Grupo Supervielle Reports 3Q24 and 9M24 Results
Grupo Supervielle (NYSE: SUPV) reported 3Q24 net income of AR$8.9 billion with ROAE at 4.9%, while 9M24 net income reached AR$89.8 billion with ROAE at 16.4%. The company's loan book expanded 15% sequentially and 60% year-to-date in real terms. Net Interest Margin normalized to 25%, while fee income grew 28% sequentially. The NPL ratio remained stable at 0.8%, with cost of risk decreasing to 2.4%. The company maintains its 15% ROE guidance for FY2024. Total deposits increased 31.3% QoQ to AR$2,751.5 billion, while loans grew 28.6% QoQ to AR$1,605.4 billion. The Common Equity Tier 1 Ratio stood at 19.2% as of September 30, 2024.
Il Grupo Supervielle (NYSE: SUPV) ha riportato un utile netto di AR$8,9 miliardi per il terzo trimestre del 2024, con un ROAE del 4,9%. Nel periodo dei primi nove mesi del 2024, l'utile netto ha raggiunto AR$89,8 miliardi con un ROAE del 16,4%. Il portafoglio prestiti dell'azienda è cresciuto del 15% su base sequenziale e del 60% da inizio anno in termini reali. Il Margine di Interesse Netto si è normalizzato al 25%, mentre le entrate da commissioni sono aumentate del 28% rispetto al trimestre precedente. Il rapporto NPL è rimasto stabile all'0,8%, con il costo del rischio in diminuzione al 2,4%. L'azienda mantiene la sua guida per un ROE del 15% per l'anno fiscale 2024. I depositi totali sono aumentati del 31,3% rispetto al trimestre precedente, raggiungendo AR$2.751,5 miliardi, mentre i prestiti sono cresciuti del 28,6% QoQ, arrivando a AR$1.605,4 miliardi. Il rapporto Common Equity Tier 1 si è attestato al 19,2% al 30 settembre 2024.
Grupo Supervielle (NYSE: SUPV) reportó una utilidad neta de AR$8,9 mil millones en el tercer trimestre de 2024, con un ROAE del 4,9%. En los primeros nueve meses de 2024, la utilidad neta alcanzó AR$89,8 mil millones con un ROAE del 16,4%. La cartera de préstamos de la compañía se expandió un 15% secuencialmente y un 60% desde el inicio del año en términos reales. El Margen de Interés Neto se normalizó al 25%, mientras que los ingresos por comisiones crecieron un 28% en comparación con el trimestre anterior. El índice de NPL se mantuvo estable en el 0,8%, con el costo del riesgo disminuyendo al 2,4%. La compañía mantiene su guía de ROE del 15% para el año fiscal 2024. Los depósitos totales aumentaron un 31,3% QoQ, alcanzando AR$2.751,5 mil millones, mientras que los préstamos crecieron un 28,6% QoQ, hasta AR$1.605,4 mil millones. El ratio de Capital Común de Nivel 1 se situó en el 19,2% al 30 de septiembre de 2024.
그룹 수페르비엘 (NYSE: SUPV)는 2024년 3분기 순이익이 AR$89억을 기록하고 ROAE가 4.9%에 이르렀다고 보고했습니다. 2024년 9개월 동안 순이익은 AR$898억에 도달하며 ROAE는 16.4%를 기록했습니다. 회사의 대출 포트폴리오는 전분기 대비 15%, 연초 대비 실질적으로 60% 성장했습니다. 순이자 마진은 25%로 정상화되었고, 수수료 수익은 전분기 대비 28% 증가했습니다. NPL 비율은 0.8%로 안정적인 상태를 유지하며, 위험 비용은 2.4%로 감소했습니다. 회사는 2024 회계연도에 대한 15% ROE 가이던스를 유지하고 있습니다. 총 예금은 전분기 대비 31.3% 증가하여 AR$27,515억에 이르렀고, 대출은 전분기 대비 28.6% 증가하여 AR$16,054억에 도달했습니다. 2024년 9월 30일 기준으로 일반주식 기준 1자본 비율은 19.2%였습니다.
Grupo Supervielle (NYSE: SUPV) a annoncé un bénéfice net de 8,9 milliards d'AR$ pour le troisième trimestre 2024, avec un ROAE de 4,9%. Pour les neuf premiers mois de 2024, le bénéfice net a atteint 89,8 milliards d'AR$, avec un ROAE de 16,4%. Le portefeuille de prêts de l'entreprise a augmenté de 15% par rapport au trimestre précédent et de 60% depuis le début de l'année en termes réels. La marge d'intérêt nette s'est normalisée à 25%, tandis que les revenus de frais ont augmenté de 28% séquentiellement. Le ratio NPL est resté stable à 0,8%, le coût du risque ayant diminué à 2,4%. L'entreprise maintient son objectif de ROE de 15% pour l'exercice 2024. Les dépôts totaux ont augmenté de 31,3% d'un trimestre à l'autre pour atteindre 2.751,5 milliards d'AR$, tandis que les prêts ont crû de 28,6% d'un trimestre à l'autre, atteignant 1.605,4 milliards d'AR$. Le ratio de Common Equity Tier 1 était de 19,2% au 30 septembre 2024.
Grupo Supervielle (NYSE: SUPV) meldete für das 3. Quartal 2024 einen Nettogewinn von AR$8,9 Milliarden mit einem ROAE von 4,9%. Im Zeitraum der ersten neun Monate 2024 erreichte der Nettogewinn AR$89,8 Milliarden, während der ROAE bei 16,4% lag. Das Kreditportfolio des Unternehmens erweiterte sich um 15% im Vergleich zum vorherigen Quartal und um 60% seit Jahresbeginn in realen Begriffen. Die Nettozinsspanne normalisierte sich auf 25%, während die Gebührenerträge im Vergleich zum Vorquartal um 28% stiegen. Das NPL-Verhältnis blieb stabil bei 0,8%, während die Risikokosten auf 2,4% sanken. Das Unternehmen hält seine ROE-Prognose von 15% für das Geschäftsjahr 2024 aufrecht. Die Gesamteinlagen stiegen um 31,3% im Vergleich zum Vorquartal auf AR$2.751,5 Milliarden, während die Kredite um 28,6% im Vergleich zum Vorquartal auf AR$1.605,4 Milliarden anwuchsen. Die Common Equity Tier 1 Quote lag am 30. September 2024 bei 19,2%.
- Loan book expanded 60% year-to-date in real terms
- Fee income increased 28% sequentially
- NPL ratio remained at historic low of 0.8%
- Cost of risk decreased to 2.4%
- 9M24 ROAE reached 16.4%, up from 12.9% in 9M23
- Foreign currency deposits increased 201.5% YoY to US$801.1 million
- Strong CET1 ratio of 19.2%
- 3Q24 Net Income decreased to AR$8.9 billion from AR$29.3 billion in 3Q23
- ROAE declined to 4.9% in 3Q24 from 18.5% in 3Q23
- Net Financial Income decreased 29.4% QoQ
- Efficiency ratio worsened to 64.3% in 3Q24 from 51.7% in 3Q23
This earnings report shows mixed signals. While
- Loan portfolio expanded
60% year-to-date in real terms - NPL ratio remains exceptionally low at
0.8% - Strong deposit growth with FX deposits up
90.2% QoQ - Robust capital position with CET1 at
The Argentine banking sector shows promising signs of recovery with real-term loan growth for the first time in 7 years. With credit penetration below
3Q24 Net Income at AR
9M24 Net Income reached AR
Starting 1Q20, the Company began reporting results applying Hyperinflation Accounting, in accordance with IFRS rule IAS 29 (“IAS 29”) as established by the Central Bank.
Management Commentary
Commenting on third quarter 2024 results, Patricio Supervielle, Grupo Supervielle’s Chairman & CEO, noted: “Growth momentum continued into 3Q24, with our loan book expanding
Since initiating our early-mover strategy for targeted credit expansion in March 2024, we’ve captured a significant market share, with our loan portfolio increasing 60-basis points year-to-date. Despite slower growth this quarter, we maintained gains across all key products, including corporate loans, personal loans, credit cards, and car loans. Additionally, we retained our position as the second-largest bank in car loan origination and saw meaningful contributions from retail loans, including personal loans and auto loans, bolstering NIM. In deposits, market share increased by 60 bps year-to-date, including an 80-bps growth in
In terms of asset quality, the NPL ratio remained stable at a historic low of
IOL continues to reinforce its position as the leading online brokerage platform in the country and contributing
I am also pleased to welcome Gustavo Manriquez as CEO of Banco Supervielle, effective October 1. With Gustavo’s over a decade of experience leading one of the largest banks in
Wrapping up, 2024 represents a turning point for Argentina’s financial system, with the industry experiencing real-term loan growth since June for the first time in 7 years, driven by easing inflation and lower interest rates. Despite this progress, credit penetration remains low at under
In this context, we see attractive opportunities to deepen our market presence by leveraging our diverse product offerings and digital solutions to enhance client engagement and drive growth, positioning Supervielle as a key player in the country’s recovery. This strategy is further strengthened by our foothold in export-oriented value chains and enabled by our solid capital base,” concluded Mr. Supervielle.
Third quarter 2024 Highlights
Attributable Net Income of AR
Net Income was AR
ROAE was
ROAA was
Profit before income tax of AR
QoQ performance is mainly explained by a
Revenues (net financial income + net fee income – turnover tax) amounted to AR
Net Financial Income reached AR
9M24 Net Financial Income was AR
Net Interest Margin (NIM) stood at
The total NPL ratio was
Loan loss provisions (LLPs) totaled AR
Efficiency ratio was
Loans to Deposits Ratio was
Total Deposits amounted to AR
Foreign currency deposits (measured in US$) amounted to
Total Assets increased
The leverage ratio (Assets to shareholders’ equity) decreased 80 bps YoY to 5.4x from 6.2x as of September 30, 2023, and increased 30 bps QoQ from 5.1x as of June 30, 2024. This remains significantly below the 8x reached in 2018, underscoring the substantial room for growth.
Loans grew
Common Equity Tier 1 Ratio (CET1) as of September 30, 2024, was
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Grupo Supervielle Investor Relations
Source: Grupo Supervielle S.A.