StrikePoint Provides Exploration Update on its Recently Acquired Hercules Gold Project, Walker Lane, NV

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StrikePoint Gold Inc. (TSXV: SKP) (OTCQB: STKXF) has provided an update on its recently acquired Hercules Gold Project in Nevada's Walker Lane. The project, located 20km east of the historic Comstock Lode, features visible gold documented at three widely spaced surface locations within a 100 square kilometer property. Key highlights include:

1. A large-scale low-sulphidation epithermal gold target with over 300 drillholes indicating a strong gold mineralizing system.

2. Multiple drill-ready targets including Hercules, Cliffs, Loaves, Northeast, and Rattlesnakes under existing permits.

3. Extensive alteration zone approximately 13 km long and 6 km wide coincident with known mineralization.

4. Southern targets Sirens and Como Comet permitted for exploration drilling, with historical intercepts and visible gold in panned samples.

The company views the Hercules Gold Project as a quality early-stage exploration opportunity in a Tier 1 jurisdiction with significant potential.

StrikePoint Gold Inc. (TSXV: SKP) (OTCQB: STKXF) ha fornito un aggiornamento sul recentemente acquisito Hercules Gold Project nella Walker Lane del Nevada. Il progetto, situato a 20 km a est dell'iconico Comstock Lode, presenta oro visibile documentato in tre posizioni superficiali ampiamente distanziate all'interno di una proprietà di 100 chilometri quadrati. I punti salienti includono:

1. Un obiettivo aurifero epithermale di bassa sulfidazione su larga scala, con oltre 300 perforazioni che indicano un forte sistema mineralizzante aurifero.

2. Molteplici obiettivi pronti per la perforazione, tra cui Hercules, Cliffs, Loaves, Northeast e Rattlesnakes, sotto permessi esistenti.

3. Un'ampia zona di alterazione di circa 13 km di lunghezza e 6 km di larghezza, coincidente con la mineralizzazione nota.

4. Gli obiettivi meridionali Sirens e Como Comet sono stati autorizzati per perforazione esplorativa, con intercettazioni storiche e oro visibile in campioni setacciati.

L'azienda considera l'Hercules Gold Project come un'opportunità di esplorazione di qualità nelle fasi iniziali in una giurisdizione di Tier 1 con un potenziale significativo.

StrikePoint Gold Inc. (TSXV: SKP) (OTCQB: STKXF) ha proporcionado una actualización sobre su recientemente adquirido Hercules Gold Project en la Walker Lane de Nevada. El proyecto, ubicado a 20 km al este del histórico Comstock Lode, presenta oro visible documentado en tres ubicaciones superficiales ampliamente separadas dentro de una propiedad de 100 kilómetros cuadrados. Los puntos destacados incluyen:

1. Un objetivo de oro epitermaal de baja sulfidación a gran escala, con más de 300 perforaciones que indican un fuerte sistema mineralizador de oro.

2. Múltiples objetivos listos para perforación, incluidos Hercules, Cliffs, Loaves, Northeast y Rattlesnakes bajo permisos existentes.

3. Una extensa zona de alteración de aproximadamente 13 km de largo y 6 km de ancho coincidente con la mineralización conocida.

4. Los objetivos del sur, Sirens y Como Comet, han sido autorizados para perforación de exploración, con interceptaciones históricas y oro visible en muestras de lavado.

La empresa ve el Hercules Gold Project como una oportunidad de exploración de calidad en sus primeras etapas en una jurisdicción de Tier 1 con un potencial significativo.

StrikePoint Gold Inc. (TSXV: SKP) (OTCQB: STKXF)는 최근에 인수한 헤르쿨레스 금 프로젝트에 대한 업데이트를 발표했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 네바다 엘카의 유명한 콤스톡 로드에서 동쪽으로 20km 떨어진 곳에 위치하고 있으며, 100 제곱킬로미터의 부지 내 세 개의 널리 분산된 표면 위치에서 확인된 가시적 금이 특징입니다. 주요 강조 사항은:

1. 300개 이상의 시추홀로 강력한 금 광물화 시스템을 나타내는 대규모 저황화 열수 금 목표.

2. 기존 허가 아래에서 시추 준비가 완료된 여러 목표(헤르쿨레스, 클리프스, 로브스, 노르티이스트, 레틀스네이크 포함).

3. 알려진 광물화 지역과 일치하는 약 13km 길이와 6km 너비의 광범위한 변동 지역.

4. 탐사 시추를 위해 허가된 남쪽 목표인 사이렌과 코모 코멧은 역사적인 시추 결과와 세척한 샘플에서 가시적인 금을 보유하고 있습니다.

회사는 헤르쿨레스 금 프로젝트를 상당한 잠재력을 가진 1급 관할권 내에서 질 높은 초기 탐사 기회로 보고 있습니다.

StrikePoint Gold Inc. (TSXV: SKP) (OTCQB: STKXF) a fourni une mise à jour sur son récemment acquis Projet Aurifère Hercules situé dans le Walker Lane du Nevada. Le projet, situé à 20 km à l'est de l'historique Comstock Lode, présente de l'or visible documenté à trois endroits de surface largement espacés dans une propriété de 100 kilomètres carrés. Les points saillants incluent :

1. Un objectif de grande envergure avec une faiblement sulfidée épithermale, avec plus de 300 forages indiquant un système minéralisant aurifère solide.

2. Plusieurs cibles prêtes à forer incluant Hercules, Cliffs, Loaves, Northeast et Rattlesnakes sous des permis existants.

3. Une vaste zone d'altération d'environ 13 km de long et 6 km de large, coïncidant avec une minéralisation connue.

4. Les cibles sud, Sirens et Como Comet, sont autorisées pour des forages d'exploration, avec des interceptions historiques et de l'or visible dans des échantillons pansés.

L'entreprise considère le Projet Aurifère Hercules comme une opportunité d'exploration de qualité en phase précoce dans une juridiction de Tier 1 avec un potentiel significatif.

StrikePoint Gold Inc. (TSXV: SKP) (OTCQB: STKXF) hat ein Update zu seinem kürzlich erworbenen Hercules Gold Project im Walker Lane von Nevada gegeben. Das Projekt, das 20 km östlich des historischen Comstock Lode liegt, weist sichtbares Gold an drei weit auseinander liegenden Oberflächenstandorten innerhalb eines 100 Quadratkilometer großen Gebiets auf. Zu den wichtigsten Merkmalen gehören:

1. Ein großflächiges, niedersulfidisches epithermales Goldziel mit über 300 Bohrlöchern, die ein stark mineralisierendes Goldsystem anzeigen.

2. Mehrere bohrbereite Ziele, darunter Hercules, Cliffs, Loaves, Northeast und Rattlesnakes unter bestehenden Genehmigungen.

3. Eine ausgedehnte Alterationszone von etwa 13 km Länge und 6 km Breite, die mit der bekannten Mineralisierung zusammenfällt.

4. Die südlichen Ziele Sirens und Como Comet sind für Explorationsbohrungen genehmigt, mit historischen Abbaumeldungen und sichtbar Gold in gewaschenen Proben.

Das Unternehmen betrachtet das Hercules Gold Project als eine qualitativ hochwertige frühe Explorationsmöglichkeit in einer Tier-1-Jurisdiktion mit erheblichem Potenzial.

  • Acquisition of a large 100 square kilometer gold project in a favorable mining jurisdiction
  • Visible gold documented at three widely spaced surface locations
  • Extensive alteration zone (13 km x 6 km) coincident with known mineralization
  • Multiple drill-ready targets with existing permits
  • Historical drilling (over 300 holes) indicates strong gold mineralizing system
  • Southern targets show promising historical intercepts (e.g., 38.10m @ 0.64 g/t Au)
  • Project is still in early exploration stage with no defined resource
  • Majority of drilling focused on northern portion, leaving southern area largely unexplored
  • Potential need for additional permits to expand exploration in certain areas

Visible Gold Documented in Three Separate Widely Spaced Locations

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - September 24, 2024) - StrikePoint Gold Inc. (TSXV: SKP) (OTCQB: STKXF) ("StrikePoint" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update the wholly owned Hercules Gold Project located in Nevada's Walker Lane approximately 20km east of the Comstock Lode where historically 14 million oz of gold were produced.

Michael G. Allen, President and CEO of StrikePoint commented, "One of the significant outstanding features of the Hercules Gold Project is the scale of the gold and the scale of the property. Visible gold has been documented at surface at three separate widely spaced locations. Additionally, previous geophysical surveys indicate the presence of an extensive alteration zone that is approximately 13 km long and 6 km wide that is coincident with the known mineralization, all of this is contained within the 100 square kilometer property."

The project's acquisition by StrikePoint was announced September 3, 2024.

Hercules Gold Project Geology:

The Hercules Gold Project features a large-scale low-sulphidation epithermal gold target. Potentially economically significant gold grades/thicknesses have been intercepted by multiple operators with over 300 drillholes over a large area suggesting a strong gold mineralizing system. Drilling has largely been focussed on the northern portion of the property focussed on 5 target areas: Hercules, Cliffs, Loaves, Northeast and Rattlesnakes. These targets can now be drilled under an existing Plan of Operations exploration permit. Additional targets, Sirens and Como Comet can be drilled under two Notice of Intent Permits

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Figure 1 Hercules Gold Project targets and surface samples

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Extensional structures appear to have been the primary conduits along which gold and silver mineralization was emplaced into the volcaniclastic sequence on the Hercules Gold Project. Broad zones of disseminated gold mineralization appear to have been formed where the metal bearing structures have intersected permeable units (e.g., block-and-ash tuff) in the volcaniclastic sequence. Mineralization has largely been oxidized with local relicts of transitional mineralization remaining.

Hercules Target:
The Hercules target is the southeastern most of the targets available for drilling under the existing Plan of Operations. It is one of the three locations on the Project that visible gold has been documented in surface samples.

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Figure 2, Hercules Target Visible Gold

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A historic rock chip sampling program identified a potential high-grade core of the target, within a broad zone of gold mineralization associated with widespread silicification. Drilling appears to have confirmed the presence of a high grade near surface core of mineralization. Induced Polarization (IP) geophysical work suggests a 2km long continuous NNE trending structural zone. The IP data as well as drilling data, suggests additional structures may be found to the West of the Hercules target towards the Cliffs target. The area between the Cliffs and Hercules target is covered by late dacite and landslide deposits. No drilling has been carried out between the two targets, but both are open for lateral expansion as recent drilling has identified new mineralization between the two targets.

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Figure 3, Hercules Target Schematic Section

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To the East of the Hercules showing is the Telephus vein where visible gold was also documented.

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Figure 4 Telephus vein visible gold

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Cliffs Target:
The Cliffs target is approximately 600m to the west of the Hercules target and is available for drilling under the existing Plan of Operations. The Cliffs and Hercules showings are separated by a late dacite and landslide cover sequence. A new geological interpretation of ring (extensional) structures controlling mineralization has led to recent drilling being undertaken in a new orientation. Results of this drilling has given predictable mineralization and has encountered gold mineralization further to the east (towards the Hercules showing) than previously documented.

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Figure 5, Cliffs Target Schematic Section

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Both the Hercules and Cliffs Targets remained open along strike, across strike, and at depth. Additional work to evaluate the Loaves, Lucky Rusty, Rattlesnakes, Sprite and North East target is ongoing. If warranted, drilling could be included in an update to the existing Plan of Operations permit.

Southern Targets:
The southern portion of the Hercules project has received very little modern exploration. An airborne geophysical survey (Magnetics and Radiometrics) of the entire Hercules Gold Project identified several targets of note and two were permitted for drilling.

The Sirens target has reported historical intercepts of 38.10m grading 0.64 g/t Au (ending in 0.85 g/t Au) in hole BR08-06, and 25.91 m of 0.68 g/t Au (ending in 0.91 g/t Au). Panned gold was collected at the Sirens showing and near a historical working at the Pony Meadows target. The Sirens target is permitted for drilling under a Notice of Intent Level Permit. Both targets appear to demonstrate that mineralization is controlled by large scale ring structures similar to the Hercules and Cliffs targets located 2-5 km to the North. Drilling at Pony Meadows could take place under a modification to the Sirens Notice of Intent Permit, or potentially a separate Notice.

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Figure 6 Sirens Panned gold concentrate

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Figure 7 Pony Medows Panned Concentrate showing visible gold

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The Como Comets target is also permitted for exploration drilling under a Notice of Intent. This thought to be the extension of the past producing Como District held by Newmont Mining Corporation, through its subsidiary Fronteer Development USA. The Como District is an inlier to within StrikePoint's larger Hercules Gold Project. (See Figure 1.)

Hercules Gold Project Land:
The Hercules Gold Project consists of 1,323 unpatented mining claims and 4 patented mining claims covering approximately 100 square kilometers of prospective Walker Lane geology located one hour from Reno, Nevada. Detail of the transaction to acquire the Hercules Gold Project can be found on the Company's September 3, 2024 news release.

The acquisition of Hercules in August 2024, at a minimal acquisition cost, gives StrikePoint a quality early-stage gold-silver exploration project in a Tier 1 jurisdiction with significant potential and drill ready targets across a large land package known mineralization and many untested targets. StrikePoint is excited about the opportunity the Hercules Gold-Silver Project provides. We are carefully reviewing the available historical data available to guide upcoming exploration programs.

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Figure 8: Hercules Project Location Map

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Qualified Person Statement

All technical data, as disclosed in this press release, has been verified by Michael G. Allen, P. Geo, President and CEO of the Company. Mr. Allen is a qualified person as defined under the terms of National Instrument 43-101.

About StrikePoint

StrikePoint Gold is a multi-asset gold exploration company focused on building precious metals resources in Canada and the Western United States.

Both the Cuprite Gold Project and the Hercules Gold Project are located in Nevada's Walker Lane Gold Trend where StrikePoint Gold is rapidly becoming one of the largest holder of mineral claims with approximately 145 square kilometers of prospective geology under claim.

The Walker Lane hosts AngloGold Ashanti's multi-million once Silicon Gold and Merlin discoveries and Kinross's Tier - 1 Round Mountain Mine.

In addition, the Company controls two advanced-stage exploration assets in British Columbia's Golden Triangle: the past-producing high-grade silver Porter-Idaho Project and the high-grade gold Willoughby Project.


"Michael G. Allen"

Michael G. Allen
President, Chief Executive Officer & Director

For more information, please contact:

StrikePoint Gold Inc.
Knox Henderson, Investor Relations
T: (604) 551-2360

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What are the key features of StrikePoint Gold's (STKXF) Hercules Gold Project?

The Hercules Gold Project features visible gold at three surface locations, a 13 km x 6 km alteration zone, multiple drill-ready targets, and over 300 historical drillholes indicating a strong gold mineralizing system, all within a 100 square kilometer property in Nevada's Walker Lane.

When did StrikePoint Gold (STKXF) acquire the Hercules Gold Project?

StrikePoint Gold acquired the Hercules Gold Project in August 2024, as announced on September 3, 2024.

What are the main exploration targets at StrikePoint's (STKXF) Hercules Gold Project?

The main exploration targets include Hercules, Cliffs, Loaves, Northeast, and Rattlesnakes in the northern portion, and Sirens and Como Comet in the southern portion of the property.

Has StrikePoint Gold (STKXF) conducted any drilling at the Hercules Project?

StrikePoint Gold has not yet conducted its own drilling. The project has over 300 historical drillholes from previous operators, with recent drilling focused on new geological interpretations.

Strikepoint Gold


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