Tactile Medical Appoints Laura King to Board of Directors
Tactile Medical (Nasdaq: TCMD) has appointed Laura King to its Board of Directors and as a member of the Audit and Compliance & Reimbursement Committees, effective January 13, 2025. Laura King brings extensive experience from her 22-year career at General Electric Company (GE), where she served as President & CEO of GE Healthcare’s Global Interventional Business. Her leadership included roles as Chief Information Officer & Chief Financial Officer for GE's Consumer & ECM Motors segment.
Currently, Ms. King is the co-founder & CEO of BiaCure, Inc., and has previously co-founded Elucent Medical, positively impacting over 10,000 breast cancer patients. She also served as President & CEO of NeuWave Medical, which was acquired by Johnson & Johnson’s MedTech division. Bill Burke, Chairman of the Board of Tactile Medical, expressed enthusiasm for Ms. King's appointment, citing her experience in leading healthcare companies and developing innovative technologies as valuable assets for the company.
Tactile Medical specializes in developing and marketing at-home therapies for chronic conditions such as lymphedema, lipedema, chronic venous insufficiency, and chronic pulmonary disease, aiming to improve patient care and reduce healthcare costs.
Tactile Medical (Nasdaq: TCMD) ha nominato Laura King nel suo Consiglio di Amministrazione e come membro dei Comitati di Audit e di Conformità & Rimborso, a partire dal 13 gennaio 2025. Laura King porta con sé una vasta esperienza derivante dalla sua carriera ventennale presso General Electric Company (GE), dove ha ricoperto il ruolo di Presidente & CEO della Divisione Interventistica Globale di GE Healthcare. La sua leadership ha incluso anche i ruoli di Chief Information Officer & Chief Financial Officer per il segmento dei motori Consumer & ECM di GE.
Attualmente, la Sig.ra King è co-fondatrice & CEO di BiaCure, Inc., e in passato ha co-fondato Elucent Medical, avendo un impatto positivo su oltre 10.000 pazienti affetti da cancro al seno. Ha inoltre ricoperto il ruolo di Presidente & CEO di NeuWave Medical, acquisita dalla divisione MedTech di Johnson & Johnson. Bill Burke, Presidente del Consiglio di Tactile Medical, ha espresso entusiasmo per la nomina della Sig.ra King, citando la sua esperienza nella leadership di aziende sanitarie e nello sviluppo di tecnologie innovative come beni preziosi per l'azienda.
Tactile Medical si specializza nello sviluppo e nella commercializzazione di terapie domiciliari per condizioni croniche come il linfedema, il lipedema, l'insufficienza venosa cronica e le malattie polmonari croniche, mirando a migliorare la cura dei pazienti e a ridurre i costi sanitari.
Tactile Medical (Nasdaq: TCMD) ha nombrado a Laura King en su Junta Directiva y como miembro de los Comités de Auditoría y de Cumplimiento & Reembolso, con efecto a partir del 13 de enero de 2025. Laura King aporta una amplia experiencia de su carrera de 22 años en General Electric Company (GE), donde se desempeñó como Presidenta & CEO del Negocio Global de Intervenciones de GE Healthcare. Su liderazgo incluyó roles como Directora de Información & Directora Financiera del segmento de Motores de Consumo & ECM de GE.
En la actualidad, la Sra. King es cofundadora & CEO de BiaCure, Inc., y anteriormente cofundó Elucent Medical, impactando positivamente a más de 10,000 pacientes de cáncer de mama. También se desempeñó como Presidenta & CEO de NeuWave Medical, que fue adquirida por la división MedTech de Johnson & Johnson. Bill Burke, Presidente de la Junta de Tactile Medical, expresó su entusiasmo por el nombramiento de la Sra. King, citando su experiencia en la dirección de empresas de salud y en el desarrollo de tecnologías innovadoras como activos valiosos para la empresa.
Tactile Medical se especializa en el desarrollo y comercialización de terapias domiciliarias para condiciones crónicas como el linfedema, el lipedema, la insuficiencia venosa crónica y las enfermedades pulmonares crónicas, con el objetivo de mejorar la atención al paciente y reducir los costos de atención médica.
택타일 메디컬 (Nasdaq: TCMD)는 로라 킹을 이사회에 임명하고 감사 및 규정 준수 및 환급 위원회의 구성원으로 위촉한다고 발표했습니다. 임기는 2025년 1월 13일부터 시작됩니다. 로라 킹은 제너럴 일렉트릭 컴퍼니(GE)에서 22년간의 경력을 통해 풍부한 경험을 가지고 있습니다. GE 헬스케어의 글로벌 인터벤션 비즈니스의 사장 및 CEO로 재직했습니다. 그녀의 리더십에는 GE의 소비자 및 ECM 모터 부문의 최고 정보 책임자 및 최고 재무 책임자로서의 역할도 포함되었습니다.
현재 킹 씨는 BiaCure, Inc.의 공동 설립자 및 CEO이며, 이전에는 Elucent Medical을 공동 설립하여 10,000명 이상의 유방암 환자에게 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤습니다. 또한 그녀는 존슨앤드존슨의 메드텍 부문에 인수된 NeuWave Medical의 사장 및 CEO로 재직했습니다. 택타일 메디컬의 이사회의 의장인 빌 버크는 킹 씨의 임명에 대한 열정을 표현하며, 그녀의 의료 기업 리더십 경험과 혁신적인 기술 개발이 회사에 귀중한 자산이 될 것이라고 언급했습니다.
택타일 메디컬은 림프부종, 지방부종, 만성 정맥 기능 부전 및 만성 폐 질환과 같은 만성 질환에 대한 가정 치료를 개발 및 마케팅하는 전문 회사로, 환자 치료 개선 및 의료 비용 절감을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
Tactile Medical (Nasdaq: TCMD) a nommé Laura King au sein de son conseil d'administration et en tant que membre des comités d'audit et de conformité & remboursement, à compter du 13 janvier 2025. Laura King apporte une vaste expérience acquise au cours de ses 22 années passées chez General Electric Company (GE), où elle a été présidente et PDG de l'activité mondiale d'interventions de GE Healthcare. Son leadership a également inclus des rôles de directrice des systèmes d'information et de directrice financière pour le segment des moteurs de consommation & ECM de GE.
Actuellement, Mme King est co-fondatrice et PDG de BiaCure, Inc., et a précédemment co-fondé Elucent Medical, ayant un impact positif sur plus de 10 000 patients atteints de cancer du sein. Elle a également été présidente et PDG de NeuWave Medical, qui a été acquise par la division MedTech de Johnson & Johnson. Bill Burke, président du conseil d'administration de Tactile Medical, a exprimé son enthousiasme pour la nomination de Mme King, citant son expérience dans la direction d'entreprises de santé et le développement de technologies innovantes comme des atouts précieux pour l'entreprise.
Tactile Medical se spécialise dans le développement et la commercialisation de thérapies à domicile pour des conditions chroniques telles que le lymphœdème, le lipœdème, l'insuffisance veineuse chronique et les maladies pulmonaires chroniques, visant à améliorer les soins aux patients et à réduire les coûts des soins de santé.
Tactile Medical (Nasdaq: TCMD) hat Laura King in seinen Vorstand berufen und sie als Mitglied der Prüfungs- und des Compliance- & Erstattungsausschusses ab dem 13. Januar 2025. Laura King bringt umfangreiche Erfahrungen aus ihrer 22-jährigen Karriere bei der General Electric Company (GE) mit, wo sie als Präsidentin & CEO des Global Interventional Business von GE Healthcare tätig war. Ihre Führung umfasste auch Rollen als Chief Information Officer & Chief Financial Officer für den Bereich Consumer & ECM Motoren von GE.
Derzeit ist Frau King die Mitgründerin & CEO von BiaCure, Inc., und hat zuvor Elucent Medical mitbegründet, was positiven Einfluss auf mehr als 10.000 Brustkrebspatienten hatte. Sie war auch Präsidentin & CEO von NeuWave Medical, das von der MedTech-Division von Johnson & Johnson übernommen wurde. Bill Burke, Chairman des Vorstands von Tactile Medical, äußerte sich begeistert über die Ernennung von Frau King und bezeichnete ihre Erfahrung in der Leitung von Gesundheitsunternehmen und der Entwicklung innovativer Technologien als wertvolle Vermögenswerte für das Unternehmen.
Tactile Medical ist auf die Entwicklung und Vermarktung von Therapien für zu Hause bei chronischen Erkrankungen wie Lymphödemen, Lipödemen, chronischer venöser Insuffizienz und chronischen Lungenerkrankungen spezialisiert, um die Patientenversorgung zu verbessern und die Gesundheitskosten zu senken.
- Appointment of Laura King, a seasoned healthcare executive with extensive leadership experience, to the Board of Directors.
- Ms. King's background includes high-level roles at GE Healthcare and successful entrepreneurial ventures in medical technology.
- Her appointment is expected to enhance Tactile Medical's strategic direction and innovation in at-home therapies.
- Potential concerns about continuity and the integration of new leadership into existing company culture.
MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tactile Systems Technology, Inc. (“Tactile Medical”) (Nasdaq: TCMD), a medical technology company providing therapies for people with chronic disorders, today announced the appointment of Laura King to the Company’s Board of Directors (“Board”) and as a member of the Audit and Compliance & Reimbursement Committees, effective January 13, 2025.
Ms. King is a seasoned healthcare executive with a proven track record of leadership and developing innovative products that enhance patient care. Her extensive experience includes a 22-year career at General Electric Company (GE), where she served as a Company Officer in her role as President & CEO of GE Healthcare’s Global Interventional Business, which provided clinical solutions enabling minimally invasive procedures in cardiology, interventional radiology, and surgery. Her earlier experience at GE included various senior level audit and finance roles, including Chief Information Officer & Chief Financial Officer, Consumer & ECM Motors. Ms. King is currently co-founder & CEO of BiaCure, Inc., a developer of effective treatments for nail fungus. Previously, she co-founded and served as CEO of Elucent Medical, a developer of a real-time surgical navigation platform that has positively impacted over 10,000 breast cancer patients. Ms. King also served as President & CEO of NeuWave Medical, a manufacturer and marketer of a minimally invasive soft tissue microwave ablation system to destroy tumor cells, which was acquired by Johnson & Johnson’s MedTech division.
“We are thrilled to have Laura join our Board of Directors,” said Bill Burke, Chairman of the Board of Tactile Medical. “Tactile will benefit from her considerable experience leading healthcare companies that develop innovative technologies to improve patient care as we continue to expand our impact in lymphedema, airway clearance, and other at-home therapies for people with underserved, chronic conditions.”
About Tactile Systems Technology, Inc. (DBA Tactile Medical)
Tactile Medical is a leader in developing and marketing at-home therapies for people suffering from underserved, chronic conditions including lymphedema, lipedema, chronic venous insufficiency and chronic pulmonary disease by helping them live better and care for themselves at home. Tactile Medical collaborates with clinicians to expand clinical evidence, raise awareness, increase access to care, reduce overall healthcare costs and improve the quality of life for tens of thousands of patients each year.
Investor Inquiries:
Sam Bentzinger
Gilmartin Group

What is the significance of Laura King's appointment to TCMD's Board of Directors?
When did Laura King join the Board of Directors at TCMD?
What roles will Laura King serve on TCMD's Board?
How might Laura King's experience benefit TCMD?
What previous roles has Laura King held?