Teledyne FLIR Defense Captures Contracts Worth Up to $47M to Provide Wide Range of Ground Robots to US Government

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Teledyne FLIR Defense, part of Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (NYSE:TDY), has secured two five-year requirements contracts worth up to $47 million to provide and support ground robots to the U.S. government. The contracts, awarded by the U.S. Army Contracting Command in Detroit, cover:

1. A contract up to $32 million for sustainment of Man-Transportable Robotic System (MTRS) and Common Robotic Systems-Heavy (CRS-H) fielded robots, available to all Department of Defense units.

2. A contract up to $15 million for sustainment of FirstLook 110, SUGV 310, PackBot, and Kobra 725 ground robots, available to all U.S. government agencies.

The contracts span nearly Teledyne FLIR Defense's full portfolio of unmanned ground systems, from the 6-pound FirstLook to the 525-pound Kobra/CRS-H robot. Funding will be provided with each delivery order received over the five-year performance period.

Teledyne FLIR Defense, parte di Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (NYSE:TDY), ha ottenuto due contratti di requisiti quinquennali del valore di fino a 47 milioni di dollari per fornire e supportare robot terrestri al governo degli Stati Uniti. I contratti, assegnati dal Comando degli Appalti dell'Esercito degli Stati Uniti a Detroit, coprono:

1. Un contratto fino a 32 milioni di dollari per la manutenzione del Sistema Robotico Man-Transportable (MTRS) e dei sistemi robotici comuni pesanti (CRS-H) impiegati, disponibili per tutte le unità del Dipartimento della Difesa.

2. Un contratto fino a 15 milioni di dollari per la manutenzione dei robot terrestri FirstLook 110, SUGV 310, PackBot e Kobra 725, disponibili per tutte le agenzie governative degli Stati Uniti.

I contratti coprono quasi l'intero portafoglio di sistemi terrestri senza pilota di Teledyne FLIR Defense, dal FirstLook di 6 libbre al robot Kobra/CRS-H di 525 libbre. I finanziamenti saranno forniti con ciascun ordine di consegna ricevuto durante il periodo di prestazione di cinque anni.

Teledyne FLIR Defense, parte de Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (NYSE:TDY), ha asegurado dos contratos de requisitos por cinco años por un valor de hasta 47 millones de dólares para proporcionar y apoyar robots terrestres al gobierno de los Estados Unidos. Los contratos, otorgados por el Comando de Contratación del Ejército de los EE. UU. en Detroit, cubren:

1. Un contrato de hasta 32 millones de dólares para el mantenimiento del Sistema Robótico Man-Transportable (MTRS) y de los Sistemas Robóticos Comunes Pesados (CRS-H) de robots ya desplegados, disponibles para todas las unidades del Departamento de Defensa.

2. Un contrato de hasta 15 millones de dólares para el mantenimiento de los robots terrestres FirstLook 110, SUGV 310, PackBot y Kobra 725, disponibles para todas las agencias del gobierno de EE. UU.

Los contratos abarcan casi todo el portafolio de sistemas terrestres no tripulados de Teledyne FLIR Defense, desde el FirstLook de 6 libras hasta el robot Kobra/CRS-H de 525 libras. La financiación se proporcionará con cada orden de entrega recibida durante el período de rendimiento de cinco años.

Teledyne FLIR Defense는 Teledyne Technologies Incorporated(NYSE:TDY)의 일환으로 미 정부에 지상 로봇을 제공하고 지원하기 위해 최대 4,700만 달러 규모의 5년 요구 계약 2건을 체결했습니다. 이 계약은 디트로이트의 미 육군 계약 명령에 의해 수여되었습니다. 계약 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 모든 국방부 부대에서 사용할 수 있는 MTRS(Man-Transportable Robotic System) 및 CRS-H(Common Robotic Systems-Heavy) 현장 로봇의 유지 관리를 위한 최대 3,200만 달러 계약.

2. 모든 미 정부 기관에서 사용할 수 있는 FirstLook 110, SUGV 310, PackBot 및 Kobra 725 지상 로봇의 유지 관리를 위한 최대 1,500만 달러 계약.

계약은 Teledyne FLIR Defense의 거의 모든 무인 지상 시스템 포트폴리오를 포함하며, 6파운드의 FirstLook에서 525파운드의 Kobra/CRS-H 로봇까지 다양합니다. 자금은 5년 성능 기간 동안 수령된 각 배송 주문과 함께 제공됩니다.

Teledyne FLIR Defense, une partie de Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (NYSE:TDY), a sécurisé deux contrats de exigences de cinq ans d'une valeur allant jusqu'à 47 millions de dollars pour fournir et soutenir des robots terrestres au gouvernement des États-Unis. Les contrats, attribués par le Commandement des contrats de l'Armée américaine à Detroit, couvrent :

1. Un contrat jusqu'à 32 millions de dollars pour le maintien du Système Robotique Man-Transportable (MTRS) et des Systèmes Robotiques Communs-Lourds (CRS-H) déjà déployés, disponibles pour toutes les unités du Département de la Défense.

2. Un contrat jusqu'à 15 millions de dollars pour le maintien des robots terrestres FirstLook 110, SUGV 310, PackBot et Kobra 725, disponibles pour toutes les agences gouvernementales américaines.

Les contrats couvrent presque l'intégralité du portefeuille de systèmes terrestres sans pilote de Teledyne FLIR Defense, du FirstLook de 6 livres au robot Kobra/CRS-H de 525 livres. Le financement sera fourni avec chaque commande de livraison reçue pendant la période de performance de cinq ans.

Teledyne FLIR Defense, Teil von Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (NYSE:TDY), hat zwei fünfjährige Vertragsanforderungen in Höhe von bis zu 47 Millionen Dollar gesichert, um dem US-Regierung Bodengebotsunterstützung zu bieten. Die Verträge, die vom US Army Contracting Command in Detroit vergeben wurden, umfassen:

1. Ein Vertrag von bis zu 32 Millionen Dollar für die Instandhaltung des Man-Transportable Robotic System (MTRS) und der Common Robotic Systems-Heavy (CRS-H), die bereits im Einsatz sind und für alle Einheiten des Verteidigungsministeriums verfügbar sind.

2. Ein Vertrag von bis zu 15 Millionen Dollar für die Instandhaltung der Bodengebots FirstLook 110, SUGV 310, PackBot und Kobra 725, die allen US-Regierungsbehörden zur Verfügung stehen.

Die Verträge umfassen nahezu das gesamte Portfolio unbemannter terrestrischer Systeme von Teledyne FLIR Defense, vom 6-Pfund FirstLook bis zum 525-Pfund Kobra/CRS-H-Roboter. Die Finanzierung wird mit jeder Bestellung, die im Rahmen des fünfjährigen Leistungszeitraums eingeht, bereitgestellt.

  • Secured contracts worth up to $47 million for ground robot provision and support
  • Contracts cover a wide range of ground robots, showcasing product diversity
  • Five-year contract duration provides long-term revenue visibility
  • Contracts available to all Department of Defense units and U.S. government agencies, expanding potential customer base
  • Funding for contracts is not guaranteed and depends on delivery orders received


This contract win is a positive development for Teledyne Technologies, providing a substantial $47 million revenue opportunity over five years. The contracts cover a wide range of ground robots, demonstrating the company's strong position in the defense robotics market.

Key points to consider:

  • The contracts provide steady, long-term revenue streams, enhancing visibility for investors.
  • The wide range of robots covered suggests Teledyne has a comprehensive product portfolio, potentially reducing competitive threats.
  • The contracts' availability to all DoD units and government agencies could lead to additional orders beyond the initial value.
  • The five-year performance period, including option years, provides stability and potential for future growth.

While the $47 million total represents less than 1% of Teledyne's $20 billion market cap, it reinforces the company's strong relationship with government clients and its position in a critical defense technology sector. This could lead to further opportunities and contribute to steady, long-term growth in the defense segment.

These contracts highlight Teledyne FLIR Defense's dominant position in the military ground robotics sector. The company's diverse portfolio, ranging from lightweight reconnaissance robots to heavy-duty CBRN detection systems, demonstrates its ability to meet a wide array of mission-critical needs.

Notably, the inclusion of the PackBot, which has been in service since 2001, shows the platform's longevity and continued relevance. This speaks to Teledyne's ability to evolve and maintain its technologies to meet changing battlefield requirements.

The contracts' structure, allowing for purchases by all DoD units and government agencies, positions Teledyne for potential market expansion beyond initial estimates. As geopolitical tensions persist globally, demand for unmanned ground systems in military and homeland security applications is likely to grow, benefiting established players like Teledyne FLIR Defense.

Two new contracts make available the company’s battle-proven unmanned ground systems to Dept. of Defense and Federal government agencies

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Teledyne FLIR Defense, part of Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (NYSE:TDY), announced that it has received two five-year requirements contracts worth up to $47 million in total to provide and support nearly its entire range of ground robots to the United States government. The contracts were awarded by the U.S. Army Contracting Command in Detroit and will be administered by the Robot Logistics Support Center.

Teledyne FLIR Defense announced that it has received two five-year requirements contracts worth up to <money>$47 million</money> in total to provide and support nearly its entire range of ground robots to the United States government. The contracts cover the company's FirstLook, SUGV, PackBot, and Kobra ground robots, as well as the Man-Transportable Robotic System (MTRS) and Common Robotic Systems-Heavy (CRS-H) fielded robots. (Photo: Business Wire)

Teledyne FLIR Defense announced that it has received two five-year requirements contracts worth up to $47 million in total to provide and support nearly its entire range of ground robots to the United States government. The contracts cover the company's FirstLook, SUGV, PackBot, and Kobra ground robots, as well as the Man-Transportable Robotic System (MTRS) and Common Robotic Systems-Heavy (CRS-H) fielded robots. (Photo: Business Wire)

The first contract, valued at up to $32 million, will support sustainment of the Man-Transportable Robotic System (MTRS) and Common Robotic Systems-Heavy (CRS-H) fielded robots. This contract is available to all Department of Defense units and includes spares and repair services. The second contract, valued at up to $15 million, will support sustainment of the FLIR Defense FirstLook® 110, SUGV™ 310, PackBot®, and Kobra™ 725 ground robots. This contract is available to all U.S. government agencies and includes the purchase of all robotic systems listed as well as training to fulfill foreign military sales and customer requirements for robots, training or parts.

“These new funding vehicles are critically important in maintaining both DoD and Federal government readiness to address threats solved with the help of ground robots,” said Tung Ng, vice president of Unmanned Systems North America at Teledyne FLIR Defense. “Whatever the job may be, our men and women in uniform know they can depend on all our robotic platforms to help them perform missions more safely and effectively. We are honored by their trust.”

The two contracts span nearly the full portfolio of FLIR Defense’s unmanned ground systems – from the six-pound throwable FirstLook to the man-portable PackBot, relied on by America’s military for bomb disposal since 2001, up to the 525-pound Kobra/CRS-H robot used for remote CBRN detection, larger ordnance disposal, and other heavy-duty tasks.

Funding for the contracts will be provided with each delivery order received. Both contracts feature a five-year performance period, with three base years and two option years.

About Teledyne FLIR Defense

Teledyne FLIR Defense has been providing advanced, mission-critical technology and systems for more than 45 years. Our products are on the frontlines of the world’s most pressing military, security and public safety challenges. As a global leader in thermal imaging, we design and build sophisticated surveillance sensors for air, land and maritime use. We develop the most rugged, trusted unmanned air and ground platforms, as well as intelligent sensing devices used to detect chemicals, biological agents, radiation and explosives. At Teledyne FLIR Defense we bring together this expertise to deliver solutions that enable critical decisions and keep our world safe – from any threat, anywhere. To learn more, visit us online or follow @flir and @flir_defense.

About Teledyne Technologies

Teledyne Technologies is a leading provider of sophisticated digital imaging products and software, instrumentation, aerospace and defense electronics, and engineered systems. Teledyne's operations are primarily located in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Western and Northern Europe. For more information, visit Teledyne's website at

Joe Ailinger, Jr.

Teledyne FLIR Defense

Phone: +1 781-801-6161


Ryan Williams

Targeted Victory

Phone: +1 617-697-9072


Source: Teledyne FLIR Defense


What is the total value of the contracts Teledyne FLIR Defense (TDY) received for ground robots?

Teledyne FLIR Defense received two contracts with a total value of up to $47 million for providing and supporting ground robots to the U.S. government.

Which ground robot models are covered under the Teledyne FLIR Defense (TDY) contracts?

The contracts cover FirstLook 110, SUGV 310, PackBot, Kobra 725, Man-Transportable Robotic System (MTRS), and Common Robotic Systems-Heavy (CRS-H) ground robots.

What is the duration of the ground robot contracts awarded to Teledyne FLIR Defense (TDY)?

The contracts have a five-year performance period, consisting of three base years and two option years.

Who awarded the ground robot contracts to Teledyne FLIR Defense (TDY)?

The contracts were awarded by the U.S. Army Contracting Command in Detroit and will be administered by the Robot Logistics Support Center.

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