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SHL Holdings Ltd. has successfully monetized its interests in properties in Detroit, Michigan, resulting in value above its carrying amount. The company will distribute approximately $13.9 million, equating to $0.16 per share, to shareholders recorded by February 25, 2022, with payments expected around March 15, 2022.
HAMILTON, Bermuda, Feb. 02, 2022 - SHL Holdings Ltd. announced its 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held virtually on March 29, 2022, at 11 am ET. The record date for shareholders eligible to vote is February 10, 2022. A proxy statement with details on how to join the meeting will be distributed to shareholders on the record date. Shareholders can access the proxy statement online through the Company’s Investor Relations page.
The Company warns that forward-looking statements made in the release may not guarantee future results and are subject to various risks and uncertainties.
SHL Holdings Ltd. announced it has successfully monetized its equity interest in Crown Global, matching its carrying value from recent liquidation basis financial statements. The company will distribute about $2.6 million, or $0.03 per share, to shareholders of record as of November 1, 2021, with payments scheduled for November 15, 2021. This development reflects the company's efforts to return value to its shareholders.
The recent press release from SHL Holdings Ltd. addresses shareholder inquiries regarding stock price movements. Following an amendment to Rule 15c2-11, SHL's shares have been moved to the OTC Expert Market due to its liquidation basis financial statements not meeting requirements for the OTC Pink Market. The Company continues to prepare its financials in accordance with U.S. GAAP and will provide updates quarterly on its website. Forward-looking statements are included, cautioning that actual results may differ significantly from anticipated outcomes.
SHL Holdings Ltd. has announced a shift in its financial reporting due to its ongoing liquidation process. Starting in Q1 2021, the company will provide limited quarterly financial information, presenting only a GAAP Liquidation Basis Statement of Net Assets and Changes in Net Assets. This change comes as part of its Plan of Liquidation, indicating that traditional footnote disclosures will no longer be included in reports. Investors can access financial updates through the company's website.
Syncora Holdings Ltd. has scheduled its 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for March 26, 2021, at 11 AM ET, via conference call. The record date for shareholder eligibility is February 12, 2021. A proxy statement with further details, including dial-in instructions, will be distributed on the record date. Shareholders can also access the proxy statement on the company’s website. The press release includes forward-looking statements, cautioning that actual results may vary from expectations due to inherent risks and uncertainties.