Tenable Once Again Named One of the Top 20 Cloud Security Companies by CRN
Tenable has been recognized as one of CRN's 2025 Cloud 100 Companies for the second consecutive year, securing a position among the top 20 cloud security companies. The recognition highlights Tenable's commitment to channel partnerships and cloud innovation across five categories: infrastructure, management, security, software, and storage.
Tenable Cloud Security platform addresses cloud risks through its cloud native application protection platform (CNAPP), which focuses on identifying and resolving security gaps caused by misconfigurations, risky entitlements, vulnerabilities, and permissive access. The platform incorporates data security posture management (DSPM) and artificial intelligence security posture management (AI-SPM) features to enhance its exposure management capabilities, specifically targeting emerging threats in cloud data and AI resources.
According to Jeff Brooks, SVP of Global Channels and Business Development, Tenable maintains a complete focus on empowering partners to guide customers through their cloud security journey, emphasizing collaborative efforts in building robust exposure management programs.
Tenable è stata riconosciuta come una delle 100 migliori aziende cloud del 2025 da CRN per il secondo anno consecutivo, ottenendo una posizione tra le prime 20 aziende di sicurezza cloud. Questo riconoscimento evidenzia l'impegno di Tenable nei confronti delle partnership con i canali e dell'innovazione cloud attraverso cinque categorie: infrastruttura, gestione, sicurezza, software e archiviazione.
La piattaforma di sicurezza cloud di Tenable affronta i rischi del cloud attraverso la sua piattaforma di protezione delle applicazioni native del cloud (CNAPP), che si concentra sull'identificazione e la risoluzione delle lacune di sicurezza causate da configurazioni errate, autorizzazioni rischiose, vulnerabilità e accessi eccessivi. La piattaforma incorpora caratteristiche di gestione della postura di sicurezza dei dati (DSPM) e gestione della postura di sicurezza dell'intelligenza artificiale (AI-SPM) per migliorare le sue capacità di gestione dell'esposizione, mirando specificamente alle minacce emergenti nei dati del cloud e nelle risorse AI.
Secondo Jeff Brooks, SVP dei canali globali e dello sviluppo commerciale, Tenable mantiene un completo focus nell'empowerment dei partner per guidare i clienti nel loro percorso di sicurezza cloud, enfatizzando gli sforzi collaborativi nella costruzione di programmi robusti di gestione dell'esposizione.
Tenable ha sido reconocida como una de las 100 mejores empresas de la nube de CRN para 2025 por segundo año consecutivo, asegurando una posición entre las 20 principales empresas de seguridad en la nube. Este reconocimiento destaca el compromiso de Tenable con las asociaciones de canal y la innovación en la nube a través de cinco categorías: infraestructura, gestión, seguridad, software y almacenamiento.
La plataforma de seguridad en la nube de Tenable aborda los riesgos de la nube a través de su plataforma de protección de aplicaciones nativas de la nube (CNAPP), que se centra en identificar y resolver las brechas de seguridad causadas por configuraciones incorrectas, autorizaciones arriesgadas, vulnerabilidades y accesos permisivos. La plataforma incorpora características de gestión de la postura de seguridad de datos (DSPM) y gestión de la postura de seguridad de inteligencia artificial (AI-SPM) para mejorar sus capacidades de gestión de la exposición, enfocándose específicamente en las amenazas emergentes en los datos de la nube y los recursos de IA.
Según Jeff Brooks, SVP de Canales Globales y Desarrollo Empresarial, Tenable mantiene un enfoque integral en empoderar a los socios para guiar a los clientes a través de su viaje de seguridad en la nube, enfatizando los esfuerzos colaborativos en la construcción de programas sólidos de gestión de la exposición.
테네블은 CRN의 2025 클라우드 100 기업 중 하나로 두 번째 연속 선정되어, 상위 20개 클라우드 보안 회사 중 하나로 자리 잡았습니다. 이 인식은 인프라, 관리, 보안, 소프트웨어 및 저장소의 다섯 가지 범주를 통해 채널 파트너십과 클라우드 혁신에 대한 테네블의 노력을 강조합니다.
테네블 클라우드 보안 플랫폼은 클라우드 네이티브 애플리케이션 보호 플랫폼(CNAPP)을 통해 클라우드 위험에 대응하며, 잘못된 구성, 위험한 권한 부여, 취약점 및 지나치게 허용된 접근으로 인한 보안 격차를 식별하고 해결하는 데 중점을 둡니다. 이 플랫폼은 데이터 보안 태세 관리(DSPM) 및 인공지능 보안 태세 관리(AI-SPM) 기능을 통합하여 노출 관리 기능을 강화하고, 특히 클라우드 데이터 및 AI 리소스의 새로운 위협을 목표로 합니다.
글로벌 채널 및 비즈니스 개발 부사장인 제프 브룩스(Jeff Brooks)에 따르면, 테네블은 파트너가 고객의 클라우드 보안 여정을 안내할 수 있도록 권한을 부여하는 데 완전한 초점을 맞추고 있으며, 강력한 노출 관리 프로그램 구축을 위한 협력 노력을 강조하고 있습니다.
Tenable a été reconnue comme l'une des 100 meilleures entreprises de cloud de CRN pour 2025, pour la deuxième année consécutive, se classant parmi les 20 meilleures entreprises de sécurité cloud. Cette reconnaissance met en avant l'engagement de Tenable envers les partenariats canaux et l'innovation cloud dans cinq catégories : infrastructure, gestion, sécurité, logiciel et stockage.
La plateforme de sécurité cloud de Tenable aborde les risques cloud grâce à sa plateforme de protection des applications natives du cloud (CNAPP), qui se concentre sur l'identification et la résolution des lacunes de sécurité causées par des configurations incorrectes, des droits d'accès risqués, des vulnérabilités et un accès excessif. La plateforme intègre des fonctionnalités de gestion de la posture de sécurité des données (DSPM) et de gestion de la posture de sécurité de l'intelligence artificielle (AI-SPM) pour améliorer ses capacités de gestion de l'exposition, en ciblant spécifiquement les menaces émergentes dans les données cloud et les ressources AI.
Selon Jeff Brooks, SVP des canaux mondiaux et du développement commercial, Tenable reste entièrement concentrée sur l'autonomisation des partenaires pour guider les clients tout au long de leur parcours de sécurité dans le cloud, en mettant l'accent sur les efforts collaboratifs pour construire des programmes de gestion de l'exposition robustes.
Tenable wurde zum zweiten Mal in Folge als eines der 100 besten Cloud-Unternehmen von CRN für 2025 ausgezeichnet und sicherte sich einen Platz unter den Top 20 der Cloud-Sicherheitsunternehmen. Diese Auszeichnung hebt Tenables Engagement für Channel-Partnerschaften und Cloud-Innovationen in fünf Kategorien hervor: Infrastruktur, Management, Sicherheit, Software und Speicherung.
Die Tenable Cloud Security-Plattform geht Cloud-Risiken mit ihrer Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) an, die sich darauf konzentriert, Sicherheitslücken zu identifizieren und zu beheben, die durch Fehlkonfigurationen, riskante Berechtigungen, Schwachstellen und zu großzügige Zugriffsrechte entstehen. Die Plattform integriert Funktionen des Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) und des Artificial Intelligence Security Posture Management (AI-SPM), um ihre Fähigkeiten zur Verwaltung der Exposition zu verbessern, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf aufkommenden Bedrohungen in Cloud-Daten und KI-Ressourcen liegt.
Laut Jeff Brooks, SVP für globale Kanäle und Geschäftsentwicklung, konzentriert sich Tenable vollständig darauf, Partner zu befähigen, Kunden auf ihrer Reise zur Cloud-Sicherheit zu begleiten und die gemeinschaftlichen Anstrengungen beim Aufbau robuster Expositionsmanagement-Programme zu betonen.
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Exposure management pioneer continues to innovate and tackle emerging cloud, data and AI threats
COLUMBIA, Md., Jan. 22, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tenable®, the exposure management company, today announced it has been named a CRN 2025 Cloud 100 Company for the second year in a row. This list from CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company, spotlights 100 leading channel-focused cloud companies across five key categories: cloud infrastructure, management, security, software and storage. Tenable is one of the top 20 coolest companies in the cloud security category.
CRN Cloud 100 companies demonstrate dedication to supporting channel partners and advancing innovation in cloud-based products and services. The list is the trusted resource for solution providers exploring cloud technology vendors that are well positioned to help them build cloud portfolios that drive their success.
Tenable Cloud Security, the actionable cloud security platform, reduces cloud risk by:
- Exposing and closing priority security gaps caused by misconfigurations, risky entitlements, vulnerabilities and overly permissive access – in one powerful, fully-featured cloud native application protection platform (CNAPP) that secures the entire cloud stack.
- Employing data security posture management (DSPM) and artificial intelligence security posture management (AI-SPM) features to extend Tenable’s market-leading exposure management capabilities to cloud data and AI resources – two of the biggest emerging cloud threats.
Watch the video for more comments from Tenable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unZOXx_fN-4
More information on Tenable Cloud Security is available at www.tenable.com/products/tenable-cloud-security.
About Tenable
Tenable® is the exposure management company, exposing and closing the cybersecurity gaps that erode business value, reputation and trust. The company’s AI-powered exposure management platform radically unifies security visibility, insight and action across the attack surface, equipping modern organizations to protect against attacks from IT infrastructure to cloud environments to critical infrastructure and everywhere in between. By protecting enterprises from security exposure, Tenable reduces business risk for approximately 44,000 customers around the globe. Learn more at tenable.com.
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