Tectonic Metals Drills New Gold Discovery: 65.5 Metres of 1.2 G/T AU, Including 6.1 Metres of 6.0 G/T AU With 1.5 Metres of 21.7 G/T AU; Drilled Mineralized Strike Now 3KMS and Still Open

Rhea-AI Impact
Rhea-AI Sentiment

Tectonic Metals (TETOF) has announced a significant gold discovery at the Alpha Bowl target of its Flat Gold Project in Alaska, extending the Chicken Mountain gold system's mineralized strike length from 2km to 3km. The discovery includes impressive intersections of 65.5 metres of 1.2 g/t Au, including 6.1 metres of 6.0 g/t Au with 1.5 metres of 21.7 g/t Au.

Located 40km northeast of the Donlin Gold Project, Flat achieved a 100% drill success rate across all 86 holes at Chicken Mountain. The Alpha Bowl target, spanning 1.5km by 0.5km, represents the bedrock source of historic placer gold production of 650,000 ounces from Flat Creek. All five Alpha Bowl drill holes intersected significant gold grades, with mineralization remaining open in all directions.

The project demonstrates potential for heap leach processing, with recent tests showing 91-96% gold recoveries. The mineralization starts at surface with minimal overburden and extends to a vertical depth of 325m, suggesting potential for a large-scale, bulk-tonnage open-pit operation.

Tectonic Metals (TETOF) ha annunciato una significativa scoperta d'oro presso l'obiettivo Alpha Bowl del suo Flat Gold Project in Alaska, estendendo la lunghezza del tratto mineralizzato del sistema aurifero Chicken Mountain da 2 km a 3 km. La scoperta include intersezioni impressionanti di 65,5 metri di 1,2 g/t Au, compresi 6,1 metri di 6,0 g/t Au con 1,5 metri di 21,7 g/t Au.

Situato a 40 km a nord-est del Donlin Gold Project, Flat ha raggiunto un tasso di successo del 100% nei sondaggi su tutti e 86 i fori a Chicken Mountain. L'obiettivo Alpha Bowl, che si estende per 1,5 km per 0,5 km, rappresenta la fonte di roccia madre della storica produzione di oro alluvionale di 650.000 once da Flat Creek. Tutti e cinque i fori di sondaggio Alpha Bowl hanno intersecato gradi significativi di oro, con la mineralizzazione che rimane aperta in tutte le direzioni.

Il progetto dimostra un potenziale per il processamento in heap leach, con test recenti che mostrano recuperi d'oro del 91-96%. La mineralizzazione inizia in superficie con un minimo di sovrastruttura e si estende fino a una profondità verticale di 325 m, suggerendo un potenziale per un'operazione a cielo aperto su larga scala e di grande tonnellaggio.

Tectonic Metals (TETOF) ha anunciado un importante descubrimiento de oro en el objetivo Alpha Bowl de su Flat Gold Project en Alaska, extendiendo la longitud de la veta mineralizada del sistema de oro Chicken Mountain de 2 km a 3 km. El descubrimiento incluye intersecciones impresionantes de 65.5 metros de 1.2 g/t Au, incluyendo 6.1 metros de 6.0 g/t Au con 1.5 metros de 21.7 g/t Au.

Ubicado a 40 km al noreste del Donlin Gold Project, Flat logró una tasa de éxito del 100% en perforaciones en todos los 86 agujeros en Chicken Mountain. El objetivo Alpha Bowl, que abarca 1.5 km por 0.5 km, representa la fuente de roca madre de la histórica producción de oro aluvial de 650,000 onzas de Flat Creek. Los cinco agujeros de perforación de Alpha Bowl intersectaron grados significativos de oro, con la mineralización permaneciendo abierta en todas las direcciones.

El proyecto demuestra potencial para el procesamiento por lixiviación en montón, con pruebas recientes que muestran recuperaciones de oro del 91-96%. La mineralización comienza en la superficie con un mínimo de sobrecarga y se extiende hasta una profundidad vertical de 325 m, sugiriendo potencial para una operación a cielo abierto a gran escala y de gran tonelaje.

Tectonic Metals (TETOF)는 알래스카의 Flat Gold Project의 Alpha Bowl 목표에서 중요한 금 발견을 발표했으며, Chicken Mountain 금 시스템의 광물화된 스트라이크 길이를 2km에서 3km로 확장했습니다. 이 발견에는 65.5미터의 1.2 g/t Au의 인상적인 교차점이 포함되어 있으며, 6.1미터의 6.0 g/t Au와 1.5미터의 21.7 g/t Au가 포함됩니다.

Donlin Gold Project에서 북동쪽으로 40km 떨어진 Flat은 Chicken Mountain에서 86개 모든 구멍에서 100%의 드릴 성공률을 달성했습니다. Alpha Bowl 목표는 1.5km x 0.5km로, Flat Creek에서 650,000온스의 역사적인 플래서 금 생산의 기반암 원천을 나타냅니다. 모든 다섯 개의 Alpha Bowl 드릴 구멍이 중요한 금 등급을 교차했으며, 광물화는 모든 방향에서 열려 있습니다.

이 프로젝트는 힙 리치 가공 가능성을 보여주며, 최근 테스트에서 91-96%의 금 회수율을 보여주었습니다. 광물화는 표면에서 시작하여 최소한의 과부하와 함께 325m의 수직 깊이까지 확장되며, 대규모 대량 오픈 피트 운영의 가능성을 시사합니다.

Tectonic Metals (TETOF) a annoncé une découverte d'or significative sur la cible Alpha Bowl de son projet Flat Gold en Alaska, prolongeant la longueur du filon minéralisé du système aurifère Chicken Mountain de 2 km à 3 km. La découverte comprend des intersections impressionnantes de 65,5 mètres de 1,2 g/t Au, y compris 6,1 mètres de 6,0 g/t Au avec 1,5 mètres de 21,7 g/t Au.

Situé à 40 km au nord-est du Donlin Gold Project, Flat a atteint un taux de réussite de 100% en forage sur l'ensemble des 86 trous à Chicken Mountain. La cible Alpha Bowl, s'étendant sur 1,5 km par 0,5 km, représente la source de roche mère de la production historique d'or alluvial de 650 000 onces de Flat Creek. Tous les cinq trous de forage Alpha Bowl ont intersecté des teneurs en or significatives, la minéralisation restant ouverte dans toutes les directions.

Le projet démontre un potentiel pour le traitement par lixiviation en tas, avec des tests récents montrant des récupérations d'or de 91-96%. La minéralisation commence en surface avec un minimum de couverture et s'étend jusqu'à une profondeur verticale de 325 m, suggérant un potentiel pour une opération à ciel ouvert à grande échelle et à fort tonnage.

Tectonic Metals (TETOF) hat eine bedeutende Goldentdeckung am Alpha Bowl Ziel seines Flat Gold Projects in Alaska bekannt gegeben, wodurch die mineralisierte Strike-Länge des Chicken Mountain Goldsystems von 2 km auf 3 km verlängert wird. Die Entdeckung umfasst beeindruckende Schnittstellen von 65,5 Metern mit 1,2 g/t Au, einschließlich 6,1 Metern mit 6,0 g/t Au und 1,5 Metern mit 21,7 g/t Au.

40 km nordöstlich des Donlin Gold Projects hat Flat eine 100%ige Bohr-Erfolgsquote über alle 86 Löcher am Chicken Mountain erreicht. Das Alpha Bowl Ziel, das sich über 1,5 km x 0,5 km erstreckt, stellt die Gesteinsquelle der historischen Placer-Goldproduktion von 650.000 Unzen aus Flat Creek dar. Alle fünf Alpha Bowl Bohrlöcher schnitten signifikante Goldgehalte, wobei die Mineralisierung in alle Richtungen offen bleibt.

Das Projekt zeigt Potenzial für die Heap-Leach-Verarbeitung, wobei aktuelle Tests 91-96% Goldgehalte zeigen. Die Mineralisierung beginnt an der Oberfläche mit minimalem Überburden und erstreckt sich bis zu einer vertikalen Tiefe von 325 m, was auf das Potenzial für einen großflächigen, volumenstarken Tagebau hinweist.

  • New gold discovery with high-grade intersections (65.5m @ 1.2 g/t Au)
  • 100% drill success rate across 86 holes
  • Excellent heap leach recovery rates of 91-96%
  • Strike length extended to 3km, open for expansion
  • Confirmed bedrock source of 650,000 oz historical placer production
  • True zone widths not yet determined
  • drill depth to date (max 325m vertical)
  • Presence of nuggety gold may complicate resource estimation

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESS Newswire / March 3, 2025 / Tectonic Metals Inc. (TECT:TSX-V)(TETOF:OTCQB)(T15B:FSE) (the "Company" or "Tectonic") today announced a significant newly drilled gold discovery at the 1.5 kilometre ("km") by 0.5 km Alpha Bowl target, extending the confirmed mineralized strike length of the Chicken Mountain gold system from 2 km to 3 km. To date, all 86 holes drilled at Chicken Mountain intersected gold mineralization (a 100% drill success rate) and all mineralization remains open along strike and at depth. The Chicken Mountain intrusion is one of six kilometre-scale potential gold deposits at Tectonic's Flat Gold Project ("Flat"). These latest assay results from the Company's 2024 drill program further validate Flat's potential to be Alaska's next tier-one gold asset.

Strategically located just 40 kilometers north-east of the Donlin Gold Project ("Donlin") - a 39 million ounce gold deposit1 jointly owned by Barrick Gold Corporation (GOLD: NYSE; ABX: TSX) and NOVAGOLD Resources Inc. (NG: TSX; NG: NYSE) - Flat is the next most advanced gold asset in this established tier-one gold district. Notably, Donlin's owners recently announced a USD $43 million exploration budget for 20252, highlighting the continued investment and confidence in the advancement of this gold project and region.

Figure 1.0: Alpha Bowl Discovery Drill Hole Assay Results - Collared and Ending in Strong Gold Mineralization, Including Grades Up To 21.72 G/T Au

Drill Hole ID

From (m)

To (m)

Length (m)

Au (g/t)


entire hole





Alpha Bowl































hole ending with





Assay results reported use the average grade derived from assaying up to five unique 500g sample splits using all available sample material. All widths are interval widths as insufficient data exists currently to determine true zone widths. Select composites utilizing 0.10, 0.30 or 0.50 g/t Au cut-off with maximum 3.1m continuous (two sample) below cut-off inclusion.

Tony Reda, President & CEO of Tectonic Metals, commented: "Alpha Bowl is an exciting new drilled gold discovery and a game-changer for our Flat Gold Project. Tectonic's maiden drilling confirms gold mineralization in every hole, with assays reaching up to 67 g/t Au, underscoring the exceptional tenor of this system. The scale of Alpha Bowl is extraordinary - spanning 1.5 km by 0.5 km and extending the Chicken Mountain gold system's strike length to 3 km and open. What also excites us is that we have now confirmed the bedrock source responsible for the 650,000 ounces of historic placer gold shedding from this area - an extraordinary feat given that this drilling was our first attempt and conducted in a geologically blind environment at relatively shallow depths. If we can delineate such a compelling gold discovery with limited RC drilling, one can only imagine what a deeper, more systematic diamond drill campaign could unveil. We are merely scratching the surface of what could be the most transformative development in the history of the Flat Gold Project."

Peter Kleespies, Vice President Exploration of Tectonic Metals, stated: "The 2024 exploration drill program results continue to demonstrate the scale of the Flat Gold system and potential for uncovering a significant gold resource at the property. The results from the Alpha Bowl drilling are especially encouraging, and evidence of a continuously mineralized intrusion-related gold system extending over 3 kilometres is beginning to emerge. Furthermore, the relationship between low magnetic susceptibility zones and intrusions identified by recent Tectonic 3-D inversion of magnetic data has been validated in areas of no bedrock exposure and presents an excellent exploration vectoring tool for blind to surface discoveries as we continue to explore the extent of mineralization at the six intrusion targets identified at the property. The time has clearly come to expand our efforts at Flat to fully realize the resource potential of the mineralization identified to date but also to continue to make new discoveries as we deepen our geological understanding of the overall Flat gold system."

Tectonic Alpha Bowl Drilling Discovers Bedrock Gold Source Underlying 650,000 Oz of Historic Placer Gold Production3

  • First-Ever Drilling of Alpha Bowl, Host to One of Alaska's Most Prolific Placer Creeks: In over 40 years of sporadic, limited hard rock exploration at the Flat Gold Project, Tectonic is the first company ever to drill the Alpha Bowl target, host to Flat Creek. With over 650,000 ounces of recorded historical placer gold production3, Flat Creek is the most prolific placer gold producing creek at the Flat Gold Project, heralded as the third richest placer mining jurisdiction in all of Alaska with over 1.4 million ounces of recorded placer gold production.

  • High Tenor Gold Successfully Drilled in a Geologically "Blind" Target: all drill holes were collared in or near extensive historic placer and regolith mining areas-zones where gold has eroded from its original lode source and accumulated in weathered soil and rock layers. These areas have undergone significant surface disturbance, leaving little to no available surficial geological information. Despite these challenges, Tectonic successfully intersected gold mineralization in all five Alpha Bowl drill holes by targeting a largely "blind" anomaly. This achievement underscores the strong gold potential of Alpha Bowl and validates the effectiveness of Tectonic's exploration approach.

  • Confirmed Bedrock Gold Source for Flat Creek Placers Located at Alpha Bowl: Tectonic 2024 drill results combined with other geological evidence compiled by Tectonic, confirm that the bedrock gold source for the prolific historic Flat Creek Placers is present and located within intrusive rocks beneath the historical workings in the Alpha Bowl.

  • 2024 Drilling Confirms High-Tenor, Nuggety Gold Linked to Flat Creek's Bedrock Source; see Figure 2.0 Drill Assay Table Below: 2024 Alpha Bowl drilling revealed instances of high gold tenor and coarse gold distribution, closely associated with increased quartz veining. The 2024 drill results are consistent with a 1992 Alaska Department of Natural Resources & United States Geological Survey report4 that described "gaudy gold-quartz veining" observed by historical placer miners in the upper stripping (i.e. surface lode mining) at Flat Creek which is vastly different than the finer, "oatmeal flake-sized" gold found in other Chicken Mountain placer drainages. This further supports the conclusion that Tectonic has identified the bedrock source of Flat Creek's historic placer gold endowment.

Alpha Bowl Drill Highlights

  • 100% Drill Success Rate: all five holes intersected significant gold grades.

  • Comprehensive Sampling Enhances Accuracy of 2024 Drill Assays: Given the coarse gold believed to be present at Alpha Bowl and potentially elsewhere at Chicken Mountain, Tectonic prioritized maximum geological understanding and rigorous QA/QC (Quality Assurance/Quality Control) for many of the 2024 drill holes, and more specifically for the Alpha Bowl discovery hole, CMR24-026. To ensure the most accurate representation of gold distribution, Tectonic elected to assay all available drilled material, particularly in zones where higher-grade assays were returned, conducting Photon Assay of up to five unique 500 gram RC splits. While this approach resulted in a lengthier assay turnaround, it provided the most comprehensive and precise assessment of the mineralization, reinforcing confidence in the target's deposit potential.

  • High-Grade Assay Results Confirm Coarse, Nuggety Gold at Alpha Bowl: Demonstrating the coarse, nuggety gold nature of mineralization at Alpha Bowl, one of five assay RC splits (see Figure 2.0) returned:

    • 65.53m at 2.13 g/t Au, including:

      • 18.29m at 5.93 g/t Au

      • 6.10m at 17.41 g/t Au

      • 1.52m at 67.18 g/t Au

    • Tectonic presents the higher-grade results (65.53m at 2.13 g/t Au, including 18.29m of 5.92 g/t Au) to illustrate the coarse nature the gold at Alpha Bowl. These exceptional grades reinforce Tectonic's confidence in the Alpha Bowl system, suggesting the presence of bonanza-grade zones and a higher gold value per tonne-both critical factors in enhancing the economic potential of a deposit.

Figure 2.0: Alpha Bowl Discovery Drill Hole 2nd Split Assay Results Highlighting Coarse Gold With Grades Up To 67.18 G/T Au+

Drill Hole ID

From (m)

To (m)

Length (m)

Au (g/t)


entire hole





Alpha Bowl































hole ending with





+ Refer to Figure 1 for the reported average grade derived from assaying up to five unique 500g sample splits. Figure 2 represents one of the 5 sample splits and is presented to illustrate the coarse nature of gold distribution at the Alpha Bowl discovery.

The assay results reported above are from a second 500g sample split. All widths are interval widths as insufficient data exists currently to determine true zone widths. Select composites utilizing 0.10, 0.30 or 0.50 g/t Au cut-off with a maximum 3.1m continuous (two sample) below cut-off inclusion.

  • All five holes collared and ended in gold mineralization delineating a 250m x 200m mineralized area down to a maximum vertical depth of 100 m or 128 m drill hole length. Mineralization is open for expansion in all directions.

  • 3 kms of drilled mineralized strike: the southernmost drill hole at Alpha Bowl is over 800m from nearest Chicken Mountain drill collar location (DDH97-02CM), which intersected 4.57 g/t Au over 7.01m With the completion of the 2024 drilling at Alpha Bowl, the total length of mineralized drilled strike at Chicken Mountain is over 3 km and remains open along strike and at depth.

  • Northern extension of Chicken Mountain: all holes intersected intrusive rocks from collar. RC chip microscopic examination and four acid multi-element geochemistry assaying of RC chips indicate that the intrusion intersected at Alpha Bowl is identical to the intrusive phase (quartz-biotite syenite) present at Chicken Mountain and represents the northern extension or "nose" of the Chicken Mountain intrusion, typically a very prospective location for higher-tenor gold mineralization in these types of systems.

  • Multigenerational veining and overprinting can lead to grade enrichment and is consistent with gold mineralization typically found at the nose of the intrusion. Alpha Bowl appears to have an abundance of quartz veining, shearing and structural deformation mineralization coinciding with multigenerational veining and multiple mineralizing events potentially resulting in overprinting and grade enrichment.

  • Low magnetic susceptibility validated as a powerful exploration tool: Drilling at Alpha Bowl specifically targeted a zone of low magnetic susceptibility zone based on the observed relationship between zones of low magnetic susceptibility and favourable intrusions with gold mineralization identified by recent Tectonic 3-D inversion of magnetic data. With the Alpha Bowl discovery, this approach has been validated in areas of no bedrock exposure and is now a validated exploration vectoring tool for identifying areas of gold mineralization, and more specifically, blind to surface discoveries. At Flat, the low magnetic susceptibility zone is over 8 km in length and 2.5 km in width starting beyond the very south end of the Chicken Mountain intrusion, extending through Alpha Bowl and northward into Golden Apex.

  • Alpha Bowl and Chicken Mountain Presentation, including drill plan maps can be found Here

2024 Chicken Mountain Drill Highlights and Key Findings:

  • 12 holes drilled and reported herein along 1100m of strike down to a maximum 152.40m drill hole length.

  • 100% Drill Success Rate Continues: 86 holes drilled to date at Chicken Mountain and all 86 holes intersected gold mineralization

  • Mineralization Remains Open at Depth, Limited Only by Drill Penetration: The depth of mineralization appears to be limited only by drill penetration, as 46 out of 86 drill holes to date have ended in mineralization. The deepest drill hole on record drilled by Tectonic in 2023 extends 428.5m in length to a vertical depth of 325m, indicating the potential for significant mineralization at greater depths yet to be fully tested.

  • Expansive 3 kilometres of Mineralization Validating Bulk Tonnage Open-Pit Mining Opportunity: The drill results reported herein extend the total strike length at Chicken Mountain to 3 km, with mineralization starting at surface with little to no overburden extending to a vertical depth of 325m. Chicken Mountain remains open in all directions, offering significant expansion potential with relatively easy additional drilling, further validating the opportunity for a large-scale, bulk-tonnage open-pit mining operation.

  • Heap Leachable Mineralization: Most holes intersected oxide gold mineralization hosted in leucrocratic quartz monzonite, same host rock used in Tectonic's recent heap leach column tests, which yielded 96% and 91% gold recoveries using coarse ¾ inch crushed material of mixed oxidized and non-oxidized fresh rock.5 Heap leaching is one of many gold extraction methods amenable to the mineralization at Chicken Mountain. The average grade of many heap leach mines throughout the world is 0.51 g/t Au6, and more notably, Kinross Gold Corporation (TSX: K, NYSE: KGC) Fort Knox Mine in Alaska processes 0.30 g/t Au profitably7.

  • Drilling Identifies Higher-Grade Corridors Within Expansive +100m Mineralized Drill Holes, see Figure 3.0 and Figure 4.0 for 0.10 g/t Au vs 1.00 g/t Au gold grade cut-off comparison.

  • Figure 3.0: Chicken Mountain Plan Map and Long Section. Drill collar locations and drill-hole mineralized composites above a 0.10 g/t Au grade cut-off.

Figure 4.0: Chicken Mountain Plan Map and Long Section. Drill collar locations and drill-hole mineralized composites above a 1.00 g/t Au grade cut-off. All gold greater than 1.00 g/t Au denoted by the purple cylinders.

  • Notable intercept from CMR24-020 include:

    • 10.67m at 0.99 g/t Au, 12.19m at 1.07 g/t Au and 39.62m at 0.81 g/t Au contained within a broader 152.40m interval at 0.56 g/t Au, ending in mineralization.

  • Complete Assay Highlights from the 2024 RC Drilling at Chicken Mountain Found Here

The Flat Gold System - Alaska's Next Tier 1 Opportunity

The Flat Gold Project spans 99,800 acres of predominantly Native-owned land belonging to Doyon Limited, one of Alaska's largest Native Regional Corporations, which has invested over $4M in Tectonic Metals, endorsing exploration on their land. Flat hosts bulk-tonnage, intrusion-related gold mineralization, comparable to the Fort Knox gold mine. It is recognized as a prime example of the direct relationship between placer gold and bedrock sources. Placer gold shed from intrusions has led to 1.4 Moz of placer gold production. Notably, the project has achieved a 100% drill success rate to date, with gold intersected in all 86 drill holes at Chicken Mountain.

  1. Donlin 2021 NI 43-101 Technical Report. Tonnage: 541,337kt at 2.24g/t Au. Measured & Indicated: 39,007koz Au. Assuming an average recovery of 89.5% and average 5% grade of 1.07, the marginal gold cut-off grade is 0.47 g/t. Gold price of $1,200/oz is assumed.

  2. Novagold Corporation. (2025). 2025 activities and next steps: Donlin 2025 budget of $43 million. From Fiscal Year End 2024 Report.

  3. Placer production figures from "Mineral Occurrence and Development Potential Report, Locatable and Salable Minerals, Bering Sea-Western Interior Resource Management Plan, BLM Alaska Technical Report 60", prepared by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, November 2010.

  4. Bundtzen, T.K., Miller, M.L., Bull, K.F., and Laird, G.M., 1992, Geology and mineral resources of the Iditarod Mining District, lditarod B-4 and eastern B-5 quadrangles, southwestern Alaska.

  5. Please refer to Tectonic's news release  dated September 19, 2024 for metallurgical testing.

  6. Average Grade of Many Heap Leach Mines Per 3L Capital Thematic Note: Sourvenir, M., & Therrien, S. (2025, January 6). Heap leach and reap: The low-cost solution for low-grade ores, Analyst report, 3L Capital.

  7. Fort Knox Dec. 31, 2022 Annual Mineral and Resource Statement. Proven & Probable Mineral Reserves 1,935koz Au. Mineral Resources are estimated at a cutoff grade of 0.30 g/t Au.

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Tour the Flat Gold Project 

Tectonic invites you to take a virtual tour of our Flat Gold Project with both the CEO of Tectonic and one of Alaska's largest for-profit Native Regional Corporations, Doyon

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Qualified Person 

Tectonic Metals' disclosure of technical or scientific information in this press release has been reviewed, verified and approved by Peter Kleespies, M.Sc., P.Geo., Vice President of Exploration, who is a Qualified Person in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101.

The analytical work for the 2024 Flat drilling program was performed by MSA Labs (MSA) an internationally recognized and accredited analytical services provider, which is independent of Tectonic. All RC chip samples were submitted to MSA's Prince George, British Columbia facility where the entire sample was dried, crushed as required and riffle split into 500 g subsamples for analysis (prep code CRU-CPA). Sample splits were then analysed for gold using PhotonAssayTM (CPA-Au1). A second 500 g split was taken and analyzed for gold using PhotonAssayTM (CPA-Au1) for select holes and up to 3 additional 500 g splits were taken for select samples and analyzed for gold using PhotonAssayTM (CPA-Au1). The assays from each sample for which multiple splits were analyzed were combined for the final reported values.

QA/QC procedures for the drill program included insertion of a certificated reference material every 20 samples and a field duplicate sample (split of the 1.5 m original sample) every 25 samples. All QAQC control samples returned values within acceptable limits

Samples are placed in sealed and security tagged bags and shipped directly to the MSA facility in Prince George, British Columbia. 

On behalf of Tectonic Metals Inc.,

Tony Reda
President and Chief Executive Officer

For further information about Tectonic Metals Inc. or this news release, please visit our website at or contact Jesse Manna, Investor Relations, toll-free at 1.888.685.8558 or by email at

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Certain information in this news release constitutes forward-looking information and statements under applicable securities law. Any statements that are contained in this news release that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are often identified by terms such as "may", "should", "anticipate", "expect", "intend" and similar expressions and include, but are not limited to, the potential for mineralization at Tectonic's projects, any future exploration activities and the size; the receipt of any regulatory approvals, including the final approval of the TSXV.

Forward-looking information is not a guarantee of future performance and is based upon a number of estimates and assumptions of management at the date the statements are made including, among others, assumptions about future prices of gold and other metal prices, currency exchange rates and interest rates, favourable operating conditions, political stability, obtaining governmental and other approvals and financing on time, obtaining required licenses and permits, labour stability, stability in market conditions, availability of equipment, accuracy of any mineral resources, successful resolution of disputes and anticipated costs and expenditures. Many assumptions are based on factors and events that are not within the control of Tectonic, and there is no assurance they will prove to be correct.

Although Tectonic considers these beliefs and assumptions to be reasonable based on information currently available to it, they may prove to be incorrect, and the forward-looking statements in this release are subject to numerous risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause future results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks, including, without limitation: the Company's ability to implement its business strategies; risks associated with mineral exploration and production; risks associated with general economic conditions; adverse industry events; marketing and transportation costs; loss of markets; volatility of commodity prices; inability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources, and/or inability to access sufficient capital on favourable terms; industry and government regulation; changes in legislation, income tax and regulatory matters; competition; currency and interest rate fluctuations; and other risks.

Readers are further cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements as there can be no assurance that the plans, intentions, or expectations upon which they are placed will occur. Such information, although considered reasonable by management at the time of preparation, may prove to be incorrect and actual results may differ materially from those anticipated. Forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. Although Tectonic has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Tectonic does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Service Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

SOURCE: Tectonic Metals Inc.

View the original press release on ACCESS Newswire


What are the key drill results from Tectonic Metals' (TETOF) Alpha Bowl discovery?

The discovery hole intersected 65.5m of 1.2 g/t Au, including 6.1m of 6.0 g/t Au and 1.5m of 21.7 g/t Au, with all five holes hitting significant gold mineralization.

How much historical placer gold production is associated with TETOF's Flat Creek area?

Flat Creek has produced over 650,000 ounces of historical placer gold, making it the most prolific placer gold producing creek at the Flat Gold Project.

What are the gold recovery rates from TETOF's recent heap leach tests at Chicken Mountain?

Recent heap leach column tests yielded 96% and 91% gold recoveries using coarse ¾ inch crushed material of mixed oxidized and non-oxidized fresh rock.

How extensive is the mineralized strike length at TETOF's Chicken Mountain after the Alpha Bowl discovery?

The Alpha Bowl discovery extended the total mineralized strike length at Chicken Mountain to 3 kilometers, remaining open along strike and at depth.

What is the drill success rate at TETOF's Chicken Mountain project to date?

The project has achieved a 100% drill success rate, with all 86 holes drilled at Chicken Mountain intersecting gold mineralization.

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