AI-Driven Data Creation to Spur Next-Wave Cloud Storage Growth, According to New Survey Commissioned by Seagate

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Seagate Technology's commissioned global survey reveals significant insights about AI-driven data storage growth. According to the Recon Analytics study spanning 15 industries and 10 countries, 61% of cloud storage users expect their storage needs to more than double by 2028.

The survey highlights that 72% of respondents currently use AI, with storage ranking as the second most important component of AI infrastructure, following security. Notable findings show that 90% of AI-adopting businesses believe longer data retention improves AI outcomes, while 88% indicate that Trustworthy AI requires increased data storage duration.

The study confirms that hard drives remain the dominant storage medium for cloud services, with IDC estimating that 89% of data stored by leading cloud service providers uses hard drives. This trend aligns with organizations' growing need to retain data longer for optimal AI model training and ensuring data integrity.

Un'indagine globalmente commissionata da Seagate Technology rivela importanti informazioni sulla crescita dello stoccaggio dei dati guidata dall'IA. Secondo lo studio di Recon Analytics, che ha coperto 15 settori e 10 paesi, il 61% degli utenti di cloud storage si aspetta che le proprie esigenze di archiviazione raddoppieranno entro il 2028.

L'indagine sottolinea che il 72% dei partecipanti attualmente utilizza l'IA, con l'archiviazione classificata come il secondo componente più importante dell'infrastruttura IA, dopo la sicurezza. Risultati notevoli mostrano che il 90% delle aziende che adottano l'IA ritiene che una maggiore durata di conservazione dei dati migliori i risultati dell'IA, mentre l'88% indica che un'IA affidabile richiede un prolungamento della durata di archiviazione dei dati.

Lo studio conferma che i dischi rigidi rimangono il principale mezzo di archiviazione per i servizi cloud, con IDC che stima che l'89% dei dati archiviati dai principali fornitori di servizi cloud utilizza dischi rigidi. Questa tendenza si allinea con la crescente necessità delle organizzazioni di mantenere i dati più a lungo per un'ottimale formazione dei modelli IA e per garantire l'integrità dei dati.

Una encuesta global encargada por Seagate Technology revela importantes datos sobre el crecimiento del almacenamiento de datos impulsado por la IA. Según el estudio de Recon Analytics, que abarca 15 industrias y 10 países, el 61% de los usuarios de almacenamiento en la nube espera que sus necesidades de almacenamiento se dupliquen para 2028.

La encuesta destaca que el 72% de los encuestados utiliza actualmente IA, con el almacenamiento clasificado como el segundo componente más importante de la infraestructura de IA, después de la seguridad. Hallazgos notables muestran que el 90% de las empresas que adoptan IA creen que una mayor retención de datos mejora los resultados de la IA, mientras que el 88% indica que la IA confiable requiere un aumento en la duración del almacenamiento de datos.

El estudio confirma que los discos duros siguen siendo el medio de almacenamiento dominante para los servicios en la nube, con IDC estimando que el 89% de los datos almacenados por los principales proveedores de servicios en la nube utilizan discos duros. Esta tendencia está alineada con la creciente necesidad de las organizaciones de retener los datos por más tiempo para un óptimo entrenamiento de modelos de IA y garantizar la integridad de los datos.

시게이트 테크놀로지의 의뢰로 실시된 글로벌 조사는 AI 기반 데이터 스토리지 성장에 대한 중요한 통찰력을 제공합니다. 15개 산업과 10개 국가에 걸친 리콘 애널리틱스의 연구에 따르면, 클라우드 스토리지 사용자의 61%가 2028년까지 저장 요구가 두 배로 증가할 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.

조사 결과 응답자의 72%가 현재 AI를 사용하고 있으며, 저장소는 보안에 이어 AI 인프라에서 두 번째로 중요한 구성 요소로 평가되고 있습니다. 주목할 만한 발견은 AI를 도입한 기업의 90%가 더 긴 데이터 보존 기간이 AI 결과를 개선한다고 믿고 있다는 것이며, 88%는 신뢰할 수 있는 AI가 데이터 저장 기간을 늘려야 한다고 지적했습니다.

이 연구는 하드 드라이브가 클라우드 서비스의 주요 저장 매체로 남아있으며, IDC는 주요 클라우드 서비스 제공업체가 저장하는 데이터의 89%가 하드 드라이브를 사용한다고 추정하고 있습니다. 이 추세는 최적의 AI 모델 교육과 데이터 무결성을 보장하기 위해 데이터 보존 기간을 늘려야 할 필요성이 증가하는 조직과 일치합니다.

Un sondage mondial commandé par Seagate Technology révèle des informations significatives sur la croissance du stockage de données alimenté par l'IA. Selon l'étude de Recon Analytics couvrant 15 secteurs et 10 pays, 61 % des utilisateurs de stockage cloud s'attendent à ce que leurs besoins en stockage plus que doublent d'ici 2028.

Le sondage met en évidence que 72 % des répondants utilisent actuellement l'IA, avec le stockage classé comme le deuxième composant le plus important de l'infrastructure IA, après la sécurité. Des résultats notables montrent que 90 % des entreprises adoptant l'IA croient qu'une plus longue conservation des données améliore les résultats de l'IA, tandis que 88 % indiquent que l'IA fiable nécessite une durée de stockage des données prolongée.

L'étude confirme que les disques durs restent le principal moyen de stockage pour les services cloud, IDC estimant que 89 % des données stockées par les principaux fournisseurs de services cloud utilisent des disques durs. Cette tendance s'aligne avec le besoin croissant des organisations de conserver les données plus longtemps pour un entraînement optimal des modèles IA et pour garantir l'intégrité des données.

Eine von Seagate Technology in Auftrag gegebene globale Umfrage offenbart bedeutende Erkenntnisse über das Wachstum der KI-gesteuerten Datenspeicherung. Laut der Studie von Recon Analytics, die 15 Branchen und 10 Länder umfasst, erwarten 61 % der Cloud-Speicher-Nutzer, dass ihre Speicherbedürfnisse bis 2028 mehr als doppelt so hoch sein werden.

Die Umfrage hebt hervor, dass 72 % der Befragten derzeit KI verwenden, wobei die Speicherung als der zweitwichtigste Bestandteil der KI-Infrastruktur nach der Sicherheit eingestuft wird. Bemerkenswerte Ergebnisse zeigen, dass 90 % der Unternehmen, die KI einführen, glauben, dass eine längere Datenaufbewahrung die KI-Ergebnisse verbessert, während 88 % angeben, dass vertrauenswürdige KI eine verlängerte Datenaufbewahrung erfordert.

Die Studie bestätigt, dass Festplatten nach wie vor das dominante Speichermedium für Cloud-Dienste sind, wobei IDC schätzt, dass 89 % der von führenden Cloud-Service-Anbietern gespeicherten Daten Festplatten verwenden. Dieser Trend entspricht dem wachsenden Bedarf der Organisationen, Daten länger aufzubewahren, um eine optimale KI-Modellierung und die Gewährleistung der Datenintegrität zu ermöglichen.

  • None.
  • None.

Sixty-one percent of respondents expect their organization’s cloud-based storage – underpinned by hard drives – will increase by more than 100% by 2028

FREMONT, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- According to a recent, global Recon Analytics survey1 commissioned by Seagate Technology, business leaders from across 15 industry sectors and 10 countries expect that adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) applications will generate unprecedented volumes of data, driving a boom in demand for data storage, in particular cloud-based storage.

With hard drives delivering scalability relative to terabyte-per-dollar cost efficiencies, cloud service providers rely on hard drives to store mass quantities of data. Recently, analyst firm IDC estimated that 89% of data stored by leading cloud service providers is stored on hard drives2. Now, according to this Recon Analytics study, nearly two-thirds of respondents (61%) from companies that use cloud as their leading storage medium expect their cloud-based storage to grow by more than 100% over the next 3 years.

“The survey results generally point to a coming surge in demand for data storage, with hard drives emerging as the clear winner,” remarked Roger Entner, founder and lead analyst of Recon Analytics. “When you consider that the business leaders we surveyed intend to store more and more of this AI-driven data in the cloud, it appears that cloud services are well-positioned to ride a second growth wave.”

Key Findings:

  • 72% surveyed say they use AI today.
  • 61% of respondents who predominately use cloud storage say their cloud-based storage will increase by over 100% over the next 3 years.
  • Storage ranks as the second most important component of AI infrastructure, with Security ranking #1.
    • In order of importance: Security, Storage, Data Management, Network Capacity, Compute, Regulations, LLM Viability, Energy
  • Of those businesses who’ve adopted AI technology, 90% believe longer data retention improves the quality of AI outcomes.
  • 88% of respondents who use AI today believe adoption of Trustworthy AI requires an increased need to store more data for longer periods of time.

Survey results substantiate a trend toward organizations retaining data for longer periods of time to ensure data integrity needed to optimally train AI models. In order for AI innovation and adoption to continue, AI results and outcomes need to become increasingly accurate.

“Trustworthy AI is really the key to enabling mainstream adoption of AI,” said BS Teh, Chief Commercial Officer of Seagate. “With the vast majority of survey respondents saying they need to store data for longer periods of time to improve quality outcomes of AI, we’re focused on areal density innovation needed to increase storage capacity for each platter in our HAMR-based hard drives. We have a clear pathway to more than double per-platter storage capacity over the next few years.”

To view the comprehensive survey results and analysis, visit Recon Analytics.

About Seagate Technology

Seagate is a leader in mass-capacity data storage. We’ve delivered more than four and a half billion terabytes of capacity over the past four decades. We make storage that scales, bringing trust and integrity to innovations that depend on data. In an era of unprecedented creation, Seagate stores infinite potential. To learn more about how Seagate leads storage innovation, visit and our blog, or follow us on X, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

©2025 Seagate Technology LLC. All rights reserved. Seagate, Seagate Technology, and the Spiral logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The November 2024 survey sampled more than 1,000 business decision-makers who actively work in a storage infrastructure role with companies reporting $10+ million in annual revenue and that have already adopted AI or plan to adopt AI within the next three years. The survey results provide insights on the current impacts of AI application usage on infrastructure priorities as well as data retention and management dynamics. Results also explore respondents’ expectations for how increased AI adoption will impact infrastructure needs over the next three years.
2 According to the 2024 IDC Cloud Infrastructure Index report.

Andrea Kirby,

Karin Taylor,

Source: Seagate Technology Holdings plc


What percentage of cloud storage users expect storage growth over 100% by 2028 according to Seagate's survey?

61% of respondents who primarily use cloud storage expect their cloud-based storage to increase by more than 100% over the next three years, by 2028.

How much cloud service provider data is stored on hard drives according to IDC?

According to IDC, 89% of data stored by leading cloud service providers is stored on hard drives.

What are the top 3 most important components of AI infrastructure according to Seagate's survey?

According to the survey, the top 3 components are: 1. Security, 2. Storage, and 3. Data Management.

What percentage of AI-using businesses believe longer data retention improves AI outcomes?

90% of businesses who have adopted AI technology believe that longer data retention improves the quality of AI outcomes.

How many industries and countries were included in Seagate's AI storage survey?

The survey included respondents from 15 industry sectors across 10 different countries.

What percentage of surveyed organizations currently use AI technology?

72% of surveyed organizations say they currently use AI technology.

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