The Hanover Enhances Workers' Compensation Claim Services with Expanded Work Safe Program

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The Hanover Insurance Group (NYSE: THG) has expanded its Hanover Work Safe program, enhancing its workers' compensation claim services. The program now offers a personalized approach to worker safety, considering not only physical injuries but also psychological, social, and economic factors that may impact recovery and return to work.

The enhanced program uses data and predictive analytics to gain insights into factors affecting injured workers' treatment. Claims specialists proactively assess various aspects, including stress levels, health beliefs, and relationships, to structure a more holistic claims response. The approach includes administering surveys to both injured employees and employers at the time of injury, allowing for earlier identification of potential barriers to recovery.

Hanover Work Safe also provides resources for injury prevention and response planning, covering areas such as organizational safety management, employee training, and risk assessment. These integrated risk management and claims service offerings are available to all Hanover policyholders as part of the program.

Il gruppo assicurativo Hanover (NYSE: THG) ha ampliato il suo programma Hanover Work Safe, migliorando i servizi per le richieste di risarcimento per infortuni sul lavoro. Il programma ora offre un approccio personalizzato alla sicurezza dei lavoratori, considerando non solo le lesioni fisiche, ma anche fattori psicologici, sociali ed economici che possono influenzare il recupero e il ritorno al lavoro.

Il programma potenziato utilizza dati e analisi predittive per ottenere informazioni sui fattori che influenzano il trattamento dei lavoratori infortunati. Gli specialisti dei sinistri valutano proattivamente vari aspetti, tra cui i livelli di stress, le convinzioni sulla salute e le relazioni, per strutturare una risposta ai sinistri più olistica. L'approccio include l'amministrazione di questionari sia ai dipendenti infortunati che ai datori di lavoro al momento del infortunio, consentendo un'individuazione precoce dei potenziali ostacoli al recupero.

Hanover Work Safe offre anche risorse per la prevenzione degli infortuni e la pianificazione delle risposte, coprendo aree come la gestione della sicurezza organizzativa, la formazione dei dipendenti e la valutazione dei rischi. Questi servizi integrati di gestione del rischio e di gestione dei sinistri sono disponibili per tutti i titolari di polizze Hanover come parte del programma.

El Grupo de Seguros Hanover (NYSE: THG) ha ampliado su programa Hanover Work Safe, mejorando sus servicios de reclamaciones por accidentes laborales. El programa ahora ofrece un enfoque personalizado para la seguridad laboral, considerando no solo lesiones físicas, sino también factores psicológicos, sociales y económicos que pueden influir en la recuperación y el regreso al trabajo.

El programa mejorado utiliza datos y análisis predictivos para obtener información sobre los factores que afectan el tratamiento de los trabajadores lesionados. Los especialistas en reclamaciones evalúan proactivamente varios aspectos, incluidos los niveles de estrés, las creencias sobre la salud y las relaciones, para estructurar una respuesta a reclamaciones más holística. El enfoque incluye la administración de encuestas tanto a los empleados lesionados como a los empleadores en el momento de la lesión, lo que permite identificar de manera más temprana las posibles barreras para la recuperación.

Hanover Work Safe también proporciona recursos para la prevención de lesiones y la planificación de respuestas, abarcando áreas como la gestión de la seguridad organizacional, la capacitación de empleados y la evaluación de riesgos. Estas ofertas integradas de gestión de riesgos y servicios de reclamación están disponibles para todos los titulares de pólizas de Hanover como parte del programa.

하노버 보험 그룹(NYSE: THG)은 하노버 워크 세이프 프로그램확장하여 근로자 보상 청구 서비스를 강화했습니다. 이 프로그램은 이제 근로자의 안전을 위한 개인화된 접근 방식을 제공하며, 신체적 부상뿐만 아니라 회복과 직장 복귀에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 심리적, 사회적, 경제적 요인도 고려합니다.

강화된 프로그램은 데이터 및 예측 분석을 사용하여 부상당한 근로자의 치료에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 통찰을 얻습니다. 청구 전문가는 스트레스 수준, 건강 신념 및 관계 등 다양한 측면을 사전에 평가하여 더 포괄적인 청구 응답을 구성합니다. 이 접근 방식은 부상당한 직원과 고용주에게 설문지를 배포하는 것을 포함하여, 부상 발생 시 회복에 대한 잠재적 장벽을 조기에 식별할 수 있도록 합니다.

하노버 워크 세이프는 부상 예방 및 대응 계획을 위한 리소스도 제공하며, 조직 안전 관리, 직원 교육 및 위험 평가와 같은 분야를 포괄합니다. 이 통합된 위험 관리 및 청구 서비스는 모든 하노버 보험 가입자에게 프로그램의 일환으로 제공됩니다.

Le groupe d'assurances Hanover (NYSE: THG) a élargi son programme Hanover Work Safe, améliorant ainsi ses services de réclamations pour accidents du travail. Le programme propose désormais une approche personnalisée de la sécurité au travail, prenant en compte non seulement les blessures physiques, mais aussi les facteurs psychologiques, sociaux et économiques pouvant influencer la récupération et le retour au travail.

Le programme amélioré utilise données et analyses prédictives pour obtenir des aperçus sur les facteurs affectant le traitement des travailleurs blessés. Les spécialistes des réclamations évaluent de manière proactive divers aspects, y compris les niveaux de stress, les croyances en matière de santé et les relations, afin de structurer une réponse aux réclamations plus holistique. L'approche inclut l'administration de questionnaires aux employés blessés et aux employeurs au moment de la blessure, permettant ainsi une identification précoce des barrières potentielles à la récupération.

Hanover Work Safe offre également des ressources pour la prévention des blessures et la planification des réponses, couvrant des domaines tels que la gestion de la sécurité organisationnelle, la formation des employés et l'évaluation des risques. Ces offres intégrées de gestion des risques et de service de réclamation sont disponibles pour tous les assurés Hanover dans le cadre du programme.

Die Hanover Insurance Group (NYSE: THG) hat ihr Hanover Work Safe-Programm erweitert und damit ihre Schadenmeldungsdienste für Arbeitsunfälle verbessert. Das Programm bietet nun einen personalisierten Ansatz für die Sicherheit der Arbeitnehmer, der nicht nur körperliche Verletzungen, sondern auch psychologische, soziale und wirtschaftliche Faktoren berücksichtigt, die die Genesung und Rückkehr zur Arbeit beeinflussen können.

Das verbesserte Programm verwendet Daten und prädiktive Analysen, um Einblicke in die Faktoren zu gewinnen, die die Behandlung verletzter Arbeitnehmer beeinflussen. Schadenexperten bewerten proaktiv verschiedene Aspekte, einschließlich Stresslevel, Gesundheitsüberzeugungen und Beziehungen, um eine ganzheitlichere Schadensreaktion zu strukturieren. Der Ansatz umfasst die Durchführung von Umfragen sowohl bei verletzten Mitarbeitern als auch bei Arbeitgebern zum Zeitpunkt der Verletzung, was eine frühere Identifizierung potenzieller Hürden für die Genesung ermöglicht.

Hanover Work Safe bietet auch Ressourcen für Unfallprävention und Notfallplanung, die Bereiche wie Sicherheitsmanagement in Organisationen, Schulungen für Mitarbeiter und Risikobewertung abdecken. Diese integrierten Angebote zur Risikomanagement und Schadenregulierung stehen allen Versicherungspoliceninhabern von Hanover im Rahmen des Programms zur Verfügung.

  • Expansion of Hanover Work Safe program enhances workers' compensation claim services
  • Personalized approach to worker safety considering multiple factors beyond physical injuries
  • Use of data and predictive analytics for better understanding of injured workers' needs
  • Early identification of potential barriers to recovery through surveys
  • Provision of comprehensive resources for injury prevention and response planning
  • None.

The Hanover's expansion of its Work Safe program represents a significant shift in workers' compensation claim management. By incorporating psychosocial factors into their assessment, they're addressing a important gap in traditional approaches. This holistic strategy could lead to faster recovery times and reduced claim costs, potentially improving The Hanover's loss ratios in this line of business.

The use of predictive analytics and data-driven models is particularly noteworthy. This approach allows for more accurate risk assessment and personalized claim management, which could result in competitive advantage and improved customer retention. However, the success of this program will largely depend on the accuracy of their predictive models and the effectiveness of their interventions based on these insights.

The Hanover's enhanced Work Safe program aligns with current best practices in occupational health. By considering biopsychosocial factors, they're acknowledging the complex nature of work-related injuries and their recovery process. This approach could lead to more effective treatment plans and better outcomes for injured workers.

The inclusion of surveys for both employees and employers is a smart move. It allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the workplace dynamics and potential barriers to recovery. However, the effectiveness of this approach will depend on the quality of the surveys and the ability of claims specialists to interpret and act on the results. If executed well, this could significantly reduce disability duration and improve return-to-work rates.

WORCESTER, Mass., Aug. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. (NYSE: THG) today announced the expansion of Hanover Work Safe, a portfolio of value-added services designed to deliver a personalized approach to worker safety.  As part of the company's distinctive workers' compensation offering, The Hanover offers claims specialists who proactively gain insights into factors that may impact the treatment of an injured worker beyond physical recovery and help structure a more holistic and individual claims response.

The enhanced workers' compensation claims program leverages data and predictive analytics to help better understand the person as a whole and how The Hanover can best support recovery. It considers not only the physical impacts of the biological injury that occurs on the job, but also looks closely at psychological, social and economic factors that potentially creates barriers to recovery and return to work including stress levels, health beliefs and literacy, family relationships, employer and employee relationships, and social support.

"The Hanover's enhanced claims approach, which includes administering surveys to both injured employees and employers at the time of injury, sets us apart from other providers as we are able to identify all factors that may impact a claim earlier in the process," said Carmen Sharp, senior vice president of claims at The Hanover. "By considering not only physical injuries but also psychological, social, and economic factors, we take a unique and individualized approach to workers' compensation claims. Our data-driven model helps us better understand the injured individual, ensuring we can effectively support their specific recovery needs."

In addition to claims advocacy, Hanover Work Safe offers a wealth of resources to help prevent worker injury and proactively develop a response plan if an injury occurs. Information includes organizational safety management, employee selection and training, risk assessment and control, injury management, and continuous learning and improvement.  Hanover policyholders have full access to these integrated risk management and claims service offerings as part of the program.

For more information about The Hanover's workers' compensation offering, please visit Hanover Work Safe.

About The Hanover

The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. is the holding company for several property and casualty insurance companies, which together constitute one of the largest insurance businesses in the United States. The company provides exceptional insurance solutions through a select group of independent agents and brokers. Together with its agent partners, The Hanover offers standard and specialized insurance protection for small and mid-sized businesses, as well as for homes, automobiles, and other personal items. For more information, please visit


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SOURCE The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc.


What is the Hanover Work Safe program?

Hanover Work Safe is a portfolio of value-added services offered by The Hanover Insurance Group (THG) designed to deliver a personalized approach to worker safety as part of their workers' compensation offering.

How does The Hanover's enhanced workers' compensation claims program work?

The program uses data and predictive analytics to gain insights into factors affecting injured workers' treatment. It considers physical, psychological, social, and economic factors, and administers surveys to both injured employees and employers at the time of injury for early identification of potential recovery barriers.

What resources does Hanover Work Safe offer for injury prevention?

Hanover Work Safe provides resources for organizational safety management, employee selection and training, risk assessment and control, injury management, and continuous learning and improvement to help prevent worker injury and develop response plans.

When did The Hanover Insurance Group announce the expansion of Hanover Work Safe?

The Hanover Insurance Group (NYSE: THG) announced the expansion of Hanover Work Safe on August 15, 2024.

The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc.


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