Tenable Cloud Risk Report Sounds the Alarm on Toxic Cloud Exposures Threatening Global Organizations

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Tenable's 2024 Cloud Risk Report reveals alarming security gaps in cloud environments. 38% of organizations face the 'toxic cloud triad' - publicly exposed, critically vulnerable, and highly privileged cloud workloads. This combination significantly increases the risk of cyber attacks, with potential incidents including application disruptions, system takeovers, and DDoS attacks.

Key findings include:

  • 84.2% of organizations have risky access keys to cloud resources
  • 23% of cloud identities have excessive permissions
  • 74% of organizations have publicly exposed storage assets
  • 78% have publicly accessible Kubernetes API servers

The report emphasizes that many security gaps can be easily addressed once identified and exposed. It analyzes data from billions of cloud resources across multiple public cloud repositories from January to June 2024.

Il rapporto sulla sicurezza cloud del 2024 di Tenable rivela preoccupanti lacune nella sicurezza degli ambienti cloud. Il 38% delle organizzazioni affronta il 'triade tossica del cloud' - carichi di lavoro cloud pubblicamente esposti, criticamente vulnerabili e altamente privilegiati. Questa combinazione aumenta significativamente il rischio di attacchi informatici, con potenziali incidenti che includono interruzioni delle applicazioni, assunzioni di sistema e attacchi DDoS.

I principali risultati includono:

  • 84,2% delle organizzazioni ha chiavi di accesso rischiose per le risorse cloud
  • 23% delle identità cloud ha permessi eccessivi
  • 74% delle organizzazioni ha asset di storage pubblicamente esposti
  • 78% ha server API Kubernetes accessibili pubblicamente

Il rapporto sottolinea che molte lacune nella sicurezza possono essere facilmente affrontate una volta identificate ed esposte. Analizza i dati provenienti da miliardi di risorse cloud su più repository cloud pubblici da gennaio a giugno 2024.

El Informe sobre Riesgos en la Nube 2024 de Tenable revela preocupantes brechas de seguridad en los entornos de nube. El 38% de las organizaciones enfrenta la 'triada tóxica de la nube' - cargas de trabajo en la nube expuestas públicamente, críticamente vulnerables y altamente privilegiadas. Esta combinación aumenta significativamente el riesgo de ciberataques, con incidentes potenciales que incluyen interrupciones de aplicaciones, toma de control de sistemas y ataques DDoS.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • 84,2% de las organizaciones tienen claves de acceso arriesgadas a recursos en la nube
  • 23% de las identidades en la nube tienen permisos excesivos
  • 74% de las organizaciones tienen activos de almacenamiento expuestos públicamente
  • 78% tienen servidores API de Kubernetes accesibles públicamente

El informe enfatiza que muchas brechas de seguridad pueden ser fácilmente abordadas una vez que son identificadas y expuestas. Analiza datos de miles de millones de recursos en la nube de múltiples repositorios públicos de nube desde enero hasta junio de 2024.

테너블의 2024 클라우드 위험 보고서는 클라우드 환경에서의 우려스러운 보안 격차를 드러냅니다. 38%의 조직이 '유독한 클라우드 삼중주'에 직면하고 있으며, 이는 공개적으로 노출된 심각하게 취약하고 높은 권한을 가진 클라우드 워크로드입니다. 이 조합은 사이버 공격의 위험을 유의미하게 증가시키며, 잠재적인 사건으로는 애플리케이션 중단, 시스템 탈취 및 DDoS 공격이 포함됩니다.

주요 발견 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 84.2%의 조직이 클라우드 리소스에 대해 위험한 접근 키를 보유하고 있습니다.
  • 23%의 클라우드 아이덴티티가 과도한 권한을 가지고 있습니다.
  • 74%의 조직이 공개적으로 노출된 스토리지 자산을 보유하고 있습니다.
  • 78%가 공개적으로 접근 가능한 쿠버네티스 API 서버를 가지고 있습니다.

보고서는 많은 보안 격차가 식별되고 노출된 후 쉽게 해결될 수 있다고 강조합니다. 2024년 1월부터 6월까지 여러 공개 클라우드 저장소의 수십억 개 클라우드 리소스에서 데이터를 분석합니다.

Le rapport sur les risques liés au cloud 2024 de Tenable révèle des lacunes alarmantes en matière de sécurité dans les environnements cloud. 38% des organisations font face à la 'triade toxique du cloud' - des charges de travail cloud exposées publiquement, critiques vulnérables et hautement privilégiées. Cette combinaison augmente considérablement le risque d'attaques informatiques, avec des incidents potentiels tels que des perturbations d'applications, des prises de contrôle de systèmes et des attaques DDoS.

Les principales conclusions incluent :

  • 84,2% des organisations possèdent des clés d'accès risquées aux ressources cloud
  • 23% des identités cloud ont des autorisations excessives
  • 74% des organisations ont des actifs de stockage exposés publiquement
  • 78% ont des serveurs API Kubernetes accessibles publiquement

Le rapport souligne que de nombreuses lacunes en matière de sécurité peuvent être facilement corrigées une fois identifiées et exposées. Il analyse les données provenant de milliards de ressources cloud à travers plusieurs dépôts cloud publics de janvier à juin 2024.

Der Cloud-Risiko-Bericht 2024 von Tenable enthüllt alarmierende Sicherheitslücken in Cloud-Umgebungen. 38% der Organisationen sind mit der 'giftigen Cloud-Trias' konfrontiert – öffentlich exponierte, kritisch verwundbare und hochprivilegierte Cloud-Workloads. Diese Kombination erhöht erheblich das Risiko von Cyberangriffen, wobei potenzielle Vorfälle Anwendungsunterbrechungen, Systemübernahmen und DDoS-Angriffe umfassen können.

Wichtige Erkenntnisse sind:

  • 84,2% der Organisationen haben riskante Zugangsschlüssel zu Cloud-Ressourcen
  • 23% der Cloud-Identitäten haben übermäßige Berechtigungen
  • 74% der Organisationen haben öffentlich exponierte Speicherressourcen
  • 78% haben öffentlich zugängliche Kubernetes-API-Server

Der Bericht betont, dass viele Sicherheitslücken leicht behoben werden können, sobald sie identifiziert und offengelegt sind. Er analysiert Daten aus Milliarden von Cloud-Ressourcen über mehrere öffentliche Cloud-Repositories von Januar bis Juni 2024.

  • Tenable provides comprehensive analysis of cloud security risks
  • Report offers mitigation guidance for organizations to limit cloud exposures
  • Findings based on extensive data from billions of cloud resources
  • 38% of organizations face high-risk 'toxic cloud triad' in their cloud environments
  • 84.2% of organizations have risky access keys to cloud resources
  • 23% of cloud identities have critical or high severity excessive permissions
  • 74% of organizations have publicly exposed storage assets
  • 78% of organizations have publicly accessible Kubernetes API servers
  • Average cost of a single data breach approaching $5 million in 2024


The Tenable Cloud Risk Report highlights significant vulnerabilities in cloud environments, with 38% of organizations facing the "toxic cloud triad" - a combination of publicly exposed, critically vulnerable and highly privileged workloads. This triad dramatically increases the risk of cyberattacks and data breaches.

Key findings include:

  • 84% of organizations have risky access keys to cloud resources
  • 23% of cloud identities have excessive permissions
  • 74% of organizations have publicly exposed storage
  • 78% have publicly accessible Kubernetes API servers

These vulnerabilities significantly increase the likelihood of data breaches, which now cost an average of $5 million per incident. The report underscores the urgent need for better cloud security practices, including proper configuration management, access control and vulnerability remediation.

This report reveals alarming gaps in cloud security practices across organizations. The persistence of critical vulnerabilities, such as CVE-2024-21626 remaining unremediated in 80% of workloads after 40 days, indicates a systemic problem in vulnerability management.

The high percentage of organizations with publicly exposed storage (74%) and accessible Kubernetes API servers (78%) suggests widespread misconfigurations and poor access control. These exposures significantly increase the attack surface for potential ransomware attacks and data breaches.

For Tenable (TENB), this report could drive increased demand for their exposure management solutions. However, it also highlights the ongoing challenges in the cybersecurity industry, potentially impacting investor confidence in the sector's ability to address rapidly evolving cloud security threats effectively.

38% of organizations have cloud environments with a “toxic cloud triad” of publicly exposed, critically vulnerable and highly privileged workloads

COLUMBIA, Md., Oct. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tenable®, the exposure management company, today released its 2024 Tenable Cloud Risk Report, which examines the critical risks at play in modern cloud environments. Most alarmingly, nearly four in 10 organizations globally are leaving themselves exposed at the highest levels due to the “toxic cloud triad” of publicly exposed, critically vulnerable and highly privileged cloud workloads. Each of these misalignments alone introduces risk to cloud data, but the combination of all three drastically elevates the likelihood of exposure access by cyber attackers.

Security gaps caused by misconfigurations, risky entitlements and vulnerabilities combine to dramatically increase cloud risk. The Tenable Cloud Risk Report provides a deep dive into the most pressing cloud security issues observed in the first half of 2024, highlighting areas such as identities and permissions, workloads, storage resources, vulnerabilities, containers and Kubernetes. It also offers mitigation guidance for organizations seeking ways to limit exposures in the cloud.

Publicly exposed and highly privileged cloud data lead to data leaks. Critical vulnerabilities exacerbate the likelihood of incidents. The report reveals that a staggering 38% of organizations have cloud workloads that meet all three of these toxic cloud triad criteria, representing a perfect storm of exposure for cyber attackers to target. When bad actors exploit these exposures, incidents commonly include application disruptions, full system takeovers, and DDoS attacks that are often associated with ransomware. Scenarios like these could devastate an organization, with the 2024 average cost of a single data breach approaching $5 million.1

Additional key findings from the report include:

  • 84% of organizations have risky access keys to cloud resources: The majority of organizations (84.2%) possess unused or longstanding access keys with critical or high severity excessive permissions, a significant security gap that poses substantial risk.
  • 23% of cloud identities have critical or high severity excessive permissions: Analysis of Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Microsoft Azure reveals that 23% of cloud identities, both human and non-human, have critical or high severity excessive permissions.
  • Critical vulnerabilities persist: Notably, CVE-2024-21626, a severe container escape vulnerability that could lead to the server host compromise, remained unremediated in over 80% of workloads even 40 days after its publishing.
  • 74% of organizations have publicly exposed storage: 74% of organizations have publicly exposed storage assets, including those in which sensitive data resides. This exposure, often due to unnecessary or excessive permissions, has been linked to increased ransomware attacks.
  • 78% of organizations have publicly accessible Kubernetes API servers: Of these, 41% also allow inbound internet access. Additionally, 58% of organizations have cluster-admin role bindings — which means that certain users have unrestricted control over all the Kubernetes environments.

“Our report reveals that an overwhelming number of organizations have access exposures in their cloud workloads of which they may not even be aware,” said Shai Morag, chief product officer, Tenable. “It’s not always about bad actors launching novel attacks. In many instances, misconfigurations and over-privileged access represent the highest risk for cloud data exposures. The good news is, many of these security gaps can be closed easily once they are known and exposed.”

The report reflects findings by the Tenable Cloud Research team based on telemetry from billions of cloud resources across multiple public cloud repositories, analyzed from January 1 through June 30, 2024.

To download the report today, please visit:

1 IBM Security Cost of a Data Breach Report 2024

About Tenable
Tenable® is the exposure management company, exposing and closing the cybersecurity gaps that erode business value, reputation and trust. The company’s AI-powered exposure management platform radically unifies security visibility, insight and action across the attack surface, equipping modern organizations to protect against attacks from IT infrastructure to cloud environments to critical infrastructure and everywhere in between. By protecting enterprises from security exposure, Tenable reduces business risk for more than 44,000 customers around the globe. Learn more at

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What is the 'toxic cloud triad' mentioned in Tenable's 2024 Cloud Risk Report?

The 'toxic cloud triad' refers to the combination of publicly exposed, critically vulnerable, and highly privileged cloud workloads. Tenable's report found that 38% of organizations have cloud environments with this high-risk combination.

What percentage of organizations have risky access keys to cloud resources according to Tenable's report?

According to Tenable's 2024 Cloud Risk Report, 84.2% of organizations possess unused or longstanding access keys with critical or high severity excessive permissions to cloud resources.

How many organizations have publicly exposed storage assets as per Tenable's findings?

Tenable's 2024 Cloud Risk Report reveals that 74% of organizations have publicly exposed storage assets, including those containing sensitive data, which has been linked to increased ransomware attacks.

What is the average cost of a single data breach in 2024 according to Tenable's report?

The report states that the average cost of a single data breach is approaching $5 million in 2024, based on the IBM Security Cost of a Data Breach Report 2024.

What percentage of organizations have publicly accessible Kubernetes API servers according to Tenable (TENB)?

Tenable's 2024 Cloud Risk Report found that 78% of organizations have publicly accessible Kubernetes API servers, with 41% of these also allowing inbound internet access.

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