Stoke Therapeutics Appoints Eric Olson, MS, MBA as Chief Business Officer

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Stoke Therapeutics (Nasdaq: STOK) has appointed Eric Olson as Chief Business Officer. With two decades of experience in life sciences business development and strategy, Olson brings expertise in rare diseases and RNA therapeutics. He will lead the company's global corporate strategy and business development efforts.

Olson's appointment aims to expand Stoke's first-in-class, disease-modifying approach to treating genetic diseases by upregulating protein expression with RNA-based medicines. His experience includes leading over $15 billion in transactions for major biopharma companies, most recently as VP of Business Development at Alnylam Pharmaceuticals.

The company sees this hire as instrumental in driving its next growth phase, particularly in light of recent landmark data for zorevunersen in Dravet syndrome treatment. Stoke aims to leverage Olson's expertise to expand its TANGO platform to other severe diseases of the central nervous system and eye.

Stoke Therapeutics (Nasdaq: STOK) ha nominato Eric Olson come Chief Business Officer. Con due decenni di esperienza nello sviluppo commerciale e nella strategia delle scienze della vita, Olson porta competenze in malattie rare e terapie RNA. Dirigerà la strategia aziendale globale e gli sforzi di sviluppo commerciale dell'azienda.

La nomina di Olson mira ad espandere l'approccio innovativo e modificante la malattia di Stoke nel trattamento delle malattie genetiche, regolando all'insù l'espressione proteica con medicinali a base di RNA. La sua esperienza include la gestione di oltre 15 miliardi di dollari in transazioni per importanti aziende biopharma, più recentemente come VP dello Sviluppo Commerciale presso Alnylam Pharmaceuticals.

L'azienda considera questa assunzione come fondamentale per guidare la sua prossima fase di crescita, in particolare alla luce dei recenti dati storici sul trattamento con zorevunersen della sindrome di Dravet. Stoke intende utilizzare l'expertise di Olson per espandere la sua piattaforma TANGO ad altre gravi malattie del sistema nervoso centrale e dell'occhio.

Stoke Therapeutics (Nasdaq: STOK) ha nombrado a Eric Olson como Director de Negocios. Con dos décadas de experiencia en desarrollo de negocios y estrategia en ciencias de la vida, Olson aporta experiencia en enfermedades raras y terapias de ARN. Él liderará la estrategia corporativa global y los esfuerzos de desarrollo de negocios de la compañía.

El nombramiento de Olson tiene como objetivo expandir el enfoque innovador y modificador de la enfermedad de Stoke para tratar enfermedades genéticas regulando al alza la expresión de proteínas con medicamentos a base de ARN. Su experiencia incluye liderar más de 15 mil millones de dólares en transacciones para importantes compañías biopharma, más recientemente como VP de Desarrollo de Negocios en Alnylam Pharmaceuticals.

La compañía considera esta contratación como clave para impulsar su próxima fase de crecimiento, especialmente a la luz de los recientes datos históricos sobre el tratamiento con zorevunersen de la síndrome de Dravet. Stoke busca aprovechar la experiencia de Olson para expandir su plataforma TANGO a otras enfermedades graves del sistema nervioso central y del ojo.

Stoke Therapeutics (Nasdaq: STOK)는 Eric Olson을 최고 비즈니스 책임자로 임명했습니다. 생명과학 사업 개발 및 전략 분야에서 20년의 경력을 가진 Olson은 희귀 질환 및 RNA 치료제에 대한 전문성을 제공합니다. 그는 회사의 글로벌 기업 전략과 사업 개발 노력을 이끌 것입니다.

Olson의 임명은 RNA 기반 의약품을 사용하여 단백질 발현을 증가시키는 방식으로 유전 질환을 치료하는 Stoke의 첫 번째 클래스 약물 수정 접근 방식을 확장하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 그의 경험은 주요 바이오제약 회사에서 150억 달러 이상의 거래를 주도하는 것을 포함하며, 최근에는 Alnylam Pharmaceuticals의 사업 개발 부사장(VP)으로 활동했습니다.

회사는 이번 채용이 최근 Dravet 증후군 치료를 위한 zorevunersen의 획기적인 데이터를 고려할 때 다음 성장 단계 추진에 있어 중추적이라고 보고 있습니다. Stoke은 Olson의 전문성을 활용하여 TANGO 플랫폼을 다른 중증 질환, 즉 중추 신경계 및 안구 질환으로 확장할 계획입니다.

Stoke Therapeutics (Nasdaq: STOK) a nommé Eric Olson au poste de Directeur Commercial. Fort de deux décennies d'expérience en développement commercial et stratégie dans le secteur des sciences de la vie, Olson apporte son expertise en maladies rares et en thérapies par ARN. Il dirigera la stratégie d'entreprise mondiale et les efforts de développement commercial de la société.

La nomination d'Olson vise à étendre l'approche innovante et modifiant la maladie de Stoke pour traiter les maladies génétiques en augmentant l'expression des protéines à l'aide de médicaments à base d'ARN. Son expérience inclut la direction de plus de 15 milliards de dollars de transactions pour de grandes entreprises biopharmaceutiques, plus récemment en tant que VP du développement commercial chez Alnylam Pharmaceuticals.

L'entreprise considère cette embauche comme essentielle pour propulser sa prochaine phase de croissance, notamment à la lumière des données marquantes concernant le zorevunersen dans le traitement du syndrome de Dravet. Stoke entend tirer parti de l'expertise d'Olson pour étendre sa plateforme TANGO à d'autres maladies graves du système nerveux central et de l'œil.

Stoke Therapeutics (Nasdaq: STOK) hat Eric Olson zum Chief Business Officer ernannt. Mit zwei Jahrzehnten Erfahrung in der Geschäftsentwicklung und Strategie im Bereich der Lebenswissenschaften bringt Olson Expertise in seltenen Krankheiten und RNA-Therapeutika mit. Er wird die globale Unternehmensstrategie und die Geschäftsaktivitäten des Unternehmens leiten.

Olsons Ernennung zielt darauf ab, Stokes erstklassigen, krankheitsmodifizierenden Ansatz zur Behandlung genetischer Erkrankungen zu erweitern, indem die Proteinausdruck mit RNA-basierten Arzneimitteln gesteigert wird. Seine Erfahrung umfasst die Leitung von über 15 Milliarden Dollar Transaktionen für große Biopharmaunternehmen, zuletzt als VP für Geschäftsentwicklung bei Alnylam Pharmaceuticals.

Das Unternehmen sieht diese Einstellung als entscheidend für die Ankurbelung der nächsten Wachstumsphase, insbesondere im Hinblick auf historische Daten zu zorevunersen zur Behandlung des Dravet-Syndroms. Stoke plant, Olsons Expertise zu nutzen, um seine TANGO-Plattform auf andere schwerwiegende Erkrankungen des zentralen Nervensystems und des Auges auszudehnen.

  • Appointment of Eric Olson as Chief Business Officer with 20 years of experience in life sciences business development
  • Olson's expertise in rare diseases and RNA therapeutics aligns with Stoke's focus
  • Olson has led over $15 billion in transactions for major biopharma companies
  • Recent landmark data for zorevunersen in Dravet syndrome treatment shows promise
  • Potential expansion of TANGO platform to other severe diseases of the CNS and eye
  • None.

– Mr. Olson brings two decades of successful corporate business development experience with an emphasis on rare diseases and RNA therapeutics –

BEDFORD, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Stoke Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: STOK), a biotechnology company dedicated to restoring protein expression by harnessing the body’s potential with RNA medicine, today announced the appointment of Eric Olson as Chief Business Officer. Mr. Olson has two decades of experience in life sciences business development and strategy with a track record of success, completing numerous transactions to maximize value for company pipelines across a variety of therapeutic areas, including rare genetic diseases, neurology and ophthalmology. In his new role, Mr. Olson will be responsible for leading and executing the Company’s global corporate strategy and business development.

“We see a significant opportunity to expand the potential of Stoke’s first-in-class, disease-modifying approach to the treatment of many genetic diseases by upregulating protein expression with RNA based medicines,” said Edward M. Kaye, M.D., Chief Executive Officer of Stoke Therapeutics. “Eric’s deep experience leading global business development and corporate strategy teams, and in particular his most recent experience working for the foremost leader in RNA medicine, will make him instrumental in driving Stoke’s next phase of growth. With Eric and other recent executive hires, we are building a world-class leadership team with the expertise and commitment to Stoke’s mission of delivering new medicines to people living with severe diseases.”

"I’ve had the opportunity to work on significant advances in RNA therapeutics and rare diseases and look forward to working with the leadership team at Stoke by contributing my experience and commitment to patients to fully realize the potential of the TANGO platform,” said Mr. Olson. “The landmark data announced earlier this year have generated a lot of excitement and made clear the opportunity zorevunersen presents to change the way Dravet syndrome is treated. Just as exciting to me is the opportunity to play a role in helping the team expand this unique approach to upregulating protein expression to the treatment of other severe diseases of the central nervous system and the eye.”

Throughout his career, Mr. Olson has led and supported more than $15 billion in transaction value for premiere biopharma companies. Prior to joining Stoke, Mr. Olson served as Vice President, Head of Business Development at Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, where he led the Company’s business development strategy, which included overseeing multiple strategic partnerships. Before joining Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Mr. Olson was Vice President, Head of Rare Disease and Immunology Global Business Development at Takeda where he led two newly-created global business development therapeutic areas subsequent to the acquisition of Shire. Mr. Olson held head and director level roles in business development at Shire, AGCT and Genzyme, and began his professional career in investment banking as well as academic research. Mr. Olson holds a MBA from the University of Virginia Darden School of Business, an MS in Cellular & Molecular Biology from New York University, and a BA in Zoology from Connecticut College.

About Stoke Therapeutics
Stoke Therapeutics (Nasdaq: STOK), is a biotechnology company dedicated to restoring protein expression by harnessing the body’s potential with RNA medicine. Using Stoke’s proprietary TANGO (Targeted Augmentation of Nuclear Gene Output) approach, Stoke is developing antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) to selectively restore protein levels. Stoke’s first compound, zorevunersen (STK-001), is in clinical testing for the treatment of Dravet syndrome, a severe and progressive genetic epilepsy. Dravet syndrome is one of many diseases caused by a haploinsufficiency, in which a loss of ~50% of normal protein levels leads to disease. Stoke is pursuing the development of STK-002 for the treatment of autosomal dominant optic atrophy (ADOA), the most common inherited optic nerve disorder. Stoke’s initial focus is haploinsufficiencies and diseases of the central nervous system and the eye, although proof of concept has been demonstrated in other organs, tissues, and systems, supporting its belief in the broad potential for its proprietary approach. Stoke is headquartered in Bedford, Massachusetts with offices in Cambridge, Massachusetts. For more information, visit

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including, but not limited to, the ability of zorevunersen to treat the underlying cause of Dravet syndrome, the timing and expected progress of clinical trials, regulatory decisions and successful development of zorevunersen and other product candidates, and the Company’s ability to design medicines to increase protein production and the expected benefits thereof. Statements including words such as “will,” “expect,” “plan,” and “potential” and statements in the future tense are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, as well as assumptions, which, if they prove incorrect or do not fully materialize, could cause results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, risks and uncertainties related to: the Company’s ability to advance, obtain regulatory approval of, and ultimately commercialize its product candidates, including STK-001; positive results in a clinical trial may not be replicated in subsequent trials; successes in early stage trials may not be predictive of results in later stage trials; the Company’s ability to fund development activities and achieve development goals; and other risks and uncertainties described under the heading “Risk Factors” in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, its quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, and the other documents it files from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release, and the Company undertakes no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof.

Stoke Media & Investor Contacts:

Dawn Kalmar

Chief Communications Officer


Doug Snow

Director, Communications & Investor Relations


Source: Stoke Therapeutics, Inc.


Who is the new Chief Business Officer of Stoke Therapeutics (STOK)?

Eric Olson, MS, MBA has been appointed as the new Chief Business Officer of Stoke Therapeutics (STOK).

What is Eric Olson's background and experience relevant to Stoke Therapeutics (STOK)?

Eric Olson has two decades of experience in life sciences business development and strategy, with expertise in rare diseases and RNA therapeutics. He has led over $15 billion in transactions for major biopharma companies and previously served as VP of Business Development at Alnylam Pharmaceuticals.

What will be Eric Olson's role at Stoke Therapeutics (STOK)?

As Chief Business Officer at Stoke Therapeutics (STOK), Eric Olson will be responsible for leading and executing the company's global corporate strategy and business development efforts.

What recent development has Stoke Therapeutics (STOK) announced regarding Dravet syndrome treatment?

Stoke Therapeutics (STOK) has recently announced landmark data for zorevunersen in the treatment of Dravet syndrome, which has generated excitement about changing the way this condition is treated.

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