Leading Analyst Firm Ranks Tenable #1 for Sixth Consecutive Year in Market Share for Device Vulnerability Management

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Tenable, the exposure management company, has been ranked first in worldwide market share for device vulnerability management for the sixth consecutive year, according to the IDC Worldwide Device Vulnerability Management Market Shares report. Tenable attributes its success to its AI-powered exposure management platform, Tenable One, which unifies security visibility across IT, cloud, OT, IoT, web apps, and identity systems.

The IDC report highlights Tenable's use of generative AI through ExposureAI, which provides natural language search queries, attack path summaries, and mitigation guidance. Tenable's latest innovations, Vulnerability Intelligence and Exposure Response, were also noted. The company's strategic efforts to recruit managed security service providers and improve their onboarding experience were emphasized, along with partnerships with MDR providers like Sophos and Coalfire.

Tenable, l'azienda di gestione delle esposizioni, è stata classificata prima per quota di mercato globale nella gestione delle vulnerabilità dei dispositivi per il sesto anno consecutivo, secondo il rapporto IDC sulle quote di mercato della gestione delle vulnerabilità dei dispositivi. Tenable attribuisce il suo successo alla sua piattaforma di gestione delle esposizioni supportata dall'IA, Tenable One, che unifica la visibilità della sicurezza attraverso IT, cloud, OT, IoT, applicazioni web e sistemi di identità.

Il rapporto IDC evidenzia l'uso da parte di Tenable dell'IA generativa attraverso ExposureAI, che fornisce interrogazioni di ricerca in linguaggio naturale, sintesi dei percorsi d'attacco e indicazioni di mitigazione. Anche le ultime innovazioni di Tenable, Vulnerability Intelligence e Exposure Response, sono state menzionate. Sono state sottolineate le strategie dell'azienda per reclutare fornitori di servizi di sicurezza gestita e migliorare la loro esperienza di onboarding, insieme alle partnership con fornitori di MDR come Sophos e Coalfire.

Tenable, la empresa de gestión de exposiciones, ha sido clasificada primera en cuota de mercado mundial para la gestión de vulnerabilidades de dispositivos por sexto año consecutivo, según el informe de cuotas de mercado de gestión de vulnerabilidades de dispositivos de IDC. Tenable atribuye su éxito a su plataforma de gestión de exposiciones impulsada por IA, Tenable One, que unifica la visibilidad de seguridad a través de TI, nube, OT, IoT, aplicaciones web y sistemas de identidad.

El informe de IDC resalta el uso de IA generativa por parte de Tenable a través de ExposureAI, que proporciona consultas de búsqueda en lenguaje natural, resúmenes de rutas de ataque y orientaciones de mitigación. También se mencionaron las últimas innovaciones de Tenable, Vulnerability Intelligence y Exposure Response. Se enfatizaron los esfuerzos estratégicos de la empresa para reclutar proveedores de servicios de seguridad gestionada y mejorar su experiencia de incorporación, junto con asociaciones con proveedores de MDR como Sophos y Coalfire.

테너블(Tenable), 노출 관리 회사는 IDC의 전 세계 장치 취약점 관리 시장 점유율 보고서에 따르면 장치 취약점 관리 분야에서 세계 시장 점유율 1위로 6년 연속 선정되었습니다. 테너블은 AI 기반의 노출 관리 플랫폼인 테너블 원(Tenable One)을 통해 IT, 클라우드, OT, IoT, 웹 애플리케이션 및 아이덴티티 시스템 전반에 걸쳐 보안 가시성을 통합해 성공을 거두었다고 주장합니다.

IDC 보고서는 테너블의 생성적 AI 사용을 강조하며, 이는 자연어 검색 쿼리, 공격 경로 요약 및 완화 지침을 제공합니다. 테너블의 최신 혁신인 취약점 인텔리전스(Vulnerability Intelligence)와 노출 대응(Exposure Response)도 언급되었습니다. 또한 관리형 보안 서비스 제공업체를 모집하고 온보딩 경험을 개선하기 위한 회사의 전략적 노력이 강조되었으며, Sophos 및 Coalfire와 같은 MDR 제공업체와의 파트너십도 언급되었습니다.

Tenable, l'entreprise de gestion des expositions, a été classée première en part de marché mondial dans la gestion des vulnérabilités des dispositifs pour la sixième année consécutive, selon le rapport sur les parts de marché de la gestion des vulnérabilités des dispositifs de l'IDC. Tenable attribue son succès à sa plateforme de gestion des expositions alimentée par l'IA, Tenable One, qui unifie la visibilité de sécurité à travers l'IT, le cloud, l'OT, l'IoT, les applications web et les systèmes d'identité.

Le rapport IDC souligne l'utilisation par Tenable de l'IA générative via ExposureAI, qui fournit des requêtes de recherche en langage naturel, des résumés de chemins d'attaque et des conseils de réduction. Les dernières innovations de Tenable, Vulnerability Intelligence et Exposure Response, ont également été notées. Les efforts stratégiques de l'entreprise pour recruter des fournisseurs de services de sécurité gérés et améliorer leur expérience d'intégration ont été soulignés, ainsi que les partenariats avec des fournisseurs de MDR comme Sophos et Coalfire.

Tenable, das Unternehmen für Expositionsmanagement, wurde im IDC-Bericht über weltweite Marktanteile im Bereich Gerätesicherheitsmanagement zum weltweiten Marktführer im Geräteschutz ernannt und das zum sechsten Mal in Folge. Tenable führt seinen Erfolg auf die KI-gestützte Expositionsmanagement-Plattform Tenable One zurück, die Sicherheitssichtbarkeit über IT, Cloud, OT, IoT, Webanwendungen und Identitätssysteme hinweg vereint.

Der IDC-Bericht hebt Tenables Einsatz von generativer KI durch ExposureAI hervor, die natürliche Sprachsuchanfragen, Angriffspfadzusammenfassungen und Maßnahmen zur Minderung bereitstellt. Auch Tenables neueste Innovationen, Vulnerability Intelligence und Exposure Response, wurden erwähnt. Die strategischen Bemühungen des Unternehmens, verwaltete Sicherheitsdienstleister zu rekrutieren und deren Onboarding-Erfahrung zu verbessern, wurden ebenfalls betont, ebenso wie Partnerschaften mit MDR-Anbietern wie Sophos und Coalfire.

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Tenable credits market share growth to its AI-powered exposure management platform

COLUMBIA, Md., Oct. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tenable®, the exposure management company, today announced that it has been ranked first for 2023 worldwide market share for device vulnerability management in the IDC Worldwide Device Vulnerability Management Market Shares (doc #US51417424, July 2024) report. This is the sixth consecutive year Tenable has been ranked first for market share.

According to the IDC market share report, Tenable is ranked first in global 2023 market share and revenue. Tenable credits its success to its strategic approach to risk management, which includes a suite of industry-leading exposure management solutions that expose and close security gaps, safeguarding business value, reputation and trust. The Tenable One Exposure Management Platform, the world’s only AI-powered exposure management platform, radically unifies security visibility, insight and action across the modern attack surface – IT, cloud, OT and IoT, web apps and identity systems.

According to the IDC market share report, “The top 3 device vulnerability management vendors remained the same in 2023 as previous years, with Tenable once again being the top vendor.”

The report highlighted Tenable’s use of generative AI, noting, “ExposureAI, available as part of the Tenable One platform, provides GenAI-based capabilities that include natural language search queries, attack path and asset exposure summaries, mitigation guidance suggestions, and a bot assistant to ask specific questions about attack path results.”

Tenable’s latest innovations in the vulnerability management market – Vulnerability Intelligence and Exposure Response – were also highlighted in the report, stating, “Vulnerability Intelligence provides dynamic vulnerability information collected from multiple data sources and vetted by Tenable researchers, while Exposure Response enables security teams to create campaigns based on risk posture trends so remediation progress can be monitored internally.”

The report also spotlighted the Tenable Assure Partner Program and MDR partnerships, noting, “Tenable has made more of a strategic effort to recruit managed security service providers (SPs) and improve the onboarding experience for them, as well as their customers. Managed detection and response (MDR) providers have been adding proactive exposure management because it helps shrink the customer attack surface, helping them provide better outcomes. Sophos and Coalfire are recently announced partners adding managed exposure management services to their MDR and pen testing services, respectively.”

“At Tenable, we build products for a cloud-first, platform centric world, meeting customers' evolving risk management needs,” said Shai Morag, chief product officer, Tenable. “We leverage cutting edge technology, innovating across our portfolio to help customers know, expose and close priority security gaps that put businesses at risk.”

"The device vulnerability management market is characterized by a focus on broader exposure management, with a number of acquisitions to round out exposure management portfolios," said Michelle Abraham, senior research director, Security and Trust at IDC. "Vendors are advised to enhance their offerings with additional security signals and automated remediation workflows to stay competitive in this evolving landscape."

To read an excerpt of the IDC market share report, visit

About Tenable
Tenable® is the exposure management company, exposing and closing the cybersecurity gaps that erode business value, reputation and trust. The company’s AI-powered exposure management platform radically unifies security visibility, insight and action across the attack surface, equipping modern organizations to protect against attacks from IT infrastructure to cloud environments to critical infrastructure and everywhere in between. By protecting enterprises from security exposure, Tenable reduces business risk for more than 44,000 customers around the globe. Learn more at

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What ranking did Tenable achieve in the 2023 IDC Worldwide Device Vulnerability Management Market Shares report?

Tenable was ranked first for 2023 worldwide market share and revenue in device vulnerability management, marking its sixth consecutive year at the top position.

What is Tenable One and how does it contribute to Tenable's market leadership?

Tenable One is the world's only AI-powered exposure management platform. It unifies security visibility, insight, and action across IT, cloud, OT, IoT, web apps, and identity systems, contributing to Tenable's market leadership in device vulnerability management.

How does Tenable (TENB) incorporate generative AI in its offerings?

Tenable incorporates generative AI through ExposureAI, part of the Tenable One platform. It provides capabilities such as natural language search queries, attack path and asset exposure summaries, mitigation guidance suggestions, and a bot assistant for specific attack path result questions.

What are Tenable's latest innovations in vulnerability management mentioned in the IDC report?

The IDC report highlighted Tenable's latest innovations: Vulnerability Intelligence, which provides dynamic vulnerability information from multiple data sources, and Exposure Response, which enables security teams to create campaigns based on risk posture trends for monitoring remediation progress.

How is Tenable (TENB) expanding its partnerships in the security service provider space?

Tenable is making strategic efforts to recruit managed security service providers and improve their onboarding experience. They've partnered with MDR providers like Sophos and Coalfire, who are adding managed exposure management services to their existing offerings.

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