Seagate Technology Holdings plc (NASDAQ: STX) has released its annual ESG report, detailing progress towards a sustainable, inclusive, and ethical datasphere. The company aims to power its facilities with 100% renewable energy by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2040. Seagate's circularity program extended the life of 1.19 million hard drives and SSDs, preventing 553 metric tons of e-waste. Other highlights include energy conservation, emissions reduction, water recycling, diversity and inclusion efforts, workplace safety, and community engagement.
Seagate Technology Holdings plc (NASDAQ: STX) ha pubblicato il suo rapporto annuale ESG, illustrando i progressi verso un datasphere sostenibile, inclusivo ed etico. L'azienda si prefigge di alimentare i propri stabilimenti con il 100% di energia rinnovabile entro il 2030 e di raggiungere la neutralità del carbonio entro il 2040. Il programma di circularità di Seagate ha prolungato la vita di 1,19 milioni di hard disk e SSD, evitando l'emissione di 553 tonnellate metriche di rifiuti elettronici. Altri punti di rilievo includono la conservazione dell'energia, la riduzione delle emissioni, il riciclo dell'acqua, gli sforzi per la diversità e l'inclusione, la sicurezza sul lavoro e il coinvolgimento della comunità.
Seagate Technology Holdings plc (NASDAQ: STX) ha publicado su informe anual ESG, detallando avances hacia una datasfera sostenible, inclusiva y ética. La compañía tiene como objetivo alimentar sus instalaciones con 100% energía renovable para 2030 y alcanzar la neutralidad de carbono para 2040. El programa de circularidad de Seagate prolongó la vida de 1.19 millones de discos duros y SSDs, previniendo 553 toneladas métricas de residuos electrónicos. Otros aspectos destacados incluyen la conservación de energía, la reducción de emisiones, el reciclaje de agua, los esfuerzos de diversidad e inclusión, la seguridad en el lugar de trabajo y el compromiso comunitario.
세게이트 테크놀로지 홀딩스 plc (나스닥: STX)는 지속 가능하고 포괄적이며 윤리적인 데이터스피어를 향한 진전을 상세히 설명한 연간 ESG 보고서를 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 2030년까지 시설을 100% 재생 가능 에너지로 운영하고 2040년까지 탄소 중립을 달성할 목표를 가지고 있습니다. 세게이트의 순환 프로그램은 119만 개의 하드 드라이브와 SSD의 수명을 연장시켜 553메트릭톤의 전자 폐기물을 방지했습니다. 에너지 절약, 배출 감소, 물 재활용, 다양성 및 포용 노력, 직장 안전, 지역사회 참여 등이 주요 내용입니다.
Seagate Technology Holdings plc (NASDAQ : STX) a publié son rapport annuel ESG, détaillant les progrès vers un datasphere durable, inclusif et éthique. L'entreprise vise à alimenter ses installations avec 100 % d’énergie renouvelable d'ici 2030 et à atteindre la neutralité carbone d'ici 2040. Le programme de circularité de Seagate a prolongé la vie de 1,19 million de disques durs et SSD, évitant 553 tonnes métriques de déchets électroniques. D'autres points saillants incluent la conservation de l'énergie, la réduction des émissions, le recyclage de l'eau, les efforts de diversité et d'inclusion, la sécurité au travail et l'engagement communautaire.
Seagate Technology Holdings plc (NASDAQ: STX) hat seinen jährlichen ESG-Bericht veröffentlicht, der Fortschritte auf dem Weg zu einem nachhaltigen, inklusiven und ethischen Datasphäre aufzeigt. Das Unternehmen beabsichtigt, seine Einrichtungen bis 2030 vollständig mit erneuerbarer Energie zu betreiben und bis 2040 Kohlenstoffneutralität zu erreichen. Das Kreislaufprogramm von Seagate verlängerte die Lebensdauer von 1,19 Millionen Festplatten und SSDs und verhinderte die Entstehung von 553 metrischen Tonnen Elektronikschrott. Weitere Höhepunkte umfassen Energieeinsparung, Emissionsreduzierung, Wasserrecycling, Bemühungen um Vielfalt und Inklusion, Arbeitssicherheit und Gemeindeengagement.
Company’s FY2023 ESG Performance Report details progress towards a sustainable, inclusive, and ethical datasphere
Seagate Technology Holdings plc (NASDAQ: STX), the leading innovator of mass-capacity data storage, today issued its annual environment, social, and governance (ESG) report — “Sustainable Datasphere: FY2023 ESG Performance Report.” The 18th annual edition highlights the company’s continued progress over the past fiscal year towards creating a sustainable, inclusive, and ethical datasphere, including updates on Seagate’s renewable energy and carbon neutrality goals.
Seagate has made strides in powering its manufacturing and Research and Development (R&D) facilities with 100% renewable energy by 2030. In FY2023, over 50% of the company’s energy consumption was sourced from renewable energy. Our facilities in China, Thailand, and Northern Ireland draw 100% of their power from renewable sources. The company also remains committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2040.
“Seagate is leading the charge in sustainable innovation in data storage, driving a circular economy and addressing key environmental challenges of our time,” said Dave Mosley, chief executive officer. “By collaborating with industry peers, customers, partners, and governments, we can collectively enable circularity and drive positive change.”
Additionally, in FY2023, Seagate extended the life of approximately 1.19 million hard drives and solid-state drives (SSD) through its circularity program. By refurbishing and redeploying these drives, the company prevented more than 553 metric tons of e-waste from entering landfills1.
~33,600 megawatt hours of energy conserved by enhancing operational efficiencies
Scope 2 market-based emissions decreased to ~288,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) in CY2022, down from ~749,000 metric tons of Co2e in CY2021, attributed to the retirement of renewable energy credits to the company.
~3,700 megaliters of water recycled through efficient processes and using recycling water.
People and Governance
Exemplified diversity and inclusion by earning consecutive recognitions as a Leader in LGBTQ inclusion, Best Technology Company for Women, and a Military Friendly Employer, while expanding employee resource groups (ERG) to 29 local chapters with 3,700 members, including veterans, LGBTQ+, professionals of color, women’s leadership network, and young professionals.
Achieved an FY2023 Total Recordable Incident Rate that is 14% of the industry average demonstrating Seagate's commitment to workplace safety.
Over 2.5 million learning hours completed by Seagate employees as part of the company’s continued commitment to employee growth, fostering a culture of learning and innovation.
Participated in more than 150 community engagements in local communities characterized by youth STEM programs, academic innovation with higher education institutions, and community volunteer opportunities.
To learn more about Seagate’s ESG efforts, visit our ESG page.
1. Assuming each drive is an average weight of 465g
About Seagate Technology
Seagate Technology is the leading innovator of sustainable mass-capacity data storage solutions. We create breakthrough technology so you can confidently store your data and easily unlock its value. Founded over 45 years ago, Seagate has shipped over four billion terabytes of data capacity and offers a full portfolio of storage devices, systems, and services from edge to cloud. To learn more about how Seagate leads storage innovation, visit and our blog, or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
Seagate aims to power its facilities with 100% renewable energy by 2030.
What is Seagate's commitment regarding carbon neutrality?
Seagate aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2040.
How many hard drives and SSDs did Seagate extend the life of in its circularity program?
Seagate extended the life of approximately 1.19 million hard drives and SSDs.
How much e-waste did Seagate prevent from entering landfills through its circularity program?
Seagate prevented more than 553 metric tons of e-waste from entering landfills.
What are some highlights of Seagate's ESG report?
Highlights include energy conservation, emissions reduction, water recycling, diversity and inclusion efforts, workplace safety, and community engagement.
How is Seagate contributing to workplace safety?
Seagate achieved an FY2023 Total Recordable Incident Rate that is 14% of the industry average, demonstrating its commitment to workplace safety.
How is Seagate fostering employee growth?
Over 2.5 million learning hours were completed by Seagate employees as part of the company's commitment to employee growth.
What community engagements has Seagate participated in?
Seagate participated in more than 150 community engagements, including youth STEM programs, academic innovation, and community volunteer opportunities.
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