TAG Oil Commences Flow Back of BED4-T100 Horizontal Well

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TAG Oil has successfully completed the multistage hydraulic frac on its BED4-T100 well location, using both acid stimulation and proppant. Over 1,000,000 pounds of sand were pumped across the 308-metre lateral section. The company anticipates flow back operations to begin in the next several days, with stabilized flow rates expected within 10 days of consistent oil flows. Flow rates for the T100 well are expected to be released in May, with further updates on production volumes to follow.
TAG Oil ha completato con successo il fratturamento idraulico multilivello nel suo pozzo BED4-T100, utilizzando sia la stimolazione acida che il proppant. Sono stati pompate oltre 1.000.000 di libbre di sabbia lungo la sezione laterale di 308 metri. L'azienda prevede di iniziare le operazioni di flusso inverso nei prossimi giorni, con tassi di flusso stabilizzati attesi entro 10 giorni da flussi di petrolio costanti. I tassi di flusso per il pozzo T100 verranno resi noti a maggio, con ulteriori aggiornamenti sui volumi di produzione in seguito.
TAG Oil ha completado exitosamente el fracturamiento hidráulico multietapa en su ubicación de pozo BED4-T100, utilizando tanto estimulación con ácido como agente sostenedor. Se bombearon más de 1.000.000 de libras de arena a través de la sección lateral de 308 metros. La compañía anticipa que las operaciones de retorno de flujo comenzarán en los próximos días, con tasas de flujo estabilizadas esperadas dentro de los 10 días de flujos de petróleo consistentes. Se espera que las tasas de flujo para el pozzo T100 sean publicadas en mayo, con más actualizaciones sobre los volúmenes de producción a seguir.
TAG Oil은 BED4-T100 우물 위치에서 산 자극 및 지지재를 사용한 다단계 수압 파쇄 작업을 성공적으로 완료했습니다. 308미터의 측면 구간을 통해 1,000,000파운드 이상의 모래가 펌핑되었습니다. 회사는 향후 며칠 내에 유량 회수 작업을 시작할 예정이며, 꾸준한 석유 유동 이후 10일 내에 안정된 유량이 예상됩니다. T100 우물의 유량은 5월에 발표될 예정이며, 생산량에 대한 추가 업데이트가 이어질 것입니다.
TAG Oil a réussi avec succès la fracturation hydraulique multi-étapes sur son site de puits BED4-T100, utilisant à la fois la stimulation acide et un agent de soutènement. Plus d'un million de livres de sable ont été pompées à travers la section latérale de 308 mètres. La société prévoit de commencer les opérations de retour de flux dans les prochains jours, avec des taux de flux stabilisés attendus dans les 10 jours suivant des flux de pétrole constants. Les taux de flux pour le puits T100 devraient être publiés en mai, avec d'autres mises à jour sur les volumes de production à suivre.
TAG Oil hat erfolgreich das mehrstufige hydraulische Fracking an seiner BED4-T100 Bohrstelle abgeschlossen, unter Einsatz von sowohl Säurestimulation als auch Stützmittel. Über 1.000.000 Pfund Sand wurden durch den 308 Meter langen Seitenabschnitt gepumpt. Das Unternehmen erwartet, dass die Rückflussoperationen in den nächsten Tagen beginnen werden, mit stabilisierten Fließraten, die innerhalb von 10 Tagen nach konstanten Ölflüssen erwartet werden. Die Fließraten für den T100 Brunnen sollen im Mai veröffentlicht werden, weitere Updates zu den Produktionsvolumen folgen.
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VANCOUVER, BC, April 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - TAG Oil Ltd. (TSXV: TAO) (OTCQX: TAOIF) (FSE: TOP) ("TAG Oil" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has successfully pumped all twelve planned stages of its multistage hydraulic frac on its BED4-T100 ("T100") well location. Stages one through three, which are located across the heavily fractured and more permeable section of the well, received a concentrated acid stimulation while stages four through twelve were mechanically fracture stimulated with proppant. At least 50 tonnes of sand were used per stage in the mechanically propped fracture stages with over 1,000,000 pounds successfully pumped across the 308-metre lateral section.

The fracture equipment has been moved off location, and a coiled tubing unit is in the process of drilling out the ball seats used to separate the fracture stages that will be followed with the flow back operations in the next several days.

TAG Oil's technical team is assuming approximately 7-10 days of flow back before it expects to see consistent clean oil flows. Stabilized flow rates are expected approximately 10 days after consistent oil rates are achieved. Accordingly, the Company expects to be able to release flow rates on the T100 well at some point during the month of May.   

A further update will be provided in due course on the well tie-in and facilities configuration after production volumes have been established.    

About TAG Oil Ltd.

TAG Oil ( is a Canadian based international oil and gas exploration company with a focus on operations and opportunities in the Middle East and North Africa.


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Forward-Looking Statements

Statements contained in this press release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainty affecting the business of TAG Oil. All estimates and statements that describe the Company's operations are forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws and necessarily involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results may vary materially from the information provided in this release, and there is no representation by TAG Oil that the actual results realized in the future will be the same in whole or in part as those presented herein. TAG Oil undertakes no obligation, except as otherwise required by law, to update these forward-looking statements if management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors change.

Exploration for hydrocarbons is a speculative venture necessarily involving substantial risk. The Company's future success in exploiting and increasing its current resource base will depend on its ability to develop its current properties and on its ability to discover and acquire properties or prospects that are capable of commercial production. However, there is no assurance that the Company's future exploration and development efforts will result in the discovery or development of additional commercial accumulations of oil and natural gas. In addition, even if further hydrocarbons are discovered, the costs of extracting and delivering the hydrocarbons to market and variations in the market price may render uneconomic any discovered deposit. Geological conditions are variable and unpredictable. Even if production is commenced from a well, the quantity of hydrocarbons produced inevitably will decline over time, and production may be adversely affected or may have to be terminated altogether if the Company encounters unforeseen geological conditions. The Company is subject to uncertainties related to the proximity of any resources that it may discover to pipelines and processing facilities. It expects that its operational costs will increase proportionally to the remoteness of, and any restrictions on access to, the properties on which any such resources may be found. Adverse climatic conditions at such properties may also hinder the Company's ability to carry on exploration or production activities continuously throughout any given year. 

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What is the status of TAG Oil 's BED4-T100 well location?

TAG Oil has successfully completed all twelve planned stages of its multistage hydraulic frac on its BED4-T100 well location.

What techniques were used in the hydraulic frac on the BED4-T100 well location?

Stages one through three received a concentrated acid stimulation, while stages four through twelve were mechanically fracture stimulated with proppant.

How much sand was used per stage in the mechanically propped fracture stages?

At least 50 tonnes of sand were used per stage in the mechanically propped fracture stages.

What is the expected timeline for flow back operations on the T100 well?

TAG Oil expects flow back operations to begin in the next several days, with stabilized flow rates anticipated approximately 10 days after consistent oil flows.

When can investors expect flow rates for the T100 well to be released?

The company expects to release flow rates for the T100 well at some point during the month of May.



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