Teladoc Health Announces Employee Inducement Award under NYSE Rule 303A.08

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Teladoc Health (NYSE:TDOC), a leader in virtual care, has announced an inducement award for a new employee. Terre Layton, joining as Senior Vice President of Product for BetterHelp, received 50,000 restricted stock units of Teladoc Health's common stock on September 1, 2024. The vesting schedule is structured as follows:

  • One-third of the shares vest on the first anniversary of the grant date
  • The remaining two-thirds vest quarterly over the subsequent two years

This award, approved by the Compensation Committee of Teladoc's Board of Directors, was granted under the company's 2023 Employment Inducement Incentive Award Plan, in compliance with NYSE Rule 303A.08.

Teladoc Health (NYSE:TDOC), un leader nella cura virtuale, ha annunciato un premio incentivante per un nuovo dipendente. Terre Layton, che si unisce come Vicepresidente Senior del Prodotto per BetterHelp, ha ricevuto 50.000 unità azionarie ristrette delle azioni ordinarie di Teladoc Health il 1 settembre 2024. Il piano di maturazione è strutturato come segue:

  • Un terzo delle azioni matura nel primo anniversario della data di concessione
  • Le restanti due terzi maturano trimestralmente nei due anni successivi

Questo premio, approvato dal Comitato per la Compensazione del Consiglio di Amministrazione di Teladoc, è stato concesso ai sensi del Piano di Incentivazione per l'Occupazione 2023 dell'azienda, in conformità con la Regola 303A.08 della NYSE.

Teladoc Health (NYSE:TDOC), un líder en atención virtual, ha anunciado un premio por inducimiento para un nuevo empleado. Terre Layton, quien se une como Vicepresidente Senior de Producto para BetterHelp, recibió 50,000 unidades de acciones restringidas de las acciones ordinarias de Teladoc Health el 1 de septiembre de 2024. El calendario de adquisición se estructura de la siguiente manera:

  • Un tercio de las acciones se adquiere en el primer aniversario de la fecha de concesión
  • Los dos tercios restantes se adquieren trimestralmente durante los dos años siguientes

Este premio, aprobado por el Comité de Compensación de la Junta Directiva de Teladoc, se otorgó bajo el Plan de Incentivo por Empleo 2023 de la empresa, en cumplimiento con la Regla 303A.08 de la NYSE.

텔라독 헬스 (NYSE:TDOC), 가상 진료의 선두주자로, 새로운 직원에게 유인 보상을 발표했습니다. Terre Layton은 BetterHelp의 제품 수석 부사장으로 합류하며, 2024년 9월 1일에 텔라독 헬스의 보통주 50,000 제한 주식을 받았습니다. 주식의 귀속 일정은 다음과 같이 구성됩니다:

  • 주식의 1/3이 부여일의 첫 번째 기념일에 귀속됩니다
  • 남은 2/3는 이후 2년동안 분기마다 귀속됩니다

이 보상은 텔라독의 이사회 보상위원회의 승인을 받았으며, NYSE 규정 303A.08에 따라 2023고용 유인 인센티브 보상 계획에 따라 부여되었습니다.

Teladoc Health (NYSE:TDOC), un leader en soins virtuels, a annoncé une prime d'incitation pour un nouvel employé. Terre Layton, rejoignant en tant que Vice-président Senior des Produits pour BetterHelp, a reçu 50 000 unités d'actions restreintes des actions ordinaires de Teladoc Health le 1er septembre 2024. Le calendrier d'acquisition est structuré comme suit :

  • Un tiers des actions devient acquise à l'anniversaire de la date d'octroi
  • Les deux tiers restants deviennent acquis trimestriellement au cours des deux années suivantes

Cette prime, approuvée par le Comité de Rémunération du Conseil d'Administration de Teladoc, a été accordée dans le cadre du Plan de Prime d'Incitation à l'Emploi 2023 de l'entreprise, conformément à la Règle 303A.08 de la NYSE.

Teladoc Health (NYSE:TDOC), ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich der virtuellen Gesundheitsversorgung, hat eine Anreizprämie für einen neuen Mitarbeiter angekündigt. Terre Layton, der als Senior Vice President für Produkt bei BetterHelp einsteigt, erhielt am 1. September 2024 50.000 eingeschränkte Aktieneinheiten der Stammaktien von Teladoc Health. Der Vesting-Plan ist wie folgt strukturiert:

  • Ein Drittel der Aktien wird am ersten Jahrestag des Datums der Gewährung fällig
  • Die verbleibenden zwei Drittel werden über die folgenden zwei Jahre vierteljährlich fällig

Diese Prämie, die vom Vergütungsausschuss des Vorstands von Teladoc genehmigt wurde, wurde im Rahmen des Unternehmensplans für Anreizvergaben im Jahr 2023 gewährt und entspricht den NYSE-Regeln 303A.08.

  • Attraction of high-level talent with Terre Layton joining as SVP of Product for BetterHelp
  • Alignment of employee interests with shareholders through stock-based compensation
  • Potential dilution of existing shareholders due to issuance of new stock units

PURCHASE, NY, Sept. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teladoc Health, Inc. (NYSE:TDOC), the global leader in whole-person virtual care, today announced that it issued an inducement award to a new employee.

Effective September 1, 2024, in connection with commencing employment as Senior Vice President of Product, BetterHelp, Terre Layton was granted an award of restricted stock units covering 50,000 shares of Teladoc Health’s common stock, par value $0.001 per share. The restricted stock units vest, based on continued service to Teladoc Health, as to one-third of the underlying shares on the first anniversary of the grant date, with the remainder vesting quarterly over two years thereafter. The award was approved by the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of Teladoc Health and was granted under the Teladoc Health, Inc. 2023 Employment Inducement Incentive Award Plan as an employment inducement award pursuant to New York Stock Exchange Rule 303A.08.

About Teladoc Health

Teladoc Health empowers all people everywhere to live their healthiest lives by transforming the healthcare experience. As the world leader in whole-person virtual care, Teladoc Health uses proprietary health signals and personalized interactions to drive better health outcomes across the full continuum of care, at every stage in a person’s health journey. Teladoc Health leverages more than two decades of expertise and data-driven insights to meet the growing virtual care needs of consumers and healthcare professionals. For more information, please visit

Chris Stenrud


What inducement award did Teladoc Health (TDOC) announce on September 6, 2024?

Teladoc Health announced an inducement award of 50,000 restricted stock units to Terre Layton, who joined as Senior Vice President of Product for BetterHelp on September 1, 2024.

How do the restricted stock units granted by Teladoc Health (TDOC) vest?

The restricted stock units vest as follows: one-third on the first anniversary of the grant date, and the remaining two-thirds vest quarterly over the next two years, contingent on continued service to Teladoc Health.

Under what plan were the Teladoc Health (TDOC) inducement awards granted?

The inducement awards were granted under Teladoc Health's 2023 Employment Inducement Incentive Award Plan, in compliance with New York Stock Exchange Rule 303A.08.

Who approved the inducement award for Teladoc Health's (TDOC) new employee?

The inducement award was approved by the Compensation Committee of Teladoc Health's Board of Directors.

Teladoc Health, Inc.


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