TE Connectivity named among World's Most Ethical Companies for 11th consecutive year
TE Connectivity has been recognized among the World's Most Ethical Companies for the 11th consecutive year by Ethisphere in 2025. The company stands as one of only four honorees in the electronics and components industry, among 136 organizations across 19 countries and 44 industries.
The company strengthened its anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies in 2024 and launched a global strategy promoting ethical behavior. Their fourth Ethics Attitude Survey showed improved results in compliance awareness and ethical commitment. The assessment process involved Ethisphere's Ethics Quotient, requiring 240+ proof points on various practices including ethics, compliance, governance, and environmental impact.
This recognition adds to TE's 2025 achievements, including listings in Fortune's World's Most Admired Companies, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation Corporate Equality Index, Military Friendly Company award, and workplace recognition from Top Employers Institute and Great Place to Work organizations.
TE Connectivity è stata riconosciuta tra le aziende più etiche del mondo per l'undicesimo anno consecutivo da Ethisphere nel 2025. L'azienda si distingue come una delle sole quattro premiate nel settore dell'elettronica e dei componenti, tra 136 organizzazioni in 19 paesi e 44 settori.
L'azienda ha rafforzato le proprie politiche anti-mazzette e anti-corruzione nel 2024 e ha lanciato una strategia globale per promuovere comportamenti etici. Il loro quarto sondaggio sull'atteggiamento etico ha mostrato risultati migliorati nella consapevolezza della conformità e nell'impegno etico. Il processo di valutazione ha coinvolto l'Ethics Quotient di Ethisphere, richiedendo oltre 240 prove su varie pratiche tra cui etica, conformità, governance e impatto ambientale.
Questo riconoscimento si aggiunge ai successi di TE nel 2025, tra cui le classifiche nelle aziende più ammirate del mondo di Fortune, l'indice di uguaglianza aziendale della Human Rights Campaign Foundation, il premio come azienda amica dei militari e il riconoscimento da parte di Top Employers Institute e Great Place to Work.
TE Connectivity ha sido reconocida entre las empresas más éticas del mundo por undécimo año consecutivo por Ethisphere en 2025. La empresa se destaca como una de las únicas cuatro galardonadas en la industria de electrónica y componentes, entre 136 organizaciones en 19 países y 44 industrias.
La empresa fortaleció sus políticas contra el soborno y la corrupción en 2024 y lanzó una estrategia global para promover el comportamiento ético. Su cuarta Encuesta de Actitud Ética mostró resultados mejorados en la conciencia de cumplimiento y el compromiso ético. El proceso de evaluación involucró el Ethics Quotient de Ethisphere, que requiere más de 240 puntos de prueba sobre diversas prácticas, incluyendo ética, cumplimiento, gobernanza e impacto ambiental.
Este reconocimiento se suma a los logros de TE en 2025, incluyendo listados en las empresas más admiradas del mundo de Fortune, el Índice de Igualdad Corporativa de la Fundación de la Campaña de Derechos Humanos, el premio a la Empresa Amiga de los Militares y el reconocimiento en el lugar de trabajo por parte del Top Employers Institute y Great Place to Work.
TE Connectivity는 2025년 Ethisphere에 의해 세계에서 가장 윤리적인 기업 중 하나로 11년 연속 인정받았습니다. 이 회사는 19개국과 44개 산업에서 136개 조직 중 전자 및 부품 산업에서 단 네 곳의 수상자 중 하나로 자리잡고 있습니다.
회사는 2024년에 뇌물 방지 및 반부패 정책을 강화하고 윤리적 행동을 촉진하는 글로벌 전략을 시작했습니다. 그들의 네 번째 윤리 태도 조사에서는 준수 인식 및 윤리적 헌신에서 개선된 결과를 보여주었습니다. 평가 과정에는 윤리, 준수, 거버넌스 및 환경 영향 등 다양한 관행에 대한 240개 이상의 증거 포인트가 요구되는 Ethisphere의 Ethics Quotient가 포함되었습니다.
이 인식은 TE의 2025년 성과에 추가되며, 포춘의 세계에서 가장 존경받는 기업, 인권 캠페인 재단의 기업 평등 지수, 군 친화적 기업 상, Top Employers Institute 및 Great Place to Work 조직으로부터의 직장 인정 등을 포함합니다.
TE Connectivity a été reconnue parmi les entreprises les plus éthiques au monde pour la onzième année consécutive par Ethisphere en 2025. L'entreprise se distingue comme l'une des quatre seules honorées dans l'industrie de l'électronique et des composants, parmi 136 organisations dans 19 pays et 44 secteurs.
L'entreprise a renforcé ses politiques de lutte contre la corruption et la corruption en 2024 et a lancé une stratégie mondiale pour promouvoir un comportement éthique. Leur quatrième enquête sur l'attitude éthique a montré des résultats améliorés en matière de sensibilisation à la conformité et d'engagement éthique. Le processus d'évaluation a impliqué l'Ethics Quotient d'Ethisphere, nécessitant plus de 240 points de preuve sur diverses pratiques, y compris l'éthique, la conformité, la gouvernance et l'impact environnemental.
Cette reconnaissance s'ajoute aux réalisations de TE en 2025, y compris les classements dans les entreprises les plus admirées au monde selon Fortune, l'indice d'égalité des entreprises de la Human Rights Campaign Foundation, le prix de l'entreprise amie des militaires et la reconnaissance sur le lieu de travail par le Top Employers Institute et Great Place to Work.
TE Connectivity wurde im Jahr 2025 zum elften Mal in Folge von Ethisphere als eines der weltweit ethischsten Unternehmen ausgezeichnet. Das Unternehmen ist eines von nur vier ausgezeichneten Unternehmen in der Elektronik- und Komponentenbranche, unter 136 Organisationen aus 19 Ländern und 44 Branchen.
Das Unternehmen hat 2024 seine Anti-Bestechungs- und Anti-Korruptionsrichtlinien gestärkt und eine globale Strategie zur Förderung ethischen Verhaltens ins Leben gerufen. Ihre vierte Umfrage zur ethischen Haltung zeigte verbesserte Ergebnisse im Bewusstsein für Compliance und ethisches Engagement. Der Bewertungsprozess umfasste den Ethics Quotient von Ethisphere, der über 240 Nachweis-Punkte zu verschiedenen Praktiken wie Ethik, Compliance, Governance und Umweltimpact erforderte.
Diese Anerkennung ergänzt die Erfolge von TE im Jahr 2025, einschließlich der Listungen in Fortunes weltweit am meisten bewunderten Unternehmen, dem Corporate Equality Index der Human Rights Campaign Foundation, dem Military Friendly Company Award und der Arbeitsplatzanerkennung durch das Top Employers Institute und Great Place to Work.
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Ethisphere continues its recognition of TE for its commitment to ethics, compliance and governance programs
TE, a recipient of this honor for 11 years in a row, is one of only four honorees in the electronics and components industry. In 2025, 136 organizations were included in the list, spanning 19 countries and 44 industries.
"TE Connectivity is committed to developing innovative technology that creates a safer, more sustainable, productive and connected future, all while upholding the highest ethical standards," said CEO Terrence Curtin. "I am very pleased with how our teams worldwide embody our core values and principles. This ongoing recognition from Ethisphere not only honors our dedication but also serves as a powerful reminder to always lead with integrity in everything we do."
TE strengthened its anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies in 2024 and introduced a global strategy to promote ethical behavior. The company also conducted its fourth Ethics Attitude Survey, showing improved results in areas like compliance awareness and ethical commitment, demonstrating TE's ongoing commitment to integrity.
"Congratulations to TE Connectivity for achieving recognition as one of the World's Most Ethical Companies. Behind this honor is a true dedication and a commitment to advancing business integrity. This approach is good for business – employees and other stakeholders value companies that prioritize the kinds of practices we measure with our process," said Erica Salmon Byrne, Ethisphere's chief strategy officer and executive chair.
The World's Most Ethical Companies assessment is grounded in Ethisphere's proprietary Ethics Quotient, which requires companies to provide 240+ different proof points on practices that support robust ethics and compliance; governance; a culture of ethics; environmental and social impact; and initiatives that support a strong value chain. That data undergoes further qualitative analysis by a panel of experts who spend thousands of hours vetting and evaluating each year's group of applicants. This process serves as an operating framework to capture and codify best-in-class ethics and compliance practices from organizations across industries and from around the world.
View the full list of this year's honorees at https://worldsmostethicalcompanies.com/honorees.
Today's announcement continues TE's recognition from prestigious third-party organizations in 2025. TE has also been named to Fortune's World's Most Admired Companies list for the eighth consecutive year, earned a top score on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation 2025 Corporate Equality Index, received a Military Friendly Company award, and received workplace recognition from the Top Employers Institute and Great Place to Work organizations.
About TE Connectivity
TE Connectivity (NYSE: TEL) is a global industrial technology leader creating a safer, sustainable, productive, and connected future. Our broad range of connectivity and sensor solutions enable the distribution of power, signal and data to advance next-generation transportation, energy networks, automated factories, data centers, medical technology and more. With more than 85,000 employees, including 9,000 engineers, working alongside customers in approximately 130 countries, TE ensures that EVERY CONNECTION COUNTS. Learn more at www.te.com and on LinkedIn, Facebook, WeChat, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter).
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SOURCE TE Connectivity plc