Telomir Pharmaceuticals Announces Breakthrough: Telomir-1 Reverses Calcium Dysregulation, the Hidden Driver of Aging and Disease, in Multiple Human Cell Lines
Telomir Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:TELO) has announced breakthrough preclinical findings showing that Telomir-1 successfully reverses calcium dysregulation in multiple human cell lines. The study, using human keratinocyte and retinal cell lines, demonstrated that Telomir-1 restores calcium homeostasis within 10-20 minutes post-exposure and reverses oxidative stress while protecting mitochondrial integrity.
The research revealed that cells treated with Telomir-1 maintained viability despite exposure to extreme oxidative stress, while untreated cells showed degradation. The compound works by blocking calcium influx, preserving mitochondrial function, and preventing cell death pathways activation.
The study positions Telomir-1 as a potential therapeutic for multiple age-related conditions, including Alzheimer's disease, Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), Type 2 Diabetes, Wilson's disease, and viral-induced inflammatory conditions. The company is advancing preclinical studies to progress Telomir-1 toward human trials.
Telomir Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:TELO) ha annunciato risultati preclinici rivoluzionari che dimostrano come Telomir-1 riesca a invertire la disregolazione del calcio in diverse linee cellulari umane. Lo studio, condotto su linee cellulari di cheratinociti umani e cellule retiniche, ha mostrato che Telomir-1 ripristina l'omeostasi del calcio entro 10-20 minuti dall'esposizione e inverte lo stress ossidativo, proteggendo l'integrità mitocondriale.
La ricerca ha rivelato che le cellule trattate con Telomir-1 mantenevano la vitalità nonostante l'esposizione a uno stress ossidativo estremo, mentre le cellule non trattate mostravano segni di degradazione. Il composto agisce bloccando l'afflusso di calcio, preservando la funzione mitocondriale e prevenendo l'attivazione delle vie di morte cellulare.
Lo studio posiziona Telomir-1 come un potenziale terapeutico per diverse condizioni legate all'età, tra cui la malattia di Alzheimer, la degenerazione maculare legata all'età (AMD), il diabete di tipo 2, la malattia di Wilson e le condizioni infiammatorie indotte da virus. L'azienda sta portando avanti studi preclinici per far progredire Telomir-1 verso le sperimentazioni umane.
Telomir Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:TELO) ha anunciado hallazgos preclínicos innovadores que muestran que Telomir-1 invierte con éxito la disfunción del calcio en múltiples líneas celulares humanas. El estudio, que utilizó líneas celulares de queratinocitos y células retinianas humanas, demostró que Telomir-1 restaura la homeostasis del calcio en 10-20 minutos después de la exposición y revierte el estrés oxidativo, protegiendo la integridad mitocondrial.
La investigación reveló que las células tratadas con Telomir-1 mantuvieron la viabilidad a pesar de la exposición a un estrés oxidativo extremo, mientras que las células no tratadas mostraron degradación. El compuesto actúa bloqueando la entrada de calcio, preservando la función mitocondrial y previniendo la activación de las vías de muerte celular.
El estudio posiciona a Telomir-1 como un potencial terapéutico para múltiples condiciones relacionadas con la edad, incluyendo la enfermedad de Alzheimer, la degeneración macular relacionada con la edad (AMD), la diabetes tipo 2, la enfermedad de Wilson y condiciones inflamatorias inducidas por virus. La empresa está avanzando en estudios preclínicos para llevar Telomir-1 hacia ensayos en humanos.
텔로미르 제약 (NASDAQ:TELO)은 텔로미르-1이 여러 인간 세포주에서 칼슘 불균형을 성공적으로 역전시킨 혁신적인 전임상 결과를 발표했습니다. 인간 각질형성세포 및 망막 세포주를 사용한 이 연구는 텔로미르-1이 노출 후 10-20분 이내에 칼슘 항상성을 회복하고 산화 스트레스를 역전시키며 미토콘드리아의 무결성을 보호함을 보여주었습니다.
연구 결과, 텔로미르-1로 처리된 세포는 극심한 산화 스트레스에 노출되었음에도 불구하고 생존력을 유지했으며, 처리되지 않은 세포는 분해를 보였습니다. 이 화합물은 칼슘 유입을 차단하고 미토콘드리아 기능을 보존하며 세포 사멸 경로의 활성화를 방지함으로써 작용합니다.
이 연구는 텔로미르-1을 알츠하이머병, 노인성 황반변성 (AMD), 제2형 당뇨병, 윌슨병, 바이러스 유도 염증 상태를 포함한 여러 노화 관련 질환에 대한 잠재적 치료제로 자리매김하고 있습니다. 회사는 텔로미르-1을 인간 시험으로 진행하기 위해 전임상 연구를 진행하고 있습니다.
Telomir Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:TELO) a annoncé des résultats précliniques révolutionnaires montrant que Telomir-1 inverse avec succès la dysrégulation du calcium dans plusieurs lignées cellulaires humaines. L'étude, utilisant des lignées cellulaires de kératinocytes humains et de cellules rétiniennes, a démontré que Telomir-1 restaure l'homéostasie du calcium en 10 à 20 minutes après l'exposition et inverse le stress oxydatif tout en protégeant l'intégrité mitochondriale.
La recherche a révélé que les cellules traitées avec Telomir-1 maintenaient leur viabilité malgré une exposition à un stress oxydatif extrême, tandis que les cellules non traitées montraient une dégradation. Le composé agit en bloquant l'afflux de calcium, préservant la fonction mitochondriale et empêchant l'activation des voies de mort cellulaire.
L'étude positionne Telomir-1 comme un potentiel thérapeutique pour plusieurs conditions liées à l'âge, y compris la maladie d'Alzheimer, la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge (AMD), le diabète de type 2, la maladie de Wilson et les conditions inflammatoires induites par des virus. L'entreprise avance dans les études précliniques pour faire progresser Telomir-1 vers des essais cliniques.
Telomir Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:TELO) hat bahnbrechende präklinische Ergebnisse bekannt gegeben, die zeigen, dass Telomir-1 erfolgreich die Kalziumdysregulation in mehreren menschlichen Zelllinien umkehrt. Die Studie, die menschliche Keratinozyten- und Retinalzelllinien verwendete, zeigte, dass Telomir-1 die Kalziumhomöostase innerhalb von 10-20 Minuten nach der Exposition wiederherstellt und oxidativen Stress umkehrt, während die mitochondriale Integrität geschützt wird.
Die Forschung ergab, dass Zellen, die mit Telomir-1 behandelt wurden, trotz extremer oxidativer Stressbelastung lebensfähig blieben, während unbehandelte Zellen eine Degeneration zeigten. Der Wirkstoff wirkt, indem er den Kalziumeinstrom blockiert, die mitochondriale Funktion bewahrt und die Aktivierung von Zelltodwegen verhindert.
Die Studie positioniert Telomir-1 als potenzielles Therapeutikum für mehrere altersbedingte Erkrankungen, einschließlich Alzheimer-Krankheit, altersbedingte Makuladegeneration (AMD), Typ-2-Diabetes, Wilson-Krankheit und virusinduzierte Entzündungszustände. Das Unternehmen fördert präklinische Studien, um Telomir-1 in Richtung klinische Prüfungen voranzubringen.
- Breakthrough preclinical results showing reversal of calcium dysregulation
- Rapid efficacy demonstrated within 10-20 minutes of treatment
- Multiple potential therapeutic applications across major diseases
- Strong cell protection and survival data in stress conditions
- Still in preclinical stage, requiring extensive testing before human trials
- No timeline provided for clinical trials initiation
- No efficacy data in living organisms yet
Telomir Pharmaceuticals has announced preclinical data showing its lead compound Telomir-1 reverses calcium dysregulation and oxidative stress in human cell lines. While scientifically intriguing, investors should understand the early-stage nature of these findings and their context within the competitive landscape.
The study demonstrates that Telomir-1 affects fundamental cellular processes by restoring calcium homeostasis and reducing reactive oxygen species in in vitro models. The company makes ambitious claims about potential applications across multiple disease states including Alzheimer's, macular degeneration, diabetes, and viral infections - a remarkably broad spectrum that warrants scientific scrutiny.
From an investment perspective, several factors deserve consideration:
- With a
$126 million market cap, Telomir faces significant financial hurdles to advance this compound through the clinical trial process, which typically costs$100-300 million through Phase III - The timeline from current preclinical status to potential market approval would likely be 7-10 years minimum, assuming successful trials
- The anti-aging therapeutic space is increasingly competitive, with well-funded players including Altos Labs, Calico, and Juvenescence pursuing similar mitochondrial and cellular aging targets
- Regulatory pathways for anti-aging compounds remain challenging, as the FDA does not recognize aging itself as an indication
The mitochondrial protection mechanism proposed by Telomir has scientific merit, as calcium dysregulation is indeed linked to cellular aging processes. However, translating these cellular effects to clinical outcomes remains a significant scientific leap.
This announcement represents a positive scientific development but comes with substantial execution risk and a long pathway to commercialization. The stock's response should be evaluated against the company's cash position, burn rate, and ability to fund the extensive clinical development required to validate these preclinical findings.
Telomir's preclinical findings on Telomir-1 target a compelling biological mechanism at the intersection of aging and disease pathology. The compound's demonstrated ability to reverse both calcium dysregulation and oxidative stress in human cell lines addresses what many researchers consider fundamental drivers of cellular aging.
From a drug development perspective, several aspects of this announcement merit attention:
- The dual mechanism targeting both calcium homeostasis and oxidative stress is scientifically sound, as these processes are interconnected in mitochondrial function
- The rapid action (10-20 minutes) suggests direct pathway engagement rather than secondary effects
- Testing in two distinct cell types (keratinocytes and retinal cells) provides better validation than single-cell-type studies
However, significant development challenges remain:
- Cell line studies represent the earliest preclinical phase, with typical success rates below
0.1% for eventual FDA approval - The extremely broad therapeutic claims spanning neurodegeneration, retinal disease, diabetes, and viral infections is unusual - most successful therapeutics demonstrate more focused mechanisms
- The announcement doesn't mention pharmacokinetics, bioavailability, or blood-brain barrier penetration - important factors for CNS applications
- No animal model data is presented, which would be the next critical validation step
The mitochondrial protection mechanism aligns with current scientific understanding of aging biology. However, Telomir faces competition from established players targeting similar pathways, including mitochondrial enhancers, NAD+ precursors, and senolytics already in clinical trials.
For Telomir to advance this compound successfully, they'll need to prioritize specific indications rather than pursuing all potential applications simultaneously - a focused approach would optimize their resources and increase probability of success in their clinical development program.
New Study Confirms Telomir-1 Also Reverses Oxidative Stress, Preserves Cellular Integrity, and Prevents Cell Death by Protecting Mitochondria-The Cell's Power Source and Gatekeeper of Life and Death
MIAMI, FLORIDA / ACCESS Newswire / February 26, 2025 / Telomir Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:TELO) ("Telomir"), a leader in age-reversal science, today announced compelling new preclinical findings demonstrating that Telomir-1 fully reverses calcium dysregulation-an often-overlooked yet fundamental driver of cell death, aging, and disease progression-in multiple human cell lines."
In addition to restoring calcium homeostasis, the study further confirmed that Telomir-1 reverses oxidative stress and provides robust cellular protection against stress-induced damage. Cells treated with Telomir-1 remained viable and functional despite exposure to extreme oxidative stress, while untreated cells exhibited signs of degeneration and death. By blocking calcium influx, Telomir-1 is believed to preserve mitochondrial function, prevent the activation of cell death pathways, and stabilize key cellular mechanisms that support longevity and disease resistance.
These findings build upon prior research showing that Telomir-1 also fully reverses oxidative stress (ROS overproduction), reinforcing its potential as a broad-spectrum therapeutic for aging-related diseases. By restoring intracellular calcium balance, reducing oxidative stress, and protecting mitochondrial integrity and functions, Telomir-1 may directly prevent cellular damage at the root cause, addressing the fundamental mechanisms that drive neurodegeneration, metabolic disorders, inflammatory diseases, and viral-induced complications.
"These findings are too significant to ignore," said Erez Aminov, CEO of Telomir. "Telomir-1 has demonstrated the ability to reverse a fundamental process that underlies cellular death, aging and disease. I am committed to ensuring that we advance this science as quickly as possible, bringing Telomir-1 closer to clinical use. The urgency of these discoveries is clear, and we welcome those who share our vision to join us in progressing this breakthrough treatment."
Study Design and Key Findings
The study was conducted using human keratinocyte (HaCaT) and retinal (ARPE-19) cell lines to assess the effects of Telomir-1 on calcium homeostasis, oxidative stress, and cellular survival after exposure to hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂), iron (Fe²⁺), and copper (Cu²⁺), which are known to induce oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and cellular damage.
Calcium Regulation in Human Cells
Cells were exposed to H₂O₂, Fe²⁺, or Cu²⁺ to induce intracellular calcium overload.
Telomir-1 reversed calcium dysregulation in a concentration-dependent manner, restoring homeostasis across the studied cell lines.
The reduction in calcium influx was observed within 10-20 minutes post-exposure, confirming Telomir-1's ability to rapidly stabilize calcium signaling.
Oxidative Stress Reduction and Cell Protection
Cells challenged with high levels of Fe²⁺ and Cu²⁺ showed increased oxidative stress and ROS production.
Telomir-1 significantly reduced ROS levels, mitigating oxidative damage at the mitochondrial level.
Cell viability assays confirmed that Telomir-1 protected against oxidative stress-induced cell death, reinforcing its role in cellular defense and longevity.
Prevention of Cell Death and Preservation of Mitochondrial Integrity
Cells treated with Telomir-1 remained viable and functional despite exposure to extreme oxidative stress, whereas untreated cells exhibited signs of damage and decline.
Telomir-1 is believed to stabilize mitochondrial function, thereby preventing stress signals that trigger apoptosis and necrosis.
This suggests Telomir-1 has the potential to prevent several steps and processes involved in the progressive cellular deterioration that drives aging and disease.
Mitochondria: The Link Between Calcium Dysregulation, Oxidative Stress, and Disease
Mitochondria are often called the powerhouses of the cell, but they also act as a major trigger for cellular death when dysregulated. Both oxidative stress (ROS overproduction) and calcium dysregulation disrupt mitochondrial function, accelerating aging and disease progression.
Oxidative Stress & ROS: Excess ROS damages mitochondrial DNA, triggering chronicinflammation, neurodegeneration, and organ failure.
Calcium Dysregulation: Mitochondria regulate intracellular calcium levels, but an overload of calcium leads to mitochondrial collapse, driving cell death in a variety of diseases such as Alzheimer's, Type 2 diabetes, and metabolic disorders.
Aging & Cellular Decay: Mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to telomere shortening, stem cell exhaustion, and systemic aging.
By fully reversing ROS production and calcium dysregulation, Telomir-1 is believed to protect mitochondrial integrity, and to prevents premature cell death. This unlocks new possibilities for treating aging-related diseases.
Telomir-1's Potential Across Age-Related and Degenerative Diseases
Neurodegenerative Diseases: A New Approach to Alzheimer's
Calcium overload and oxidative stress contribute to neuronal death and cognitive decline.
Telomir-1 reversed calcium dysregulation and blocked oxidative damage, key mechanisms in Alzheimer's disease and neurodegeneration.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) & Retinal Disease
Oxidative stress and calcium dysregulation drive photoreceptor and retinal cell death in AMD and diabetic retinopathy.
Telomir-1 stabilized intracellular calcium levels and protected retinal cells from apoptosis, suggesting strong potential for preventing vision loss.
Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) & Metabolic Dysfunction
Calcium balance is crucial for insulin secretion, and its dysregulation impairs pancreatic beta-cell function.
Telomir-1 restored calcium balance, reduced oxidative stress, and protected pancreatic beta cells, offering potential for metabolic disease treatment.
Wilson's Disease & Metal-Induced Oxidative Stress
Copper accumulation in Wilson's disease disrupts calcium homeostasis, leading to neurotoxicity.
Telomir-1 reversed calcium imbalance and oxidative damage, highlighting a novel therapeutic strategy for metal-related degenerative disorders.
Viral-Induced Inflammation: Avian Flu and Other Viruses
Calcium dysregulation and oxidative stress contribute to hyperinflammation and tissue damage in severe viral infections.
Telomir-1 demonstrated the ability to reduce calcium overload and oxidative stress, suggesting it may help mitigate viral-induced inflammatory damage.
"These results highlight the remarkable potential of Telomir-1 to target one of the most overlooked drivers of cellular aging-calcium dysregulation and mitochondrial dysfunction," said Dr. Angel, Chief Scientific Advisor at Telomir. "By restoring calcium balance, reversing oxidative stress, and preventing cell death, we are not just addressing individual diseases but unlocking a fundamental mechanism that could redefine how we approach age-related conditions and longevity."
Telomir is advancing preclinical studies to bring Telomir-1 into human trials, with the goal of developing a first-in-class therapy for neurodegeneration, retinal disease, Type 2 diabetes, Wilson's disease, and longevity-based interventions.
About Telomir Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Telomir Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: TELO) is a pre-clinical stage pharmaceutical company seeking to lead development in several areas, including age-reversal science. Telomir is focused on the development of Telomir-1, a novel small molecule metal ion regulator designed to lengthen the DNA's protective telomere caps, which are crucial in the aging process. Telomir's goal is to explore the potential of Telomir-1, starting with ongoing research in animals and then in humans.
Telomeres are the protective end caps of a chromosome made up of DNA sequences and proteins. As humans age, telomeres shorten, with metal reactivity accelerating the process, which presents humans and pet animals with an increased chance of contracting a number of degenerative and age-related diseases. Telomir's goal is to develop and gain regulatory approval for Telomir-1, proposed to be dosed orally, with the broader aim of promoting longevity and enhancing overall quality of life.
Telomir-1 is in preclinical development and has not yet been tested in humans. There is no assurance that Telomir-1 will proceed through development or will ultimately receive FDA approval for marketing.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This press release, statements of Telomir Pharmaceuticals' management or advisors related thereto, and the statements contained in the news story linked in this release contain "forward-looking statements," which are statements other than historical facts made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the potential use of the data from our studies, our ability to develop and commercialize Telomir-1 for specific indications, and the safety of Telomir-1.
Contact Information
Helga Moya
(786) 396-6723
SOURCE: Telomir Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
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What are the key findings of Telomir-1's (TELO) latest preclinical study?
Which diseases could Telomir-1 (TELO) potentially treat based on the new research?
How does Telomir-1 (TELO) protect cells from damage and death?