Dense Air and Millennium Parking Garages deliver breakthrough download speeds of 250 Mbps, transforming cellular connectivity underground

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Dense Air and Millennium Parking Garages have successfully completed a groundbreaking pilot project to enhance cellular connectivity in underground locations. The project, integrated with AT&T and T-Mobile networks, achieved continuous coverage from entrance to exit in just 28 days, significantly faster than traditional solutions. The cellShare™ multi-carrier small cell solution delivered download speeds up to 250 Mbps, transforming the user experience from zero coverage to high-speed connectivity.

During Lollapalooza, users experienced download speeds as high as 160Mbps in peak periods. The project's success opens doors for future applications like navigation wayfinding, EV charging, digital signage, and connected sensors. This rapid deployment sets a new industry standard for reliable service in challenging environments.

I garage di Dense Air e Millennium hanno completato con successo un innovativo progetto pilota per migliorare la connettività cellulare in luoghi sotterranei. Il progetto, integrato con le reti AT&T e T-Mobile, ha raggiunto una copertura continua dall'ingresso all'uscita in appena 28 giorni, significativamente più veloce rispetto alle soluzioni tradizionali. La soluzione cellShare™ multi-carrier small cell ha offerto velocità di download fino a 250 Mbps, trasformando l'esperienza dell'utente da zero copertura a connettività ad alta velocità.

Durante il Lollapalooza, gli utenti hanno sperimentato velocità di download fino a 160 Mbps in periodi di punta. Il successo del progetto apre porte a future applicazioni come la navigazione, la ricarica dei veicoli elettrici, la segnaletica digitale e i sensori connessi. Questa rapida implementazione stabilisce un nuovo standard di settore per un servizio affidabile in ambienti sfidanti.

Los garajes de Dense Air y Millennium han completado con éxito un innovador proyecto piloto para mejorar la conectividad celular en ubicaciones subterráneas. El proyecto, integrado con las redes de AT&T y T-Mobile, logró una cobertura continua desde la entrada hasta la salida en solo 28 días, significativamente más rápido que las soluciones tradicionales. La solución cellShare™ multi-carrier small cell ofreció velocidades de descarga de hasta 250 Mbps, transformando la experiencia del usuario de cero cobertura a conectividad de alta velocidad.

Durante el Lollapalooza, los usuarios experimentaron velocidades de descarga de hasta 160 Mbps en períodos pico. El éxito del proyecto abre puertas a futuras aplicaciones como la navegación, la carga de vehículos eléctricos, la señalización digital y los sensores conectados. Este despliegue rápido establece un nuevo estándar en la industria para un servicio confiable en entornos desafiantes.

Dense Air와 Millennium 주차장은 지하 위치에서의 셀룰러 연결 개선을 위한 혁신적인 시범 프로젝트를 성공적으로 완료했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 AT&T와 T-Mobile 네트워크와 통합되어 입구에서 출구까지의 연속적인 커버리지를 단 28일 만에 달성했으며, 전통적인 솔루션보다 훨씬 빠릅니다. cellShare™ 다중 이동 통신사 소형 기지는 250 Mbps까지의 다운로드 속도를 제공하여 사용자 경험을 제로 커버리지에서 고속 연결로 변모시켰습니다.

Lollapalooza 기간 동안 사용자들은 피크 시간대에 다운로드 속도가 최대 160 Mbps에 달하는 경험을 했습니다. 프로젝트의 성공은 내비게이션, 전기차 충전, 디지털 사이니지 및 연결된 센서와 같은 미래의 응용 프로그램을 위한 문을 엽니다. 이러한 빠른 배치는 도전적인 환경에서 신뢰할 수 있는 서비스에 대한 새로운 업계 기준을 설정합니다.

Les garages Dense Air et Millennium ont réalisé avec succès un projet pilote révolutionnaire pour améliorer la connectivité cellulaire dans des emplacements souterrains. Le projet, intégré aux réseaux AT&T et T-Mobile, a atteint une couverture continue de l'entrée à la sortie en seulement 28 jours, beaucoup plus rapidement que les solutions traditionnelles. La solution cellShare™ multi-opérateurs a offert des vitesses de téléchargement allant jusqu'à 250 Mbps, transformant l'expérience utilisateur d'une couverture nulle à une connectivité haut débit.

Lors de Lollapalooza, les utilisateurs ont connu des vitesses de téléchargement allant jusqu'à 160 Mbps pendant les périodes de pointe. Le succès du projet ouvre la voie à de futures applications telles que la navigation, la recharge de véhicules électriques, la signalétique numérique et les capteurs connectés. Ce déploiement rapide établit une nouvelle norme dans l'industrie pour un service fiable dans des environnements difficiles.

Die Garagen von Dense Air und Millennium haben erfolgreich ein wegweisendes Pilotprojekt abgeschlossen, um die Mobilfunkkonnektivität an unterirdischen Standorten zu verbessern. Das Projekt, das mit den Netzen von AT&T und T-Mobile integriert ist, erreichte innerhalb von nur 28 Tagen eine kontinuierliche Abdeckung vom Eingang bis zum Ausgang, was erheblich schneller ist als herkömmliche Lösungen. Die cellShare™ Multi-Carrier Small Cell-Lösung lieferte Download-Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu 250 Mbps und verwandelte die Nutzererfahrung von Nullabdeckung zu Hochgeschwindigkeitskonnektivität.

Während des Lollapalooza erlebten die Nutzer in Spitzenzeiten Download-Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu 160 Mbps. Der Erfolg des Projekts öffnet Türen für zukünftige Anwendungen wie Navigationssysteme, E-Fahrzeug-Ladestationen, digitale Beschilderung und verbundene Sensoren. Diese schnelle Implementierung setzt einen neuen Branchenstandard für zuverlässigen Service in herausfordernden Umgebungen.

  • Achieved download speeds up to 250 Mbps in underground parking garages
  • Completed deployment in just 28 days, significantly faster than traditional solutions
  • Successfully integrated with AT&T and T-Mobile networks
  • Maintained high speeds (up to 160Mbps) during peak usage periods like Lollapalooza
  • Opened possibilities for future applications like navigation wayfinding and EV charging
  • None.

This pilot project demonstrates a significant leap in underground cellular connectivity. The 250 Mbps download speeds achieved are exceptional for subterranean environments, which typically suffer from poor signal penetration. The rapid 28-day deployment is particularly noteworthy, as it drastically outpaces traditional DAS installations.

The cellShare™ multi-carrier small cell solution's success in integrating with major carriers like AT&T and T-Mobile is crucial. It suggests a scalable model for improving connectivity in other challenging urban environments. The 160 Mbps speeds maintained during Lollapalooza under high network stress is impressive, indicating robust capacity planning.

Future applications like EV charging and digital signage integration could position this technology as a cornerstone for smart city infrastructure. This breakthrough could spark increased investment in similar solutions across urban centers globally.

This innovation addresses a critical pain point in urban mobility. Poor connectivity in underground structures has long been a frustration for city dwellers and a barrier to implementing smart city technologies. The success of this pilot opens doors for transforming other underground spaces like subway systems and tunnels.

The seamless carrier integration is a game-changer, eliminating the need for users to switch to specific networks or Wi-Fi. This user-friendly approach could significantly enhance the adoption of smart parking solutions and improve overall urban traffic management.

The potential for integrating navigation, EV charging and environmental sensors aligns perfectly with smart city initiatives. This could lead to more efficient use of urban spaces and reduced carbon footprints. Cities investing in such technologies may see increased attractiveness for businesses and residents, potentially boosting property values and economic activity in surrounding areas.

CHICAGO, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Dense Air and Millennium Parking Garages are excited to announce the successful completion of a groundbreaking pilot project, aimed at enhancing cellular connectivity in challenging, hard-to-reach locations through seamless integration with AT&T and T-Mobile networks.

In early May, Dense Air and Millennium Parking Garages embarked on a unique partnership to transform Millennium Parking Garages into a test bed for innovative cellular network solutions. The collaboration focused on overcoming one of the most daunting challenges in connectivity: delivering reliable service deep underground through impermeable building materials.

We are thrilled to announce that our teams have delivered on their promise. By rapidly deploying the cellShare™ multi-carrier small cell solution, we successfully addressed the connectivity challenges in the underground garage. The project achieved continuous cellular coverage from entrance to exit in weeks vs. traditional solutions that are completed over months and even years.   

"We've tried before to improve cellular communications within Millennium Garages, but our partnership with Dense Air marks a significant step towards a scalable connectivity solution," said Issac Riggs, Chief Operations Officer, Millennium Garages. "They have given us confidence with their innovative design, rapid build, seamless integration with the carriers' networks, and most importantly, delivering exactly what they promised: a pilot testbed enabling seamless cellular connectivity."

To establish the foundational network in phase one, teams developed an efficient design and deployment strategy that ensured minimal disruption, a small footprint, rapid implementation, public cloud connectivity, and seamless integration with T-Mobile and AT&T. Millennium Parking Garages supplied the facility infrastructure, an enterprise network with a fiber backbone, a gigabit enterprise network circuit, and two micro server rooms with rack space to support the build of the solution. Dense Air then overlaid a cloud server for centralized management, along with other network elements, and deployed fiber-connected indoor radios for robust connectivity.

During the second phase, Dense Air, in collaboration with AT&T and T-Mobile, extended the public network through advanced software and network configurations, ensuring a direct, high-quality connection for AT&T & T-Mobile's subscribers. Users experienced a strong, reliable cellular service with enhanced data speeds and voice quality.

"We are very pleased with the improved connectivity and experience the Dense Air neutral host solution provides for our customers. These types of innovative solutions are an important part of providing additional coverage in challenging areas such as an underground garage," said JR Wilson, Vice President of Tower Strategy and Roaming at AT&T.

The pilot results are impressive – the user experience has been transformed from ZERO coverage to download speeds reaching up to 250 Mbps. This dramatic improvement now allows customers to initiate voice and video calls, send texts and emails, download apps and photos, and, critically, maintain a call while entering or exiting the garage. Notably, the deployment cycle for this build was among the fastest in the industry, taking 28 days total —an impressive feat compared to traditional distributed antenna system (DAS) deployments.

During Lollapalooza, a 4-day music fest in Chicago's Grant Park with record-breaking crowds, people using the cellular network in the pilot area saw download speeds as high as 160Mbps, even during the busiest times. On average, download speeds were around 40Mbps during those peak periods. Despite the crowded environment and heavy network demand, these speeds allowed users to seamlessly access QR codes prior to exiting, stream videos, browse the web, and use apps without noticeable delays.

As Millennium Parking Garages moves into the next phase of this project, several use cases to improve the customer's connectivity experience will be explored including:

  • Navigation wayfinding / find my car
  • EV (electrical vehicle) charging
  • Digital signage
  • Connected sensors (occupancy, environmental conditions, etc.)

This project not only sets a new standard for rapid deployment and reliable service in the industry but also underscores Dense Air's ongoing commitment.

"The successful integration and deployment of our cellShare™ solution in Millennium's underground parking garage marks a significant achievement in transforming connectivity in the most challenging environments. By seamlessly integrating with AT&T and T-Mobile networks and delivering unparalleled connectivity solutions, we have empowered both our partners and their customers with seamless connectivity." Jim Estes, CEO Dense Air.

To learn more about the cellShare™ design, installation, and integration into the carrier's networks, please download our case study.  

About Dense Air

Dense Air is leading the innovation of shared wireless networks that deliver secure and expanded coverage, making connectivity more open, shared, and inclusive. Dense Air's cellShare™ offers a unique end-to-end, Connectivity-as-a-Service solution, with a flexible financial model designed to solve wireless network coverage and capacity gaps. Providing multi-operator, small cell solutions that are resilient, flexible, and more cost effective than existing alternatives, Dense Air's cellShare™ solution ensures comprehensive in-building and outdoor cellular coverage, enabling seamless communications for operators, enterprises, and urban areas.

About Millennium Garages

Millennium Garages is a publicly owned, privately operated infrastructure joint venture that spans 3.8 million square feet in downtown Chicago. As the largest downtown public underground parking system in the United States, Millennium's four facilities offer daily, monthly, and long-term parking for Chicago commuters, residents, visitors, and fleet customers. Millennium Garages and its partners use technology and cross-sector collaboration to enhance urban mobility, including large-scale electric vehicle charging.

About AT&T

We help more than 100 million U.S. families, friends and neighbors, plus nearly 2.5 million businesses, connect to greater possibility. From the first phone call 140+ years ago to our 5G wireless and multi-gig internet offerings today, we @ATT innovate to improve lives. For more information about AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T), please visit us at Investors can learn more at

About T-Mobile US, Inc.

T-Mobile US, Inc. (NASDAQ: TMUS) is America's supercharged Un-carrier, delivering an advanced 4G LTE and transformative nationwide 5G network that will offer reliable connectivity for all. T-Mobile's customers benefit from its unmatched combination of value and quality, unwavering obsession with offering them the best possible service experience and undisputable drive for disruption that creates competition and innovation in wireless and beyond. Based in Bellevue, Wash., T-Mobile provides services through its subsidiaries and operates its flagship brands, T-Mobile and Metro by T-Mobile. For more information please visit:

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What download speeds did Dense Air and Millennium Parking Garages achieve in their pilot project?

The pilot project achieved download speeds reaching up to 250 Mbps in the underground parking garage, transforming the user experience from zero coverage to high-speed connectivity.

How long did it take Dense Air to deploy the cellShare™ solution in Millennium Parking Garages?

Dense Air deployed the cellShare™ solution in just 28 days, which is significantly faster than traditional distributed antenna system (DAS) deployments that can take months or even years.

Which mobile carriers' networks were integrated into the Dense Air and Millennium Parking Garages project?

The project seamlessly integrated with AT&T (T) and T-Mobile (TMUS) networks, providing continuous cellular coverage for subscribers of both carriers in the underground garage.

What were the download speeds during Lollapalooza in the Millennium Parking Garages pilot area?

During Lollapalooza, users in the pilot area experienced download speeds as high as 160Mbps during peak periods, with average speeds around 40Mbps despite the heavy network demand.

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