Talkspace Announces New In-Network Agreement with Humana Military (TRICARE East)

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Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK) has announced a new in-network agreement with Humana Military (TRICARE East), providing virtual mental health services to over 6 million active-duty and retired military personnel, along with their partners and dependents. This partnership allows eligible members to access therapy from licensed clinicians and psychiatric services from Board-certified professionals virtually and privately.

The agreement aims to address the critical mental health needs of military service members, with depression affecting 23% of active-duty personnel and suicide rates increasing by over 40% in recent years. Talkspace's services include individual and couples therapy for those 13 and older, as well as psychiatry and medication support for adults 18+. This expansion aligns with Talkspace's mission to make mental health care accessible and affordable, especially for those serving or who have served the country.

Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK) ha annunciato un nuovo accordo in rete con Humana Military (TRICARE East), fornendo servizi di salute mentale virtuali a oltre 6 milioni di personale militare attivo e pensionato, insieme ai loro partner e dipendenti. Questa collaborazione consente ai membri idonei di accedere a terapie da clinici autorizzati e a servizi psichiatrici da professionisti certificati dal consiglio, in modo virtuale e riservato.

L'accordo mira a rispondere ai bisogni urgenti di salute mentale dei membri del servizio militare, con la depressione che colpisce il 23% del personale attivo e i tassi di suicidio in aumento di oltre il 40% negli ultimi anni. I servizi di Talkspace includono terapia individuale e di coppia per coloro che hanno 13 anni e oltre, così come psichiatria e supporto farmacologico per adulti di 18 anni e oltre. Questa espansione si allinea con la missione di Talkspace di rendere l'assistenza sanitaria mentale accessibile e conveniente, specialmente per coloro che servono o hanno servito il paese.

Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK) ha anunciado un nuevo acuerdo en red con Humana Military (TRICARE East), proporcionando servicios de salud mental virtuales a más de 6 millones de personal militar activo y jubilado, junto con sus parejas y dependientes. Esta colaboración permite a los miembros elegibles acceder a terapia de clínicos licenciados y servicios psiquiátricos de profesionales certificados por la junta, de manera virtual y privada.

El acuerdo tiene como objetivo abordar las necesidades críticas de salud mental de los miembros del servicio militar, con una tasa de depresión que afecta al 23% del personal activo y un aumento de más del 40% en las tasas de suicidio en los últimos años. Los servicios de Talkspace incluyen terapia individual y de pareja para mayores de 13 años, así como psiquiatría y apoyo farmacológico para adultos de 18 años en adelante. Esta expansión está en línea con la misión de Talkspace de hacer que la atención en salud mental sea accesible y asequible, especialmente para quienes sirven o han servido al país.

Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK)는 Humana Military (TRICARE East)와의 새로운 네트워크 계약을 발표하며, 600만 명 이상의 현역 및 퇴역 군인과 그들의 파트너 및 의존자에게 가상 정신 건강 서비스를 제공합니다. 이 파트너십은 자격을 갖춘 회원들이 면허가 있는 임상의사로부터 치료를 받고 이사회 인증을 받은 전문가들로부터 정신과 서비스를 가상으로 그리고 사적으로 이용할 수 있도록 합니다.

이 계약은 군 복무자의 중요한 정신 건강 요구를 해결하는 것을 목표로 하며, 우울증은 현역 직원의 23%에 영향을 미치고 있으며 최근 몇 년간 자살률이 40% 이상 증가하고 있습니다. Talkspace의 서비스에는 13세 이상인을 위한 개인 및 커플 치료와 18세 이상의 성인을 위한 정신과 및 약물 지원이 포함됩니다. 이러한 확장은 Talkspace의 정신 건강 치료를 특히 국가에 복무하거나 복무한 사람들에게 접근 가능하고 저렴하게 만드는 미션과 일치합니다.

Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK) a annoncé un nouvel accord réseau avec Humana Military (TRICARE East), fournissant des services de santé mentale virtuels à plus de 6 millions de militaires en service actif et à la retraite, ainsi qu'à leurs partenaires et personnes à charge. Ce partenariat permet aux membres éligibles d'accéder à des thérapies par des cliniciens agréés et à des services psychiatriques dispensés par des professionnels certifiés par le conseil, de manière virtuelle et privée.

Le contrat vise à répondre aux besoins critiques en matière de santé mentale des militaires, 23 % du personnel actif souffrant de dépression et les taux de suicide ayant augmenté de plus de 40 % ces dernières années. Les services de Talkspace incluent des thérapies individuelles et de couple pour les personnes de 13 ans et plus, ainsi que de la psychiatrie et un soutien médicamenteux pour les adultes de 18 ans et plus. Cette expansion s'inscrit dans la mission de Talkspace de rendre les soins de santé mentale accessibles et abordables, en particulier pour ceux qui servent ou ont servi le pays.

Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK) hat eine neue In-Netz-Vereinbarung mit Humana Military (TRICARE East) bekannt gegeben, die virtuelle psychische Gesundheitsdienste für über 6 Millionen aktive und ehemalige Militärangehörige sowie deren Partner und Angehörige bereitstellt. Diese Partnerschaft ermöglicht es berechtigten Mitgliedern, Therapie von lizenzierten Fachkräften und psychiatrischen Diensten von von der Behörde zertifizierten Fachleuten virtual und privat in Anspruch zu nehmen.

Das Abkommen zielt darauf ab, die kritischen psychischen Gesundheitsbedürfnisse der Militärangehörigen zu adressieren, wobei Depressionen 23 % des aktiven Personals betreffen und die Suizidraten in den letzten Jahren um über 40 % gestiegen sind. Die Dienstleistungen von Talkspace umfassen Einzel- und Paartherapie für Personen ab 13 Jahren sowie Psychiatrie und medikamentöse Unterstützung für Erwachsene ab 18 Jahren. Diese Erweiterung steht im Einklang mit der Mission von Talkspace, die psychische Gesundheitsversorgung zugänglich und erschwinglich zu machen, insbesondere für diejenigen, die dem Land dienen oder gedient haben.

  • New in-network agreement with Humana Military (TRICARE East) expands Talkspace's market reach
  • Access to over 6 million potential new customers in the military sector
  • Diversification of service offerings including therapy, psychiatry, and medication support
  • Potential for increased revenue through expanded insurance coverage
  • Copays may vary by plan, potentially affecting user adoption rates
  • Increased competition in the military mental health services sector

This partnership between Talkspace and Humana Military is a significant development in the behavioral health sector. With 6 million new potential users, Talkspace stands to substantially expand its market reach. The agreement addresses a critical need in the military community, where 23% of active-duty members suffer from depression.

From an investor's perspective, this deal could drive substantial revenue growth for Talkspace. The company's inclusion in TRICARE East's network enhances its credibility and may lead to similar agreements with other large insurers. However, investors should monitor how this influx of users impacts Talkspace's operational costs and service quality.

While positive for Talkspace, this news might pressure competitors in the digital mental health space, potentially affecting their market share and stock performance. Overall, this partnership positions Talkspace as a key player in addressing the mental health needs of military personnel and their families.

This partnership is a game-changer for military mental health services. The 40% increase in suicide rates among service members underscores the urgent need for accessible mental health care. Talkspace's virtual platform addresses key barriers like stigma and geographical constraints that often prevent military personnel from seeking help.

The inclusion of partners and teen dependents is crucial, recognizing that mental health issues affect the entire family unit. The option for asynchronous messaging therapy is particularly valuable for deployed personnel who may have irregular schedules or privacy for live sessions.

While this is a positive step, it's important to monitor how well Talkspace's providers are equipped to handle military-specific issues like PTSD and combat-related trauma. The success of this initiative could set a new standard for mental health care in the military, potentially influencing future policy decisions and budget allocations for military healthcare.

This agreement marks a significant milestone in the telehealth industry's penetration into government-sponsored healthcare programs. Talkspace's inclusion in TRICARE East's network validates the efficacy and acceptance of virtual mental health services at the highest levels.

For investors, this deal represents a substantial growth opportunity for Talkspace. The military market is both large and stable, potentially providing a steady revenue stream. Moreover, success in this sector could open doors to other government contracts, enhancing Talkspace's long-term prospects.

However, investors should be aware of potential challenges. Scaling to meet the needs of 6 million new potential users could strain Talkspace's infrastructure and provider network. Additionally, working with government contracts often involves complex compliance requirements and potential political risks.

This partnership could also spark a trend of similar agreements between telehealth providers and government health programs, potentially reshaping the competitive landscape of the telehealth industry.

More than 6 million active-duty & retired military personnel, along with partners and dependents, will now have access to Talkspace’s virtual mental health services

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK), a leading online behavioral health company, is now available to Humana Military (TRICARE East) recipients as an in-network benefit. Eligible members, including their partners and teen dependents (13+), can now receive therapy from a licensed clinician or psychiatric services (18+) from a Board-certified psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner–all virtually and privately.

As active-duty military service members continue to be deployed, it’s vitally important that they feel supported to seek mental health treatment affordably, privately, and conveniently. Depression affects 23% of active-duty service members, with rates of suicide increasing by more than 40% in recent years.

“Ensuring robust mental health services for active-duty personnel and their dependents is more than just a duty. It’s about fortifying the very individuals who stand on the front lines so they can face the challenges of today with resilience, and support for tomorrow,” said Erin Boyd, Talkspace’s Chief Growth Officer.

“By making our licensed mental health providers available through TRICARE East, we are removing barriers such as cost and geographical constraints that may have historically prevented military families from accessing care. This partnership brings us one step closer to fulfilling our mission of making mental health care accessible and affordable for everyone, especially those who serve, or have served, our country.”

More than six million Humana Military members will have access to high-quality mental health services, expanding Talkspace’s roster of leading in-network payers, including Medicare.

Talkspace offers licensed therapists across all 50 states and provides Humana Military members with the ability to choose between, or seamlessly combine, live and asynchronous (e.g. texting) messaging therapy modalities, including teen and couples therapy, allowing users the flexibility to meet the unique needs of their busy lives, lowering the barrier to care, and maximizing engagement.

Humana Military (TRICARE East) active-duty and retired military members, including their dependents 13+, can register for individual or couples1 therapy at In addition to therapy, the Humana Military plan includes coverage of psychiatry and medication support (18+ only), administered by live video sessions. Copays vary by plan.

About Talkspace

Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK) is a leading virtual behavioral healthcare provider committed to helping people lead healthier, happier lives through access to high-quality mental healthcare. At Talkspace, we believe that mental healthcare is core to overall health and should be available to everyone.

Talkspace pioneered the ability to text with a licensed therapist from anywhere and now offers a comprehensive suite of mental health services, including therapy for individuals, teens, and couples, as well as psychiatric treatment and medication management (18+). With Talkspace’s core therapy offerings, members are matched with one of thousands of licensed therapists within days and can engage in live video, audio, or chat sessions, and/or unlimited asynchronous text messaging sessions.

All care offered at Talkspace is delivered through an easy-to-use, fully-encrypted web and mobile platform that meets HIPAA, federal, and state regulatory requirements. More than 140 million Americans have access to Talkspace through their health insurance plans, employee assistance programs, our partnerships with leading healthcare companies, or as a free benefit through their employer, school, or government agency.

For more information, visit

1 Subject to availability by state

John Kim |

Source: Talkspace


What services does Talkspace offer through the new Humana Military (TRICARE East) agreement?

Talkspace offers virtual therapy from licensed clinicians for individuals 13+, couples therapy, and psychiatric services including medication support for adults 18+ through the new Humana Military (TRICARE East) agreement.

How many potential users does the Talkspace-Humana Military agreement cover?

The agreement covers more than 6 million active-duty and retired military personnel, along with their partners and dependents.

What is the significance of this agreement for Talkspace (TALK) in terms of market expansion?

This agreement significantly expands Talkspace's market reach by providing access to over 6 million potential new customers in the military sector, potentially increasing revenue through expanded insurance coverage.

How does the Talkspace (TALK) agreement address mental health issues in the military?

The agreement aims to address critical mental health needs, including depression affecting 23% of active-duty personnel and increasing suicide rates, by providing accessible and affordable virtual mental health services.

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Health Information Services
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United States of America