in operation at scale within TELUS, used by 35,000 employees
  • Addresses security concerns by keeping sensitive data secure
  • Offers flexibility in choosing and customizing AI models
  • Provides administrative control for usage monitoring and permission management
  • None.

TELUS Digital's launch of Fuel EX marks a significant step in enterprise-grade generative AI solutions. As a tech expert, I see several noteworthy aspects:

  • Multi-model flexibility: Fuel EX's ability to leverage over 20 large language models (LLMs) from various vendors is a game-changer. This flexibility allows businesses to adapt quickly to evolving AI technologies without vendor lock-in.
  • Enterprise-safe design: With 78% of AI users bringing their own tools to work, Fuel EX addresses a critical security concern. Its enterprise-safe approach, backed by ISO Privacy by Design certification, sets a new standard for data protection in AI applications.
  • Scalability and real-world testing: The fact that 35,000 TELUS employees are already using Fuel EX demonstrates its scalability and effectiveness in a large enterprise setting.

However, the true test will be in its wider adoption and ability to consistently deliver on its promises of security and flexibility. The AI landscape is rapidly evolving and Fuel EX will need to keep pace with emerging models and user needs to maintain its competitive edge.

From a market perspective, Fuel EX enters a rapidly growing space with significant potential. Key observations include:

  • Market timing: With 75% of global knowledge workers using AI for work, Fuel EX is well-positioned to capitalize on this trend.
  • Competitive differentiation: The multi-LLM approach and enterprise-safe features provide a unique selling proposition in a crowded market.
  • Potential market size: Given the broad applicability across industries and the growing adoption of AI in the workplace, the addressable market for Fuel EX is substantial.

However, challenges remain. The GenAI market is highly competitive, with tech giants and startups alike vying for market share. TELUS Digital will need to leverage its enterprise experience and security credentials to stand out. Additionally, the success of Fuel EX will likely depend on its ability to demonstrate tangible productivity gains and ROI for enterprises, beyond the initial hype of AI adoption.

The rebranding of TELUS International to TELUS Digital Experience could also impact market perception and adoption of Fuel EX. This transition will need to be managed carefully to maintain brand equity and customer trust.

From a financial perspective, the launch of Fuel EX presents several interesting implications for TELUS Digital (TIXT):

  • Revenue diversification: Fuel EX represents a new revenue stream in the high-growth AI market, potentially reducing reliance on traditional telecom services.
  • High-margin potential: As a software product, Fuel EX likely carries higher margins compared to hardware-dependent telecom services, which could positively impact profitability.
  • Scalability: The software-based nature of Fuel EX allows for rapid scaling with minimal incremental costs, potentially driving significant revenue growth if adoption is strong.

However, investors should consider several factors:

  • R&D costs: Maintaining competitiveness in the fast-evolving AI space will require ongoing investment, potentially impacting short-term profitability.
  • Competition: The AI market is highly competitive, with well-funded tech giants as potential rivals. This could pressure pricing and market share.
  • Regulatory risks: As AI regulation evolves, compliance costs and potential restrictions could impact growth and profitability.

While specific financial projections aren't provided, the market opportunity and TELUS's enterprise relationships suggest potential for meaningful contribution to revenue and earnings. Investors should monitor adoption rates, customer retention and the competitive landscape in upcoming earnings calls to gauge Fuel EX's impact on TELUS Digital's financial performance.

Fuel EX stands out as a pioneering employee AI assistant, enabling businesses to harness the power of multiple GenAI models for everyday tasks while keeping sensitive information secure

VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- TELUS International, rebranding to TELUS Digital Experience (TELUS Digital) later in the third quarter (NYSE and TSX: TIXT), has launched Fuel EX, an enterprise-safe generative AI (GenAI) employee assistant to support productivity, creativity and research. Fuel EX is the first public launch of an application built on TELUS Digital’s enterprise-grade GenAI engine, Fuel iX, and is currently in operation at scale within TELUS, where 35,000 employees are actively using the software and seeing improved productivity. Fuel EX gives companies a single point of entry for their employees to access an intuitive and enterprise-safe GenAI interface where they can select from more than 20 large language models (LLM) from multiple vendors to help them with everyday tasks including knowledge searches, summarization, copywriting, image generation and code writing.

“Enterprises today are broadly adopting generative AI to drive productivity gains. However, they also need to remain agile and not risk lock-in with a single vendor or cloud that may fall behind in the rapidly evolving technology cycles. The ability to easily switch between LLMs and cloud providers in order to keep pace with market trends, business needs and innovation cycles is crucial,” said Ritu Jyoti, Group Vice President and General Manager, IDC Worldwide Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Data and Analytics Research Practice. “Fuel iX addresses the critical need for a flexible GenAI engine that enables seamless switching between a variety of LLMs and clouds while also providing standardization and control. Built on Fuel iX’s multi-LLM engine, Fuel EX provides an intuitive, scalable and enterprise-safe general-purpose employee productivity assistant that helps derisk GenAI adoption.”

The 2024 Work Trend Index Annual Report from Microsoft and LinkedIn reveals that three out of four global knowledge workers are using AI for work, and of those users, 78% are bringing their own AI tools to work. This creates a major security concern for companies, increasing the risk that employees inadvertently release sensitive and proprietary information and data to the public. Fuel EX enables employees to trust that all data inputted and produced will be kept secure, maintaining the integrity of sensitive and proprietary company information.

“Fuel EX brings the promise of GenAI-driven productivity and creativity to large-scale enterprises, while providing industry-leading privacy and security features that business leaders can trust to keep their customers’, employees’ and company’s data safe,” said Bret Kinsella, General Manager, Fuel iX. “GenAI inherently introduces unpredictability, a concern that understandably concerns business leaders. They need to know their GenAI applications are reliable and their data is protected. Data privacy is paramount to us, and Fuel EX is developed on the same platform deployed at TELUS that received the world’s first ISO Privacy by Design certification for a GenAI application. Our commitment to responsible, ethical AI and enterprise-safe data privacy means enterprises can deploy Fuel EX with the confidence that their proprietary data and employee work is secure.”

Fuel EX offers enterprises, administrators and employees unique benefits across three distinct pillars:


  • Administrators can choose different data privacy options offered by select large language models and cloud providers.
  • All employees can review their chat histories, which are securely stored in an encrypted format.
  • While the solution is designed for global use, Fuel EX provides an option that offers AI inference and data storage that does not leave Canadian borders.


  • Enterprises have access to a diverse range of large language models (LLM) and multimodal AI foundation models to ensure their employees can find the models that best suit their needs and are never limited by outdated technology.
  • Administrators have the option to use model keys provided by Fuel EX or their own keys for additional inference control.
  • A wide range of employees, including developers and IT support staff, have the flexibility to choose their preferred models and adjust model settings to tailor their tools for maximum productivity.


  • Enterprises will be able to monitor model usage, set usage restrictions and manage user permissions from a single control plane.
  • Administrators have the ability to modify AI model access at any time, which includes the capability to add or remove access to custom, open-source, or proprietary models.
  • The Fuel EX user interface currently supports English and French (Canadian); however, many of the LLMs offered by Fuel EX offer multi-language support.

With a robust roadmap for future enhancements, Fuel EX will continue to evolve, adding more GenAI features and administrative tools. For more information on Fuel EX and to sign up as a beta client, please visit:

About TELUS International

TELUS International, rebranding to TELUS Digital Experience (TELUS Digital) later in the third quarter (NYSE & TSX: TIXT), designs, builds and delivers next-generation digital solutions to enhance the customer experience (CX) for global and disruptive brands. The company’s services support the full lifecycle of its clients’ digital transformation journeys, enabling them to more quickly embrace next-generation digital technologies to deliver better business outcomes. TELUS International’s integrated solutions span digital strategy, innovation, consulting and design, IT lifecycle including managed solutions, intelligent automation and end-to-end AI data solutions including computer vision capabilities, as well as omnichannel CX and trust and safety solutions including content moderation. Fueling all stages of company growth, TELUS International partners with brands across strategic industry verticals, including tech and games, communications and media, ecommerce and fintech, banking, financial services and insurance, healthcare, and others.

TELUS International’s unique caring culture promotes diversity and inclusivity through its policies, team member resource groups and workshops, and equal employment opportunity hiring practices across the regions where it operates. Since 2007, the company has positively impacted the lives of more than 1.2 million citizens around the world, building stronger communities and helping those in need through large-scale volunteer events and charitable giving. Five TELUS International Community Boards have provided $5.6 million in funding to grassroots charitable organizations since 2011. Learn more at:

TELUS International Investor Relations

Olena Lobach

TELUS International Media Relations

Ali Wilson

Source: TELUS International


What is Fuel EX and how does it benefit enterprises using TIXT stock?

Fuel EX is an enterprise-safe generative AI employee assistant launched by TELUS Digital Experience (TIXT). It benefits enterprises by enhancing employee productivity, offering access to multiple AI models, and ensuring data security, potentially improving TIXT's market position and value.

How many TELUS employees are currently using Fuel EX?

According to the press release, 35,000 TELUS employees are actively using Fuel EX and experiencing improved productivity.

What are the three main pillars of benefits offered by Fuel EX for TIXT?

The three main pillars of benefits offered by Fuel EX are Trust (data privacy and security), Flexibility (access to diverse AI models), and Control (usage monitoring and permission management).

When is TELUS International rebranding to TELUS Digital Experience (TIXT)?

According to the press release, TELUS International is rebranding to TELUS Digital Experience later in the third quarter of the current year.

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Software - Infrastructure
United States of America