Millicom (Tigo) completes delisting from Nasdaq Stockholm and SEB informs Millicom of its intent to initiate the sale of shares not withdrawn from SDR program
Millicom (Tigo) has completed its delisting from Nasdaq Stockholm, with the final trading day occurring on March 17, 2025. As of March 24, 2025, SEB, the custodian bank for Swedish Depositary Receipts (SDRs), reported that holders of SDRs representing approximately 5,110,103 underlying common shares had not completed the necessary steps to withdraw their shares.
In accordance with SDR terms and conditions, SEB will initiate the sale of these common shares on behalf of the holders who have not withdrawn their shares. The company has made detailed information about the delisting process available through previous press releases and on their website's dedicated 'Nasdaq Stockholm Delisting & Interim Dividend' section.
Millicom (Tigo) ha completato il suo processo di delisting da Nasdaq Stockholm, con l'ultimo giorno di negoziazione che si è svolto il 17 marzo 2025. A partire dal 24 marzo 2025, SEB, la banca custode per i Certificati di Deposito Svedesi (SDR), ha riportato che i detentori di SDR che rappresentano circa 5.110.103 azioni ordinarie sottostanti non avevano completato i passaggi necessari per ritirare le loro azioni.
In conformità con i termini e le condizioni degli SDR, SEB avvierà la vendita di queste azioni ordinarie per conto dei detentori che non hanno ritirato le loro azioni. L'azienda ha reso disponibili informazioni dettagliate sul processo di delisting attraverso comunicati stampa precedenti e nella sezione dedicata 'Delisting da Nasdaq Stockholm & Dividendo Intermedio' del loro sito web.
Millicom (Tigo) ha completado su proceso de deslistado de Nasdaq Stockholm, con el último día de negociación que tuvo lugar el 17 de marzo de 2025. A partir del 24 de marzo de 2025, SEB, el banco custodio de los Certificados de Depósito Suecos (SDR), informó que los tenedores de SDR que representan aproximadamente 5.110.103 acciones ordinarias subyacentes no habían completado los pasos necesarios para retirar sus acciones.
De acuerdo con los términos y condiciones de los SDR, SEB iniciará la venta de estas acciones ordinarias en nombre de los tenedores que no han retirado sus acciones. La empresa ha puesto a disposición información detallada sobre el proceso de deslistado a través de comunicados de prensa anteriores y en la sección dedicada 'Deslistado de Nasdaq Stockholm & Dividendo Intermedio' de su sitio web.
밀리콤 (Tigo)은 나스닥 스톡홀름에서 상장 폐지를 완료했으며, 마지막 거래일은 2025년 3월 17일이었습니다. 2025년 3월 24일 기준으로 SEB, 스웨덴 예탁증서(SDR)의 수탁은행은 약 5,110,103주의 기초 보통주를 보유한 주주들이 주식을 인출하기 위한 필요한 절차를 완료하지 않았다고 보고했습니다.
SDR의 약관에 따라, SEB는 주식을 인출하지 않은 주주를 대신하여 이 보통주를 판매할 것입니다. 회사는 상장 폐지 과정에 대한 자세한 정보를 이전의 보도 자료와 웹사이트의 '나스닥 스톡홀름 상장 폐지 및 중간 배당금' 섹션을 통해 제공했습니다.
Millicom (Tigo) a complété son processus de radiation de Nasdaq Stockholm, le dernier jour de négociation ayant eu lieu le 17 mars 2025. À partir du 24 mars 2025, SEB, la banque dépositaire pour les Certificats de Dépôt Suédois (SDRs), a rapporté que les détenteurs de SDR représentant environ 5.110.103 actions ordinaires sous-jacentes n'avaient pas complété les étapes nécessaires pour retirer leurs actions.
Conformément aux termes et conditions des SDR, SEB initiera la vente de ces actions ordinaires au nom des détenteurs qui n'ont pas retiré leurs actions. L'entreprise a mis à disposition des informations détaillées sur le processus de radiation par le biais de communiqués de presse précédents et dans la section dédiée 'Radiation de Nasdaq Stockholm & Dividende Intermédiaire' de son site web.
Millicom (Tigo) hat den Delisting-Prozess von Nasdaq Stockholm abgeschlossen, wobei der letzte Handelstag am 17. März 2025 stattfand. Ab dem 24. März 2025 berichtete SEB, die Depotbank für Schwedische Einlagenzertifikate (SDRs), dass Inhaber von SDRs, die ungefähr 5.110.103 zugrunde liegenden Stammaktien repräsentieren, die erforderlichen Schritte zum Abziehen ihrer Aktien nicht abgeschlossen hatten.
In Übereinstimmung mit den Bedingungen der SDR wird SEB den Verkauf dieser Stammaktien im Namen der Inhaber einleiten, die ihre Aktien nicht abgezogen haben. Das Unternehmen hat detaillierte Informationen über den Delisting-Prozess in früheren Pressemitteilungen und im speziellen Abschnitt 'Delisting von Nasdaq Stockholm & Zwischen-Dividende' auf seiner Website bereitgestellt.
- Successful completion of planned delisting process from Nasdaq Stockholm
- Approximately 5.1 million shares remain unconverted, requiring forced liquidation
Millicom (Tigo) completes delisting from Nasdaq Stockholm and SEB informs Millicom of its intent to initiate the sale of shares not withdrawn from SDR program
Luxembourg, March 24, 2025 – Millicom International Cellular S.A. (“Millicom”), has completed the delisting of its Swedish Depositary Receipts (SDRs) from Nasdaq Stockholm, in line with previous communications. The last day of trading was March 17, 2025.
As of March 24, 2025, SEB, the custodian bank for SDRs, informed Millicom that holders of SDRs representing approximately 5,110,103 underlying common shares had not taken all the steps needed to withdraw the shares underlying their SDRs(1). In compliance with the SDR terms and conditions and as previously announced, SEB will soon commence sales of these common shares on behalf of such holders.
Further information on the delisting process is available in Millicom’s previous press releases. Additional information is also available on the “Nasdaq Stockholm Delisting & Interim Dividend” section of Millicom’s webpage:
Note: (1) for clarity, previous press releases and documents used the phrase “conversion of SDRs into Millicom U.S. Shares” to describe the withdrawal of the common shares underlying their SDRs, pursuant to the SDR terms and conditions available at:
For further information, please contact
Press: Sofía Corral, Director Corporate Communications | Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations |
About Millicom
Millicom (NASDAQ U.S.: TIGO) is a leading provider of fixed and mobile telecommunications services in Latin America. Through our TIGO® and Tigo Business® brands, we provide a wide range of digital services and products, including TIGO Money for mobile financial services, TIGO Sports for local entertainment, TIGO ONEtv for pay TV, high-speed data, voice, and business-to-business solutions such as cloud and security. As of December 31, 2024, Millicom, including its Honduras Joint Venture, employed approximately 14,000 people and provided mobile and fiber-cable services through its digital highways to more than 46 million customers, with a fiber-cable footprint over 14 million homes passed. Founded in 1990, Millicom International Cellular S.A. is headquartered in Luxembourg.