TE Connectivity completes change in place of incorporation to Ireland

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TE Connectivity plc (NYSE: TEL) has completed its change in place of incorporation from Switzerland to Ireland. Shareholders received one share of TE Connectivity plc for each share of TE Connectivity held prior to the change. The company remains a U.S. SEC reporting entity, and its shares continue trading on the NYSE under the symbol TEL.

Shareholders previously approved a dividend of $0.65 per share, payable in four quarterly installments. The first two fiscal quarters' dividends for 2025 are scheduled for December 6, 2024, and March 7, 2025. From the third fiscal quarter of 2025, dividends will be declared and paid quarterly as per Irish Law.

TE Connectivity will apply to the Irish High Court for approval to reduce its share premium account, creating distributable reserves post-reincorporation. The hearing date will be announced on once known.

TE Connectivity plc (NYSE: TEL) ha completato il suo trasferimento di sede legale dalla Svizzera all'Irlanda. Gli azionisti hanno ricevuto un'azione di TE Connectivity plc per ogni azione di TE Connectivity detenuta prima del cambiamento. L'azienda rimane un'entità soggetta a reportistica presso la SEC statunitense, e le sue azioni continuano a essere scambiate sul NYSE con il simbolo TEL.

Gli azionisti hanno precedentemente approvato un dividendo di $0,65 per azione, pagabile in quattro rate trimestrali. I dividendi per i primi due trimestri fiscali del 2025 sono programmati per il 6 dicembre 2024 e il 7 marzo 2025. A partire dal terzo trimestre fiscale del 2025, i dividendi saranno dichiarati e pagati trimestralmente in conformità con la legge irlandese.

TE Connectivity presenterà una richiesta all'Alta Corte irlandese per l'approvazione della riduzione del proprio conto premi azionari, creando riserve distribuibili dopo il reinserimento. La data dell'udienza sarà annunciata su non appena sarà nota.

TE Connectivity plc (NYSE: TEL) ha completado su cambio de lugar de incorporación de Suiza a Irlanda. Los accionistas recibieron una acción de TE Connectivity plc por cada acción de TE Connectivity que poseían antes del cambio. La empresa sigue siendo una entidad que informa a la SEC de EE.UU., y sus acciones continúan negociándose en la NYSE bajo el símbolo TEL.

Los accionistas aprobaron previamente un dividendo de $0.65 por acción, pagadero en cuatro cuotas trimestrales. Los dividendos de los dos primeros trimestres fiscales de 2025 están programados para el 6 de diciembre de 2024 y el 7 de marzo de 2025. A partir del tercer trimestre fiscal de 2025, los dividendos se declararán y pagarán trimestralmente según la legislación irlandesa.

TE Connectivity solicitará al Tribunal Superior de Irlanda la aprobación para reducir su cuenta de prima de emisión, creando reservas distribuibles después de la reincorporación. La fecha de la audiencia se anunciará en una vez conocida.

TE Connectivity plc (NYSE: TEL)은 스위스에서 아일랜드로의 법인 이전을 완료했습니다. 주주들은 변경 이전에 보유한 TE Connectivity의 주식 1주당 TE Connectivity plc의 주식 1주를 받았습니다. 이 회사는 여전히 미국 SEC 보고 대상이며, 주식은 NYSE에서 TEL 기호로 계속 거래됩니다.

주주들은 이전에 주당 $0.65의 배당금을 승인했으며, 이는 4회 분기별로 지급될 예정입니다. 2025 회계 연도의 첫 두 분기 배당금은 2024년 12월 6일과 2025년 3월 7일로 예정되어 있습니다. 2025년 세 번째 분기부터는 아일랜드 법에 따라 배당금이 분기별로 선언되고 지급될 것입니다.

TE Connectivity는 아일랜드 고등법원에 주식 프리미엄 계좌의 조정을 승인받기 위해 신청할 예정이며, 법인 재등록 이후 분배 가능한 준비금을 생성할 것입니다. 청문회 날짜는 알려지는 대로 TE.com에서 발표될 예정입니다.

TE Connectivity plc (NYSE: TEL) a terminé son transfert de siège de la Suisse vers l'Irlande. Les actionnaires ont reçu une action de TE Connectivity plc pour chaque action de TE Connectivity détenue avant ce changement. L'entreprise reste une entité soumise à des rapports auprès de la SEC américaine, et ses actions continuent à se négocier sur le NYSE sous le symbole TEL.

Les actionnaires ont précédemment approuvé un dividende de 0,65 $ par action, payable en quatre versements trimestriels. Les dividendes des deux premiers trimestres fiscaux de 2025 sont programmés pour le 6 décembre 2024 et le 7 mars 2025. À partir du troisième trimestre fiscal de 2025, les dividendes seront déclarés et payés trimestriellement conformément à la loi irlandaise.

TE Connectivity demandera au Haut Tribunal d'Irlande l'approbation pour réduire son compte de prime d'émission, créant des réserves distribuables après la réincorporation. La date de l'audience sera annoncée sur dès qu'elle sera connue.

TE Connectivity plc (NYSE: TEL) hat den Wechsel ihres Sitzes von der Schweiz nach Irland abgeschlossen. Die Aktionäre erhielten eine Aktie von TE Connectivity plc für jede Aktie von TE Connectivity, die sie vor dem Wechsel hielten. Das Unternehmen bleibt eine berichtspflichtige Einheit bei der SEC der USA, und seine Aktien werden weiterhin an der NYSE unter dem Symbol TEL gehandelt.

Die Aktionäre haben zuvor eine Dividende von 0,65 $ pro Aktie genehmigt, die in vier vierteljährlichen Raten ausgezahlt wird. Die Dividenden für die ersten beiden Geschäftsjahre 2025 sind für den 6. Dezember 2024 und den 7. März 2025 angesetzt. Ab dem dritten Geschäftsjahr 2025 werden Dividenden vierteljährlich gemäß dem irischen Gesetz erklärt und ausgezahlt.

TE Connectivity wird beim irischen Obersten Gerichtshof einen Antrag auf Genehmigung zur Reduzierung ihres Aktienprämienkontos stellen, um nach der Wiederherstellung ausschüttbare Rücklagen zu schaffen. Das Datum der Anhörung wird bekannt gegeben, sobald es bekannt ist, auf

  • Successful completion of reincorporation from Switzerland to Ireland
  • Continuation of NYSE listing under the same ticker symbol (TEL)
  • Maintenance of quarterly dividend payments ($0.65 per share)
  • None.


The reincorporation of TE Connectivity from Switzerland to Ireland is a significant corporate restructuring with several implications:

  • Shareholders receive a 1:1 exchange of shares, maintaining their ownership stakes.
  • The company retains its NYSE listing and SEC reporting status, ensuring continuity for U.S. investors.
  • The move to Ireland may offer tax advantages and align with EU regulations, potentially benefiting the company's European operations.
  • The approved dividend structure remains intact, with $0.65 quarterly payments continuing as planned.
  • The creation of distributable reserves through a reduction of share premium account is a technical but necessary step under Irish law to enable future dividend payments and share buybacks.

While this change doesn't immediately impact day-to-day operations or financials, it could provide long-term strategic benefits in terms of corporate flexibility and potential tax efficiencies. Investors should monitor for any changes in financial reporting or corporate governance practices that may result from this reincorporation.

The reincorporation of TE Connectivity to Ireland is a strategic move with nuanced financial implications:

  • Ireland's corporate tax rate of 12.5% is favorable compared to many other jurisdictions, potentially leading to tax savings.
  • The continuation of the $2.60 annual dividend ($0.65 quarterly) signals financial stability and commitment to shareholder returns.
  • The creation of distributable reserves is important for maintaining dividend payments and share repurchases under Irish law, ensuring capital return flexibility.
  • No immediate impact on stock price or market cap is expected, as operations and financials remain largely unchanged.
  • Long-term benefits may include enhanced access to EU markets and potential regulatory advantages within the European framework.

Investors should view this as a neutral to slightly positive development, focusing on potential long-term strategic and financial benefits rather than short-term impacts. The move demonstrates management's proactive approach to optimizing corporate structure for future growth and shareholder value.

GALWAY, Ireland, Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- TE Connectivity plc (NYSE: TEL) today completed the change in the place of incorporation of the publicly traded parent company of TE Connectivity from Switzerland to Ireland. The change in place of incorporation resulted in each shareholder of TE Connectivity Ltd. receiving one share of TE Connectivity plc, a company incorporated under the laws of Ireland, for each share of TE Connectivity Ltd. held immediately prior to the change in incorporation. The company will continue to be a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission reporting company and its ordinary shares will continue to trade on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the symbol TEL.

As a reminder, at the Annual General Meeting on March 13, 2024, shareholders approved the distribution of a dividend payable from reserves from capital contributions to be paid in four equal quarterly installments of $0.65. Dividends for TE Connectivity's first fiscal quarter of 2025 will be paid on December 6, 2024, to the shareholders of record on November 22, 2024, and for TE Connectivity's second fiscal quarter of 2025 on March 7, 2025, to the shareholders of record on February 21, 2025. Beginning in TE Connectivity's third fiscal quarter of 2025, dividends will be declared and paid on a quarterly basis by the Board of Directors as provided by Irish Law.

Further, on June 12, 2024, shareholders approved at a Special General Meeting the reduction of the share premium account of TE Connectivity plc to allow for the creation of distributable reserves following the effective date of the reincorporation. As required by Irish law, TE will apply to the Irish High Court for an order seeking the approval of the reduction of the company capital of TE by the cancellation of the entire amount standing to the credit of TE's share premium account. The date of the hearing before the Irish High Court shall be published on once known.

About TE Connectivity

TE Connectivity plc (NYSE: TEL) is a global industrial technology leader creating a safer, sustainable, productive, and connected future. Our broad range of connectivity and sensor solutions enable the distribution of power, signal and data to advance next-generation transportation, renewable energy, automated factories, data centers, medical technology and more. With more than 85,000 employees, including 8,000 engineers, working alongside customers in approximately 140 countries, TE ensures that EVERY CONNECTION COUNTS. Learn more at and on LinkedIn, Facebook, WeChat, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter).

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SOURCE TE Connectivity plc


What is TE Connectivity's new place of incorporation?

TE Connectivity has changed its place of incorporation from Switzerland to Ireland, effective September 30, 2024.

How does the reincorporation affect TE Connectivity's stock (TEL)?

TE Connectivity's stock (TEL) continues to trade on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) without any changes to the ticker symbol.

What is the dividend amount for TE Connectivity (TEL) shareholders?

TE Connectivity (TEL) shareholders will receive a dividend of $0.65 per share, payable in four equal quarterly installments.

When are the next dividend payment dates for TE Connectivity (TEL)?

The next dividend payments for TE Connectivity (TEL) are scheduled for December 6, 2024, and March 7, 2025, for the first and second fiscal quarters of 2025 respectively.

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