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Totaligent, Inc. (TGNT) Launches New Digital Marketing Platform
BOCA RATON, Fla., Feb. 22, 2023 – Totaligent announces the launch of its new website, www.totaligent.com, in anticipation of its beta launch for person-based digital marketing. This innovative platform aims to enhance marketing efficiency by precisely connecting businesses with their target audiences. The Company plans to launch a public version in Q1 2023, utilizing an Nvidia supercluster for rapid data processing. Interested users can join the beta by emailing beta@totaligent.com.
Totaligent, Inc. (OTCPK: TGNT) has completed testing of its scalable Nvidia clusters and initiated the construction of a super cluster featuring 2.4 Terabytes of GPU RAM and 18 Terabytes of system RAM. This supercomputer positions the company to significantly enhance data processing speed for its person-based digital marketing platform, achieving tasks in about a minute that previously took days. The beta version of this platform is expected to launch this winter, enabling businesses to optimize marketing efficiency and engage effectively with target audiences.
What is the current stock price of TOTALIGENT (TGNT)?