Steel Dynamics Announces Certified, Science-Based Greenhouse Gas Targets

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Steel Dynamics, Inc. (NASDAQ/GS: STLD) has announced certified, science-based greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity targets for its steel mills. The company aims to achieve 0.12 metric tons of CO₂e per metric ton of hot rolled steel produced by 2050, aligning with the 1.5° C scenario of the Paris Agreement. An interim target of 0.80 metric tons of CO₂e per metric ton by 2030 has also been set, representing a 15% reduction from the 2022 base year.

These targets were established using the Global Steel Climate Council's (GSCC) Steel Climate Standard and have been verified by KERAMIDA and certified by the GSCC. Steel Dynamics is investing in a $260 million biocarbon production facility expected to decrease Scope 1 emissions by up to 35%. The company has also signed a significant renewable product purchase agreement and is committed to further reducing its carbon impact through various initiatives.

Steel Dynamics, Inc. (NASDAQ/GS: STLD) ha annunciato obiettivi certificati e basati su scienza per l'intensità delle emissioni di gas serra (GHG) per i suoi impianti siderurgici. L'azienda punta a raggiungere 0,12 tonnellate metriche di CO₂e per tonnellata di acciaio laminato a caldo prodotta entro il 2050, allineandosi con lo scenario di 1,5° C dell'Accordo di Parigi. È stato fissato anche un obiettivo intermedio di 0,80 tonnellate metriche di CO₂e per tonnellata entro il 2030, che rappresenta una riduzione del 15% rispetto all'anno di riferimento 2022.

Questi obiettivi sono stati stabiliti utilizzando lo Standard Climatico dell'Acciaio del Global Steel Climate Council (GSCC) e sono stati verificati da KERAMIDA e certificati dal GSCC. Steel Dynamics sta investendo in una struttura di produzione di biocarbonio da 260 milioni di dollari che dovrebbe ridurre le emissioni di Scopo 1 fino al 35%. L'azienda ha anche firmato un importante accordo di acquisto di prodotti rinnovabili ed è impegnata a ridurre ulteriormente il proprio impatto carbonico attraverso varie iniziative.

Steel Dynamics, Inc. (NASDAQ/GS: STLD) ha anunciado metas de intensidad de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GHG) certificadas y basadas en la ciencia para sus fábricas de acero. La compañía tiene como objetivo alcanzar 0,12 toneladas métricas de CO₂e por tonelada de acero laminado en caliente producida para 2050, alineándose con el escenario de 1.5° C del Acuerdo de París. También se ha establecido un objetivo intermedio de 0,80 toneladas métricas de CO₂e por tonelada para 2030, lo que representa una reducción del 15% respecto al año base 2022.

Estos objetivos se han establecido utilizando el Estándar Climático del Acero del Consejo Global del Clima del Acero (GSCC) y han sido verificados por KERAMIDA y certificados por el GSCC. Steel Dynamics está invirtiendo en una instalación de producción de biocarbono de 260 millones de dólares que se espera reduzca las emisiones de Alcance 1 hasta en un 35%. La compañía también ha firmado un acuerdo significativo de compra de productos renovables y está comprometida a reducir aún más su impacto de carbono a través de varias iniciativas.

Steel Dynamics, Inc. (NASDAQ/GS: STLD)는 과학 기반의 인증된 온실가스(GHG) 배출 집약도 목표를 발표하였습니다. 회사는 2050년까지 생산된 열간 압연 강철 1톤당 0.12 메트릭 톤의 CO₂e에 도달하는 것을 목표로 하고 있으며, 이는 파리 협정의 1.5° C 시나리오와 일치합니다. 또한 2030년까지 메트릭 톤당 0.80 메트릭 톤의 CO₂e라는 중간 목표도 설정되었으며, 이는 2022년 기준 연도 대비 15% 감소를 의미합니다.

이 목표들은 글로벌 강철 기후 위원회(GSCC)의 강철 기후 기준을 사용하여 설정되었으며, KERAMIDA에 의해 검증되고 GSCC에 의해 인증되었습니다. Steel Dynamics는 2억 6천만 달러 규모의 바이오탄소 생산 시설에 투자하고 있으며, 이는 스코프 1 배출량을 최대 35%까지 줄일 것으로 예상됩니다. 회사는 또한 중요한 재생 가능 제품 구매 계약을 체결하였으며, 다양한 이니셔티브를 통해 탄소 영향을 더욱 줄이기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

Steel Dynamics, Inc. (NASDAQ/GS: STLD) a annoncé des objectifs d'intensité des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) certifiés et basés sur la science pour ses aciéries. La société vise à atteindre 0,12 tonne métrique de CO₂e par tonne d'acier laminé à chaud produite d'ici 2050, s'alignant sur le scénario de 1,5° C de l'accord de Paris. Un objectif intermédiaire de 0,80 tonne métrique de CO₂e par tonne d'ici 2030 a également été fixé, représentant une réduction de 15 % par rapport à l'année de base 2022.

Ces objectifs ont été établis en utilisant le Standard climatique de l'acier du Global Steel Climate Council (GSCC) et ont été vérifiés par KERAMIDA et certifiés par le GSCC. Steel Dynamics investit dans une installation de production de biocarbone de 260 millions de dollars qui devrait réduire les émissions de portée 1 jusqu'à 35 %. L'entreprise a également signé un important accord d'achat de produits renouvelables et s'engage à réduire davantage son impact carbone par le biais de diverses initiatives.

Steel Dynamics, Inc. (NASDAQ/GS: STLD) hat zertifizierte, wissenschaftlich fundierte Ziele zur Intensität der Treibhausgasemissionen (GHG) für seine Stahlwerke bekannt gegeben. Das Unternehmen strebt an, bis 2050 0,12 metrische Tonnen CO₂e pro metrischer Tonne warmgewalztem Stahl zu erreichen, was mit dem 1,5° C-Szenario des Pariser Abkommens übereinstimmt. Ein Zwischenziel von 0,80 metrischen Tonnen CO₂e pro Tonne bis 2030 wurde ebenfalls festgelegt, was eine Reduktion von 15% gegenüber dem Basisjahr 2022 darstellt.

Diese Ziele wurden mithilfe des Stahl-Klimastandards des Global Steel Climate Council (GSCC) festgelegt und von KERAMIDA verifiziert sowie vom GSCC zertifiziert. Steel Dynamics investiert in eine Biokohlenstoffproduktionsanlage in Höhe von 260 Millionen Dollar, die voraussichtlich die Scope-1-Emissionen um bis zu 35% reduzieren wird. Das Unternehmen hat auch einen bedeutenden Vertrag zum Erwerb erneuerbarer Produkte unterzeichnet und verpflichtet sich, seinen Kohlenstoffausstoß durch verschiedene Initiativen weiter zu reduzieren.

  • Certified science-based GHG emissions intensity targets set for 2030 and 2050
  • $260 million investment in biocarbon production facility to reduce Scope 1 emissions by up to 35%
  • Largest renewable product purchase agreement for the steel industry in North America signed
  • Achieved previously announced 2025 GHG emissions intensity and renewable electrical energy goals ahead of schedule in 2023
  • None.


Steel Dynamics' announcement of certified, science-based greenhouse gas (GHG) targets is a significant step towards sustainable steel production. The company's commitment to reduce emissions intensity to 0.12 metric tons of CO₂e per metric ton of hot rolled steel by 2050 aligns with global climate goals. The interim 2030 target of 0.80 metric tons CO₂e, representing a 15% reduction from 2022, shows a concrete short-term plan.

The use of the Global Steel Climate Council's standard and third-party verification adds credibility to these targets. Steel Dynamics' $260 million investment in a biocarbon facility could potentially reduce Scope 1 emissions by up to 35%, demonstrating a tangible commitment to innovation in emissions reduction. The company's progress in renewable energy adoption, including a significant wind energy agreement, further supports its decarbonization efforts.

While these initiatives are commendable, the steel industry faces significant challenges in deep decarbonization. Investors should monitor Steel Dynamics' progress towards these targets and its ability to maintain competitiveness while transitioning to lower-carbon production methods.

Steel Dynamics' commitment to emissions reduction could have mixed financial implications. On the positive side, it positions the company as a leader in sustainable steel production, potentially attracting environmentally conscious customers and investors. This could lead to increased market share and improved access to green financing options.

However, the substantial investments required, such as the $260 million biocarbon facility, may impact short-term profitability and cash flow. The long-term payoff of these investments in terms of operational efficiency and reduced carbon-related costs remains to be seen. Investors should consider how these sustainability initiatives might affect Steel Dynamics' competitive position and financial performance in both the near and long term.

The company's proactive approach to emissions reduction could also help mitigate future regulatory risks and potential carbon pricing impacts, which could become significant factors in the steel industry's financial landscape. Overall, while the immediate financial impact may be mixed, this strategy could enhance Steel Dynamics' long-term resilience and market position.

FORT WAYNE, Ind., Oct. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Steel Dynamics, Inc. (NASDAQ/GS: STLD) today announced certified, science-based greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity targets for its steel mills. In alignment with the 1.5° C scenario set forth in the Paris Agreement, Steel Dynamics set a 2050 emissions intensity target of 0.12 metric tons of CO₂e per metric ton of hot rolled steel produced. The company also set an interim 2030 emissions intensity target of 0.80 metric tons of CO₂e per metric ton of hot rolled steel produced, representing a 15% reduction, compared to the company's 2022 base year. These GHG emissions targets were established using the Global Steel Climate Council's (GSCC) Steel Climate Standard.

The GSCC provides science-based target certifications that are aligned with the Paris Agreement's goals and with the International Energy Agency's Net Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector. The GSCC's Steel Climate Standard measures key steelmaking GHG emissions through hot rolling including Scope 1, Scope 2, and upstream Scope 3 emissions categories. The company's announced science-based GHG emissions intensity targets and 2022 base year data have been verified by a third-party, KERAMIDA, and certified by the GSCC.

"Steel Dynamics is already a leader in producing lower-carbon steel products," stated Mark D. Millett, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "In 2023, we achieved our previously announced 2025 GHG emissions intensity and renewable electrical energy goals ahead of schedule. Even though our emissions are already among the lowest in the industry, we are committed to further reducing our carbon impact and have an actionable path forward. As evidence of our dedication to this ongoing effort, among other projects, we are investing in an over $260 million biocarbon production facility that we expect will further decrease our Scope 1 emissions by as much as 35%."

In 2023, the company began construction of the biocarbon production facility located in Columbus, Mississippi. This biocarbon is a renewable and sustainable source of carbon that will be used as a replacement for anthracite in the company's steelmaking operations. The facility is projected to begin commissioning in the first quarter of 2025.

Additionally in 2023, the company signed the largest renewable product purchase agreement for the steel industry in North America, equivalent to approximately 15% of the company's steel mills' electricity usage in 2023. This wind energy center began commercial operation in the first quarter of 2024. These initiatives represent meaningful steps toward decarbonization.

As there is more to achieve, the company will continue working to:

  • Identify and implement GHG emissions reduction projects,
  • Improve energy management to reduce GHG emissions and enhance operational efficiency,
  • Increase the use of renewable and nuclear energy, including partnering with utilities, and
  • Research, develop, and implement innovative technologies.

"Steel is an integral component of the global economy and foundational to the world's essential infrastructure. Specifically, lower-carbon steel is necessary for the transition to a lower-carbon global economy," said Millett. "With these new targets and a proven track record of progress, we are demonstrating our commitment to continue making the steel required for a sustainable future."

For additional information on our science-based GHG emissions intensity targets view the presentation on our website at under "Sustainability – Valuing the Environment."

About the Global Steel Climate Council 
GSCC is a non-profit organization that leads efforts to reduce steel carbon emissions and encourages investments in lower-carbon emission technology as part of the global effort to decarbonize economies and societies. GSCC members are steel manufacturers, associations and other organizations in the steel supply chain that have a presence in 80+ countries around the world.

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About Steel Dynamics, Inc.
Steel Dynamics is one of the largest domestic steel producers and metals recyclers in North America, based on estimated annual steelmaking and metals recycling capability, with facilities located throughout the United States, and in Mexico. Steel Dynamics produces steel products, including hot roll, cold roll, and coated sheet steel, structural steel beams and shapes, rail, engineered special-bar-quality steel, cold finished steel, merchant bar products, specialty steel sections, and steel joists and deck. In addition, the company produces liquid pig iron and processes and sells ferrous and nonferrous scrap.

Forward-Looking Statements 
This press release contains some predictive statements about future events, including statements related to conditions in domestic or global economies, conditions in steel, aluminum, and recycled metals market places, our revenues, costs of purchased materials, future profitability and earnings, the operation of new, existing or planned facilities and decarbonization goals and sustainability efforts. These statements, which we generally precede or accompany by such typical conditional words as "anticipate", "intend", "believe", "estimate", "plan", "seek", "project", or "expect", or by the words "may", "will", or "should", are intended to be made as "forward-looking", subject to many risks and uncertainties, within the safe harbor protections of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements speak only as of this date and are based upon information and assumptions, which we consider reasonable as of this date, concerning our businesses and the environments in which they operate. Such predictive statements are not guarantees of future performance, and we undertake no duty to update or revise any such statements. Some factors that could cause such forward-looking statements to turn out differently than anticipated include: (1) domestic and global economic factors; (2) global steelmaking overcapacity and imports of steel, together with increased scrap prices; (3) pandemics, epidemics, widespread illness or other health issues; (4) the cyclical nature of the steel industry and the industries we serve; (5) volatility and major fluctuations in prices and availability of scrap metal, scrap substitutes and supplies, and our potential inability to pass higher costs on to our customers; (6) cost and availability of electricity, natural gas, oil, and other energy resources are subject to volatile market conditions; (7) increased environmental, greenhouse gas emissions and sustainability considerations from our customers or related regulations; (8) compliance with and changes in environmental and remediation requirements; (9) significant price and other forms of competition from other steel and aluminum producers, scrap processors and alternative materials; (10) availability of an adequate source of supply of scrap for our metals recycling operations; (11) cybersecurity threats and risks to the security of our sensitive data and information technology; (12) the implementation of our growth strategy; (13) litigation and legal compliance; (14) unexpected equipment downtime or shutdowns; (15) governmental agencies may refuse to grant or renew some of our licenses and permits required to operate our business; (16) our senior unsecured credit facility contains, and any future financing agreements may contain, restrictive covenants that may limit our flexibility; and (17) the impacts of impairment charges.

More specifically, we refer you to our more detailed explanation of these and other factors and risks that may cause such predictive statements to turn out differently, as set forth in our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K under the headings Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements and Risk Factors, in our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, or in other reports which we file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These reports are available publicly on the Securities and Exchange Commission website,, and on our website, under "Investors – SEC Filings."


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What are Steel Dynamics' (STLD) new greenhouse gas emissions targets for 2030 and 2050?

Steel Dynamics (STLD) has set a 2030 emissions intensity target of 0.80 metric tons of CO₂e per metric ton of hot rolled steel produced, and a 2050 target of 0.12 metric tons. The 2030 target represents a 15% reduction compared to the 2022 base year.

How much is Steel Dynamics (STLD) investing in its biocarbon production facility?

Steel Dynamics (STLD) is investing over $260 million in a biocarbon production facility, which is expected to decrease the company's Scope 1 emissions by as much as 35%.

When did Steel Dynamics (STLD) sign its renewable product purchase agreement?

Steel Dynamics (STLD) signed the largest renewable product purchase agreement for the steel industry in North America in 2023, equivalent to approximately 15% of the company's steel mills' electricity usage in 2023.

What standard did Steel Dynamics (STLD) use to establish its GHG emissions targets?

Steel Dynamics (STLD) established its GHG emissions targets using the Global Steel Climate Council's (GSCC) Steel Climate Standard, which is aligned with the Paris Agreement's goals and the International Energy Agency's Net Zero by 2050 roadmap.

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