Silynxcom Successfully Completes Field Testing of Enhancing Drone Sound Awareness Technology
Silynxcom (NYSE American: SYNX) has successfully completed field trials of its innovative drone detection technology with a military force in Asia, conducted alongside a leading global defense contractor. The trials focused on the company's advanced APC headset technology designed for armored personnel carrier crews.
The breakthrough technology addresses a critical battlefield challenge by simultaneously providing three key functions:
- Detecting drone humming sounds that may indicate threats
- Maintaining hearing protection in high-noise environments
- Ensuring clear communication through intercom and radio systems
Unlike traditional Active Noise Reduction (ANR) technology, Silynxcom's solution selectively amplifies important environmental sounds while maintaining hearing protection. The system features plug-and-play compatibility with existing intercom and radio systems, demonstrating successful integration across various vehicle platforms and communication infrastructures during the trials.
Silynxcom (NYSE American: SYNX) ha completato con successo prove sul campo della sua innovativa tecnologia di rilevamento droni con una forza militare in Asia, condotte insieme a un importante appaltatore globale della difesa. Le prove si sono concentrate sulla tecnologia degli auricolari APC avanzata dell'azienda, progettata per gli equipaggi dei veicoli blindati.
Questa tecnologia rivoluzionaria affronta una sfida critica sul campo di battaglia fornendo simultaneamente tre funzioni chiave:
- Rilevamento dei suoni delle eliche dei droni che possono indicare minacce
- Mantenimento della protezione dell'udito in ambienti ad alta rumorosità
- Assicurare una comunicazione chiara attraverso i sistemi di interfono e radio
A differenza della tradizionale tecnologia di Riduzione Attiva del Rumore (ANR), la soluzione di Silynxcom amplifica selettivamente i suoni ambientali importanti mantenendo la protezione dell'udito. Il sistema presenta compatibilità plug-and-play con i sistemi di interfono e radio esistenti, dimostrando un'integrazione riuscita su varie piattaforme veicolari e infrastrutture di comunicazione durante le prove.
Silynxcom (NYSE American: SYNX) ha completado con éxito pruebas de campo de su innovadora tecnología de detección de drones con una fuerza militar en Asia, realizadas junto a un destacado contratista global de defensa. Las pruebas se centraron en la avanzada tecnología de auriculares APC diseñada para las tripulaciones de vehículos de combate.
Esta tecnología innovadora aborda un desafío crítico en el campo de batalla al proporcionar simultáneamente tres funciones clave:
- Detección de los sonidos de zumbido de drones que pueden indicar amenazas
- Mantenimiento de la protección auditiva en entornos de alto ruido
- Asegurando una comunicación clara a través de sistemas de intercomunicación y radio
A diferencia de la tecnología tradicional de Reducción Activa de Ruido (ANR), la solución de Silynxcom amplifica selectivamente los sonidos ambientales importantes mientras mantiene la protección auditiva. El sistema presenta compatibilidad plug-and-play con los sistemas de intercomunicación y radio existentes, demostrando una integración exitosa en diversas plataformas de vehículos e infraestructuras de comunicación durante las pruebas.
Silynxcom (NYSE American: SYNX)는 아시아의 군사력과 함께 주요 글로벌 방산 계약업체와 진행한 혁신적인 드론 탐지 기술의 현장 시험을 성공적으로 완료했습니다. 이 시험은 장갑차 승무원을 위해 설계된 회사의 APC 헤드셋 기술에 초점을 맞추었습니다.
이 혁신적인 기술은 전장 내에서의 중요한 도전 과제를 해결하며, 동시에 세 가지 주요 기능을 제공합니다:
- 위협을 나타낼 수 있는 드론의 윙윙거리는 소리 탐지
- 고소음 환경에서의 청력 보호 유지
- 인터콤 및 라디오 시스템을 통한 명확한 통신 보장
전통적인 능동 소음 감소(ANR) 기술과 달리, Silynxcom의 솔루션은 청력 보호를 유지하면서 중요한 환경 소리를 선택적으로 증폭합니다. 이 시스템은 기존의 인터콤 및 라디오 시스템과의 플러그 앤 플레이 호환성을 제공하며, 시험 중 다양한 차량 플랫폼 및 통신 인프라에서 성공적인 통합을 시연했습니다.
Silynxcom (NYSE American: SYNX) a réussi à mener à bien des essais sur le terrain de sa technologie innovante de détection de drones avec une force militaire en Asie, réalisés en collaboration avec un important contractant mondial de la défense. Les essais se sont concentrés sur la technologie de casque APC avancée de l'entreprise, conçue pour les équipages de véhicules blindés.
Cette technologie révolutionnaire répond à un défi critique sur le champ de bataille en fournissant simultanément trois fonctions clés :
- Détection des sons de bourdonnement des drones pouvant indiquer des menaces
- Maintien de la protection auditive dans des environnements bruyants
- Assurer une communication claire via des systèmes d'interphone et de radio
Contrairement à la technologie traditionnelle de réduction active du bruit (ANR), la solution de Silynxcom amplifie sélectivement les sons environnementaux importants tout en maintenant la protection auditive. Le système présente une compatibilité plug-and-play avec les systèmes d'interphone et de radio existants, démontrant une intégration réussie sur diverses plateformes de véhicules et infrastructures de communication lors des essais.
Silynxcom (NYSE American: SYNX) hat erfolgreich Feldversuche seiner innovativen Drohnenerkennungstechnologie mit einer Militärkraft in Asien abgeschlossen, die in Zusammenarbeit mit einem führenden globalen Verteidigungsauftragnehmer durchgeführt wurden. Die Versuche konzentrierten sich auf die fortschrittliche APC-Headset-Technologie des Unternehmens, die für die Besatzungen von gepanzerten Fahrzeugen entwickelt wurde.
Diese bahnbrechende Technologie adressiert eine kritische Herausforderung auf dem Schlachtfeld, indem sie gleichzeitig drei wichtige Funktionen bereitstellt:
- Erkennung von Drohnen-Geräuschen, die Bedrohungen anzeigen können
- Aufrechterhaltung des Gehörschutzes in lauten Umgebungen
- Sichere Kommunikation über Intercom- und Funksysteme
Im Gegensatz zur traditionellen aktiven Geräuschunterdrückung (ANR) verstärkt die Lösung von Silynxcom selektiv wichtige Umgebungsgeräusche und bewahrt gleichzeitig den Gehörschutz. Das System bietet Plug-and-Play-Kompatibilität mit bestehenden Intercom- und Funksystemen und zeigt während der Versuche eine erfolgreiche Integration in verschiedene Fahrzeugplattformen und Kommunikationsinfrastrukturen.
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Strategic Collaboration with a Military Customer in Asia Demonstrates Disruptive Drone Detection Technology, Expanding Global Market Penetration for Silynxcom's High-Growth Defense Innovation
Netanya, Israel, March 17, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Silynxcom Ltd. (NYSE American: SYNX) (“Silynxcom” or the “Company”), a manufacturer and developer of ruggedized tactical communication headset devices, today announced the successful completion of field trials for its innovative product, aimed at boosting situational awareness and safety for armored personnel carrier (“APC”) crews and other heavy military vehicles, with a military force in Asia and conducted in collaboration with a leading global defense contractor.
The trials demonstrated the Company's innovative solution that addresses a critical challenge on modern battlefields: detecting the distinct and potentially life-threatening drone humming while simultaneously maintaining hearing protection in high-noise environments. Unlike conventional Active Noise Reduction (ANR) technology that can inadvertently block crucial acoustic threats, Silynxcom's advanced new APC headset selectively amplifies critical environmental sounds while still providing essential hearing protection.
Military personnel operating APCs face the triple challenge of protecting their hearing from high-decibel engines and weapons noise, maintaining clear communication through intercom and radio systems, and detecting subtle but potentially lethal threats like approaching drones. We believe that Silynxcom's technology effectively meets all these requirements during the trials.
"These successful trials with a new military customer in Asia represent an important strategic expansion for our drone detection technology beyond our initial deployment," said Nir Klein, Chief Executive Officer of Silynxcom. "Our advanced auditory technology allows for both comprehensive hearing protection and the selective amplification of critical battlefield sounds, giving military personnel the situational awareness they need to identify and respond to emerging threats."
The system's compatibility with popular intercom and radio systems enables plug-and-play integration, allowing for seamless upgrading of existing equipment. This feature proved particularly valuable during these trials, where the technology was tested across different vehicle platforms and communication infrastructures.
About Silynxcom Ltd.
Silynxcom Ltd. develops, manufactures, markets, and sells ruggedized tactical communication headset devices as well as other communication accessories, all of which have been field-tested and combat-proven. The Company’s in-ear headset devices, or In-Ear Headsets, are used in combat, the battlefield, riot control, demonstrations, weapons training courses, and on the factory floor. The In-Ear Headsets seamlessly integrate with third party manufacturers of professional-grade ruggedized radios that are used by soldiers in combat or by police officers in leading military and law enforcements units. The Company’s In-Ear Headsets also fit tightly into the protective gear to enable users to speak and hear clearly and precisely while they are protected from the hazardous sounds of combat, riots or dangerous situations. The sleek, lightweight, In-Ear Headsets include active sound protection to eliminate unsafe sounds, while maintaining ambient environmental awareness, giving their customers 360° situational awareness. The Company works closely with its customers and seek to improve the functionality and quality of the Company’s products based on actual feedback from soldiers and police officers “in the field.” The Company sells its In-Ear Headsets and communication accessories directly to military forces, police and other law enforcement units. The Company also deals with specialized networks of local distributors in each locale in which it operates and has developed key strategic partnerships with radio equipment manufacturers.
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