Teledyne FLIR Defense Unveils Cerberus XL C-UAS Mobile Counter-Drone System at AUSA 2024

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Teledyne FLIR Defense, part of Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (NYSE:TDY), unveils the Cerberus XL C-UAS air domain monitoring and counter-drone platform at the AUSA conference in Washington D.C. This advanced system features:

  • High-performance long-range sensors and Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems technology
  • Thermal/visual imaging systems, 3D radars, and RF detection
  • Ability to detect and track over 500 targets simultaneously
  • Non-kinetic effectors for threat defeat up to three kilometers
  • Modular design for air, ground, and maritime threats
  • Integration with kinetic defeat solutions and AI-enhanced target identification

The system has been battle-proven in Ukraine and is designed for rapid deployment in challenging environments, addressing military force protection, airports, seaports, borders, and critical infrastructure security needs.

Teledyne FLIR Defense, parte di Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (NYSE:TDY), presenta la piattaforma di monitoraggio del dominio aereo e contro-drone Cerberus XL C-UAS alla conferenza AUSA di Washington D.C. Questo sistema avanzato è dotato di:

  • Sensori ad alte prestazioni a lungo raggio e tecnologia contro i sistemi aerei senza pilota
  • Sistemi di imaging termico e visivo, radar 3D e rilevamento RF
  • Capacità di rilevare e tracciare oltre 500 obiettivi contemporaneamente
  • Effettori non cinetici per neutralizzare le minacce fino a tre chilometri
  • Design modulare per minacce aeree, terrestri e marittime
  • Integrazione con soluzioni di neutralizzazione cinetica e identificazione degli obiettivi potenziata dall'AI

Il sistema è stato collaudato in battaglia in Ucraina ed è progettato per un rapido dispiegamento in ambienti difficili, rispondendo alle esigenze di protezione delle forze militari, aeroporti, porti marittimi, confini e sicurezza delle infrastrutture critiche.

Teledyne FLIR Defense, que forma parte de Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (NYSE:TDY), presenta la plataforma de monitoreo del dominio aéreo y contrainsurgente Cerberus XL C-UAS en la conferencia AUSA en Washington D.C. Este sistema avanzado cuenta con:

  • Sensores de alto rendimiento de largo alcance y tecnología de sistemas aéreos no tripulados
  • Sistemas de imagen térmica/visual, radares 3D y detección RF
  • Capacidad para detectar y rastrear más de 500 objetivos simultáneamente
  • Efectores no cinéticos para neutralizar amenazas a hasta tres kilómetros
  • Diseño modular para amenazas aéreas, terrestres y marítimas
  • Integración con soluciones de neutralización cinética e identificación de objetivos mejorada por IA

El sistema ha sido testado en combate en Ucrania y está diseñado para un rápido despliegue en entornos desafiantes, abordando las necesidades de protección de fuerzas militares, aeropuertos, puertos marítimos, fronteras y seguridad de infraestructuras críticas.

Teledyne FLIR Defense는 Teledyne Technologies Incorporated(NYSE:TDY)의 일환으로 워싱턴 D.C.에서 열린 AUSA 회의에서 Cerberus XL C-UAS 공중 감시 및 드론 대응 플랫폼을 공개합니다. 이 첨단 시스템은 다음과 같은 기능을 갖추고 있습니다:

  • 고성능 장거리 센서 및 무인 항공기 시스템 대응 기술
  • 열화상/시각 이미징 시스템, 3D 레이더 및 RF 탐지
  • 500개 이상의 목표를 동시에 탐지하고 추적할 수 있는 능력
  • 3킬로미터까지 위협을 무력화할 수 있는 비동력 효과기
  • 공중, 지상 및 해양 위협에 대한 모듈형 설계
  • 동력 무력화 솔루션 및 AI 강조 목표 식별과의 통합

이 시스템은 우크라이나에서 전투 검증을 받았으며, 군대 보호, 공항, 항구, 국경 및 중요한 인프라 보안 요구를 다루기 위해 어려운 환경에서 신속하게 배치되도록 설계되었습니다.

Teledyne FLIR Defense, faisant partie de Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (NYSE:TDY), dévoile la plateforme de surveillance de l’espace aérien et de contre-drone Cerberus XL C-UAS lors de la conférence AUSA à Washington D.C. Ce système avancé dispose des caractéristiques suivantes :

  • Capteurs haute performance à longue portée et technologie contre les systèmes aériens sans pilote
  • Systèmes d'imagerie thermique/visuelle, radars 3D et détection RF
  • Capacité à détecter et suivre plus de 500 cibles simultanément
  • Effet non cinétique pour neutraliser les menaces jusqu'à trois kilomètres
  • Conception modulaire pour les menaces aériennes, terrestres et maritimes
  • Intégration avec des solutions cinétiques de neutralisation et identification des cibles améliorée par IA

Le système a été éprouvé au combat en Ukraine et est conçu pour un déploiement rapide dans des environnements difficiles, répondant aux besoins de protection des forces militaires, des aéroports, des ports maritimes, des frontières et de la sécurité des infrastructures critiques.

Teledyne FLIR Defense, ein Teil von Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (NYSE:TDY), präsentiert die Cerberus XL C-UAS Plattform zur Überwachung des Luftraums und zur Bekämpfung von Drohnen auf der AUSA-Konferenz in Washington D.C. Dieses fortschrittliche System bietet:

  • Hochleistungs-Sensoren mit großer Reichweite und Technologie zur Bekämpfung unbemannter Luftfahrzeuge
  • Thermal-/Visualisierungsbilder, 3D-Radarsysteme und RF-Detektion
  • Fähigkeit, über 500 Ziele gleichzeitig zu erkennen und zu verfolgen
  • Nicht-kinetische Effekte zur Bedrohungsbekämpfung bis zu drei Kilometer
  • Modulares Design für Luft-, Boden- und maritimen Bedrohungen
  • Integration mit kinetischen Lösung zur Bekämpfung und KI-gestützter Zielerkennung

Das System hat sich im Einsatz in der Ukraine bewährt und ist für eine schnelle Bereitstellung in herausfordernden Umgebungen konzipiert, um die Sicherheitsbedürfnisse von Militär, Flughäfen, Seehäfen, Grenzen und kritischer Infrastruktur zu erfüllen.

  • Cerberus XL C-UAS can detect and track over 500 targets simultaneously
  • The system has been battle-tested and proven effective in Ukraine
  • Teledyne FLIR signed a $31 million contract with Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace for Ukrainian forces
  • The platform is modular and can be configured for air, ground, and maritime threats
  • Cerberus XL C-UAS integrates with existing effector systems for comprehensive drone defeat capabilities
  • None.


The introduction of Cerberus XL C-UAS by Teledyne FLIR Defense represents a significant advancement in counter-drone technology. This multi-sensor platform addresses a critical need in modern warfare and security, especially given the increasing threat of drone swarms. Key features like the ability to detect up to 500 targets simultaneously and its effectiveness against drone swarms position it as a formidable defense system.

The system's modular design and rapid deployment capability make it versatile for various security scenarios, from military applications to critical infrastructure protection. Its battle-proven status in Ukraine adds credibility and real-world validation to its capabilities. The $31 million contract with Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace for Ukrainian forces underscores its strategic importance and market potential.

For Teledyne Technologies (TDY), this product launch could drive significant revenue growth in the defense sector, particularly as governments worldwide increase investments in counter-drone technologies. The system's interoperability with various defeat systems also opens up opportunities for partnerships and additional revenue streams.

The Cerberus XL C-UAS system addresses a critical gap in modern military capabilities. Its ability to integrate with existing systems and provide a comprehensive solution for the entire counter-drone kill chain - detect, track, identify and defeat - is particularly valuable. The system's AI-enhanced target identification and ability to handle drone swarms are important advancements in an era where unmanned aerial threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated.

The platform's success in Ukraine serves as a powerful real-world endorsement, likely to attract interest from other militaries facing similar threats. The emphasis on reduced operator workload through integrated command and control is also significant, as it allows for more efficient allocation of human resources in combat situations.

For Teledyne Technologies, this product positions them as a key player in the rapidly evolving field of counter-drone warfare, potentially leading to long-term contracts and strategic partnerships with defense departments globally.

Multi-sensor surveillance and air defense platform features advanced radar, imaging, and RF technology;

Interoperable with wide range of non-kinetic and kinetic drone defeat systems;

Effective against drone swarms, can detect up to 500 targets simultaneously;

Battle-proven in Ukraine

WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Teledyne FLIR Defense, part of Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (NYSE:TDY), is introducing its Cerberus XL C-UAS air domain monitoring and counter-drone platform at this week’s Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA) conference in Washington D.C.

Teledyne FLIR Defense introduced its Cerberus XL C-UAS air domain monitoring and counter-drone platform at this week’s Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA) conference in Washington D.C. Cerberus XL C-UAS is a multi-sensor surveillance and air defense platform that features advanced radar, imaging, and RF technology. It’s interoperable with wide range of non-kinetic and kinetic drone defeat systems, effective against drone swarms, and can detect up to 500 targets simultaneously. Cerberus XL C-UAS is battle-proven in Ukraine. The mobile trailer-based system can deploy rapidly in the most challenging environments to help users address their toughest air security challenges, such as military force protection, airports, seaports, borders, or critical infrastructure. (Photo: Business Wire)

Teledyne FLIR Defense introduced its Cerberus XL C-UAS air domain monitoring and counter-drone platform at this week’s Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA) conference in Washington D.C. Cerberus XL C-UAS is a multi-sensor surveillance and air defense platform that features advanced radar, imaging, and RF technology. It’s interoperable with wide range of non-kinetic and kinetic drone defeat systems, effective against drone swarms, and can detect up to 500 targets simultaneously. Cerberus XL C-UAS is battle-proven in Ukraine. The mobile trailer-based system can deploy rapidly in the most challenging environments to help users address their toughest air security challenges, such as military force protection, airports, seaports, borders, or critical infrastructure. (Photo: Business Wire)

Cerberus® XL C-UAS is a rugged, state-of-the-art integrated system equipped with high performance long-range sensors and Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems (C-UAS) technology. The platform combines advanced thermal/visual imaging systems with highly sensitive, long-range 3D radars and RF detection to quickly locate and track drone targets, plus third-party non-kinetic effectors that can defeat threats out to three kilometers.

The mobile trailer-based system can deploy rapidly in the most challenging environments. Cerberus XL C-UAS is modular and can be configured for air, ground, and maritime threats. It offers users a multi-domain situational awareness solution for the toughest air security challenges, such as military force protection, flight lines, airports, seaports, borders, and critical infrastructure.

Cerberus XL C-UAS addresses the entire counter-drone kill chain, including detect, track, identify and defeat. The platform is designed to easily integrate with kinetic defeat solutions and features sensors with advanced AI to boost target identification accuracy.

Last year, FLIR Defense signed a $31 million contract with Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace, Norway to deliver Cerberus XL C-UAS as part of a complete counter-drone solution for Ukrainian forces. The system has performed successfully throughout the Ukraine theater.

Key features include:

  • Modularity – Designed to support a variety of sensors and payloads, the system offers multiple range configurations tailored to mission requirements.
  • Continuous Air Defense – Maintain uninterrupted air security by detecting and tracking over 500 targets simultaneously with advanced radar and RF technology.
  • ‘Soft’ Kill Chain – A multi-sensor, layered surveillance and UAS countermeasure system using radar and RF for detection, non-kinetic jamming and disruption, and EO/IR for precise tracking and identification.
  • Integrated Command & Control – The Teledyne Cameleon™ C2 client interface offers mapping, track display, camera control, mission recording, and system health monitoring.
  • Reduced Operator Workload – The system integrates and analyzes inputs from multiple sensors and systems, easing operator workload and increasing autonomy.
  • Rapidly Deployable Trailer Platform – Ready to be deployed in extreme conditions, Cerberus XL C-UAS features a rugged fixed mast on a mobile platform that can be setup in minutes, not hours.

“The Cerberus XL C-UAS is one of the most sophisticated, sensitive, and comprehensive counter-drone systems available anywhere,” said Dr. JihFen Lei, president of Teledyne FLIR Defense. “Battle-tested and proven in Ukraine, Cerberus brings together the superior surveillance and radar technologies FLIR Defense has innovated for decades.

“Military and civilian customers can go from zero counter-UAS capacity to a full solution with this rapid-setup platform that integrates with existing effector systems to deliver drone defeat capabilities users can rely on,” Lei added.

Cerberus XL C-UAS and its ground surveillance variant, Cerberus® XL, both are available now to ship worldwide.

Visit Teledyne FLIR at AUSA in Hall DE, Booth 7241, to see the Cerberus XL C-UAS and more of the company’s latest defense technology solutions.

About Teledyne FLIR Defense

Teledyne FLIR Defense has been providing advanced, mission-critical technology and systems for more than 45 years. Our products are on the frontlines of the world’s most pressing military, security and public safety challenges. As a global leader in thermal imaging, we design and build sophisticated surveillance sensors for air, land and maritime use. We develop the most rugged, trusted unmanned air and ground platforms, as well as intelligent sensing devices used to detect chemicals, biological agents, radiation and explosives. At Teledyne FLIR Defense we bring together this expertise to deliver solutions that enable critical decisions and keep our world safe – from any threat, anywhere. To learn more, visit us online or follow @flir and @flir_defense.

About Teledyne Technologies

Teledyne Technologies is a leading provider of sophisticated digital imaging products and software, instrumentation, aerospace and defense electronics, and engineered systems. Teledyne's operations are primarily located in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Western and Northern Europe. For more information, visit Teledyne's website at

Media Contacts:

Joe Ailinger, Jr.

Teledyne FLIR Defense

Phone: +1 781-801-6161


Ryan Williams

Targeted Victory

Phone: +1 617-697-9072


Source: Teledyne FLIR Defense


What is the range of the Cerberus XL C-UAS system from Teledyne FLIR Defense (TDY)?

The Cerberus XL C-UAS system from Teledyne FLIR Defense can defeat threats out to three kilometers using non-kinetic effectors.

How many targets can the Cerberus XL C-UAS (TDY) detect simultaneously?

The Cerberus XL C-UAS can detect and track over 500 targets simultaneously using advanced radar and RF technology.

Where has the Cerberus XL C-UAS from Teledyne FLIR Defense (TDY) been tested?

The Cerberus XL C-UAS has been battle-tested and proven effective in Ukraine.

What types of threats can the Cerberus XL C-UAS (TDY) address?

The Cerberus XL C-UAS is modular and can be configured to address air, ground, and maritime threats.

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