3 out of 4 Orlando-Based Tradespeople Say that Investment in Their Tools Was a Barrier to Beginning Their Career, DEWALT® Tool Talk Survey Finds

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A DEWALT Tool Talk Survey reveals significant insights about tradespeople in Orlando and the construction industry:

  • 78% of Orlando tradespeople say the initial cost of tools was a barrier to starting their career
  • 88% believe easier access to necessary tools would attract more workers to the construction industry
  • 92% state that not having the right tools or losing a tool on the jobsite significantly hinders productivity
  • 93% agree that investing in durable, high-performance tools is worth the higher cost

To address these issues, DEWALT is gifting 100 tool kits to graduates of The Home Builders Institute's Orlando BuildStrong Academy. This initiative is part of DEWALT's $30 million commitment over five years to close the skilled trades gap in the U.S. The survey also found that 65% of tradespeople estimate their annual investment in tools, batteries, and accessories to be $10,000 or more.

Un sondaggio di DEWALT Tool Talk rivela informazioni significative sui lavoratori del settore a Orlando e nell'industria edilizia:

  • Il 78% dei professionisti di Orlando afferma che il costo iniziale degli strumenti è stato un ostacolo all'inizio della loro carriera
  • Il 88% ritiene che un accesso più facile agli strumenti necessari attrarrebbe più lavoratori nell'industria edilizia
  • Il 92% dichiara che non avere gli strumenti giusti o perderli sul cantiere limita significativamente la produttività
  • Il 93% è d'accordo che investire in strumenti resistenti e ad alte prestazioni vale il costo maggiore

Per affrontare queste problematiche, DEWALT sta donando 100 kit di strumenti ai neolaureati dell'Academy BuildStrong di The Home Builders Institute a Orlando. Questa iniziativa fa parte dell'impegno di DEWALT di 30 milioni di dollari in cinque anni per colmare il gap delle professioni specializzate negli Stati Uniti. Il sondaggio ha anche rivelato che il 65% dei professionisti stima che il loro investimento annuale in strumenti, batterie e accessori sia di 10.000 dollari o più.

Una encuesta de DEWALT Tool Talk revela información significativa sobre los trabajadores en Orlando y la industria de la construcción:

  • El 78% de los trabajadores de Orlando afirma que el costo inicial de las herramientas fue una barrera para comenzar su carrera
  • El 88% cree que un acceso más fácil a las herramientas necesarias atraerá a más trabajadores a la industria de la construcción
  • El 92% indica que no tener las herramientas adecuadas o perder una herramienta en el lugar de trabajo obstaculiza significativamente la productividad
  • El 93% está de acuerdo en que invertir en herramientas duraderas y de alto rendimiento vale el costo más alto

Para abordar estos problemas, DEWALT está regalando 100 kits de herramientas a los graduados de The Home Builders Institute's Orlando BuildStrong Academy. Esta iniciativa forma parte del compromiso de DEWALT de 30 millones de dólares durante cinco años para cerrar la brecha de oficios especializados en EE.UU. La encuesta también encontró que el 65% de los trabajadores estima que su inversión anual en herramientas, baterías y accesorios es de 10,000 dólares o más.

DEWALT Tool Talk 설문조사는 올랜도 및 건설 산업에 종사하는 사람들에 대한 중요한 통찰을 제공합니다:

  • 78%의 올랜도 전문 기술자들은 도구의 초기 비용이 경력을 시작하는 데 장벽이 되었다고 응답했습니다.
  • 88%는 필요한 도구에 대한 접근성이 더 쉬워진다면 더 많은 근로자를 건설 산업으로 유치할 것이라고 믿고 있습니다.
  • 92%는 적절한 도구가 없거나 현장에서 도구를 잃어버리는 것이 생산성을 크게 저해한다고 말합니다.
  • 93%는 내구성이 뛰어나고 성능이 높은 도구에 투자하는 것이 더 높은 비용을 감수할 가치가 있다고 동의합니다.

이 문제를 해결하기 위해 DEWALT는 The Home Builders Institute의 올랜도 BuildStrong Academy 졸업생에게 100개의 도구 키트를 제공하고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 미국의 숙련된 직업 격차를 해소하기 위해 5년 동안 3천만 달러를 투자하겠다는 DEWALT의 약속의 일환입니다. 설문조사는 또한 65%의 전문 기술자들이 연간 도구, 배터리 및 액세서리에 대한 투자가 10,000달러 이상이라고 추정하고 있다는 사실을 밝혀냈습니다.

Une enquête DEWALT Tool Talk révèle des informations significatives sur les travailleurs à Orlando et l'industrie de la construction :

  • 78% des travailleurs d'Orlando déclarent que le coût initial des outils a été un obstacle au début de leur carrière
  • 88% estiment qu'un accès plus facile aux outils nécessaires attirerait plus de travailleurs dans l'industrie de la construction
  • 92% affirment que ne pas avoir les bons outils ou perdre un outil sur le chantier entrave considérablement la productivité
  • 93% s'accordent à dire qu'investir dans des outils durables et performants vaut le coût supplémentaire

Pour résoudre ces problèmes, DEWALT offre 100 kits d'outils aux diplômés de l'Academy BuildStrong de The Home Builders Institute à Orlando. Cette initiative fait partie de l'engagement de DEWALT de 30 millions de dollars sur cinq ans pour combler le fossé des métiers spécialisés aux États-Unis. L'enquête a également révélé que 65% des travailleurs estiment que leur investissement annuel dans les outils, les batteries et les accessoires dépasse 10 000 dollars.

Eine DEWALT Tool Talk Umfrage zeigt bedeutende Erkenntnisse über Arbeiter in Orlando und die Bauindustrie:

  • 78% der Handwerker in Orlando geben an, dass die anfänglichen Kosten für Werkzeuge eine Barriere beim Start ihrer Karriere waren
  • 88% glauben, dass einfacher Zugang zu den benötigten Werkzeugen mehr Arbeiter in die Bauindustrie anziehen würde
  • 92% stellen fest, dass das Fehlen der richtigen Werkzeuge oder das Verlieren eines Werkzeugs auf der Baustelle die Produktivität erheblich beeinträchtigt
  • 93% sind der Meinung, dass sich Investitionen in langlebige, leistungsstarke Werkzeuge trotz höherer Kosten lohnen

Um diese Probleme anzugehen, verschenkt DEWALT 100 Werkzeugkits an Absolventen des BuildStrong Academy von The Home Builders Institute in Orlando. Diese Initiative ist Teil von DEWALTs Engagement von 30 Millionen Dollar über fünf Jahre, um die Lücke im Handwerk in den USA zu schließen. Die Umfrage ergab auch, dass 65% der Handwerker ihre jährliche Investition in Werkzeuge, Batterien und Zubehör auf 10.000 Dollar oder mehr schätzen.

  • None.
  • None.
  • Amidst a national skilled labor shortage, 88% of tradespeople in Orlando say that easier access to necessary tools would attract more workers to the construction industry
  • The majority of tradespeople (92%) say that not having the right tools or losing a tool on the jobsite is a significant hindrance to productivity
  • This year, DEWALT will gift 100 tool kits to graduates of The Home Builders Institute's (HBI) Orlando BuildStrong Academy to jumpstart their trades careers, including the latest cohort graduating on July 26

TOWSON, Md., July 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- A new survey of Orlando-based tradespeople from DEWALT, a Stanley Black & Decker (NYSE: SWK) brand and leader in total jobsite solutions, found that 78% of tradespeople agree that the initial buy-in cost of tools, which can range from several thousands to upwards of $10,000, was a barrier to getting started in their career. As the nation grapples with a skilled labor shortage consisting of more than 500,000 open construction jobs, the DEWALT Tool Talk Survey examined how having the right tools for the job impacts those beginning a career in the trades.

"Our findings tell us that two in three tradespeople in Orlando (66%) did not own all the tools needed for their job upon starting their career, and of those, half (52%) say they saved up or took out a loan to purchase tools," said Jeff Doehne, President, U.S. Retail, Stanley Black & Decker. "As part of DEWALT's commitment to grow the trades, we are making every effort to empower those starting out by supplying the tools young professionals need to be successful from day one."

Proper Tools are Worth the Investment

Upon the start of their career, nearly 3 in 5 tradespeople (57%) cite the need to replace their toolset with more heavy-duty tools or not having the tools they need as the biggest roadblocks.

Not surprisingly then, 93% of tradespeople say that investing in durable, high-performance tools is worth paying a higher cost. For nearly 3 in 4 tradespeople (72%), it took two years or less to see a return on the money spent on their initial investment in tools.

As their careers progress, more than 3 in 4 tradespeople (78%) are refreshing or replacing their tools at least once a year with 65% estimating their annual investment in tools, batteries and accessories to be $10,000 or more. Further, 41% estimate this investment is $25,000 or more.

Access to Tools May Attract More Workers to the Construction Industry

For more than 4 in 5 tradespeople (86%), it would have been extremely significant or very significant to receive a gift of core tools for their trade upon the start of their career, while 88% go as far to say that easier access to necessary tools would attract more workers to the construction industry.

As part of DEWALT's Grow the Trades initiative, a $30 million commitment over five years to close the skilled trades gap in the U.S., DEWALT will provide tool kits to 100 students of HBI's BuildStrong Academy in Orlando throughout the year. DEWALT will be onsite to hand deliver kits to the latest graduating class on Friday, July 26.

In March 2024, DEWALT partnered with The Home Builders Institute, the nation's leading nonprofit provider of trade skills training and education for the building industry, to become HBI's BuildStrong Academy Tool Trade Sponsor. HBI's BuildStrong Academy in Orlando is a tuition-free, industry-driven academy that provides hands-on training and education for anyone interested in pursuing a career in construction. In addition to hands on training, the organization focuses on professional development, mentoring, and ongoing support, equipping students with the necessary skills and certifications to meet the demand for skilled workers.

To learn more about the DEWALT's Grow the Trades initiative, please visit:

To learn more about the HBI's BuildStrong Academy, please visit:

DEWALT commissioned Atomik Research to conduct an online survey of 903 tradespeople1 throughout the United States. The sample consists of tradespeople from three markets, Orlando, FL (n=300), Houston, TX (n=301) and Phoenix, AZ (n=302). Fieldwork took place between November 15 and November 21, 2023. The margin of error for the overall sample is +/- 3 percentage points with a confidence interval of 95 percent. Atomik Research is an independent creative market research agency.

DEWALT, a Stanley Black & Decker brand, celebrates 100 years in business by continuing to provide our customers with total jobsite and outdoor solutions. By applying its latest technology to the challenges of today's skilled trades, DEWALT is leading the charge for the jobsite of the future and is pioneering the next generation of tools, outdoor equipment and forward-looking technologies. DEWALT products. GUARANTEED TOUGH®. For more information, visit or follow DEWALT on FacebookInstagram, and LinkedIn.

About Stanley Black & Decker
Headquartered in the USA, Stanley Black & Decker (NYSE: SWK) is a worldwide leader in Tools and Outdoor, operating manufacturing facilities globally. The company's more than 50,000 diverse and high-performing employees produce innovative end-user inspired power tools, hand tools, storage, digital jobsite solutions, outdoor and lifestyle products, and engineered fasteners to support the world's builders, tradespeople and DIYers. The company's world class portfolio of trusted brands includes DEWALT®, CRAFTSMAN®, STANLEY®, BLACK+DECKER®, and Cub Cadet®. To learn more visit:

1In order to qualify for participation in the study, participants must indicate a trades profession in the electrical, carpentry, mechanical, plumbing/pipe trades, general contracting, masonry /concrete, flooring, framing or HVAC trade.

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What percentage of Orlando tradespeople say tool costs were a barrier to starting their career?

According to the DEWALT Tool Talk Survey, 78% of Orlando-based tradespeople agree that the initial buy-in cost of tools was a barrier to getting started in their career.

How much do tradespeople typically invest annually in tools, batteries, and accessories?

The survey found that 65% of tradespeople estimate their annual investment in tools, batteries, and accessories to be $10,000 or more, with 41% estimating this investment at $25,000 or more.

What is DEWALT's commitment to addressing the skilled labor shortage?

DEWALT has committed $30 million over five years to close the skilled trades gap in the U.S. through its Grow the Trades initiative. This includes providing tool kits to 100 students of HBI's BuildStrong Academy in Orlando throughout the year.

How long does it take for tradespeople to see a return on their initial tool investment?

According to the survey, nearly 3 in 4 tradespeople (72%) reported that it took two years or less to see a return on the money spent on their initial investment in tools.

What percentage of Orlando tradespeople believe easier access to tools would attract more workers to construction?

The DEWALT Tool Talk Survey found that 88% of Orlando tradespeople believe that easier access to necessary tools would attract more workers to the construction industry.

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