Stantec Announces Passing of Board Member Dr. Patricia D. Galloway

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Stantec, a global leader in sustainable design and engineering (TSX, NYSE:STN), announced the passing of Dr. Patricia D. Galloway, a member of its Board of Directors, on September 26, 2024. Dr. Galloway joined Stantec's Board in May 2020 and served on the Corporate Governance and Compensation, and Sustainability and Safety committees.

With over 40 years of experience in energy and construction matters, Dr. Galloway was a renowned leader in civil engineering, gigaproject construction, and dispute resolution. She was also recognized as a trailblazer for inclusion, diversity, and equity, having served as the first female president of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Both Doug Ammerman, Chair of Stantec's Board, and Gord Johnston, President and CEO, expressed their condolences and highlighted Dr. Galloway's valuable contributions to the company and the industry.

Stantec, un leader globale nel design e nell'ingegneria sostenibile (TSX, NYSE:STN), ha annunciato la scomparsa del Dr. Patricia D. Galloway, membro del suo Consiglio di Amministrazione, il 26 settembre 2024. La Dr. Galloway si è unita al Consiglio di Stantec nel maggio 2020 e ha fatto parte dei comitati per la Governance Aziendale e Compensi, e per la Sostenibilità e Sicurezza.

Con oltre 40 anni di esperienza in materia di energia e costruzione, la Dr. Galloway è stata un leader rinomato nell'ingegneria civile, nella costruzione di gigaprogetti e nella risoluzione delle dispute. È stata anche riconosciuta come una pioniera per l'inclusione, la diversità e l'equità, essendo stata la prima donna presidente della American Society of Civil Engineers.

Doug Ammerman, Presidente del Consiglio di Stantec, e Gord Johnston, Presidente e CEO, hanno espresso le loro condoglianze e hanno sottolineato i preziosi contributi della Dr. Galloway all'azienda e all'industria.

Stantec, un líder global en diseño e ingeniería sostenible (TSX, NYSE:STN), anunció el fallecimiento de la Dr. Patricia D. Galloway, miembro de su Junta Directiva, el 26 de septiembre de 2024. La Dra. Galloway se unió a la Junta de Stantec en mayo de 2020 y formó parte de los comités de Gobierno Corporativo y Compensación, así como de Sostenibilidad y Seguridad.

Con más de 40 años de experiencia en temas de energía y construcción, la Dra. Galloway fue una líder reconocida en ingeniería civil, construcción de gigaproyectos y resolución de disputas. También fue reconocida como pionera en inclusión, diversidad y equidad, habiendo servido como la primera mujer presidenta de la American Society of Civil Engineers.

Tanto Doug Ammerman, presidente de la Junta de Stantec, como Gord Johnston, presidente y CEO, expresaron sus condolencias y destacaron las valiosas contribuciones de la Dra. Galloway a la empresa y a la industria.

스탄텍(Stantec), 지속 가능한 디자인 및 엔지니어링의 글로벌 리더 (TSX, NYSE:STN)가 2024년 9월 26일 이사회의 일원인 Dr. Patricia D. Galloway의 별세 소식을 전했습니다. Galloway 박사는 2020년 5월 스탄텍 이사회에 합류하였으며, 기업 거버넌스 및 보상, 지속 가능성 및 안전 위원회에서 활동했습니다.

에너지 및 건설 분야에서 40년 이상의 경험을 가진 Galloway 박사는 토목 공학, 기가프로젝트 건설 및 분쟁 해결에서 저명한 리더였습니다. 그녀는 또한 포함, 다양성 및 형평성을 위한 개척자로 인정받았으며, 미국 토목공학회(American Society of Civil Engineers)의 첫 번째 여성 회장으로 활동하였습니다.

스탄텍 이사회 의장인 Doug Ammerman과 CEO인 Gord Johnston은 그녀에게 애도를 표하며, Galloway 박사가 회사와 산업에 기여한 귀중한 공헌을 강조했습니다.

Stantec, un leader mondial en design durable et en ingénierie (TSX, NYSE:STN), a annoncé le décès de Dr. Patricia D. Galloway, membre de son conseil d'administration, le 26 septembre 2024. Dr. Galloway a rejoint le conseil de Stantec en mai 2020 et a siégé aux comités de gouvernance d'entreprise et de rémunération, ainsi qu'à ceux de durabilité et de sécurité.

Avec plus de 40 ans d'expérience dans le domaine de l'énergie et de la construction, Dr. Galloway était une leader renommée en ingénierie civile, en construction de gigaprojets et en résolution de conflits. Elle a également été reconnue comme une pionnière en matière d'inclusion, de diversité et d'équité, ayant été la première femme présidente de l'American Society of Civil Engineers.

Doug Ammerman, président du conseil de Stantec, et Gord Johnston, président et PDG, ont exprimé leurs condoléances et ont souligné les contributions précieuses de Dr. Galloway à l'entreprise et à l'industrie.

Stantec, ein globaler Marktführer in nachhaltigem Design und Engineering (TSX, NYSE:STN), gab am 26. September 2024 den Tod von Dr. Patricia D. Galloway, einem Mitglied des Vorstands, bekannt. Dr. Galloway trat im Mai 2020 in den Vorstand von Stantec ein und war Mitglied der Ausschüsse für Unternehmensführung und Vergütung sowie für Nachhaltigkeit und Sicherheit.

Mit über 40 Jahren Erfahrung in den Bereichen Energie und Bau war Dr. Galloway eine angesehene Führungspersönlichkeit im Bereich Bauingenieurwesen, Gigaprojektbau und Streitbeilegung. Sie wurde auch als Vorreiterin für Inklusion, Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit geschätzt und war die erste weibliche Präsidentin der American Society of Civil Engineers.

Doug Ammerman, Vorsitzender des Vorstands von Stantec, und Gord Johnston, Präsident und CEO, sprachen ihr Beileid aus und hoben die wertvollen Beiträge von Dr. Galloway für das Unternehmen und die Branche hervor.

  • Dr. Galloway's extensive 40-year experience in energy and construction matters
  • Her role as a trailblazer for inclusion, diversity, and equity in the industry
  • None.


Stantec, a global leader in sustainable design and engineering, announced that Dr. Patricia D. Galloway, a member of its Board of Directors, passed away on Thursday, September 26, 2024.

“Pat was a valued member of the Board, colleague and friend, and we are deeply saddened by the news of her passing,” said Doug Ammerman, Chair of Stantec’s Board of Directors. “On behalf of the entire Board, we express our deepest sympathies and condolences to Pat’s family and friends for their loss.”

A member of Stantec’s Board of Directors since May 2020, Dr. Galloway also served on the Board’s Corporate Governance and Compensation, and Sustainability and Safety committees. With more than 40 years of experience specializing in energy and construction matters, Dr. Galloway leaves behind a monumental legacy as a renowned leader in civil engineering, gigaproject construction, and dispute resolution.

“Pat was an exceptional person and a trailblazer in the industry. She was a proud supporter of inclusion, diversity and equity, having served as the first female president of the American Society of Civil Engineers. She will be greatly missed,” said Gord Johnston, Stantec’s President and Chief Executive Officer.

To learn more about Dr. Galloway’s illustrious career, please visit this link

About Stantec

Stantec empowers clients, people, and communities to rise to the world’s greatest challenges at a time when the world faces more unprecedented concerns than ever before.

We are a global leader in sustainable architecture, engineering, and environmental consulting. ​

Our professionals deliver the expertise, technology, and innovation communities need to manage aging infrastructure, demographic and population changes, the energy transition, and more. ​

Today’s communities transcend geographic borders. At Stantec, community means everyone with an interest in the work that we do—from our project teams and industry colleagues to our clients and the people our work impacts. The diverse perspectives of our partners and interested parties drive us to think beyond what’s previously been done on critical issues like climate change, digital transformation, and future-proofing our cities and infrastructure.  ​

We are designers, engineers, scientists, project managers, and strategic advisors. We innovate at the intersection of community, creativity, and client relationships to advance communities everywhere, so that together we can redefine what’s possible.​

Stantec trades on the TSX and the NYSE under the symbol STN. Visit us at or find us on social media.

Media Contact
Danny Craig
Director, Public Relations
Ph: (949) 632-6319           
Investor Contact
Jess Nieukerk
Stantec Investor Relations
Ph: (403) 569-5389                  


When did Dr. Patricia D. Galloway pass away and how was she associated with Stantec (STN)?

Dr. Patricia D. Galloway passed away on September 26, 2024. She was a member of Stantec's Board of Directors since May 2020 and served on the Corporate Governance and Compensation, and Sustainability and Safety committees.

What were Dr. Patricia D. Galloway's notable achievements in the engineering industry?

Dr. Galloway had over 40 years of experience in energy and construction matters. She was a renowned leader in civil engineering, gigaproject construction, and dispute resolution. Notably, she was the first female president of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

How did Stantec (STN) leadership respond to Dr. Patricia D. Galloway's passing?

Doug Ammerman, Chair of Stantec's Board, and Gord Johnston, President and CEO, expressed deep sadness and offered condolences to Dr. Galloway's family and friends. They highlighted her valuable contributions to the company and her role as an industry trailblazer.



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Engineering & Construction