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THOR Financial Technologies has launched the THOR Index Rotation ETF (NYSE Arca: THIR), a new fund designed to provide targeted exposure to U.S. large-cap equities while dynamically managing volatility. THIR aims to replicate the performance of the THOR SDQ Rotation Index, which evaluates trends and volatility in major U.S. stock indexes weekly.
The ETF employs a proprietary risk-on/risk-off strategy that adjusts allocations between the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average, and NASDAQ 100 indexes. During periods of significant market volatility, THIR can defensively raise cash or move entirely into money markets to help investors weather downturns.
THIR is an index-based ETF that seeks to invest at least 80% of its assets in securities within the Index. It rebalances weekly and rotates between growth and value stocks based on programmatic signals, offering automatic exposure adjustment without active management.