Former Paraguay Vice President Applauds Taiwan's Culinary Excellence at SUIC Partner iHArt's Lifekitchen and Central Kitchen, Eyes Brand Expansion to Paraguay and Global Alliances as US Industry Leaders Push for Nationwide Growth

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SUIC Worldwide Holdings (OTC PINK:SUIC) and I.Hart welcomed former Paraguay Vice President Luis Alberto Castiglioni to Taiwan, showcasing their culinary excellence at Lifekitchen cloud kitchen and Central Kitchen. The visit highlighted Taiwan's diverse culinary culture and paved the way for future collaborations in the beef and meat trade between Paraguay and Taiwan.

Castiglioni expressed interest in bringing SUIC I.Hart food brands to Paraguay and beyond, opening opportunities for international cooperation. SUIC has strategically built a distribution, OEM, and franchising network across the East Coast, positioning for aggressive expansion throughout the U.S. The company is engaging top industry talent to access key institutional sectors like airports, supermarkets, and hospitals.

CEO Hank Wang emphasized SUIC's role as the largest investor and key operating partner of Beneway USA, driving an ambitious US development strategy while bolstering Beneway's global chain expansion and expediting the IPO process.

SUIC Worldwide Holdings (OTC PINK:SUIC) e I.Hart hanno accolto l'ex Vicepresidente del Paraguay Luis Alberto Castiglioni a Taiwan, evidenziando la loro eccellenza culinaria presso il Lifekitchen cloud kitchen e il Central Kitchen. La visita ha messo in luce la diversità della cultura culinaria di Taiwan e ha aperto la strada a future collaborazioni nel commercio di carne tra Paraguay e Taiwan.

Castiglioni ha espresso interesse a portare i marchi alimentari SUIC I.Hart in Paraguay e oltre, creando opportunità per la cooperazione internazionale. SUIC ha costruito strategicamente una rete di distribuzione, OEM e franchising lungo la costa orientale, puntando a una espansione aggressiva negli Stati Uniti. L'azienda sta coinvolgendo talenti di alto livello del settore per accedere a settori istituzionali chiave come aeroporti, supermercati e ospedali.

Il CEO Hank Wang ha sottolineato il ruolo di SUIC come il più grande investitore e partner operativo chiave di Beneway USA, guidando una strategia di sviluppo ambiziosa negli Stati Uniti mentre rafforza l'espansione della catena globale di Beneway e accelera il processo di IPO.

SUIC Worldwide Holdings (OTC PINK:SUIC) e I.Hart dieron la bienvenida al ex Vicepresidente de Paraguay Luis Alberto Castiglioni en Taiwán, mostrando su excelencia culinaria en el Lifekitchen cloud kitchen y Central Kitchen. La visita destacó la diversa cultura culinaria de Taiwán y allanó el camino para futuras colaboraciones en el comercio de carne entre Paraguay y Taiwán.

Castiglioni expresó interés en llevar las marcas de alimentos SUIC I.Hart a Paraguay y más allá, abriendo oportunidades para la cooperación internacional. SUIC ha construido estratégicamente una red de distribución, OEM y franquicias a lo largo de la Costa Este, posicionándose para una expansión agresiva en EE. UU. La empresa está reclutando talento de la industria de alto nivel para acceder a sectores institucionales clave como aeropuertos, supermercados y hospitales.

El CEO Hank Wang enfatizó el papel de SUIC como el mayor inversor y socio operativo clave de Beneway USA, impulsando una estrategia de desarrollo ambiciosa en EE. UU. mientras fortalece la expansión de la cadena global de Beneway y acelera el proceso de salida a bolsa.

SUIC Worldwide Holdings (OTC PINK:SUIC)와 I.Hart는 전 파라과이 부통령 루이스 알베르토 카스티글리온을 대만으로 초대하여 Lifekitchen 클라우드 키친 및 Central Kitchen에서 그들의 요리 우수성을 선보였습니다. 이번 방문은 대만의 다양한 요리 문화를 강조하고 파라과이와 대만 간의 소고기 및 육류 거래에 대한 미래의 협력을 위한 길을 열었습니다.

카스티글리온은 SUIC I.Hart 식품 브랜드를 파라과이에 도입하고 그 이상으로 국제 협력의 기회를 열고 싶다는 의사를 표명했습니다. SUIC는 동부 해안을 따라 유통, OEM 및 프랜차이즈 네트워크를 전략적으로 구축하여 미국 전역에서 공격적인 확장을 계획하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 공항, 슈퍼마켓, 병원과 같은 주요 기관 부문에 접근하기 위해 최고의 산업 인재를 유치하고 있습니다.

CEO 행 왕은 SUIC가 베네웨이 USA의 최대 투자자이자 주요 운영 파트너로서 미국 발전 전략을 추진하고 베네웨이의 글로벌 체인 확장을 강화하며 IPO 프로세스를 가속화하는 역할을 하고 있다고 강조했습니다.

SUIC Worldwide Holdings (OTC PINK:SUIC) et I.Hart ont accueilli l'ancien Vice-président du Paraguay, Luis Alberto Castiglioni, à Taïwan, mettant en avant leur excellence culinaire au Lifekitchen cloud kitchen et au Central Kitchen. La visite a mis en lumière la diversité de la culture culinaire taïwanaise et a ouvert la voie à de futures collaborations dans le commerce de la viande entre le Paraguay et Taïwan.

Castiglioni a exprimé son intérêt pour importer les marques alimentaires SUIC I.Hart au Paraguay et au-delà, ouvrant des opportunités pour une coopération internationale. SUIC a stratégiquement construit un réseau de distribution, OEM et de franchise sur la côte Est, se positionnant pour une expansion agressive aux États-Unis. L'entreprise recrute des talents de premier plan de l'industrie pour accéder à des secteurs institutionnels clés tels que les aéroports, les supermarchés et les hôpitaux.

Le PDG Hank Wang a souligné le rôle de SUIC en tant que plus grand investisseur et partenaire opérationnel clé de Beneway USA, menant une stratégie de développement ambitieuse aux États-Unis tout en soutenant l'expansion de la chaîne mondiale de Beneway et en accélérant le processus d'introduction en bourse.

SUIC Worldwide Holdings (OTC PINK:SUIC) und I.Hart begrüßten den ehemaligen Vizeministerpräsidenten von Paraguay, Luis Alberto Castiglioni, in Taiwan und präsentierten ihre kulinarische Exzellenz in der Lifekitchen Cloud Kitchen und der Central Kitchen. Der Besuch hob die vielfältige kulinarische Kultur Taiwans hervor und ebnete den Weg für zukünftige Kooperationen im Fleischhandel zwischen Paraguay und Taiwan.

Castiglioni äußerte sein Interesse daran, die SUIC I.Hart Lebensmittelmarken nach Paraguay und darüber hinaus zu bringen, und eröffnete Möglichkeiten für internationale Zusammenarbeit. SUIC hat strategisch ein Vertriebs-, OEM- und Franchise-Netzwerk an der Ostküste aufgebaut, um sich auf eine aggressive Expansion in den USA vorzubereiten. Das Unternehmen engagiert führende Talente der Branche, um Zugang zu wichtigen institutionellen Sektoren wie Flughäfen, Supermärkten und Krankenhäusern zu erhalten.

CEO Hank Wang betonte die Rolle von SUIC als größten Investor und wichtigen operativen Partner von Beneway USA, der eine ehrgeizige Entwicklungsstrategie für die USA vorantreibt und gleichzeitig die globale Kettenexpansion von Beneway unterstützt und den IPO-Prozess beschleunigt.

  • Potential expansion of SUIC I.Hart food brands to Paraguay and other international markets
  • Strategic distribution, OEM, and franchising network established across the East Coast
  • Engagement with top industry professionals to access key institutional sectors
  • Ambitious US development strategy focused on distribution, OEM, and franchising
  • Acceleration of Beneway's global chain expansion and IPO process
  • None.

This visit paved the way for future collaborations and international participation.

NEW YORK CITY, NY / ACCESSWIRE / October 15, 2024 / SUIC Worldwide Holdings Ltd. (OTC PINK:SUIC) SUIC and I.Hart welcomed the former Vice President and former Foreign Minister of the Republic of Paraguay, Hon. Luis Alberto Castiglioni, who recently visited Taiwan, making a significant stop at I.Hart's Lifekitchen cloud kitchen in Neihu and Central Kitchen in Xizhi. During his visit, he gained a profound appreciation for Taiwan's vibrant and diverse culinary culture. At Lifekitchen, the former vice president enjoyed a culinary journey around the world, sampling Italian, Vietnamese, Southeast Asian, Hong Kong, Chinese, and Thai dishes, all under one roof. He was truly impressed by this extraordinary showcase of international flavors, which exemplified the unique appeal and global reach of our group.

Following the meal, the former vice president toured the Central Kitchen, where he observed the meticulous, one-stop production process-from sourcing ingredients to delivering dishes to the table. Guided by our expert team, he saw firsthand the uncompromising dedication to quality control, deepening his admiration for Taiwan's food industry. This visit not only enriched his understanding of Taiwan's culinary heritage but also paved the way for future collaborations between Paraguay and Taiwan in the beef and meat trade. He has been a staunch supporter of Taiwan's transnational participation and expressed a strong desire to bring SUIC I.Hart food brands to Paraguay and beyond, opening a promising chapter in international cooperation.

SUIC has strategically built a powerful distribution, OEM, and franchising network across the East Coast, positioning SUIC and its partners for aggressive expansion throughout the U.S. They are actively engaging top industry talent and professionals with extensive connections to national and local distribution channels, providing broad access to key institutional sectors such as airports, supermarkets, hospitals, hotels, and more. Meanwhile, our franchising teams are spearheading business development for our unique multi-brand model, driving growth from coast to coast.

"SUIC, as the largest investor, shareholder, and key operating partner of Beneway USA, is driving forward an ambitious US development strategy focused on distribution, OEM, and franchising. Our Paraguay connection is based on our long standing alliance and commitment to serve peoples from all parts of the globe. This strategy is accelerating inclusive growth in the U.S., while bolstering Beneway's global chain and franchising expansion, strengthening distribution channels, and expediting the IPO process." said Hank Wang, CEO

About SUIC Worldwide Holdings Ltd., USA.

SUIC Worldwide Holdings Ltd. provides research and development, venture financing for and investing in private enterprises and the public sector that develop products and services adopting core capabilities of the Internet of Things, cloud computing, mobile payment, Big Data, Blockchain, and Artificial Intelligence, to enhance and streamline existing processes, and establish new and exciting business models that will create revolutionary products and services. Shareholders of SUIC will be exposed to the diverse application of advanced services in various parts of the economy. Additionally, existing and potential customers can benefit from this company's diversified portfolio of technologies. As one of the pioneering publicly traded technology companies, SUIC will help build tech-enabled businesses of the future. To learn more, please visit

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This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by the following words: "anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "ongoing," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "will," "would," or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. However, not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance or results and will not necessarily be accurate indications of the times at which such performance or results are achieved. This press release is considered considering all Company filings contained in the Edgar Archives of the Securities and Exchange Commission at


SUIC Worldwide Holdings Ltd.
New Release Department

SOURCE: SUIC Worldwide Holdings Ltd.

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What was the purpose of former Paraguay Vice President Luis Alberto Castiglioni's visit to SUIC's partner iHArt's facilities in Taiwan?

The visit aimed to showcase Taiwan's culinary excellence, explore future collaborations in the beef and meat trade, and discuss potential expansion of SUIC I.Hart food brands to Paraguay and beyond.

How is SUIC Worldwide Holdings (OTC PINK:SUIC) planning to expand in the United States?

SUIC is expanding through a strategic distribution, OEM, and franchising network across the East Coast, engaging top industry talent to access key institutional sectors like airports, supermarkets, and hospitals.

What is SUIC's role in Beneway USA's development?

SUIC is the largest investor, shareholder, and key operating partner of Beneway USA, driving an ambitious US development strategy while bolstering Beneway's global chain expansion and expediting the IPO process.

What international opportunities are being explored by SUIC Worldwide Holdings (OTC PINK:SUIC)?

SUIC is exploring opportunities to bring its I.Hart food brands to Paraguay and other international markets, leveraging the visit of former Paraguay Vice President to expand global alliances.



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