2024 TD Ready Challenge focuses on addressing systemic barriers that underserved small business owners face, with $10 million in grants available for innovative solutions
TD Bank Group has launched the 2024 TD Ready Challenge, offering $10 million in grants to support underserved small business owners. The program invites charitable and non-profit organizations to submit proposals for innovative solutions that help entrepreneurs develop, launch, or grow their businesses. Ten grants of CDN $1 million or USD $1 million are available.
The challenge aims to address systemic barriers faced by underserved entrepreneurs, particularly in industries still recovering post-pandemic. It seeks to support strategies, technologies, or partnerships that can help overcome obstacles such as insufficient funding, lack of business planning knowledge, and access to capital. This initiative aligns with TD's global corporate citizenship platform and its commitment to improving economic inclusion.
TD Bank Group ha lanciato la sfida TD Ready 2024, offrendo 10 milioni di dollari in sovvenzioni per supportare i proprietari di piccole imprese svantaggiati. Il programma invita organizzazioni di beneficenza e no-profit a presentare proposte per soluzioni innovative che aiutino gli imprenditori a sviluppare, avviare o far crescere le loro attività. Sono disponibili dieci sovvenzioni di 1 milione di dollari CDN o 1 milione di dollari USD.
La sfida mira a affrontare le barriere sistemiche affrontate dagli imprenditori svantaggiati, in particolare nei settori che stanno ancora recuperando dopo la pandemia. Si propone di supportare strategie, tecnologie o partnership che possano aiutare a superare ostacoli come finanziamenti insufficienti, mancanza di conoscenze nella pianificazione aziendale e accesso al capitale. Questa iniziativa si allinea con la piattaforma globale di cittadinanza aziendale di TD e il suo impegno a migliorare l'inclusione economica.
TD Bank Group ha lanzado el Desafío TD Ready 2024, ofreciendo 10 millones de dólares en subvenciones para apoyar a los propietarios de pequeñas empresas desatendidos. El programa invita a organizaciones benéficas y sin fines de lucro a presentar propuestas para soluciones innovadoras que ayuden a los emprendedores a desarrollar, lanzar o hacer crecer sus negocios. Hay diez subvenciones disponibles de 1 millón de dólares CDN o 1 millón de dólares USD.
El desafío tiene como objetivo abordar las barreras sistémicas que enfrentan los emprendedores desatendidos, particularmente en industrias que aún se están recuperando después de la pandemia. Busca apoyar estrategias, tecnologías o asociaciones que puedan ayudar a superar obstáculos como la falta de financiamiento, la falta de conocimiento en planificación empresarial y el acceso al capital. Esta iniciativa está en línea con la plataforma global de ciudadanía corporativa de TD y su compromiso de mejorar la inclusión económica.
TD Bank Group는 2024 TD Ready 챌린지를 시작하며 1천만 달러의 보조금을 제공하여 소외된 소상공인을 지원합니다. 이 프로그램은 자선 및 비영리 단체가 기업가가 사업을 개발, 시작 또는 성장하는 데 도움이 되는 혁신적인 솔루션에 대한 제안을 제출하도록 초대합니다. 백만 달러 CDN 또는 백만 달러 USD의 보조금이 열 개 제공됩니다.
이 챌린지는 특히 팬데믹 이후 여전히 회복 중인 산업에서 소외된 기업가들이 직면한 체계적인 장벽을 해결하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 자금 부족, 사업 계획 지식 부족 및 자본 접근성 같은 장애물을 극복하는 데 도움이 되는 전략, 기술 또는 파트너십을 지원하고자 합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 TD의 글로벌 기업 시민 플랫폼과 경제적 포용성을 개선하겠다는 약속에 부합합니다.
TD Bank Group a lancé le défi TD Ready 2024, offrant 10 millions de dollars en subventions pour soutenir les propriétaires de petites entreprises mal desservis. Le programme invite les organisations caritatives et à but non lucratif à soumettre des propositions pour des solutions innovantes qui aident les entrepreneurs à développer, lancer ou faire croître leurs affaires. Dix subventions de 1 million de dollars CDN ou 1 million de dollars USD sont disponibles.
Le défi vise à s'attaquer aux barrières systémiques auxquelles font face les entrepreneurs mal desservis, en particulier dans les secteurs qui se remettent encore après la pandémie. Il cherche à soutenir des stratégies, des technologies ou des partenariats qui peuvent aider à surmonter des obstacles tels que le manque de financement, l'absence de connaissances en planification d'entreprise et l'accès au capital. Cette initiative s'inscrit dans le cadre de la plateforme mondiale de citoyenneté d'entreprise de TD et de son engagement à améliorer l'inclusion économique.
Die TD Bank Group hat die TD Ready Challenge 2024 ins Leben gerufen und bietet 10 Millionen Dollar an Zuschüssen an, um benachteiligte Kleinunternehmer zu unterstützen. Das Programm lädt gemeinnützige und wohltätige Organisationen ein, Vorschläge für innovative Lösungen einzureichen, die Unternehmer dabei unterstützen, ihre Geschäfte zu entwickeln, zu starten oder auszubauen. Es stehen zehn Zuschüsse von 1 Million CAD oder 1 Million USD zur Verfügung.
Das Ziel der Herausforderung ist es, systematische Barrieren zu überwinden, mit denen benachteiligte Unternehmer, insbesondere in Branchen, die sich nach der Pandemie noch erholen, konfrontiert sind. Es wird angestrebt, Strategien, Technologien oder Partnerschaften zu unterstützen, die helfen, Hindernisse wie unzureichende Finanzierung, mangelndes Wissen über Geschäftsplanung und Zugang zu Kapital zu überwinden. Diese Initiative entspricht der globalen Unternehmensbürgerschaftsplattform von TD und ihrem Engagement zur Verbesserung der wirtschaftlichen Inklusion.
- Offering $10 million in grants to support underserved small business owners
- Aligns with TD's global corporate citizenship platform and commitment to economic inclusion
- Part of TD Bank Community Impact Plan, a three-year, $20 billion USD commitment
- None.
Applications now open for eligible charitable and non-profit organizations across TD's footprint in
"Small businesses are a crucial part of resilient communities and contribute to strong local economies by helping to drive job growth, innovation and business diversity" said Mushtak Najarali, SVP, Sustainability, Strategic Sourcing and Enterprise Real Estate at TD. "Despite their critical role, within their first five years roughly
The TD Ready Challenge aims to help scale programs that promote innovation and inclusive growth. Through this year's challenge, TD is seeking to support novel strategies, technologies or partnerships that have the potential to help underserved entrepreneurs — especially those in industries such as the arts that are still recovering post-pandemic— overcome persistent barriers such as insufficient funding and support, lack of knowledge about effective business planning, and limited access to capital and credit history.
The TD Ready Challenge is a key component of the Bank's global corporate citizenship platform, the TD Ready Commitment. Since 2018, the TD Ready Challenge has granted over
This year's problem statement is one of the many ways TD is seeking to help improve economic inclusion. It aligns with TD Pathways to Economic Inclusion, the Bank's social framework that focuses on three areas where the Bank seeks to contribute to inclusive financial and economic outcomes: employment access, financial access, and housing access. It also aligns to the goals of the TD Bank Community Impact Plan, a three-year,
TD will be accepting grant applications until 4pm ET on September 5, 2024. For complete details about this year's Challenge, please visit: td.com/readychallenge.
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1According to government of Canada Key Small Business Statistics 2023 |
About TD Bank Group
The Toronto-Dominion Bank and its subsidiaries are collectively known as TD Bank Group ("TD" or the "Bank"). TD is the sixth largest bank in
SOURCE TD Bank Group
What is the focus of the 2024 TD Ready Challenge?
How much funding is available in the 2024 TD Ready Challenge?
When is the application deadline for the 2024 TD Ready Challenge?