Tri Counties Bank and FHLBank San Francisco Award Over $2.2 Million in Grants Towards Affordable Housing
Tri Counties Bank and FHLBank San Francisco have awarded over $2.2 million in grants towards affordable housing projects in California. The grants, part of the Affordable Housing Program (AHP) General Fund, will benefit two organizations:
1. Rural Communities Housing Development (RCHDC): Received $660,000 for Sunrise Cottages, a 44-unit community for low-income seniors in Anderson, Shasta County.
2. The Kelsey (partnered with Mercy Housing California): Awarded $1.6 million for The Kelsey Civic Center, a 112-unit development in San Francisco, with 28 units reserved for individuals with disabilities.
These projects aim to address the affordable housing crisis and provide support services for vulnerable populations. The AHP grants are competitive and awarded annually to projects demonstrating need and feasibility.
Tri Counties Bank e FHLBank San Francisco hanno assegnato oltre 2,2 milioni di dollari in sovvenzioni per progetti di edilizia abitativa accessibile in California. Le sovvenzioni, parte del Fondo Generale del Programma di Edilizia Abitativa Accessibile (AHP), beneficeranno due organizzazioni:
1. Rural Communities Housing Development (RCHDC): Ha ricevuto 660.000 dollari per Sunrise Cottages, una comunità di 44 unità per anziani a basso reddito ad Anderson, nella contea di Shasta.
2. The Kelsey (in collaborazione con Mercy Housing California): Ha ricevuto 1,6 milioni di dollari per il Kelsey Civic Center, uno sviluppo di 112 unità a San Francisco, con 28 unità riservate a persone con disabilità.
Questi progetti mirano ad affrontare la crisi dell'edilizia abitativa accessibile e a fornire servizi di supporto per popolazioni vulnerabili. Le sovvenzioni dell'AHP sono competitive e vengono assegnate annualmente a progetti che dimostrano necessità e fattibilità.
Tri Counties Bank y FHLBank San Francisco han otorgado más de $2,2 millones en subvenciones para proyectos de vivienda asequible en California. Las subvenciones, parte del Fondo General del Programa de Vivienda Asequible (AHP), beneficiarán a dos organizaciones:
1. Rural Communities Housing Development (RCHDC): Recibió $660,000 para Sunrise Cottages, una comunidad de 44 unidades para ancianos de bajos ingresos en Anderson, condado de Shasta.
2. The Kelsey (en asociación con Mercy Housing California): Se le otorgaron $1,6 millones para el Kelsey Civic Center, un desarrollo de 112 unidades en San Francisco, con 28 unidades reservadas para personas con discapacidades.
Estos proyectos están destinados a abordar la crisis de vivienda asequible y proporcionar servicios de apoyo a poblaciones vulnerables. Las subvenciones del AHP son competitivas y se otorgan anualmente a proyectos que demuestran necesidad y viabilidad.
트라이 카운티스 뱅크와 FHLBank 샌프란시스코는 캘리포니아의 저렴한 주택 프로젝트를 위해 $220만 달러 이상을 보조금으로 지급했습니다. 이 보조금은 저렴한 주택 프로그램(AHP) 일반 기금의 일환으로 두 개의 조직에 혜택을 줍니다:
1. 농촌 사회 주택 개발(RCHDC): 저소득 노인을 위한 44세대 커뮤니티인 선라이즈 코티지에 $66만 달러를 받았습니다. 이곳은 샤스타 군 앤더슨에 위치해 있습니다.
2. 더 켈시 (메르시 하우징 캘리포니아와 협력): 샌프란시스코에 112세대 개발인 켈시 시민 센터를 위해 $160만 달러를 받았으며, 이 중 28세대는 장애인을 위해 예약되어 있습니다.
이 프로젝트들은 저렴한 주택 위기를 해결하고 취약 계층을 위해 지원 서비스를 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. AHP 보조금은 경쟁이 치열하며 필요성과 실행 가능성을 입증하는 프로젝트에 매년 수여됩니다.
Tri Counties Bank et FHLBank San Francisco ont attribué plus de 2,2 millions de dollars de subventions pour des projets de logement abordable en Californie. Ces subventions, dans le cadre du Fonds Général du Programme de Logement Abordable (AHP), bénéficieront à deux organisations :
1. Rural Communities Housing Development (RCHDC) : A reçu 660 000 dollars pour les Sunrise Cottages, une communauté de 44 unités destinée aux personnes âgées à faible revenu à Anderson, dans le comté de Shasta.
2. The Kelsey (en partenariat avec Mercy Housing California) : A reçu 1,6 million de dollars pour le Kelsey Civic Center, un complexe de 112 unités à San Francisco, dont 28 réservées aux personnes handicapées.
Ces projets visent à répondre à la crise du logement abordable et à fournir des services de soutien aux populations vulnérables. Les subventions AHP sont compétitives et attribuées chaque année à des projets faisant preuve de nécessité et de faisabilité.
Tri Counties Bank und FHLBank San Francisco haben über 2,2 Millionen Dollar an Zuschüssen für Projekte zum Bau von bezahlbarem Wohnraum in Kalifornien bewilligt. Die Zuschüsse, Teil des Allgemeinen Fonds des Programms für bezahlbaren Wohnraum (AHP), kommen zwei Organisationen zugute:
1. Rural Communities Housing Development (RCHDC): Erhielt 660.000 Dollar für Sunrise Cottages, eine Gemeinschaft mit 44 Einheiten für einkommensschwache Senioren in Anderson, im Shasta County.
2. The Kelsey (in Zusammenarbeit mit Mercy Housing California): Wurde mit 1,6 Millionen Dollar für das Kelsey Civic Center, eine Wohnanlage mit 112 Einheiten in San Francisco, gefördert, wobei 28 Einheiten für Menschen mit Behinderungen reserviert sind.
Diese Projekte zielen darauf ab, der Krise des bezahlbaren Wohnraums entgegenzuwirken und Unterstützungsdienste für gefährdete Bevölkerungsgruppen bereitzustellen. Die AHP-Zuschüsse sind wettbewerbsfähig und werden jährlich an Projekte vergeben, die einen Bedarf und die Machbarkeit nachweisen können.
- Tri Counties Bank is contributing to affordable housing initiatives, potentially improving its corporate social responsibility profile
- The bank's partnership with FHLBank San Francisco may strengthen its position in the affordable housing sector
- Participation in high-profile community development projects could enhance Tri Counties Bank's brand reputation
- None.
The $2.2 million in grants for affordable housing projects demonstrates a significant commitment to addressing housing affordability issues in California. While this is a positive initiative, its direct impact on Tri Counties Bank's financials is likely minimal. The bank's role as a conduit for these grants may enhance its community reputation and potentially lead to increased customer loyalty and business opportunities in the long term. However, investors should note that such initiatives, while socially responsible, typically don't translate to immediate financial gains. The collaboration with FHLBank San Francisco could strengthen Tri Counties Bank's position in the affordable housing lending sector, possibly leading to increased loan volumes in this area over time.
The grants supporting two distinct affordable housing projects highlight a growing trend in addressing housing needs for vulnerable populations. The Sunrise Cottages project in rural Shasta County, with
These grants represent a significant step towards addressing California's affordable housing crisis, particularly for underserved populations. The focus on seniors, individuals with disabilities and those transitioning from homelessness aligns with critical social needs. The Kelsey Civic Center's innovative "Inclusion Concierge" concept could become a model for future developments, potentially influencing policy and design standards in affordable housing. The emphasis on sustainable features like all-electric, low-carbon building design in The Kelsey project also addresses environmental concerns. While the immediate impact is localized to specific communities, the ripple effects of these projects could inspire similar initiatives statewide, contributing to a broader solution for housing affordability and accessibility.

A rendering of The Kelsey Civic Center, which will be built across from San Francisco’s City Hall. Photo Credit: The
“Tri Counties Bank is delighted to collaborate with the FHLBank San Francisco in support of more affordable housing throughout California,” said Rick Smith, President and CEO of Tri Counties Bank. “These grants, along with the dedicated efforts and partnership of local organizations, will make a significant impact in the lives of seniors and those with disabilities in our communities.”
RCHDC’s mission is “to provide decent and affordable housing to low- and moderate-income individuals.” The
“This year’s AHP grants nearly double our investment over last year’s funding for critically needed affordable housing across our high-cost market of
AHP grants are highly competitive and awarded annually to FHLBank San Francisco members working in partnership with affordable housing developers and community organizations. Basic eligibility requirements include projects demonstrating a need for subsidy and developmental and operational feasibility. Further, rental housing projects must reserve at least
To learn more about the Affordable Housing Program, visit
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Established in 1975, Tri Counties Bank is a wholly-owned subsidiary of TriCo Bancshares (NASDAQ: TCBK) headquartered in
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Megan Sheehan, AVP, Public Relations Manager
(530) 332-2330
Source: Tri Counties Bank
How much did Tri Counties Bank (TCBK) and FHLBank San Francisco award in affordable housing grants?
What projects will benefit from the Tri Counties Bank (TCBK) affordable housing grants?
How much did Rural Communities Housing Development (RCHDC) receive from Tri Counties Bank (TCBK) for affordable housing?