The Hanover and its Employees Contribute Over $1.5 Million to Nonprofits Across the Country
The Hanover Insurance Group (NYSE: THG) and its employees have raised over $1.5 million through their annual giving campaign to support nonprofit organizations nationwide. The 2024 campaign saw an 84% participation rate from company employees, with donations benefiting nearly 1,900 nonprofits across the country. The contributions, which include matching funds from the company's charitable foundation, will support organizations including United Way, Feeding America, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, American Red Cross, and Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation. The company has maintained this annual employee giving campaign tradition for more than 70 years.
Il Hanover Insurance Group (NYSE: THG) e i suoi dipendenti hanno raccolto oltre $1,5 milioni attraverso la loro campagna annuale di donazioni per supportare organizzazioni nonprofit in tutto il paese. La campagna del 2024 ha registrato un 84% di partecipazione da parte dei dipendenti dell'azienda, con donazioni che hanno beneficiato quasi 1.900 nonprofit a livello nazionale. I contributi, che includono fondi di pari della fondazione caritatevole dell'azienda, supporteranno organizzazioni come United Way, Feeding America, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Croce Rossa Americana e Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation. L'azienda ha mantenuto questa tradizione di campagna annuale di donazioni da oltre 70 anni.
El Hanover Insurance Group (NYSE: THG) y sus empleados han recaudado más de $1.5 millones a través de su campaña anual de donaciones para apoyar organizaciones sin fines de lucro en todo el país. La campaña de 2024 tuvo una tasa de participación del 84% entre los empleados de la empresa, con donaciones que benefician a casi 1,900 organizaciones sin fines de lucro en todo el país. Las contribuciones, que incluyen fondos de contrapartida de la fundación benéfica de la empresa, apoyarán organizaciones como United Way, Feeding America, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Cruz Roja Americana y Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation. La empresa ha mantenido esta tradición de campaña de donaciones anuales durante más de 70 años.
한노버 보험 그룹 (NYSE: THG)과 그 직원들은 비영리 조직을 지원하기 위해 연간 기부 캠페인을 통해 $1.5 백만 이상을 모금했습니다. 2024년 캠페인에서는 직원들의 84%가 참여하여, 전국적으로 거의 1,900 개의 비영리 단체에 기부를 했습니다. 기부금에는 회사의 자선 재단에서 제공하는 매칭 펀드가 포함되어 있으며, United Way, Feeding America, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, 미국 적십자 및 보험 산업 자선 재단을 지원할 것입니다. 이 회사는 70년 이상 이 연간 직원 기부 캠페인 전통을 유지하고 있습니다.
Le Hanover Insurance Group (NYSE: THG) et ses employés ont récolté plus de 1,5 million de dollars grâce à leur campagne annuelle de dons pour soutenir des organisations à but non lucratif dans tout le pays. La campagne de 2024 a enregistré un taux de participation de 84% de la part des employés de l'entreprise, avec des dons bénéficiant à près de 1 900 organisations à but non lucratif à travers le pays. Les contributions, qui comprennent des fonds de contrepartie de la fondation caritative de l'entreprise, soutiendront des organisations telles que United Way, Feeding America, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, la Croix-Rouge américaine et l'Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation. L'entreprise maintient cette tradition de campagne de dons annuelle depuis plus de 70 ans.
Die Hanover Insurance Group (NYSE: THG) und ihre Mitarbeiter haben über 1,5 Millionen Dollar durch ihre jährliche Spendenkampagne gesammelt, um gemeinnützige Organisationen im ganzen Land zu unterstützen. Die Kampagne 2024 verzeichnete eine Teilnahmequote von 84% der Unternehmensmitarbeiter, wobei die Spenden fast 1.900 gemeinnützigen Organisationen im ganzen Land zugutekommen. Die Beiträge, die auch Mittel aus der Wohltätigkeitsstiftung des Unternehmens umfassen, werden Organisationen wie United Way, Feeding America, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, das Amerikanische Rote Kreuz und die Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation unterstützen. Das Unternehmen hat diese Tradition der jährlichen Mitarbeiterspenden seit über 70 Jahren beibehalten.
- None.
- None.
The Hanover has sponsored an annual employee giving campaign for more than 70 years.
"Watching our team come together each year to make a difference is truly inspiring," said John C. Roche, president and chief executive officer at The Hanover. "Giving back is at the heart of what we do. I'm proud of the impact our employees make, both through our business and their community involvement, where they support nonprofits that address many critical issues and help build strong, healthy communities."
"The Hanover Insurance Group and its employees set a powerful example of the true spirit of community and generosity," said Angela F. Williams, president and chief executive officer at United Way Worldwide. "Their remarkable commitment to supporting nonprofits across the country reflects the power of collective action in addressing critical needs and strengthening communities. We at United Way are honored to partner with The Hanover in creating meaningful change."
To learn more about The Hanover's community impact, please visit
The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. is the holding company for several property and casualty insurance companies, which together constitute one of the largest insurance businesses in
Abby C. Ursoleo | Emily P. Trevallion |
508-855-3549 | 508-855-3263 |
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SOURCE The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc.