TG Therapeutics Announces Additional Data Presentations for BRIUMVI® (ublituximab-xiiy) in Multiple Sclerosis at the American Academy of Neurology 2024 Annual Meeting

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TG Therapeutics announces additional data presentations for BRIUMVI® (ublituximab-xiiy) in Multiple Sclerosis at the American Academy of Neurology 2024 Annual Meeting. The company presented two additional data presentations from the ULTIMATE I & II Phase 3 trials, showcasing positive results in patients with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis. The data highlighted the significant reduction in radiological disease activity and improved disability outcomes associated with earlier initiation of Ublituximab treatment. TG Therapeutics remains committed to research and the multiple sclerosis community, with ongoing evaluation of data from the Phase 3 trials and plans to present additional exploratory data throughout the year.
TG Therapeutics annuncia ulteriori presentazioni di dati per BRIUMVI® (ublituximab-xiiy) nella Sclerosi Multipla in occasione del Congresso Annuale 2024 dell'Accademia Americana di Neurologia. L'azienda ha presentato due ulteriori relazioni sui dati provenienti dai trial di Fase 3 ULTIMATE I & II, evidenziando risultati positivi nei pazienti con forme recidivanti di sclerosi multipla. I dati hanno messo in luce una significativa riduzione dell'attività di malattia radiologica e un miglioramento degli esiti di disabilità associati all'inizio precoce del trattamento con Ublituximab. TG Therapeutics rimane impegnata nella ricerca e nella comunità della sclerosi multipla, con la continua valutazione dei dati dei trial di Fase 3 e piani di presentare ulteriori dati esplorativi nel corso dell'anno.
TG Therapeutics anuncia presentaciones adicionales de datos para BRIUMVI® (ublituximab-xiiy) en Esclerosis Múltiple en la Reunión Anual 2024 de la Academia Americana de Neurología. La compañía presentó dos presentaciones de datos adicionales de los ensayos de Fase 3 ULTIMATE I & II, mostrando resultados positivos en pacientes con formas recurrentes de esclerosis múltiple. Los datos destacaron la reducción significativa en la actividad de la enfermedad radiológica y los mejores resultados en la discapacidad asociados con la iniciación temprana del tratamiento con Ublituximab. TG Therapeutics sigue comprometida con la investigación y la comunidad de esclerosis múltiple, con la evaluación continua de los datos de los ensayos de Fase 3 y planes para presentar datos exploratorios adicionales a lo largo del año.
TG Therapeutics는 2024년 미국 신경학 아카데미 연례 회의에서 다발성 경화증에 대한 BRIUMVI®(ublituximab-xiiy)의 추가 데이터 발표를 발표합니다. 회사는 ULTIMATE I & II 3상 시험에서 긍정적인 결과를 보이는 재발성 다발성 경화증 환자들에 대한 추가 데이터 발표 두 건을 제시했습니다. 데이터는 Ublituximab 치료의 조기 시작과 관련된 방사선학적 질병 활동의 중대한 감소와 장애 결과의 개선을 강조했습니다. TG Therapeutics는 3상 시험의 데이터를 지속적으로 평가하고 연중 추가 탐색적 데이터를 발표할 계획을 가지고 다발성 경화증 커뮤니티에 대한 연구에 전념하고 있습니다.
TG Therapeutics annonce des présentations de données supplémentaires pour BRIUMVI® (ublituximab-xiiy) dans la sclérose en plaques lors de la réunion annuelle 2024 de l'Académie américaine de neurologie. La société a présenté deux présentations de données supplémentaires issues des essais de phase 3 ULTIMATE I & II, démontrant des résultats positifs chez les patients atteints de formes récurrentes de sclérose en plaques. Les données ont mis en évidence une réduction significative de l'activité de la maladie radiologique et une amélioration des résultats liés au handicap associés à l'initiation précoce du traitement par Ublituximab. TG Therapeutics reste engagée dans la recherche et la communauté de la sclérose en plaques, avec l'évaluation continue des données des essais de phase 3 et des plans pour présenter des données exploratoires supplémentaires tout au long de l'année.
TG Therapeutics kündigt zusätzliche Datenvorstellungen für BRIUMVI® (ublituximab-xiiy) bei Multipler Sklerose auf der Jahrestagung 2024 der Amerikanischen Akademie für Neurologie an. Das Unternehmen präsentierte zwei zusätzliche Datenvorstellungen aus den ULTIMATE I & II Phase-3-Studien, die positive Ergebnisse bei Patienten mit schubförmiger Multipler Sklerose zeigten. Die Daten hoben die signifikante Reduktion der radiologischen Krankheitsaktivität und die verbesserten Behinderungsergebnisse hervor, die mit einem früheren Beginn der Ublituximab-Behandlung verbunden sind. TG Therapeutics bleibt der Forschung und der Gemeinschaft der Multiplen Sklerose verpflichtet, mit der fortlaufenden Auswertung der Daten aus den Phase-3-Studien und Plänen, im Laufe des Jahres weitere explorative Daten zu präsentieren.
  • None.
  • None.

NEW YORK, April 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- TG Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: TGTX), today announced two additional data presentations from the ULTIMATE I & II Phase 3 trials evaluating BRIUMVI® (ublituximab-xiiy) in patients with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (RMS), at the 2024 American Academy of Neurology (AAN) annual meeting, being held in Denver, Colorado. Links to the data presented yesterday are included below.

Michael S. Weiss, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of TG Therapeutics stated “The data presented this week during the AAN annual meeting emphasizes our commitment to research and the multiple sclerosis community. We look forward to continuing to evaluate date from the ULTIMATE Phase 3 trials and presenting additional exploratory data throughout the year.”

Link to Poster Presentation: Ublituximab Significantly Reduces Radiological Disease Activity at 12 Weeks: Post-hoc analysis of Participants with Highly Active Disease in the ULTIMATE I & II Phase 3 Studies

  • Lead Author: Derrick Robertson, MD - University of South Florida (USF) Morsani College of Medicine in Tampa, Florida

Link to Poster Presentation: Earlier Initiation of Ublituximab Treatment Is Associated with Improved Disability Outcomes Among Treatment Naïve Participants in ULTIMATE I and II

  • Lead Author: Derrick Robertson, MD - University of South Florida (USF) Morsani College of Medicine in Tampa, Florida

All data presented at AAN is also available on the Publications page, located within the Pipeline section, of the Company’s website at

ULTIMATE I & II are two randomized, double-blind, double-dummy, parallel group, active comparator-controlled clinical trials of identical design, in patients with RMS treated for 96 weeks. Patients were randomized to receive either BRIUMVI, given as an IV infusion of 150 mg administered in four hours, 450 mg two weeks after the first infusion administered in one hour, and 450 mg every 24 weeks administered in one hour, with oral placebo administered daily; or teriflunomide, the active comparator, given orally as a 14 mg daily dose with IV placebo administered on the same schedule as BRIUMVI. Both studies enrolled patients who had experienced at least one relapse in the previous year, two relapses in the previous two years, or had the presence of a T1 gadolinium (Gd)-enhancing lesion in the previous year. Patients were also required to have an Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) score from 0 to 5.5 at baseline. The ULTIMATE I & II trials enrolled a total of 1,094 patients with RMS across 10 countries. These trials were led by Lawrence Steinman, MD, Zimmermann Professor of Neurology & Neurological Sciences, and Pediatrics at Stanford University. Additional information on these clinical trials can be found at (NCT03277261; NCT03277248).

ABOUT BRIUMVI® (ublituximab-xiiy) 150 mg/6 mL Injection for IV
BRIUMVI is a novel monoclonal antibody that targets a unique epitope on CD20-expressing B-cells. Targeting CD20 using monoclonal antibodies has proven to be an important therapeutic approach for the management of autoimmune disorders, such as RMS. BRIUMVI is uniquely designed to lack certain sugar molecules normally expressed on the antibody. Removal of these sugar molecules, a process called glycoengineering, allows for efficient B-cell depletion at low doses.

BRIUMVI is indicated for the treatment of adults with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (RMS), to include clinically isolated syndrome, relapsing-remitting disease, and active secondary progressive disease.

A list of authorized specialty distributors can be found at

Contraindications: BRIUMVI is contraindicated in patients with:

  • Active Hepatitis B Virus infection
  • A history of life-threatening infusion reaction to BRIUMVI


Infusion Reactions: BRIUMVI can cause infusion reactions, which can include pyrexia, chills, headache, influenza-like illness, tachycardia, nausea, throat irritation, erythema, and an anaphylactic reaction. In MS clinical trials, the incidence of infusion reactions in BRIUMVI-treated patients who received infusion reaction-limiting premedication prior to each infusion was 48%, with the highest incidence within 24 hours of the first infusion. 0.6% of BRIUMVI-treated patients experienced infusion reactions that were serious, some requiring hospitalization.

Observe treated patients for infusion reactions during the infusion and for at least one hour after the completion of the first two infusions unless infusion reaction and/or hypersensitivity has been observed in association with the current or any prior infusion. Inform patients that infusion reactions can occur up to 24 hours after the infusion. Administer the recommended pre-medication to reduce the frequency and severity of infusion reactions. If life-threatening, stop the infusion immediately, permanently discontinue BRIUMVI, and administer appropriate supportive treatment. Less severe infusion reactions may involve temporarily stopping the infusion, reducing the infusion rate, and/or administering symptomatic treatment.

Infections: Serious, life-threatening or fatal, bacterial and viral infections have been reported in BRIUMVI-treated patients. In MS clinical trials, the overall rate of infections in BRIUMVI-treated patients was 56% compared to 54% in teriflunomide-treated patients. The rate of serious infections was 5% compared to 3% respectively. There were 3 infection-related deaths in BRIUMVI-treated patients. The most common infections in BRIUMVI-treated patients included upper respiratory tract infection (45%) and urinary tract infection (10%). Delay BRIUMVI administration in patients with an active infection until the infection is resolved.

Consider the potential for increased immunosuppressive effects when initiating BRIUMVI after immunosuppressive therapy or initiating an immunosuppressive therapy after BRIUMVI.

Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Reactivation: HBV reactivation occurred in an MS patient treated with BRIUMVI in clinical trials. Fulminant hepatitis, hepatic failure, and death caused by HBV reactivation have occurred in patients treated with anti-CD20 antibodies. Perform HBV screening in all patients before initiation of treatment with BRIUMVI. Do not start treatment with BRIUMVI in patients with active HBV confirmed by positive results for HBsAg and anti-HB tests. For patients who are negative for surface premedantigen [HBsAg] and positive for HB core antibody [HBcAb+] or are carriers of HBV [HBsAg+], consult a liver disease expert before starting and during treatment.

Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML): Although no cases of PML have occurred in BRIUMVI-treated MS patients, JCV infection resulting in PML has been observed in patients treated with other anti-CD20 antibodies and other MS therapies.

If PML is suspected, withhold BRIUMVI and perform an appropriate diagnostic evaluation. Typical symptoms associated with PML are diverse, progress over days to weeks, and include progressive weakness on one side of the body or clumsiness of limbs, disturbance of vision, and changes in thinking, memory, and orientation leading to confusion and personality changes.

MRI findings may be apparent before clinical signs or symptoms; monitoring for signs consistent with PML may be useful. Further investigate suspicious findings to allow for an early diagnosis of PML, if present. Following discontinuation of another MS medication associated with PML, lower PML-related mortality and morbidity have been reported in patients who were initially asymptomatic at diagnosis compared to patients who had characteristic clinical signs and symptoms at diagnosis.

If PML is confirmed, treatment with BRIUMVI should be discontinued.

Vaccinations: Administer all immunizations according to immunization guidelines: for live or live-attenuated vaccines at least 4 weeks and, whenever possible at least 2 weeks prior to initiation of BRIUMVI for non-live vaccines. BRIUMVI may interfere with the effectiveness of non-live vaccines. The safety of immunization with live or live-attenuated vaccines during or following administration of BRIUMVI has not been studied. Vaccination with live virus vaccines is not recommended during treatment and until B-cell repletion.

Vaccination of Infants Born to Mothers Treated with BRIUMVI During Pregnancy: In infants of mothers exposed to BRIUMVI during pregnancy, assess B-cell counts prior to administration of live or live-attenuated vaccines as measured by CD19+ B-cells. Depletion of B-cells in these infants may increase the risks from live or live-attenuated vaccines. Inactivated or non-live vaccines may be administered prior to B-cell recovery. Assessment of vaccine immune responses, including consultation with a qualified specialist, should be considered to determine whether a protective immune response was mounted.

Fetal Risk: Based on data from animal studies, BRIUMVI may cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. Transient peripheral B-cell depletion and lymphocytopenia have been reported in infants born to mothers exposed to other anti-CD20 B-cell depleting antibodies during pregnancy. A pregnancy test is recommended in females of reproductive potential prior to each infusion. Advise females of reproductive potential to use effective contraception during BRIUMVI treatment and for 6 months after the last dose.

Reduction in Immunoglobulins: As expected with any B-cell depleting therapy, decreased immunoglobulin levels were observed. Decrease in immunoglobulin M (IgM) was reported in 0.6% of BRIUMVI-treated patients compared to none of the patients treated with teriflunomide in RMS clinical trials. Monitor the levels of quantitative serum immunoglobulins during treatment, especially in patients with opportunistic or recurrent infections, and after discontinuation of therapy until B-cell repletion. Consider discontinuing BRIUMVI therapy if a patient with low immunoglobulins develops a serious opportunistic infection or recurrent infections, or if prolonged hypogammaglobulinemia requires treatment with intravenous immunoglobulins.

Most Common Adverse Reactions: The most common adverse reactions in RMS trials (incidence of at least 10%) were infusion reactions and upper respiratory tract infections.

Physicians, pharmacists, or other healthcare professionals with questions about BRIUMVI should visit

BRIUMVI Patient Support is a flexible program designed by TG Therapeutics to support U.S. patients through their treatment journey in a way that works best for them. More information about the BRIUMVI Patient Support program can be accessed at

Relapsing multiple sclerosis (RMS) is a chronic demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS) and includes people with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) and people with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) who continue to experience relapses. RRMS is the most common form of multiple sclerosis (MS) and is characterized by episodes of new or worsening signs or symptoms (relapses) followed by periods of recovery. It is estimated that nearly 1 million people are living with MS in the United States and approximately 85% are initially diagnosed with RRMS.1,2 The majority of people who are diagnosed with RRMS will eventually transition to SPMS, in which they experience steadily worsening disability over time. Worldwide, more than 2.3 million people have a diagnosis of MS.1

TG Therapeutics is a fully integrated, commercial stage, biopharmaceutical company focused on the acquisition, development and commercialization of novel treatments for B-cell diseases. In addition to a research pipeline including several investigational medicines, TG has received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for BRIUMVI® (ublituximab-xiiy), for the treatment of adult patients with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (RMS), to include clinically isolated syndrome, relapsing-remitting disease, and active secondary progressive disease, as well as approval by the European Commission (EC) and the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) for BRIUMVI to treat adult patients with RMS who have active disease defined by clinical or imaging features in Europe and the United Kingdom, respectively. For more information, visit, and follow us on X (formerly Twitter) @TGTherapeutics and on LinkedIn.

BRIUMVI® is a registered trademark of TG Therapeutics, Inc.

Cautionary Statement
This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. For those statements, we claim the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

Any forward-looking statements in this press release are based on management's current expectations and beliefs and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and important factors that may cause actual events or results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by any forward-looking statements contained in this press release. In addition to the risk factors identified from time to time in our reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), factors that could cause our actual results to differ materially include the below.

Such forward looking statements include but are not limited to statements regarding the results of the ULTIMATE I & II Phase 3 studies, the ENHANCE Phase 3b study, and BRIUMVI as a treatment for relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (RMS). Additional factors that could cause our actual results to differ materially include the following: the risk that the data from the ULTIMATE I & II or ENHANCE trials that we announce or publish may change, or the product profile of BRIUMVI may be impacted, as more data or additional endpoints are analyzed; the risk that data may emerge from future clinical studies or from adverse event reporting that may affect the safety and tolerability profile and commercial potential of BRIUMVI; the risk that any individual patient’s clinical experience in the post-marketing setting, or the aggregate patient experience in the post-marketing setting, may differ from that demonstrated in controlled clinical trials such as ULTIMATE I and II; the risk that BRIUMVI will not be commercially successful; our ability to expand our commercial infrastructure, and successfully market and sell BRIUMVI in RMS; the Company’s reliance on third parties for manufacturing, distribution and supply, and a range of other support functions for our commercial and clinical products, including BRIUMVI, and the ability of the Company and its manufacturers and suppliers to produce and deliver BRIUMVI to meet the market demand for BRIUMVI; the failure to obtain and maintain requisite regulatory approvals, including the risk that the Company fails to satisfy post-approval regulatory requirements; the uncertainties inherent in research and development; and general political, economic and business conditions, including the risk that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic could have on the safety profile of BRIUMVI and any of our other drug candidates as well as any government control measures associated with COVID-19 that could have an adverse impact on our research and development plans or commercialization efforts. Further discussion about these and other risks and uncertainties can be found in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 and in our other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Any forward-looking statements set forth in this press release speak only as of the date of this press release. We do not undertake to update any of these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that occur after the date hereof. This press release and prior releases are available at The information found on our website is not incorporated by reference into this press release and is included for reference purposes only.


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1. MS Prevalence. National Multiple Sclerosis Society website. Accessed October 26, 2020. 2. Multiple Sclerosis International Federation, 2013 via Datamonitor p. 236.


What additional data presentations were announced by TG Therapeutics at the American Academy of Neurology 2024 Annual Meeting?

TG Therapeutics announced two additional data presentations from the ULTIMATE I & II Phase 3 trials evaluating BRIUMVI® (ublituximab-xiiy) in patients with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis.

What positive results were highlighted in the data presentations at the AAN annual meeting?

The data presentations showcased a significant reduction in radiological disease activity and improved disability outcomes associated with earlier initiation of Ublituximab treatment.

Who is the lead author of the Poster Presentation on Ublituximab Significantly Reducing Radiological Disease Activity at 12 Weeks?

The lead author of this presentation is Derrick Robertson, MD from the University of South Florida (USF) Morsani College of Medicine in Tampa, Florida.

Where can all data presented at AAN be found?

All data presented at AAN is available on the Publications page, located within the Pipeline section, of TG Therapeutics' website at

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