Talkspace and the Professional Tennis Players Association Join Forces to Support Mental Health of Athletes Year Round

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Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK) has partnered with the Professional Tennis Players Association (PTPA) as its exclusive mental health technology partner. This collaboration aims to support the mental health of professional tennis players year-round. Key points include:

1. Players, their families, and support teams get free access to Talkspace Go, a self-guided therapy app.
2. Discounted access to virtual therapy services is also provided.
3. The partnership addresses unique challenges faced by tennis players, such as constant travel and pressure.
4. Eligible individuals receive one year of free access to Talkspace Go.
5. Players can sign up for individual, couples, or teen therapy with dedicated licensed therapists.
6. This initiative is part of PTPA's broader Mental Fitness Program and player health services.

Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK) ha stretto una collaborazione con la Professional Tennis Players Association (PTPA) come suo partner esclusivo per la tecnologia della salute mentale. Questa collaborazione ha l'obiettivo di supportare la salute mentale dei tennisti professionisti durante tutto l'anno. I punti chiave includono:

1. I giocatori, le loro famiglie e i team di supporto ricevono accesso gratuito a Talkspace Go, un'app di terapia autoguidata.
2. Viene fornito anche accesso scontato ai servizi di terapia virtuale.
3. La partnership affronta le sfide uniche che i tennisti devono affrontare, come i continui viaggi e la pressione.
4. Gli individui idonei ricevono un anno di accesso gratuito a Talkspace Go.
5. I giocatori possono iscriversi a terapie individuali, di coppia o per adolescenti con terapeuti autorizzati dedicati.
6. Questa iniziativa fa parte del più ampio Programma di Benessere Mentale della PTPA e dei servizi per la salute dei giocatori.

Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK) se ha asociado con la Professional Tennis Players Association (PTPA) como su socio exclusivo en tecnología de salud mental. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo apoyar la salud mental de los jugadores de tenis profesionales durante todo el año. Los puntos clave incluyen:

1. Los jugadores, sus familias y equipos de apoyo obtienen acceso gratuito a Talkspace Go, una aplicación de terapia autoguiada.
2. También se proporciona acceso con descuento a servicios de terapia virtual.
3. La asociación aborda los desafíos únicos que enfrentan los jugadores de tenis, como los viajes constantes y la presión.
4. Los individuos elegibles reciben un año de acceso gratuito a Talkspace Go.
5. Los jugadores pueden inscribirse en terapia individual, de pareja o para adolescentes con terapeutas licenciados dedicados.
6. Esta iniciativa es parte del Programa de Salud Mental más amplio de la PTPA y de los servicios de salud para los jugadores.

Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK)은 Professional Tennis Players Association (PTPA)와 독점적인 정신 건강 기술 파트너십을 맺었습니다. 이 협력은 프로 테니스 선수들의 정신 건강을 연중 지원하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 선수들, 그들의 가족, 그리고 지원 팀은 Talkspace Go라는 자가 치료 앱에 무료 액세스를 제공합니다.
2. 가상 치료 서비스에 대한 할인된 액세스도 제공됩니다.
3. 이 파트너십은 지속적인 여행과 압박감과 같은 테니스 선수들이 직면하는 고유한 도전을 다루고 있습니다.
4. 자격이 있는 개인은 Talkspace Go에 1년간 무료로 액세스할 수 있습니다.
5. 선수들은 전담 면허가 있는 치료사와 함께 개인, 커플, 청소년 치료를 등록할 수 있습니다.
6. 이 이니셔티브는 PTPA의 정신적 건강 프로그램 및 선수 건강 서비스의 일환입니다.

Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK) s'est associé à la Professional Tennis Players Association (PTPA) en tant que partenaire technologique exclusif en santé mentale. Cette collaboration vise à soutenir la santé mentale des joueurs de tennis professionnels tout au long de l'année. Les points clés incluent :

1. Les joueurs, leurs familles et les équipes de soutien obtiennent un accès gratuit à Talkspace Go, une application de thérapie autoguidée.
2. Un accès à prix réduit aux services de thérapie virtuelle est également proposé.
3. Le partenariat aborde les défis uniques auxquels font face les joueurs de tennis, tels que les voyages constants et la pression.
4. Les personnes éligibles reçoivent une année d'accès gratuit à Talkspace Go.
5. Les joueurs peuvent s'inscrire à une thérapie individuelle, de couple ou adolescente avec des thérapeutes agréés dédiés.
6. Cette initiative fait partie du Programme de Santé Mentale plus large de la PTPA et des services de santé des joueurs.

Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK) hat sich mit der Professional Tennis Players Association (PTPA) als exklusiver Partner für mentale Gesundheitstechnologie zusammengeschlossen. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, die mentale Gesundheit von Profi-Tennisspielern das ganze Jahr über zu unterstützen. Zu den wichtigsten Punkten gehören:

1. Spieler, ihre Familien und Unterstützungsteams erhalten kostenlosen Zugang zu Talkspace Go, einer selbstgesteuerten Therapie-App.
2. Ermäßigter Zugang zu virtuellen Therapiediensten wird ebenfalls angeboten.
3. Die Partnerschaft adressiert die einzigartigen Herausforderungen, mit denen Tennisspieler konfrontiert sind, wie ständige Reisen und Druck.
4. Anspruchsberechtigte Personen erhalten ein Jahr kostenlosen Zugang zu Talkspace Go.
5. Spieler können sich für Einzel-, Paar- oder Jugendtherapie bei speziell lizenzierten Therapeuten anmelden.
6. Diese Initiative ist Teil des umfassenderen Programm für mentale Fitness der PTPA und der Gesundheitsdienste für Spieler.

  • None.
  • None.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today, Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK), a leading online behavioral health care company, announced its partnership with the Professional Tennis Players Association (PTPA), global advocates for professional tennis players. Talkspace will serve as the PTPA’s exclusive mental health technology partner, granting players, their families, and their support teams free, 24/7 access to Talkspace’s self-guided therapy app, Talkspace Go, as well as discounted access to its virtual therapy offering.

“Talkspace is honored to join forces with the PTPA as its exclusive mental health provider, dedicated to delivering high-quality, evidence-based support where and when players need it. This collaboration underscores our unwavering commitment to promoting mental well-being and ensuring accessible, convenient mental health resources for all,” said Natalie Cummins, Chief Business Officer of Talkspace.

“Professional tennis players face unique challenges such as constant travel, living out of a suitcase year-round, and managing the pressures of an individual sport, making it difficult to prioritize mental health,” said Ahmad Nassar, Executive Director of the PTPA. “Through Talkspace we can now support players’ well-being holistically and consistently – not just during tournaments, but throughout the entire year. This is an important addition to our PTPA Mental Fitness Program and our player health and wellness services.”

Through this partnership, eligible professional tennis players and their family members (13+) and support teams will receive one year of free access to Talkspace Go, an online self-guided mental health support program that offers personalized therapy courses and live and on-demand virtual classes led by therapists. Players can also sign up for individual, couples or teen therapy to connect with their own dedicated, licensed therapist at any time, from anywhere, and pay with insurance, or if paying out of pocket, they will receive $100 off their first month.

Talkspace joins the PTPA’s growing suite of player health and wellness services and benefits. Earlier in 2024, the PTPA unveiled its groundbreaking medical network program, PTPA MedNet, and launched its Mental Fitness Program in support of players’ on-court mental strategy. The organization continues to introduce new programs specifically designed to protect and advance players’ holistic health and safety as part of its overall mission to safeguard players worldwide.

Players can learn more about Talkspace here.

About Talkspace

Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK) is a leading virtual behavioral healthcare provider committed to helping people lead healthier, happier lives through access to high-quality mental healthcare. At Talkspace, we believe that mental healthcare is core to overall health and should be available to everyone.

Talkspace pioneered the ability to text with a licensed therapist from anywhere and now offers a comprehensive suite of mental health services, including therapy for individuals, teens, and couples, as well as psychiatric treatment and medication management (18+). With Talkspace’s core therapy offerings, members are matched with one of thousands of licensed therapists within days and can engage in live video, audio, or chat sessions, and/or unlimited asynchronous text messaging sessions.

All care offered at Talkspace is delivered through an easy-to-use, fully-encrypted web and mobile platform that meets HIPAA, federal, and state regulatory requirements. More than 151 million Americans have access to Talkspace through their health insurance plans, employee assistance programs, our partnerships with leading healthcare companies, or as a free benefit through their employer, school, or government agency.

For more information, visit

About the Professional Tennis Players Association

The Professional Tennis Players Association (PTPA) is a global organization that unites and mobilizes tennis players to foster transparency and fairness in professional tennis. As an independent entity, the PTPA is dedicated to advancing and safeguarding the rights of professional men’s and women’s tennis players throughout their careers. By prioritizing crucial aspects such as health and safety, schedules, rules, purses, benefits, and education, the PTPA endeavors to build an equitable and sustainable competitive environment for present and future generations of players. Headquartered in the Washington, D.C. area, the PTPA operates on a global scale. For more information, visit and connect with @ptpaplayers on social media.

Zef Vataj |

Source: Talkspace


What does the Talkspace and PTPA partnership offer to tennis players?

The partnership offers professional tennis players, their families, and support teams free access to Talkspace Go, a self-guided therapy app, and discounted access to virtual therapy services. This aims to support their mental health year-round.

How long can tennis players access Talkspace Go for free through the PTPA partnership?

Eligible professional tennis players and their family members (13+) and support teams receive one year of free access to Talkspace Go through the PTPA partnership.

What unique challenges do professional tennis players face that this partnership addresses?

Professional tennis players face challenges such as constant travel, living out of a suitcase year-round, and managing the pressures of an individual sport. The Talkspace partnership aims to provide consistent mental health support to address these issues.

Can tennis players use insurance to pay for Talkspace therapy services?

Yes, players can pay with insurance for individual, couples, or teen therapy services. If paying out of pocket, they will receive $100 off their first month.

How does the Talkspace partnership fit into PTPA's overall player support initiatives?

The Talkspace partnership is part of PTPA's growing suite of player health and wellness services, including the PTPA MedNet medical network program and the Mental Fitness Program for on-court mental strategy support.

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