TuanChe Announces Adoption of DeepSeek R1 Model in its Holographic Image Creation Processes
TuanChe (NASDAQ: TC), a leading automotive marketplace platform, has announced the adoption of DeepSeek's R1 model for its holographic AI applications. The integration aims to enhance TuanChe's technological capabilities in holographic digital content generation and interaction.
The DeepSeek R1 model features advanced deep reasoning abilities through multi-stage loop training and excels in mathematics, coding, and natural language reasoning. Its reinforcement learning breakthrough enables autonomous learning through self-play and evolution without requiring extensive labeled data.
TuanChe plans to leverage R1's robust inference algorithms to optimize holographic image creation processes, enabling more precise 3D object reconstruction and detailed holographic visuals. The model's open-source nature will allow TuanChe to conduct secondary development and customization for various customer applications.
TuanChe (NASDAQ: TC), una piattaforma di marketplace automobilistico leader, ha annunciato l'adozione del modello R1 di DeepSeek per le sue applicazioni di intelligenza artificiale olografica. L'integrazione mira a migliorare le capacità tecnologiche di TuanChe nella generazione e interazione di contenuti digitali olografici.
Il modello R1 di DeepSeek presenta capacità avanzate di ragionamento profondo grazie a un addestramento a loop multi-stadio e si distingue in matematica, programmazione e ragionamento in linguaggio naturale. La sua innovazione nel'apprendimento per rinforzo consente un apprendimento autonomo attraverso il self-play e l'evoluzione senza necessitare di ampi dati etichettati.
TuanChe prevede di utilizzare gli robusti algoritmi di inferenza dell'R1 per ottimizzare i processi di creazione di immagini olografiche, consentendo una ricostruzione più precisa di oggetti 3D e visuali olografiche dettagliate. La natura open-source del modello permetterà a TuanChe di condurre sviluppi secondari e personalizzazioni per diverse applicazioni client.
TuanChe (NASDAQ: TC), una plataforma líder en el mercado automotriz, ha anunciado la adopción del modelo R1 de DeepSeek para sus aplicaciones de inteligencia artificial holográfica. La integración tiene como objetivo mejorar las capacidades tecnológicas de TuanChe en la generación e interacción de contenido digital holográfico.
El modelo R1 de DeepSeek cuenta con habilidades avanzadas de razonamiento profundo a través de un entrenamiento con bucles multi-etapa y se destaca en matemáticas, programación y razonamiento en lenguaje natural. Su avance en el aprendizaje por refuerzo permite un aprendizaje autónomo mediante el auto-juego y la evolución sin necesidad de grandes conjuntos de datos etiquetados.
TuanChe planea aprovechar los robustos algoritmos de inferencia del R1 para optimizar los procesos de creación de imágenes holográficas, permitiendo una reconstrucción más precisa de objetos 3D y visuales holográficos detallados. La naturaleza de código abierto del modelo permitirá a TuanChe realizar desarrollos secundarios y personalizaciones para diversas aplicaciones de clientes.
투안체 (NASDAQ: TC)는 선도적인 자동차 마켓플레이스 플랫폼으로, 딥시크의 R1 모델을 홀로그램 AI 애플리케이션에 도입한다고 발표했습니다. 이 통합은 투안체의 홀로그램 디지털 콘텐츠 생성 및 상호작용에 대한 기술적 역량을 강화하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
딥시크 R1 모델은 다단계 루프 훈련을 통해 고급 딥 추론 능력을 갖추고 있으며 수학, 코딩 및 자연어 추론에서 뛰어난 성능을 보입니다. 이는 강화 학습의 혁신으로 자동 게임과 진화를 통한 자율 학습이 가능하며 대규모 레이블 데이터 없이도 가능합니다.
투안체는 R1의 강력한 추론 알고리즘을 활용하여 홀로그램 이미지 생성 프로세스를 최적화할 계획이며, 이는 보다 정밀한 3D 객체 재구성과 상세한 홀로그램 비주얼을 가능하게 합니다. 모델의 오픈소스 특성 덕분에 투안체는 다양한 고객 애플리케이션을 위한 이차 개발 및 맞춤화 작업을 수행할 수 있습니다.
TuanChe (NASDAQ: TC), une plateforme de marché automobile de premier plan, a annoncé l'adoption du modèle R1 de DeepSeek pour ses applications d'IA holographique. Cette intégration vise à améliorer les capacités technologiques de TuanChe dans la génération et l'interaction de contenus numériques holographiques.
Le modèle R1 de DeepSeek dispose de capacités avancées de raisonnement profond grâce à un entraînement en boucle multi-niveau et excelle en mathématiques, en programmation et en raisonnement en langage naturel. Sa percée en apprentissage par renforcement permet un apprentissage autonome à travers le jeu autonome et l'évolution sans nécessiter une vaste base de données étiquetées.
TuanChe prévoit d'exploiter les algorithmes d'inférence robustes de R1 pour optimiser les processus de création d'images holographiques, permettant une reconstruction plus précise des objets 3D et des visuels holographiques détaillés. La nature open-source du modèle permettra à TuanChe de réaliser des développements secondaires et des personnalisations pour diverses applications client.
TuanChe (NASDAQ: TC), eine führende Plattform für Automobilmarktplätze, hat die Einführung des R1-Modells von DeepSeek für ihre holografischen KI-Anwendungen bekannt gegeben. Die Integration zielt darauf ab, die technologischen Fähigkeiten von TuanChe in der Generation und Interaktion mit holografischen Inhalten zu verbessern.
Das DeepSeek R1-Modell verfügt über fortschrittliche tiefgehende Denkfähigkeiten durch mehrstufiges Loop-Training und zeichnet sich in Mathematik, Programmierung und natürlicher Sprachverarbeitung aus. Sein Durchbruch im Bereich des verstärkenden Lernens ermöglicht autonomes Lernen durch Selbstspiel und Evolution, ohne umfangreiche, gelabelte Daten zu benötigen.
TuanChe plant, die robusten Inferenzalgorithmen von R1 zu nutzen, um Prozesse zur Erstellung holografischer Bilder zu optimieren, was eine genauere 3D-Objektrekonstruktion und detaillierte holografische Visualisierungen ermöglicht. Die Open-Source-Natur des Modells wird es TuanChe ermöglichen, Sekundärentwicklungen und Anpassungen für verschiedene Kundenanwendungen durchzuführen.
- Integration of advanced AI technology (DeepSeek R1) to enhance holographic content creation efficiency
- Access to open-source technology enabling customization and development flexibility
- Potential for improved product offering through more realistic and detailed holographic visuals
- Implementation costs and timeline for R1 integration not disclosed
- No immediate revenue impact metrics provided
The DeepSeek R1 model has significantly enhanced the deep reasoning abilities of large-scale models through a multi-stage loop training approach and has demonstrated outstanding performance in tasks such as mathematics, coding, and natural language reasoning. Notably, its breakthrough in reinforcement learning allows DeepSeek R1 to autonomously learn complex reasoning strategies through self-play and evolution, eliminating the need for large amounts of labeled data.
TuanChe is committed to optimizing digital content creation efficiency and quality through advanced algorithms. The decision to integrate DeepSeek R1 into its holographic AI systems was driven by the model's superior reasoning capabilities and autonomous learning potential.
TuanChe plans to integrate DeepSeek R1 into its holographic digital content generation and interaction platform. By leveraging R1's robust inference algorithms, TuanChe aims to optimize its holographic image creation processes. The deep learning capabilities of R1 enable more precise capture and reconstruction of 3D objects' geometric and texture details, delivering lifelike, highly detailed holographic visuals.
Moreover, DeepSeek R1's open-source nature creates opportunities for enhanced collaboration and innovation. TuanChe intends to conduct secondary development and customization using R1's open-source code to address diverse customer needs across various applications.
TuanChe stated that adopting DeepSeek R1 as the cornerstone of its holographic AI applications represents a pivotal step in the company's technological development. Moving forward, the Company will continue to increase its investments in artificial intelligence and holographic technologies, delivering innovative, practical solutions that provide users with an intelligent and immersive holographic experience.
As TuanChe advances its integration of DeepSeek R1, it is expected to unveil more realistic, dynamic, and intelligent holographic digital content in the near future.
About TuanChe Limited
Founded in 2010, TuanChe Limited (NASDAQ: TC) is
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Media Enquiries:
Lydia Hu
View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/tuanche-announces-adoption-of-deepseek-r1-model-in-its-holographic-image-creation-processes-302360961.html
SOURCE TuanChe Limited
What is the purpose of TuanChe (TC) implementing DeepSeek R1 model?
How will DeepSeek R1 improve TuanChe's (TC) holographic technology?
What are the key features of DeepSeek R1 model that TuanChe (TC) will utilize?