SYLA Reports First-Half 2024 Financial and Operational Results
SYLA Technologies Co., (NASDAQ: SYT), operator of Japan's largest membership real estate crowd-funding platform, Rimawari-kun, reported its interim financial results for H1 2024. Key highlights include:
- 13% revenue increase to ¥10,564,041 thousand ($65.7 million)
- Gross profit decrease to ¥1,944,954 thousand ($12.1 million)
- Net loss of ¥67,257 thousand ($0.4 million)
- Cash and cash equivalents of ¥2,381,394 thousand ($14.8 million) as of June 30, 2024
The company saw increased real estate sales with 162 units sold, up from 110 in H1 2023. SYLA also announced a capital alliance with CUMICA , development of luxury residences, and expansion in the renewable energy sector. The company's crowdfunding platform, Rimawari-kun, surpassed ¥7.5 billion in GMV.
SYLA Technologies Co., (NASDAQ: SYT), operatore della più grande piattaforma di crowdfunding immobiliare a membership del Giappone, Rimawari-kun, ha riportato i risultati finanziari intermedi per il primo semestre del 2024. I principali punti salienti includono:
- Aumento del fatturato del 13% a ¥10.564.041 migliaia (65,7 milioni di dollari)
- Diminuzione del profitto lordo a ¥1.944.954 migliaia (12,1 milioni di dollari)
- Perdite nette di ¥67.257 migliaia (0,4 milioni di dollari)
- Liquidità e equivalenti di liquidità pari a ¥2.381.394 migliaia (14,8 milioni di dollari) al 30 giugno 2024
La società ha registrato un aumento delle vendite immobiliari con 162 unità vendute, in aumento rispetto alle 110 nel primo semestre del 2023. SYLA ha anche annunciato un'alleanza di capitale con CUMICA, lo sviluppo di residenze di lusso e l'espansione nel settore delle energie rinnovabili. La piattaforma di crowdfunding dell'azienda, Rimawari-kun, ha superato i ¥7,5 miliardi di GMV.
SYLA Technologies Co., (NASDAQ: SYT), operador de la plataforma de crowdfunding inmobiliario con membresía más grande de Japón, Rimawari-kun, informó sus resultados financieros intermedios para el primer semestre de 2024. Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:
- Aumento del 13% en los ingresos a ¥10,564,041 mil (65.7 millones de dólares)
- Disminución del beneficio bruto a ¥1,944,954 mil (12.1 millones de dólares)
- Pérdida neta de ¥67,257 mil (0.4 millones de dólares)
- Efectivo y equivalentes de efectivo de ¥2,381,394 mil (14.8 millones de dólares) al 30 de junio de 2024
La empresa vio un aumento en las ventas inmobiliarias con 162 unidades vendidas, en comparación con 110 en el primer semestre de 2023. SYLA también anunció una alianza de capital con CUMICA, desarrollo de residencias de lujo y expansión en el sector de energías renovables. La plataforma de crowdfunding de la compañía, Rimawari-kun, superó ¥7.5 mil millones en GMV.
SYLA Technologies Co., (NASDAQ: SYT), 일본 최대의 멤버십 부동산 크라우드펀딩 플랫폼인 리마와리-쿤의 운영사가 2024년 상반기 중간 재무 결과를 발표했습니다. 주요 요점은:
- 수익 13% 증가, ¥10,564,041 천 (6,570만 달러)
- 총 이익 감소, ¥1,944,954 천 (1,210만 달러)
- 순손실 ¥67,257 천 (40만 달러)
- 2024년 6월 30일 기준 현금 및 현금성 자산 ¥2,381,394 천 (1,480만 달러)
회사는 162채가 판매되면서 부동산 판매가 증가했으며, 이는 2023년 상반기 110채에서 증가한 수치입니다. SYLA는 또한 CUMICA와의 자본 동맹, 고급 주택 개발 및 재생 에너지 부문 확장을 발표했습니다. 회사의 크라우드펀딩 플랫폼인 리마와리-쿤은 GMV에서 ¥7.5억을 초과했습니다.
SYLA Technologies Co., (NASDAQ: SYT), opérateur de la plus grande plateforme de crowdfunding immobilier par abonnement au Japon, Rimawari-kun, a annoncé ses résultats financiers intermédiaires pour le premier semestre 2024. Les points forts incluent:
- Augmentation du chiffre d'affaires de 13% à ¥10.564.041 mille (65,7 millions de dollars)
- Diminution du bénéfice brut à ¥1.944.954 mille (12,1 millions de dollars)
- Perte nette de ¥67.257 mille (0,4 million de dollars)
- Trésorerie et équivalents de trésorerie de ¥2.381.394 mille (14,8 millions de dollars) au 30 juin 2024
L'entreprise a constaté une augmentation des ventes immobilières avec 162 unités vendues, contre 110 au premier semestre 2023. SYLA a également annoncé une alliance capitalistique avec CUMICA, le développement de résidences de luxe et une expansion dans le secteur des énergies renouvelables. La plateforme de crowdfunding de l'entreprise, Rimawari-kun, a dépassé ¥7,5 milliards en GMV.
SYLA Technologies Co., (NASDAQ: SYT), Betreiber der größten Mitgliedschafts-Crowdfunding-Plattform für Immobilien in Japan, Rimawari-kun, hat seine vorläufigen finanziellen Ergebnisse für das erste Halbjahr 2024 veröffentlicht. Die wichtigsten Highlights sind:
- Umsatzsteigerung um 13% auf ¥10.564.041 Tausend (65,7 Millionen USD)
- Rückgang des Bruttogewinns auf ¥1.944.954 Tausend (12,1 Millionen USD)
- Nettverlust von ¥67.257 Tausend (0,4 Millionen USD)
- Zahlungsmittel und Zahlungsmitteläquivalente von ¥2.381.394 Tausend (14,8 Millionen USD) zum 30. Juni 2024
Das Unternehmen verzeichnete einen Anstieg der Immobilienverkäufe mit 162 verkauften Einheiten, ein Anstieg von 110 im ersten Halbjahr 2023. SYLA kündigte außerdem eine Kapitalallianz mit CUMICA, die Entwicklung von Luxusresidenzen und die Expansion im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien an. Die Crowdfunding-Plattform des Unternehmens, Rimawari-kun, übertraf ¥7,5 Milliarden in GMV.
- 13% year-over-year revenue increase to ¥10,564,041 thousand ($65.7 million)
- Real estate sales increased by ¥4,595,491 thousand ($28.6 million)
- Number of units sold increased from 110 to 162 compared to H1 2023
- Solar power plant sales increased by ¥303,171 thousand ($1.9 million)
- Rimawari-kun's GMV surpassed ¥7.5 billion
- SYFORME series average occupancy rate reached 99.80% in H1 2024
- Gross profit decreased to ¥1,944,954 thousand ($12.1 million) from ¥2,340,856 thousand
- Net loss of ¥67,257 thousand ($0.4 million) compared to net income of ¥249,979 thousand in H1 2023
- Large-scale development site sales decreased by ¥3,527,071 thousand ($21.9 million)
- Higher interest expenses due to increased borrowings for real estate development and investments
The first-half 2024 results for SYLA Technologies present a mixed financial picture. While total revenues increased by 13% to
Key points to consider:
- Real estate sales volume increased significantly, with 162 units sold vs 110 in H1 2023
- Gross profit declined by
16.9% due to lower sales of high-margin large-scale development sites - Operating expenses decreased, mainly due to reduced legal and professional fees post-IPO
- Higher interest expenses from increased borrowings impacted the bottom line
- The company maintains a solid cash position of
¥2.38 billion ($14.8 million )
The company's growth strategy, including M&A opportunities and partnerships like the one with CUMICA , shows potential for future expansion. However, investors should monitor the impact of higher interest expenses and the company's ability to improve profitability in the coming quarters.
SYLA's performance in the real estate sector shows both strengths and challenges. The increase in unit sales from 110 to 162, along with two entire building sales, demonstrates strong demand for their properties. The SYFORME condominium series maintaining a
The development of ultra-luxurious residences like THE SYLA SHIBUYA-TOMIGAYA and the completion of their first office building, SYLA TOYOCHO, indicate a strategic move towards higher-value properties. This could potentially lead to improved margins in future quarters.
However, the significant decrease in large-scale development site sales is a concern, as these typically offer higher profit margins. The company will need to balance its portfolio to maintain profitability.
The Rimawari-kun crowdfunding platform reaching
SYLA's tech initiatives show promise in diversifying their revenue streams and enhancing their core real estate business. The ietty AI rental brokerage service surpassing 400,000 members indicates strong adoption of their proptech solutions. This could lead to increased efficiency in property management and tenant acquisition.
The company's expansion into renewable energy through SYLA Solar is noteworthy. The launch of an on-site PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) business and alliances with companies like LIVE THE CREATIVE and ABILITY for hydrogen solutions demonstrate a forward-thinking approach to sustainable real estate development.
The absorption of a renewable data center company by SYLA Solar could create interesting synergies between real estate, renewable energy and data infrastructure. This move aligns with global trends towards green data centers and could position SYLA as an innovator in this space.
While these tech initiatives are promising, their financial impact is not yet clearly reflected in the current results. Investors should watch for signs of these investments translating into tangible revenue growth and improved operational efficiencies in future quarters.
TOKYO, Sept. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SYLA Technologies Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: SYT) (“SYLA” or “the Company”), operator of the largest membership real estate crowd-funding platform in Japan, Rimawari-kun, reported its interim financial results for the six months ended June 30, 2024.
Operational Highlights to Date in 2024:
● | Entered into a capital and business alliance agreement with CUMICA CORPORATION (formerly RIBERESUTE CORPORATION) and became the largest shareholder. | |
● | Subscribed to a third-party allotment of new shares issued by CUMICA CORPORATION (formerly RIBERESUTE CORPORATION). | |
● | Announced mid-term revenue targets and a growth strategy centered on M&A. | |
● | Announced an interim dividend of | |
● | Announced the development of an ultra-luxurious residence, THE SYLA SHIBUYA-TOMIGAYA. | |
● | Completed construction of the Company’s first office building, SYLA TOYOCHO. | |
● | Announced a | |
● | The membership of an online AI rental brokerage service, ietty, surpassed 400,000. | |
● | The average occupancy rate for the SYFORME series of original brand condominiums in the first half of 2024 was | |
● | Rimawari-kun’s gross merchandise volume (total amount raised by Rimawari-kun, hereinafter “GMV”) surpassed | |
● | Subsidiary SYLA Solar announced issuance of series 1 bond of | |
● | Subsidiary SYLA Solar announced a comprehensive business alliance with LIVE THE CREATIVE Inc. | |
● | Subsidiary SYLA Solar announced a business alliance with ABILITY LTD., a supplier of hydrogen cartridges. | |
● | Subsidiary SYLA Solar launched on-site PPA business. |
Management Commentary
“We achieved a
Additionally, through the third-party allotment of new shares issued by CUMICA CORPORATION, our partnership is further strengthened, enhancing synergies with our development business in the coming fiscal year and beyond. Meanwhile, our real estate crowdfunding business continues to perform well, with steady growth in GMV (gross merchandise volume).
As part of our ongoing growth strategy, we will actively seek M&A opportunities to expand our market presence and enhance competitiveness. We remain committed to staying on track with our second-half progress, achieving diversified growth.”
First-Half 2024 Financial Results:
Results compare the six months ended June 30, 2024, to the six months ended June 30, 2023, unless otherwise indicated. Results below are for SYLA Technologies Co., Ltd. on a consolidated basis.
● | Total revenues for the six months ended June 30, 2024, increased to | |
● | Gross profit decreased to | |
● | Total operating expenses decreased to | |
● | Net loss attributable to SYLA Technologies Co., Ltd. was | |
● | As of June 30, 2024, SYLA Technologies Co., Ltd. had |
About SYLA Technologies Co., Ltd.
Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, SYLA Technologies Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: SYT) (“SYLA” or “the Company”) owns and operates the largest membership real estate crowd-funding platform in Japan, Rimawari-kun, which targets individuals, corporate and institutional investors, as well as high net worth individuals. SYLA’s mission is to democratize real estate investment around the world through technology and asset management through the Rimawari-kun platform. SYLA is engaged in the overall investment condominium business, including planning, development, construction, sales, rental management, building management, repair work, and the sale of properties. Additional information about the Company’s products and services is available at
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act and other securities laws. Words such as “expects,” “anticipates,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “seeks,” “estimates” and similar expressions or variations of such words are intended to identify forward-looking statements. For example, the Company is using forward-looking statements when it discusses the expected gross proceeds and the closing of the offering. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts, and are based upon management’s current expectations, beliefs and projections, many of which, by their nature, are inherently uncertain. Such expectations, beliefs and projections are expressed in good faith. However, there can be no assurance that management’s expectations, beliefs and projections will be achieved, and actual results may differ materially from what is expressed in or indicated by the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance or results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. For a more detailed description of the risks and uncertainties affecting the Company, reference is made to the Company’s reports filed from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including, but not limited to, the risks detailed in the Company’s annual report on Form 20-F, filed with the SEC on May 15, 2024. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date the statements are made. The Company assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, subsequent events or circumstances, changes in assumptions or changes in other factors affecting forward-looking information except to the extent required by applicable securities laws. If the Company does update one or more forward-looking statements, no inference should be drawn that the Company will make additional updates with respect thereto or with respect to other forward-looking statements. References and links to websites have been provided as a convenience, and the information contained on such websites is not incorporated by reference into this press release.
Contact Information
SYLA Technologies Investor Relations Contact :
Gateway Group, Inc.
John Yi and Steven Shinmachi
(949) 574-3860
SYLA Technologies Company Contact :
Takeshi Fuchiwaki
Director, Chief Growth Officer
(Amounts in thousands of Japanese Yen (“JPY”), except for share data)
June 30, | December 31, | |||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
ASSETS | ||||||||
Current assets | ||||||||
Cash and cash equivalents | 2,381,394 | 4,017,311 | ||||||
Restricted cash | 455,330 | 569,469 | ||||||
Term deposits | 288,741 | 233,505 | ||||||
Short-term investments | - | 89,482 | ||||||
Accounts receivable, net | 141,935 | 162,690 | ||||||
Inventories, net | 25,001,539 | 16,849,935 | ||||||
Prepaid expenses, net | 441,241 | 357,104 | ||||||
Other current assets, net | 182,518 | 304,271 | ||||||
Total current assets | 28,892,698 | 22,583,767 | ||||||
Non-current assets | ||||||||
Restricted cash, non-current | 2,667 | 25,180 | ||||||
Long-term deposits | 70,557 | 9,300 | ||||||
Long-term investments, net | 2,642,748 | 490,437 | ||||||
Property, plant and equipment, net | 11,635,956 | 11,889,701 | ||||||
Solar power systems, net | 582,751 | 476,778 | ||||||
Intangible assets, net | 127,325 | 133,226 | ||||||
Goodwill | 730,776 | 730,776 | ||||||
Operating lease right-of-use assets | 2,293,147 | 2,409,255 | ||||||
Finance lease right-of-use assets | 11,004 | 11,980 | ||||||
Other assets, net | 1,393,372 | 1,324,027 | ||||||
Total non-current assets | 19,490,303 | 17,500,660 | ||||||
TOTAL ASSETS | 48,383,001 | 40,084,427 | ||||||
Current liabilities | ||||||||
Accounts payable | 322,650 | 559,420 | ||||||
Accrued liabilities | 163,185 | 277,425 | ||||||
Short-term loans | 2,378,800 | 1,692,599 | ||||||
Current portion of long-term loans | 9,443,778 | 7,243,022 | ||||||
Current portion of long-term bonds | 88,454 | 107,601 | ||||||
Deferred revenue | 50,427 | 165,262 | ||||||
Income tax payables | 182,423 | 466,872 | ||||||
Operating lease liabilities, current | 412,049 | 433,725 | ||||||
Finance lease liabilities, current | 3,647 | 4,158 | ||||||
Other current liabilities | 776,069 | 1,047,016 | ||||||
Total current liabilities | 13,821,482 | 11,997,100 | ||||||
Non-current liabilities | ||||||||
Long-term loans | 20,579,315 | 14,308,136 | ||||||
Long-term bonds | 113,228 | 97,549 | ||||||
Operating lease liabilities, non-current | 1,849,266 | 1,958,689 | ||||||
Finance lease liabilities, non-current | 7,571 | 8,040 | ||||||
Other liabilities | 516,746 | 534,228 | ||||||
Total non-current liabilities | 23,066,126 | 16,906,642 | ||||||
TOTAL LIABILITIES | 36,887,608 | 28,903,742 | ||||||
EQUITY | ||||||||
Capital stock (900,000 shares authorized, 265,543 and 260,891 shares issued and outstanding as of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, with no stated value) | 114,001 | 100,000 | ||||||
Capital surplus | 5,078,338 | 4,988,126 | ||||||
Treasury stock, at cost (357 and 142 shares as of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively) | (22,828) | (13,631) | ||||||
Retained earnings | 3,299,652 | 3,413,644 | ||||||
Total SYLA Technologies Co., Ltd.’s equity | 8,469,163 | 8,488,139 | ||||||
Noncontrolling interests | 3,026,230 | 2,692,546 | ||||||
TOTAL EQUITY | 11,495,393 | 11,180,685 | ||||||
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY | 48,383,001 | 40,084,427 |
(Amounts in thousands of JPY, except for share and per share data)
For the Six Months Ended June 30, | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
Revenues, net | 10,564,041 | 9,318,404 | ||||||
Cost of revenues | (8,619,087) | (6,977,548) | ||||||
Gross profit | 1,944,954 | 2,340,856 | ||||||
Operating expenses | ||||||||
Selling, general and administrative expenses | (1,750,353) | (1,906,117) | ||||||
Total operating expenses | (1,750,353) | (1,906,117) | ||||||
Income from continuing operations | 194,601 | 434,739 | ||||||
Other income (expenses) | ||||||||
Other income | 242,122 | 254,350 | ||||||
Income (loss) from equity method investments | 41,134 | (449) | ||||||
Other expenses | (384,115) | (241,732) | ||||||
Total other income (expenses) | (100,859) | 12,169 | ||||||
Income from continuing operations before income taxes | 93,742 | 446,908 | ||||||
Income tax expense | (127,573) | (149,060) | ||||||
Net income (loss) from continuing operations | (33,831) | 297,848 | ||||||
Loss from discontinued operations, net of income taxes | - | (6,742) | ||||||
Net income (loss) | (33,831) | 291,106 | ||||||
Less: net income from continuing operations attributable to noncontrolling interests | 33,426 | 41,127 | ||||||
Net income (loss) attributable to SYLA Technologies Co., Ltd. | (67,257) | 249,979 | ||||||
Net income (loss) from continuing operations per share: | ||||||||
- Basic | (255.99) | 1,029.68 | ||||||
- Diluted | (255.99) | 856.51 | ||||||
Loss from discontinued operations per share: | ||||||||
- Basic | - | (27.04) | ||||||
- Diluted | - | (22.49) | ||||||
Net income (loss) attributable to SYLA Technologies Co., Ltd. per share: | ||||||||
- Basic | (255.99) | 1,002.63 | ||||||
- Diluted | (255.99) | 834.02 | ||||||
Weighted average shares used in calculating basic and diluted net income (loss) per share: | ||||||||
- Basic | 262,736 | 249,323 | ||||||
- Diluted | 262,736 | 299,730 |

What was SYLA Technologies' (SYT) revenue for the first half of 2024?
How many real estate units did SYLA Technologies (SYT) sell in H1 2024?
What was the Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV) of SYLA's Rimawari-kun platform in H1 2024?
Did SYLA Technologies (SYT) report a profit or loss for H1 2024?