National Survey Finds Half of U.S. Workers Worried about Gaining Needed Skills

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Strategic Education, Inc. (STRA) released its annual survey of working Americans, revealing that 50% of employees are concerned about acquiring skills needed for career advancement, despite 74% receiving upskilling opportunities from employers. The survey of 2,005 full-time U.S. workers found that:

- 85% of employees utilize available upskilling opportunities
- 53% receive in-house training as the most common upskilling option
- Less than 33% receive tuition benefits
- 91% believe employers should invest in continued education
- 93% say learning new skills keeps them motivated at work

The findings suggest that current upskilling efforts may be insufficient to close the skills gap. CEO Karl McDonnell recommends employers offer more strategic education benefits programs to yield higher returns on upskilling investments.

Strategic Education, Inc. (STRA) ha pubblicato il suo sondaggio annuale sui lavoratori americani, rivelando che il 50% dei dipendenti è preoccupato per l'acquisizione delle competenze necessarie per l'avanzamento nella carriera, nonostante il 74% riceva opportunità di upskilling dai datori di lavoro. Il sondaggio ha coinvolto 2.005 lavoratori statunitensi a tempo pieno e ha rilevato che:

- L'85% dei dipendenti utilizza le opportunità di upskilling disponibili
- Il 53% riceve formazione interna come opzione di upskilling più comune
- Meno del 33% beneficia di agevolazioni per le tasse universitarie
- Il 91% ritiene che i datori di lavoro dovrebbero investire nell'istruzione continua
- Il 93% afferma che apprendere nuove competenze li tiene motivati al lavoro

I risultati suggeriscono che gli attuali sforzi di upskilling potrebbero non essere sufficienti per colmare il divario di competenze. Il CEO Karl McDonnell raccomanda ai datori di lavoro di offrire programmi di benefici educativi strategici per ottenere rendimenti più elevati sugli investimenti in upskilling.

Strategic Education, Inc. (STRA) publicó su encuesta anual sobre trabajadores estadounidenses, revelando que el 50% de los empleados está preocupado por adquirir las habilidades necesarias para el avance en la carrera, a pesar de que el 74% recibe oportunidades de formación adicional por parte de los empleadores. La encuesta de 2,005 trabajadores a tiempo completo en EE. UU. encontró que:

- El 85% de los empleados utiliza las oportunidades de formación adicional disponibles
- El 53% recibe formación interna como la opción de mejora de habilidades más común
- Menos del 33% recibe beneficios para matrícula
- El 91% cree que los empleadores deben invertir en educación continua
- El 93% dice que aprender nuevas habilidades los mantiene motivados en el trabajo

Los hallazgos sugieren que los esfuerzos actuales de formación adicional pueden no ser suficientes para cerrar la brecha de habilidades. El CEO Karl McDonnell recomienda que los empleadores ofrezcan programas de beneficios educativos estratégicos para obtener mayores rendimientos de las inversiones en formación adicional.

Strategic Education, Inc. (STRA)는 미국 근로자를 대상으로 한 연례 조사를 발표했으며, 직원들의 50%가 경력 발전을 위한 필요한 기술 습득에 대해 우려하고 있다고 밝혔습니다. 이 조사에서는 2,005명의 미국 전일제 근로자를 대상으로 다음과 같은 결과를 보였습니다:

- 직원의 85%가 제공되는 업스킬링 기회를 활용하고 있음
- 53%가 가장 일반적인 업스킬링 옵션으로 내부 교육을 받고 있음
- 33% 미만이 학비 지원 혜택을 받음
- 91%가 고용주가 지속적인 교육에 투자해야 한다고 생각함
- 93%가 새로운 기술을 배우는 것이 자신들을 직장에서 동기 부여한다고 말함

결과는 현재의 업스킬링 노력이 기술 격차를 해소하기에 불충분할 수 있음을 시사합니다. CEO인 칼 맥도넬은 고용주가 업스킬링 투자에 대해 더 높은 수익을 얻기 위해 보다 전략적인 교육 복지 프로그램을 제공할 것을 권장합니다.

Strategic Education, Inc. (STRA) a publié son enquête annuelle sur les travailleurs américains, révélant que 50 % des employés sont préoccupés par l'acquisition des compétences nécessaires à leur avancement professionnel, malgré le fait que 74 % bénéficient d'opportunités de formation continue offertes par leurs employeurs. L'enquête, réalisée auprès de 2 005 travailleurs américains à temps plein, a révélé que :

- 85 % des employés utilisent les opportunités de formation disponibles
- 53 % reçoivent une formation interne comme option de développement des compétences la plus courante
- Moins de 33 % reçoivent des avantages pour les frais de scolarité
- 91 % estiment que les employeurs devraient investir dans la formation continue
- 93 % déclarent que l'apprentissage de nouvelles compétences les motive au travail

Les résultats suggèrent que les efforts actuels en matière de formation pourraient être insuffisants pour combler le fossé des compétences. Le PDG Karl McDonnell recommande aux employeurs de proposer des programmes d'avantages éducatifs plus stratégiques pour obtenir un meilleur retour sur investissement en matière de formation.

Strategic Education, Inc. (STRA) hat seine jährliche Umfrage unter amerikanischen Arbeitnehmern veröffentlicht, aus der hervorgeht, dass 50% der Mitarbeiter besorgt sind, die für den beruflichen Aufstieg erforderlichen Fähigkeiten zu erwerben, obwohl 74% die Möglichkeit zur Weiterbildung von ihren Arbeitgebern erhalten. Die Umfrage unter 2.005 vollzeitbeschäftigten US-Arbeitnehmern ergab Folgendes:

- 85% der Mitarbeiter nutzen die verfügbaren Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten
- 53% erhalten interne Schulungen als die häufigste Weiterbildungsmöglichkeit
- Weniger als 33% erhalten Stipendien für Studiengebühren
- 91% glauben, dass Arbeitgeber in die Weiterbildung investieren sollten
- 93% sagen, dass das Erlernen neuer Fähigkeiten sie bei der Arbeit motiviert hält

Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die aktuellen Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen möglicherweise nicht ausreichen, um die Qualifikationslücke zu schließen. CEO Karl McDonnell empfiehlt Arbeitgebern, strategischere Bildungsleistungsprogramme anzubieten, um höhere Renditen aus den Investitionen in die Weiterbildung zu erzielen.

  • None.
  • None.

Survey suggests that the upskilling opportunities employers are offering may not be enough to close the skills gap

HERNDON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Strategic Education, Inc., an education company serving working adult students, released its annual survey of working Americans, which found that half of employees surveyed were worried about getting the skills they need to advance in their career, despite 74% receiving upskilling opportunities from their employer. The national survey of 2,005 U.S.-based, full-time employees sought to understand how employees perceive their own skills gaps—the gap between the skills that a job or industry requires and the skills that employees have.

The survey also found that more than 8 in 10 full-time employees in the U.S. know what skills are needed to advance in their current job. For example, according to the survey, nearly half of the respondents feel they could improve their technology skills to advance in their job. Among employees whose employer provides upskilling opportunities, 85% currently or have previously taken advantage of them – indicating there is an appetite to learn.

“We can see that employers are offering upskilling opportunities and that employees are taking advantage of them, yet there is still concern about gaining the skills needed to advance their careers,” said Karl McDonnell, CEO of Strategic Education. “These findings suggest that the upskilling opportunities employers are offering may not be enough – or the right ones – to close the skills gap.”

Taking a closer look specifically at the types of skill advancement options offered, the most frequently reported upskilling opportunity provided or supported by full-time workers’ current employers was in-house trainings (53%). Less than a third of employees receive tuition benefits from their employer.

Additional findings include:

  • A rising expectation among employees that their employer invests in their education.
  • 91% of employees believe employers should invest in their continued education.
  • The expectation that employers should be investing in employees’ continued education has grown 8 percentage points in the last 2 years, up from 83% in 2022 and 87% in 2023.
  • Many employees say that upskilling opportunities increase their motivation at work.
  • 93% of employees say learning new skills keeps them motivated at work.
  • Nearly half of employees say they are motivated to stay with an employer that supports continued education or the opportunities to cross-train/explore other areas of interest at work.

“Both employees and employers recognize the need for upskilling. The question we should be asking now is, how should employers invest in employee education to help them build the skills needed for their own success while contributing to the success of the organization? In-house trainings, which we found to be most common, may not be enough to move the needle,” said McDonnell. “Giving employees more options and autonomy by offering a more strategic education benefits program could yield a higher return on an organization’s upskilling and reskilling investment.”

Strategic Education, Inc. commissioned Atomik Research to conduct an online survey of 2,005 adults throughout the United States. The sample consists of full-time workers, ages 18-55. The margin of error is +/- 2 percentage points with a confidence level of 95 percent. Fieldwork took place between May 6 and May 11, 2024.

To read the full results, visit:

About Strategic Education, Inc.

Strategic Education, Inc. (NASDAQ: STRA) ( ) is dedicated to helping advance economic mobility through higher education. We primarily serve working adult students globally through our core focus areas: 1) U.S. Higher Education, including Capella University and Strayer University, each institutionally accredited, and collectively offer flexible and affordable associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs including the Jack Welch Management Institute at Strayer University, and non-degree web and mobile application development courses through Strayer University’s Hackbright Academy and Devmountain; 2) Education Technology Services, developing and maintaining relationships with employers to build education benefits programs providing employees access to affordable and industry-relevant training, certificate, and degree programs, including through Workforce Edge, a full-service education benefits administration solution for employers, and Sophia Learning, which offers low-cost online general education-level courses that are ACE-recommended for college credit; and 3) Australia/New Zealand, comprised of Torrens University, Think Education, and Media Design School that collectively offer certificate and degree programs in Australia and New Zealand. This portfolio of high quality, innovative, relevant, and affordable programs and institutions helps our students prepare for success in today’s workforce and find a path to bettering their lives.

Elaine Kincel


Source: Strategic Education, Inc.


What percentage of U.S. workers are worried about gaining needed skills according to STRA's survey?

According to Strategic Education, Inc.'s (STRA) survey, 50% of U.S. workers are worried about gaining the skills they need to advance in their careers.

How many full-time employees participated in STRA's 2024 upskilling survey?

Strategic Education, Inc.'s (STRA) 2024 upskilling survey included 2,005 full-time U.S.-based employees.

What percentage of employees believe employers should invest in their continued education in STRA's 2024 survey?

In Strategic Education, Inc.'s (STRA) 2024 survey, 91% of employees believe employers should invest in their continued education.

What is the most common upskilling opportunity provided by employers according to STRA's survey?

According to Strategic Education, Inc.'s (STRA) survey, the most common upskilling opportunity provided by employers is in-house training, reported by 53% of respondents.

How does learning new skills impact employee motivation according to STRA's 2024 survey?

Strategic Education, Inc.'s (STRA) 2024 survey found that 93% of employees say learning new skills keeps them motivated at work.

Strategic Education, Inc.


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