Capella University’s Master of Science in Clinical Psychology, Clinical Counseling Specialization Receives American Psychological Association Accreditation

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Capella University's Master of Science (MS) in Clinical Psychology, Clinical Counseling specialization has received full accreditation from the American Psychological Association (APA)'s Commission on Accreditation (CoA). This makes it one of the first master's programs to achieve this accreditation. The CoA determined that Capella's program adheres to the Standards of Accreditation for Master's Programs in Health Service Psychology and provides clinical psychology training aligned with health service psychology and APA's profession-wide competencies.

The program includes online courses and in-person residencies, designed to strengthen students' skills through competency-based, scientific study of mental and behavioral health. Capella University President Constance St. Germain emphasized the institution's commitment to developing courses around nationally recognized standards. The APA accreditation adds to Capella's existing accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission, reflecting its dedication to providing high-quality education and training for students.

Il Master of Science (MS) in Psicologia Clinica, specializzazione in Counseling Clinico della Capella University ha ricevuto l'accreditamento completo dalla Commissione per l'Accreditamento (CoA) dell'American Psychological Association (APA). Questo lo rende uno dei primi programmi di master a conseguire tale accreditamento. La CoA ha stabilito che il programma della Capella è conforme agli Standard di Accreditamento per i Programmi di Master in Psicologia dei Servizi Sanitari e fornisce una formazione in psicologia clinica allineata con la psicologia dei servizi sanitari e le competenze professionali dell'APA.

Il programma include corsi online e residenze in presenza, progettati per rafforzare le competenze degli studenti attraverso uno studio scientifico e basato sulle competenze della salute mentale e comportamentale. La Presidentessa della Capella University, Constance St. Germain, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'istituzione nel sviluppare corsi in base a standard riconosciuti a livello nazionale. L'accreditamento dell'APA si aggiunge all'accreditamento già esistente da parte della Higher Learning Commission, riflettendo la sua dedizione a fornire un'educazione e una formazione di alta qualità per gli studenti.

El Máster en Ciencias (MS) en Psicología Clínica, especialización en Consejería Clínica de la Universidad Capella ha recibido acreditación completa por parte de la Comisión de Acreditación (CoA) de la Asociación Americana de Psicología (APA). Esto lo convierte en uno de los primeros programas de máster en lograr esta acreditación. La CoA determinó que el programa de Capella cumple con los Estándares de Acreditación para Programas de Máster en Psicología de Servicios de Salud y proporciona formación en psicología clínica alineada con la psicología de servicios de salud y las competencias profesionales de la APA.

El programa incluye cursos en línea y residencias presenciales, diseñados para fortalecer las habilidades de los estudiantes a través de un estudio científico basado en competencias sobre salud mental y conductual. La presidenta de la Universidad Capella, Constance St. Germain, enfatizó el compromiso de la institución con el desarrollo de cursos en torno a estándares reconocidos a nivel nacional. La acreditación de la APA se suma a la acreditación existente por parte de la Higher Learning Commission, reflejando su dedicación a proporcionar una educación y formación de alta calidad para los estudiantes.

카펠라 대학교의 임상 심리학 석사 (MS), 임상 상담 전문 분야미국 심리학회 (APA) 인증 위원회 (CoA)의 완전 인증을 받았습니다. 이는 이 프로그램이 인증을 받은 최초의 석사 과정 중 하나가 되었음을 의미합니다. CoA는 카펠라의 프로그램이 건강 서비스 심리학의 석사 프로그램을 위한 인증 기준을 준수하며, APA의 직업 전반에 걸친 역량과 일치하는 임상 심리학 교육을 제공한다고 판단했습니다.

이 프로그램은 온라인 강좌와 대면 레지던스로 구성되어 있으며, 학생들의 역량 증진을 위해 심리적 및 행동 건강에 대한 과학적이고 역량 기반의 연구를 통해 설계되었습니다. 카펠라 대학교 총장인 콘스턴스 세인트 저메인은 국가적으로 인정받는 기준에 따라 강좌를 개발하려는 기관의 헌신을 강조했습니다. APA의 인증은 카펠라가 기존에 보유하고 있는 고등 교육 위원회(Higher Learning Commission)의 인증에 추가되어, 학생들에게 고품질의 교육과 훈련을 제공하겠다는 헌신을 반영합니다.

Le Master of Science (MS) en Psychologie Clinique, spécialisation en Conseil Clinique de l'Université Capella a reçu une accréditation complète de la Commission d'Accréditation (CoA) de l'American Psychological Association (APA). Cela en fait l'un des premiers programmes de master à obtenir cette accréditation. La CoA a déterminé que le programme de Capella respecte les Normes d'Accréditation pour les Programmes de Master en Psychologie des Services de Santé et offre une formation en psychologie clinique alignée avec la psychologie des services de santé et les compétences professionnelles de l'APA.

Le programme comprend des cours en ligne et des résidences en présentiel, conçus pour renforcer les compétences des étudiants grâce à une étude scientifique et basée sur les compétences de la santé mentale et comportementale. La Présidente de l'Université Capella, Constance St. Germain, a souligné l'engagement de l'institution à développer des cours autour de normes reconnues au niveau national. L'accréditation de l'APA s'ajoute à l'accréditation existante de la Higher Learning Commission, reflétant son engagement à fournir une éducation et une formation de haute qualité aux étudiants.

Der Master of Science (MS) in Klinischer Psychologie, mit Spezialisierung auf Klinische Beratung der Capella University hat vollständige Akkreditierung durch die Akkreditierungskommission (CoA) der American Psychological Association (APA) erhalten. Dies macht ihn zu einem der ersten Masterprogramme, die diese Akkreditierung erhalten haben. Die CoA stellte fest, dass das Programm von Capella den Akkreditierungsstandards für Masterprogramme in Gesundheitsdienstpsychologie entspricht und eine Ausbildung in Klinischer Psychologie bietet, die mit den Fachkompetenzen der APA übereinstimmt.

Das Programm umfasst Online-Kurse und Präsenzaufenthalte, die darauf abzielen, die Fähigkeiten der Studierenden durch kompetenzbasiertes, wissenschaftliches Studium der psychischen und Verhaltensgesundheit zu stärken. Die Präsidentin der Capella University, Constance St. Germain, betonte das Engagement der Institution, Kurse nach national anerkannten Standards zu entwickeln. Die Akkreditierung durch die APA ergänzt die bestehende Akkreditierung durch die Higher Learning Commission und spiegelt das Engagement wider, eine hochwertige Ausbildung und Schulung für die Studierenden bereitzustellen.

  • Received full accreditation from the American Psychological Association (APA) for its MS in Clinical Psychology, Clinical Counseling specialization
  • Among the first master's programs to earn APA accreditation
  • Program adheres to Standards of Accreditation for Master's Programs in Health Service Psychology
  • Curriculum aligns with health service psychology and APA's profession-wide competencies
  • Offers both online courses and in-person residencies
  • None.


The APA accreditation of Capella University's MS in Clinical Psychology, Clinical Counseling specialization is a positive development, but its impact on Strategic Education Inc. (STRA) is likely While it enhances Capella's credibility in psychology education, it's just one program in STRA's diverse portfolio.

Key points to consider:

  • This accreditation may slightly boost enrollment in this specific program, but it's unlikely to significantly impact STRA's overall financial performance.
  • The recognition could marginally improve Capella's brand perception, potentially benefiting other programs indirectly.
  • Being among the first master's programs to receive this accreditation gives Capella a temporary competitive advantage in the clinical psychology education market.

While positive, this news is not likely to be a major catalyst for STRA's stock price or fundamentals in the short or long term. Investors should view this as a quality improvement rather than a game-changing event for the company.

The specialization is among the first master’s programs to earn the accreditation

MINNEAPOLIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Capella University, an online higher education institution serving working adults, was granted full accreditation status of its Master of Science (MS) in Clinical Psychology, Clinical Counseling specialization by the American Psychological Association (APA)’s Commission on Accreditation (CoA), the specialization is among the first master’s programs to earn the accreditation.

This decision is based on the CoA’s professional judgment that the program adheres to the Standards of Accreditation for Master’s Programs in Health Service Psychology. The CoA also determined that Capella’s program provides clinical psychology training using a curriculum that aligns with health service psychology and the APA's profession-wide competencies.

Capella University’s MS in Clinical Psychology, Clinical Counseling specialization program includes both online courses and in-person residencies and is designed to help strengthen students' skills through a competency-based, scientific study of mental and behavioral health.

“As an institution that serves students nationwide, we work hard to ensure that our courses are developed around nationally recognized standards,” said Constance St. Germain, President of Capella University. “We’re honored to receive accreditation from the APA, providing assurance that we meet the standards for quality of faculty, curriculum and learner services.”

Capella University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (, an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Program-specific accreditations, like the APA accreditation, reflect Capella’s commitment to providing the highest level of quality in education and training for students.

To learn more about Capella’s MS in Clinical Psychology, Clinical Counseling specialization program, visit:

About Capella University:

Capella University ( is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Founded in 1993, the University is dedicated to providing flexible, professionally aligned online degree programs designed to help working adults advance in their careers. Known for its commitment to learner success, academic quality and innovations in online education, Capella pioneered competency-based direct assessment programs, allowing students to learn at their own pace. For more information, call 1.888.CAPELLA (888.227.3552).

About Strategic Education, Inc.

Strategic Education, Inc. (NASDAQ: STRA) ( is dedicated to helping advance economic mobility through higher education. We primarily serve working adult students globally through our core focus areas: 1) U.S. Higher Education, including Capella University and Strayer University, each institutionally accredited, and collectively offer flexible and affordable associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs including the Jack Welch Management Institute at Strayer University, and non-degree web and mobile application development courses through Strayer University’s Hackbright Academy and Devmountain; 2) Education Technology Services, developing and maintaining relationships with employers to build education benefits programs providing employees access to affordable and industry-relevant training, certificate, and degree programs, including through Workforce Edge, a full-service education benefits administration solution for employers, and Sophia Learning, which offers low-cost online general education-level courses that are ACE-recommended for college credit; and 3) Australia/New Zealand, comprised of Torrens University, Think Education, and Media Design School that collectively offer certificate and degree programs in Australia and New Zealand. This portfolio of high quality, innovative, relevant, and affordable programs and institutions helps our students prepare for success in today’s workforce and find a path to bettering their lives.

Elaine Kincel


Source: Capella University


What accreditation did Capella University's MS in Clinical Psychology, Clinical Counseling specialization receive?

Capella University's MS in Clinical Psychology, Clinical Counseling specialization received full accreditation from the American Psychological Association (APA)'s Commission on Accreditation (CoA).

How is Capella University's MS in Clinical Psychology, Clinical Counseling specialization program structured?

The program includes both online courses and in-person residencies, designed to strengthen students' skills through a competency-based, scientific study of mental and behavioral health.

What other accreditation does Capella University have?

Capella University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (, an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

Who is the President of Capella University mentioned in the press release?

The President of Capella University mentioned in the press release is Constance St. Germain.

Strategic Education, Inc.


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